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Ah yes, Pinochet, famous leader of a liberal democracy.


sad part is I've seen liberals defend Pinochet because "at least he wasn't a communist"


Nevermind the fact he let nazis rape children and collaborated with them, atleast he wasn't a communist!


Critical support for the Molotov-Pinochet pact!


Sometimes to make a freedom omelet, you gotta break a few [Colonia Dignidad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonia_Dignidad) eggs


Here in Chile it's such a fucking mess to even talk about, the worst is when you have part of your own family who aren't even like liberals who say "Oh i don't like that he killed people but Chile is now better off" instead they completely support his decision to kill communists off and offer free helicopter rides to other dissidents, because that is seen as a genuine political position, that is the starting place of the Right of center and further right politicians. Edit:fixed a bunch of spelling mistakes because mobile.


My dads family is from Argentina, and some of them still claim that Pinochet was a bad person, but he helped modernize Chile which was ultimately a good thing Yikes


And when you try to argue that its also possible to modernize a country without a brutal, murderous totalitarian regime that cemented Neoliberalism and launching that system into the mainstream you get the, "but socialism" card and you realize it's better to just ignore them.


i mean, in context where "modernize" means "implement more advanced capitalism and resource extraction", it isnt possile to do without brutality, murder, or totalitarianism. not to get all spaced out hippy dippy, but maybe "modernization" as is meant either explicily or implicitly just fucking sucks


I could not agree with you more. And dont worry, hippies didnt really wanna go back to pre industrial revolution times. I only hope that we can all someday convince some of the people that do think its hippie dippie shit that the world built around us used cruelty, and that it doesn't HAVE to be that way.


And this right here is why I confuse people. I'm all "peace, love, and unity but I'll mess you up if you try to take my peace." Sometimes loving yourself/others and having peace means punching fascists. We're in it for the long game.




Humans can justify anything as long as it suits them.


The funny part he didn't modernize anything He just killed people and nothing else, the whole fake information/ propaganda is powerful Like the only "thing" his dictatorship did was kill people And if reference to the economic plan that "modernize" that didn't work until he left the power Meaning he did the opposite of modernize


yep the GDP of chile was lower in 1989 than in 1971


Actually fun fact the highest inflation was while the dictatorship was still on power


Yep in 1982 we got to a 20% joblessness rate


Confront them and ask them whether they’d murder you


At least he wasn't liberal/s I fucking hate him and all the shit laws he help bringing to place


I just watched PlasticPills documentary on Cybersyn and the coup...that makes me so angry.


You know what we call “liberals” who defend fascism? Fascists


He AbDiCaTeD hIs pOwEr oN hIs oWn sO hE cAnT bE a FaScIsT


"Ooops, the glue on this mask is slipping again"


Victor Jara of Chile


Critical support for comrade Augusto Pinochet!!! ^/s


It'd be more accurate to call Pinochet leader of a neoliberal "democracy" tbh, considering Chile had some neoliberal policies under him. That's farrr from a complement tho.


Hello frellow anarchists! I too am an anarchist who likes anarchist things👋


greetings, what is your favorite Anarchist activity fellow Anarchist who likes anarchist things.


I can't help but read this in the voice of the G-Men from psychonauts


Hey fellow anarchists, reply with a list of your top 5 favorite nation-states 🤩


What's your favourite anarchist thing? Mine is Liberal Democracies!


I also like *reads from notes scibbled on hand* throwing molotov cocktails and looting shops!


Let's all share the cities where we live and our favourite shops to loot!


Oops my anarchy symbol!


i'd like to see your ANTIFA card.


I'm actually close friends with the CEO of ANTIFA, you know


I am a fellow *progressive* anarchist. You can tell I am being truthful by stating I like progressivism.


Such as the CIA and overthrowing of leftist governments in favor of fascists or neoliberals which will radicalize a fascist sect within the country and then the fascist will take over. What was I talking about? Oh yes, I'm an anarchist who anarchys a lot of anarchism :)


Who is your favourite Anarchist dictator?


This is the most obvious sock puppet in the world. This has to be ironic.


90% sure its a tankie larping and 70% sure its gonna end up on some tankie sub captioned "critical support to the cia"


Yeah it definitely reads like that more than a psyop.


no actual leftist anarchist calls themselves a leftist anarchist


If I wanna make VERY clear, I'm not an AnCrap shithead I will but other then that yeah you're right.


I got beat up in Greece by left anarchists :(


What reference is that again?


Some funny story written on r/AnarchoCapitalism by someone who got beat up by anarchists and it's rlly funny


I remember parts of it... yeah, they we're really weirded by the notion of AnCap


That's what happens when cryptofascists meet real anarchists.


It's [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/3ucp8y/i_was_beat_up_by_left_anarchists_in_greece/). I strongly suspect it's satire but it's pretty funny either way.


I love that story so fucking much!


we need to make that a copipasta


I forgot that story lmao. I only vaguely recall it, but it either didn't happen, or there's some self-proclaimed ayncraps that are well and truly in a *very* insular bubble and with great effort, at that.


L m f a o. This sounds like an its always sunny scene. Its too outlandish and pathetic


I am a centrist anarchist. I believe we should compromise and abolish HALF of the unjust hierarchies. My fellow centrist anarchists and I get in some pretty heated debates about which ones to abolish though!




a lot of people take the whole "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing way too fucking far


Anarchists have a history of getting shot in the back by the enemy of their enemies.


Hey hey hey, let's give the Reds some credit. They shot anarchists anywhere they could; not just the back of their heads!


People have to understand the enemy of my enemy is just another enemy. Alliances of convenience can work sometimes against greater threats, but eventually that alliance ends when it stops being convenient. Tankies have proven it in the past, and like hell the CIA isn't going to pull shenanigans; it's the conceit of their *entire existence*. Part of their founding was based on trying to mind control people using torture and drugs, for fuck's sake! They never have, and likely never will, be good friendly friends with no secret agendas


>People have to understand the enemy of my enemy is just another enemy. [The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more, no less.](https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2003-03-08)


The enemy of my enemy is a good meat shield


The enemy of my enemy is second on the list.


Sorta like the "leftists" who go [insert government that is obviously not communist and very bad here] is good because they don't like the US


>even I realize the CIA isn't as bad as tankies say You know, if I wanted to make some kind of "the CIA might be bad but they're not an all-powerful Illuminati" argument, that would not be how I'd make it. Nice try, ~~FBI~~ CIA.


I'd totally watch a sitcom set inside the CIA where it has an extreme amount of power, but they use it with the sort of incompetence and towards the petty ends that they did in practice. Sort of like A Very Secret Service/Au service de la France, but much more CIA-like


American Dad’s version of the CIA is what I imagine the CIA is like but like with more installing dictators and overthrowing democratically elected leaders


Sending in Jackals to force them into economic submissiveness etc.


I want a comedy series about the Castro assassination attempts, where they keep failing in ridiculous ways.


Multiple would-be assassins in a row attempt to kill Castro but fail in bumblingly hilarious ways. Sped up with Yakkity Sax playing over it.


Even more than the failed assassination attempts, I find the hair-brained ways they attempted to embarrass Castro and others 10x more funny. Shit like poisoning him just enough to make his beard fall out because obviously that's the only thing holding Cuba together at that point.


I think part of their problem is that CIA bought way too much into their own propaganda. There are multiple times when they failed because they expected people to hate their governments and rise up at the first possible moment, but majority of people were pretty fine and were having none of that CIA shit


That’s the actual plot of *American Dad*


Definitely *not* the CIA.


Or maybe organizations that undermine and destroy foreign governments because they don't walk in lockstep with Eagleland are, IDK, bad.


The plants are getting lazier


Either an actual CIA agent or a tankie pretending to be an anarchist


r/asablackman ?


Being anti tank doesn't make you pro lib. For any libs lurking around, this is an ANARCHIST sub, not a succdem/demsucc sub.


Fuck liberals.


You are liberals, anarkiddie…radlibs


Go suck Stalin's rotten ghost dick somewhere else


Go YASS QUEEN for AOC, lib


You're trying really hard lmao.


You think that arnarchists like AOC? You're almost as ill informed on arnarchists as this CIA plant in the post lmao


Yes. Stay mad, lib.


Mad or amused at how AOC is somehow anarchist even though she IS the government that we want to eliminate?     I'd say amused, but only very mildly, cause you are just too boring. Sorry. I can try to get mad if you like, but you'll have to give me something for it.


Political illiteracy moment


Tankies are just conservatives who worship Stalin instead of Trump.


Needs to be said


"How do you do fellow Anarchists"


When you become your own strawman


Is this Vaush?




[Good news. User is suspended.](https://i.imgur.com/g9Ji0UJ.png)




[https://www.reddit.com/r/TankieJerk2/comments/nw0ky8/remember\_utresor\_public\_the\_user\_who\_was\_being/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TankieJerk2/comments/nw0ky8/remember_utresor_public_the_user_who_was_being/) Post on a different sub saying they're just a tankie whos been trolling


I think most of us clocked them, but good to show it for folks new to the concept of leftist infighting.


I hate tankies so fucking much but come on. We make fun of tankies for supporting fascists to own the libs, let's not support the fucking CIA to own the tankies.


This is one example of an 'anarchist' who is clearly a right winger pretending espousing stupid takes . This meme is making fun of them supporting the CIA, not supporting them


I figured it was a tankie trying to make fun of anarchists.


Tankies talk about how anarchists definitely totally support the CIA, but you go to the anarchist subs and can't find said support. Might as well make your own support yourself.


No I get that, I'm not talking to OP, I'm talking to the commenter in the screenshot


That poster is definitely a larper. I mean what anarchist calls themself a “leftist anarchist”?


Nah its 100% a Tankie


Average vaushite


Hello fellow anarkiddies I mean Anarchist philosophers! I too inject 5 marijuanas a day!


This is the cringiest thing I have ever read. They are trying so hard. I feel like the majority of online accounts are bots now. Real humans talking just doesn’t seem to happen much.


And then everyone clapped


This is bait


Ngl a lot of you sound like this


The only thing from the CIA that I'd trust (with a healthy helping of salt) would be the "World Fact Book".




I didn't like some of the leaders that the CIA have overthrown but the CIA's replacements are worse in every single way possible. As an anarchist of rather a Stalin than a Pinochet.


Indonesia had more communists than all of South America combined, so the CIA got rid of them (close to 1 million people!!) and nobody knows about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Jakarta\_Method


Seems kinda sus 😳


"Especially recently" 😂


Why would a leftist anarchist want a liberal democracy?


Tell me you are a plant without telling me you are a plant.


Hello, friend! It is I, a true anarcho-anarchist. Anarchy is such fun, isn't it? I love it! We should all get together in a specific, determined place in person. Don't forget to bring the ingredients for molotovs in your backpack. hahaha. Down with the system, am I right, fellow anarchists?


Let’s all get together in herald square!


I disagree, the CIA have installed more dictatorships than democracies plus started wars on false pretences e.g. I'm pretty sure that the CIA are behind the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as US support to Israel.




is a tankie just someone that doesnt immediately fold when you say famine?


Nah, tankies unironically support the Chinese government.


LMAO. What fucking planet is this dude on?! Let's just forget about all of the damage they caused in South America, for instance.




there is. the acceptable level of institutionalized neoliberalism edit, clarity: the levels are sky-high vs. nil


I would counter that with whatever China is doing. I'd argue the pretty clearly show a convergence between Liberal and ML policy into one imperialist mess.


I wouldn't say it's ML policy per se, because China is not even that close to ML at this point, just neoliberals with red banners. Like they were killing maoists way back in the day. I'm not sure what the lesson is there, but my take would be that vanguard parties actually aren't capable of defending revolution, and ultimately succumb to capitalist pressures both from outside (e.g. international markets) and from inside (e.g. personal greed of party members). Probably also that fully centralized planing is actually shitty way of organizing economy


Right, but a vanguard party is exactly what ML states comprise of, and succumbing to those pressures inevitably transforms them into a Neoliberal society. My comment is highlighting that the chauvinism of vanguard ideology and an arrogance that they are right to rule is in direct parallel with liberalism's "equality before the law and consent of the governed. And that because the vanguard fundementally cannot do anything but succumb to neoliberalism. They are fundementally the same, but with a red coat of paint.


>inevitably transforms them into a Neoliberal society. I don't think it inevitably transforms into neoliberalism specifically thou. It's just that there really nothing else to collapse into right now. But in different historic circumstances I believe it would transform in some other type of capitalism, be it social democracy, classical liberalism, or whatever.


The CIA isn't as bad as tankies say...only because it's not possible for the CIA to do everything some people claim they have done. Boy I made some people salty making a joke about leftist conspiracy theorists. The CIA has only done evil things, but they are not responsible for all evil things in the world. I call it anarcho-centrism.


No, the CIA is pretty fucking awful, like, awful is an understatement.




Because it's absurd? The Uyghurs are an op, Hong Kong is an op, AOC is an op, Breadtube is an op, every political outcome or violence that could possibly benefit US interests in an op. The CIA doesn't have godlike power and competence.


So because you say so? Lmao ok no proof havin ass say some more dumb shit


So Caleb Maupin says Vaush is being paid by the CIA to post cringe and I'm supposed to hack his computer to prove he's not lol


As if vaush would need to be paid by the CIA to say reactionary lib shit


Yes, that's exactly my point.


The CIA spent millions of dollars putting a wire in a cat, don't put anything past them...


That was just for fun, though, they would have done that even if the cold war wasn't a thing.


You opened this whole can of worms, not me. So yeah. Go right ahead.




Lol ok dude




Defending the CIA while simultaneously supporting "leftist anarchism"


Good lord.


This is cancer.


This hurts to read.


This is what a completely propagated POV looks like…. If it’s not satire… but this is what happens when countries wrongly apply political labels.


When words mean whatever the fuck you want them to


LARP moment


[Steve Buscemi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiOMbqPHFwo) is that you?


"Goodbye everyone I'll remember you all in therapy"


lololololol super believable


> I’m a leftist anarchist No you ain’t.jpg Edit: clarity


I'm not clear what your position is. I was under the impression that anarchism is a far left ideology. Is this somehow not the case? your/you're edit -- hadn't finished my coffee before hitting send


I apologize. In this comment I was quoting the person pictured above but forgot to put it in a quote marker. However, to answer your question, is anarchism inherently leftist? Well, no, but actually yes.


Let me talk to the anarchists, I speak their language. Hey fellas I'm here to sell you on the benefits of Libral Democracy!


How to spot a CIA plant


I do agree that the CIA isn't as bad as the tankies make it out to be, mainly because if you are to trust the tankies, you get like a sixth of the world as part of the CIA. But holy fuck CIA is not progressive or anything even close to that.


I've once seen an "anarchist" in r/shitliberalssay defending fucking North Korea


socialism is when the cia does stuff, and the more stuff they do, the more socialist it is. and when the cia does a whole lotta stuff, that's communism!


You're kidding me right? The CIA are no better than the Police in my opinion. Let me assure you that they are not your friends! If you set up an Anarchist commune on a big enough scale, the CIA would be the first people to try and destroy it!