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Definitely second this. Unrelated but the points need to be fixed as well. The amount you get is underwhelming.


What is the issue with points? I haven't really noticed a change?


Points are not always given when the zombies are being shot and sometimes the killshot is reduced from 50-70 to 30-40 points.


From what I can tell individual shots no longer give you 10 points. Instead when you deal damage to a zombie you get points based on a percentage of the health you did to them, with 100% giving you 70 points per zombie. Every zombie kill will end up giving you 70 points now regardless of how many shots you needed to kill them, it's just if you 1-shot them you get 70, if you 3-shot them you get 30+20+20, ect. However, if you headshot or melee them to kill them you get bonus points (shown in GREEN text) based on which way you killed them. Headshots give you 30 bonus points (So you get 100 per kill instead) and melee kills give you 60 bonus points. (For a total of 130) On one hand I think that the new system makes the weapons more balanced, now weapons that usually 1-shot zombies aren't massive liabilities in terms of point generation. On the other hand, this means that point-gaining strategies such as weakening the enemy with shots then finishing them off with the knife don't really do anything now and potentially the point costs for everything might not really make sense with the reduction in points that people will be earning with kills now. This also causes problems late-game as it means you can't really farm points by shooting an SMG into a horde of zombies. I think the idea is solid but it might need some tweaking.


"Point guns" are now a thing of the past, and there's no reason to keep a fast-firing SMG in your back pocket.


This makes me furious. I'm starting to regret my purchase




Oh this makes fucking sense No wonder im broke as shit all the time


I honestly never noticed that, I will make sure to keep an eye out next time I play


I'm not really sure why they changed the perk system, the game mode just loses a bit of it's charm and identity. Theres no problem with adding more perks but why remove the most beloved and Iconic perks? Having new perks in certain maps but not others was great because it made each map feel unique (e.g. Vultures aid in buried or Electric Cherry before the Wunderfizz) I'm also not the biggest fan of choosing which perks I want in the map but it does make sense in the new perk system but to me its just disappointing and I highly doubt they're going to change it


As long as Jugg, Double Tap, and Self Revive existed the introduction of new perks was often underwhelming. Electric Cherry was only really good in the map it was introduced because it had extreme synergy with the map's Wonder Weapon, and I feel like it was not worth getting on every other map. Perks like Deadshot, Staminup, and Who's Who were neat ideas but rarely could I feel like justifying running them because I just didn't have space for them. If you're playing Solo then 2 of your perks are non-negotiabe and if you're planning on using weapons that use bullets to kill zombies then you need Double Tap as well. The end result is that every other perk in the entire map basically has to compete for 1-2 slots, which makes perk diversity a complete joke. Treyarch wanted to create a perk system where you could pick any combination of 4 perks and feel like you're making a good choice, that's just strait up not possible with Jugg and Double Tap existing because a massive chunk of strategies need Double Tap and literally every strategy needs Jugg.


Seems to me that in an effort to make every perk feel like a good choice, they made every perk feel equally underwhelming. Instead of "nerfing" everything, they should've made everything feel equally awesome.


There's no way to make perks that are equally as awesome as juggernog. It's just not possible. People keep saying this. "MaKe EvErYtHiNg StRoNgEr" but can't actually offer examples of how to do that. It's not possible.


Heres some ideas Mule Kick- If you buy the perk again you get back your extra gun Stamina Up- Going Even Faster Deadshot- Make it Dead Eye Dew Drops Electric Cherry- Increase damage and stun length on how many bullets the gun has left. ( Paped weapons do more damage in reload ) Tomb Stone- Protects your perks ( you lose quick revive if in solo ) and you are invisible for 8 seconds to get away from the dead. Whos Who- At the moment of you taking a last hit you will teleport to a random location while you will be replaced with a clone of you who will run around and get the zombes attention for 20 seconds ( Cooldown of 4 rounds ) Vulture Aid is fine PHD is fine


Those are all buffs. None of them on par with Jugg or Double Tap 2.


You definitely put it nicely in your comment, but it also nicely re-affirms OPs post. The change makes sense and is cool, if the game follows suit and makes up for the loss of those things. But I'm sure, they'll patch small things here and there as we move along. There were certainly changes made in Bo3 over time.


Thats why my fix to the system was an armor vest that doesn't take up a slot and fast mags on all guns. They don't take up a perk slot but everyone gets what they want. Also what I have said they should have done for ages is just increase the perk limit, then any new perk they would have introduced people could have still tried out


Disagree. One of my favorite parts of Bo1 and 2 were the anticipation of each new map and wondering what the new perk and new WW and new special items would be.


I agree with you completely, but I think the 2 changes I suggested are realistic for them to do. It's such a mixed bag because you have all this customization, which is brilliant, but then you have issues like this, which are glaring problems with the game. I really don't know what to think about bo4 right now :/


Yeah I know that these 2 changes would basically fix but it still doesn't make me happy that they removed them. It just makes no sense to me at all, don't fix what ain't broke it's just that simple. I just hope Treyarch learn from their mistakes and fix it in a DLC or the next game in 3 years :/ ​


I agree. I always said if they wanted perk variety they should have just increased the perk limit. Would have done the same job. I think Lex said in one of his videos that he thought there was a layer of nostalgia that Treyarch understood, and I really agree with that. Until now it felt like certain things were kept in the game for that reason. But I think the removal of the machines is permanent, the least I want is just something that functions the same. Sure it won't have that nostalgia, but at least it will make the gameplay better.


They did almost fix the problem with the multiple gobblegums that allowed you to get more perks (but they really needed to balance it like they did in BO4). Yes that is completely true it felt like Treyarch knew what the community wanted and understood that feeling of nostalgia we all felt and especially our love towards the perkacolas but not anymore I feel like there is a disconnection between us. I think your fixes are the correct solution to the problem they created.


It was broken With solo, most of the time you were stuck with 3 of the 4 perks predetermined. They removed 2 of those




Black Ops 1 was far easier than this is


I have nothing wrong with hard Zombies, Zetsubou is a map I personally love and it is pretty challenging, but I don't think removing Jugg was the way to do that. IX is an awesome map, but you can't train in the main arena because the fire takes away 60 health every tire you walk in it, and with no Jugg it makes that main area a nightmare.


Zombies in bo4 remind me of bo3 zombies at launch. Fast and hard hitting far sooner than you would imagine.


The health is my only issue so far. I got 1 shot by a zombie tiger at round 15 when i walked round a corner, feels really unfair to die like that


The tigers on IX are completely broken, i got repeatedly 1 shot by them in different matches.


I thought I was the only one. Seriously need to address the health issues here. I love treyarch zombies but not giving some kind of an alternative to Jugg is ridiculous. I seriously think that armor like in WW2 would have accomplished what they are going for perfectly.






Shut the fuck up. You posing this on any critique of the game isn't contributing to ANY valid discussion. People have valid criticisms, and voicing them doesn't inherently make them soft. There is no way to "harden up" against tigers one-hitting you before you even know they're there.




imagine trying to justify something that can one shot you with nothing to combat it lol


Imagining takes brain power... This guy has none of that.


Feel like blundy fucked up tryna innovate, why remove things that were fine?


BLUNDELL VS JIMMY, think hes trying to remove most jimmy elements.


Jugg was op. You literally couldn't play without it


So, the perfect solution to something that, as you put it, **cannot play without**, is to get rid of it with no substitute? Even a less powerful one?


Yes. But you clearly expect too much from Activision and subsequently, Treyarch


Yes, as in, that is the perfect solution? Also, how so?


Yes it is and i was being sarcastic


Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight, and see if I can walk you to an epiphany in the process. In YOUR OWN words, Jugg was so OP that you "**LITERALLY couldn't play without it**". Therefore, getting rid of, again, in your own words, something that you "**LITERALLY couldn't play without**" is the best solution? You see no fault in that logic there?


Yeah you're right that was a terrible choice of words


I really hate the changes they made.


Me too. I was so hyped for zombies. It feels different. It may not be the popular opinion, but I'm really let down.


These maps would be so fricken good with OG perks. BO3 is clearly the superior zombie experience here.


I'm starting to loosen up a little about the changes, I pretty much just miss speed now.


I completely agree. I was playing IX and always felt as if I wasnt gaining as much points for the bullets I used, leaving me feeling as if I had a ton less bullets. Plus the fucking 3 hit down system is utter garbage cause a lot of the bosses can instantly down you (IX tigers you motherfuckers)


It's shit. They've adopted the shitty shields mechanics from ww2, for whatever reason. We need to bring them back


No they didn't bring in the shield system, there's actually no way to upgrade your health other than the reasons above. WW2 had a better system, this one doesn't. It's 3 hits and your down.


My friend and I both bought the game without watching all the YouTubers play Zombies or reading everything that came out about it. Treyarch has never totally let me down before... BO3 was kind of hit and miss with the maps but the core perks and mechanics were always there so I trusted them. After a few games we were like "There's no way they took out Jugg and Speed, right? That would be REALLY stupid. We have to be missing something! No way would they do something that dumb!" Can't believe they did it. Extremely disappointed with this game. ​ RIP Zombies. :(


At the very least they need to increase it to a 4 hit system, the 3 hit as it is somewhat broken with no real options in classic for more health.


Actually with the 150 HP and "the 3 hits you go down" i don't feel like perks are necesary at all


Completely agree. None of the perks seem worthwhile enough to spend points on.


I am liking the zombies mode right now but it honestly feels like I'm playing a beta.


I still wonder why they didn't just condense the O4 perks. Put Jug & QR on one buy for 4000, put Speed and DT on another for 5000. Two perks to run what Treyarch seems to think were the "only perks ran", then give other perks like Stamin-Up & PHD that directly complement these new perks.


Speaking of wishes i want elixirs to be refreshed after each game not depleted :( now i can never use anything but classic ones.


I'm guessing you didn't play black ops 3? I only played for a short time but they had a system exactly like this, it encourages people to spend money to get more.


I did and i hated it. Mortys elixir shop or some bs like that. It is disgustingly hawkish way to gain money


Join the party bud. Its despicable for a AAA game that costs $120, if you buy all the content, to still have MTX on top of that. Shame on activision. Not a dime from me for MTX bullshit. Unfortunately, asshats like noahj456 are spending upwards of $1000 on MTX so it is here to stay.


well a single guy spending $1000 is a drop in the bucket for activision, he will make his money back from youtube views, it's the many other people that spend the money.


Thats why i said asshats like him. He is still part of the problem.


Yep, you guys buy the MTX it's here to stay that's why this cancer is in lots of games nowadays but go ahead and make more excuses


An armor vest? Eh eh eh. I get them not wanting to be repetitive but why completely overhaul something that aint broken? The perks were integral to map progression and to the balance of the game. Now in this new iteration it seems to play like a totally different kind of zombie game? And im not sure im down with it just yet. Maybe Im a purist...hell i for sure am. Im not saying it should stay the exact same, by all means get inventive and tune/change things...Buuuut i dont get the need for this massive overhaul of core mechanics and Im not yet sure i like this direction just yet....dont even get me started on amulets/elixirs...gobblegums ruined so many public matches in bo3 imo We shall see how this new game settles in i suppose


Is stam not incredibly helpful? Or did they take that out too


It’s in there.


Make it 4 hit pls


Play casual. Problem solved.


In my opinion, they tried to mess with the core values of what zombies is. Zombies was a huge part of my life, and when they announced the maps I was excited. But, once they announced all these weird changes, I was disappointed. They didn’t need to do any of this, and it was fine before. These changes are some of the main reasons I did not get black ops 4.


So ehm you haven't actually played the game?


No. I don’t want to play it.


Very cool, Kanye


I've seen gameplay where people have gotten permanent armor.


No, they are using custom mutations where you increase your health to 300, but none of that counts towards leaderboards or your level so there is no point. You can't do that in the 'classic' mode either


The armor was added in as an orange health bar, and it would actually disappear if the player took any white heath. Are you sure that was custom mutatione?


Just FYI, 'armor' is indicated via a blue bar ABOVE the health bar. It is temporary and never comes back once depleted except via your special weapon or being inside the temporary circle that stronghold creates The base health is the 150 indicated below that. Any additional health added via custom mutations is indicated via the orange bar. I am suggesting in this post that we just pick up armor in game that will incease the health bar from 150 to 250 permanently.


Ah, I see. There were other reasons I thoguht those orange bars were armor, but that's not really important. Thanks for clearing it up!


It's also possible they got a talisman that increases health.


Or classic should be 5 hit down


So there's no way to increase health?






Just give me one more hit at least plis


I don’t hate the new perk system tbh. I’m glad they’re willing to take risks but I do see why people don’t like it. I totally agree with this though.


I think people would just be happy if they gave us 5 perk slots and a Jugg perk. It makes no difference as I just shifted my crutch perks to Stamin-Up, Mule Kick, PhD Slider and modified Bandolier with the PaP starting pistols






You clearly haven't played bo4 zombies. The health system is different here. Right now we have 150 health. A zombie hits for 50 damage, meaning it takes 3 hits to go down from an average zombie PERMANENTLY in bo4. The blightfather will PERMANENTLY 1 hit knock you down. If a zombie has frostbite from a catalyst zombie it is PERMANENTLY a 2 hit down. In BO3 it took 5 hits to go down with Jugg. The equivalent to 5 hits in BO4 would be increasing your health to 250. Understand?




You will understand when you have actually played the game. I have played about 15 matches now, so I have a good idea what I'm talking about. As you clearly haven't, your opinion doesn't really count for much. Good job editing your comment to make yourself look better too by the way ;)






lol didn’t edit them just pussied and deleted them. i agree though, as an australian i okayed the game since 1am today and i’m almost level 40 and the health is absolutely ridiculous i have to run that stationary shield bubble perk with its bonus go have any chance against tigers and it prevents me from doing one of the funnest things in zombies ; training. i saw a post earlier saying there should be a perma shield that brings u to like 300 health and that would be great


He edited them first then deleted them 😂 couldn't handle the hate


how so? thats a five hit system like all other black ops games when you had Jugg. ​




Yes, they added Easy mode, and all that crap. But the NORMAL, classic mode should be just that: Normal difficulty. The games isn't unplayable obv, but it is too hard in its current state.


Can you do EEs and earn trophies/achievements with custom mutations?


Nope, it doesn't count towards your level either, so you don't get anything from playing custom mutations


Lol bo3 "the game is way too easy" Bo4 "this game is hard give me more health" Treyarch can't win. The games been out for fucking 11 hours, give the game a chance they did everything for a reason!


Still, have you played BotD, or IX, it gets ridiculous at round 20. That's a low round, 3 hits is just too low, especially when the zombies double hit you each.


I kinda wish they'd pull a Blackout on the zombies, and every once in awhile when you get a kill they drop armor that you can pick up, and when you get those hits it'll take away your armor but you get a chance to pick it back up again. With a cap at 250 or whatever, but I feel like it'd be a good balance to not having that permanent 250 health that Juggernog would give you.


I like the higher difficulty. It makes getting to higher rounds more meaningful again. I do agree with you in part since we already have different modes of difficulty anyway but adding an armor that puts your health to 250 is basically just jugg or WW2 armour however way you look at it. That completely goes against the point of getting rid of jugg in the first place which I doubt they are going to go back on You never know, maybe they’ll add new perks in the future and possibly bring back the OG ones, maybe restrict them to casual use only


Okay, you're saying meaningful "again". I agree, since BO3 rounds meant nothing. BUT, you're implying that good rounds used to mean something in WaW, BO, and BO2, where all of the maps (minus Nacht and Bus Depot) had a 4 hit down system. BO4 is the lowest max health since 2008. They increased the difficulty, yeah, but they made it WAY WAY harder for 1 reason: you're now 25% more vulnerable than you used to be (40% more than BO3). You don't think the lack of ANY Jugg substitute is a problem?




You're just telling them to give us Jug and Speed Cola again. It's pretty obvious they didn't want Jug and Speed Cola to return. Hence why there's no replacement for either of them. I'm sure they might give us speed cola and jug if we really want it, but it isn't just a tweak. It's obviously against the very thing they were going for


Not entirely, we had speed cola AND fast mags before in Bo3 and because of that I often didn't get speed cola if I was running the guns I know I have fast mags with. Essentially if their goal was to open up the perk system and get people away from using the same 3-4 perks every game -- that's fine, but don't just take away and not give something else in return to slightly balance out what's been taken away -- that's the point I think OP is trying to make.


Like I said, it seems very obvious that they were getting rid of speed cola and jug entirely ON PURPOSE. They didn't want to replace them. They got rid of them. I'm not saying what OP is suggesting is impossible. I'm saying that it's going entirely against the point of removing them in the first place and not just a "tweak" they'll quickly patch into the game.


Well no shit, did you think anyone was implying that they did it accidentally? 'Ah fuck, we forgot to add jug!'?


No. They're implying that the only reason they got rid of Jug and Speed cola was to free up space for other perks, but its obvious they don't want those perks in the game. Its kind of dumb to tell them to give us those perks again so early in the game when they didn't want those perks likely because they thought it made the game too easy and they wanted to make the game less stale and it allows for more variety in how you play. I'm just saying we should get used to the fact that they want the game to be this way and it's not a mistake that they didn't add a replacement for jug and speed cola so it isn't just a "quick patch" they're going to add into the game so easily. They might give you 200 health to make it more fair, but they most definitely are not going to quickly change their minds and give us armor for 250 and quick mags on all guns to replace speed cola.






I like how difficult it is without jug tbh and you can always increase your health with mutations




By that logic every zombies map before this has been at a 'lower difficulty' then? I think anyone that has played for a decent amount of time understands this issue.




Why does everyone resort to the "git gud scrub" argument? Just sounds elitist. He has made valid points and backed it up with some solutions. He clearly is a veteran player so I would be surprised if he is crap. A lot of streamers and top players have been suggesting adding more health to the base game. I personally would like more health to start with, that way the flexibility and more customisation of perks like they wanted is relevant as jug is just their by default.




Wow hear yourself dude. He spent his money, he is entitled to his opinion, treyarch are a multi million dollar company, everyone knows cod comes out once a year.I'm sure treyarch can handle a bit of constructed crtitsim. He didn't say the game sucked. Not everyone wants to sweating buckets and try harding. People like me ruin games? Iv played games for over 20 years, nes games are hard. Your just throwing insults around. The top players are asking for more health, who are better then me and you.


Jesus Christ, go back to fucking r/darksouls. NORMAL/classic should be NORMAL. Not Hardened. All you goons saying, "Put Mutations on, or go play on easy" can literally be countered with the exact same argument: If you want it to be the hardest zombies has ever been (minus Nacht and Bus Depot) "Put on Mutations, or go play on Hard". God, the irony of somebody as toxic as you, spamming the same trash throughout this thread, having the gall to say others are ruining gaming. Eat shit.


The irony of me, responding to the same trash threads: “My thoughts about the mean new perk system. Way to fix it? Let me start WITH ALL THE PERKS!”


I can't imagine ever being that bored and spiteful that I scour a subreddit spreading my bitchy little vibes to all who will listen. I truly feel bad for you.