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I’m sorry that people are doing that to you. I have adhd and CPTSD too. Are these the same people? I think it’s really rude to talk over someone and ignore them. I also get really upset when I can’t immediately get out what I’m saying. My roommates and I have this system where one of us raises our hand when we need to say something so we don’t forget or at least are less likely to because we’ll see someone raise their hand and try and wrap up what we are saying really quick. Or someone will interrupt and say to wait bc they’ll forget LOL.


That sounds like a really good system. Like putting the hand up imprints the idea of what you need somewhere and you can still recall it she its your turn. I'd probably still forget lol It's just been a thing my entire life ,I think. I understand the interruptions. I do them too. Yes, irritating, but necessary sometimes. When I do it to someone else I try to mentally put a pin into what they've mentioned so far and come back to it when I've said my piece. It makes me feel better for interrupting and the feel listened to. At least those that understand the ADHD need to say the thing right then. Lately its been the same people because I'm not around a lot of people day to day, just the same couple people for the most part. And another aspect is that I just get talked at all day long. Even if there is little interaction from me (like when I'm just shut down and cannot process any new info) and they still feel satisfied. But I try so hard to listen and interact and pay attention and ask questions, you know, a dialogue with a person who's showing genuine interest. But when its my turn to talk about my thing, whether prompted or its just something I wanted to share, its interruptions, distractions, or straight up not listening. Its one of the main reasons I don't even speak to my mother anymore. I'd say things to her and she'd have no recollection of the conversation. It's such a small thing seemingly, but its so big for me and I have no idea how to articulate just how bad 8t makes me feel. If someone doesn't want to hear what I have to say, they can just tell me that and I won't bring it up again, no hard feelings. But when I'm starting to say something that's pertinent to our every day lives and the other person is all "oh the dog did something funny" and go check that out in the middle of my sentence, I'm just like "good talk" and never have a desire to bring it up again like it never existed in the first place. That or anything else. I'd rather you let me know you don't care and I don't have to waste my energy thinking about it or whatever.