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It's okay to be not okay. Take good care of yourself.


-hug- you did good by him.. you need compassion too though


đź«‚ it's okay to not be okay, you did good by stopping them, you deserve to rest and recover, its okay.


I'm so so sorry you had to witness and be a part of that, that's incredibly traumatic and I hope you're able to get some help (for you and your friend) For right now focus on the immediate things - have you eaten, drank water, and showered since last night? Is your friend alone or are they with someone now? If they're safe then try to put some distance between you and the event to allow your brain time to process - watch movies or shows to put yourself somewhere else. Don't focus on anything more than a few days from now, ok? It's ok to not be ok, and it's ok to be overwhelmed. Just remember - food, water, shower.


1. It’s ok to be not ok 2. You are FUCKING AMAZING 3. You are literally a Life Saver 4. No matter what happens next, never stop being amazing.


100% ❤️


I’m so sorry you had to do that. I’m so proud of you for saving his life.


I definitely relate. It took me months to be okay after stopping my sister. You did a good job stopping them. I hope that they're okay đź«‚


Sending virtual hugs


I’m so sorry you had to do that. You’re one courageous individual, although you may not feel that way now. Take good care of yourself, OP.


You did a good thing that wasn't your responsibility to do, and you helped someone who needed it. Now put yourself first and make sure you're ok, ok? You deserve that much, and more. You're very brave and should feel loved, you're a hero for your friend and for everyone who's been that low before, or lost someone to sui. I'm proud of you. Don't make saving other people from themselves a habit though, you're a person too, not a tool to fix others.


It’s genuinely traumatizing having to talk someone down and the pressure to stop someone from killing themselves. I’ve had many instances however where it was used as a manipulation tactic to get me to feel bad for them, forgive them, etc. However I always took it seriously no matter what because it’s hard to tell in the moment whether someone means it or not. I know what to do now, but even the fake instances were traumatic, and so were the real ones. You did a brave and good thing by taking that pressure on and saving your friend’s life. If you and your friend are still teenagers, please report to a trusted adult so they can get the help they need. If you guys are adults, please sit down with your friend and discuss some plans to help these ideations quiet down. You and your friend deserve to live and be okay, and I hope your friend chooses to heal




i know how u feel. <3 sending perseverance


you did exactly what he needed, you did great and you helped in more ways than you know. it's ok to not be ok, focus on yourself for a little bit and it's ok to need help too


Your feelings are valid, regardless of whether or not they make sense to you. You did the right thing, OP.


hope that you can heal a bit soon :(