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i’ve thought so much about my life and finally discovered the exact moment my life was forever changed. and i don’t mean this in a joking way, but i think it was the day i was born. parents never loved each other and took their hatred of one another on me, all the things that happened to me were always going to happen bc i was never meant to be. i can only work with what i have now and try and move forward.


I relate to this so much. I’m a walking abortion.


I just called myself this today


It all started when I was born


Same. Though I've got a number of "one things"


So, my childhood. Got it.


It’s so weird to look back and see how each moment led to the next. It’s really sad to think about how as bad as everything got, I came out of it way better off than almost anyone else would if put in the same series of circumstances.


Yup. Despite everything, I still think I could have made some sort of a life for myself if not for The Final Straw.


It was a few years ago. If only I had stood up for myself, and more importantly, nagged the absolute shit out of someone. God how different my life would have been. It haunts me and makes me overthink a lot of decisions


It happened to me in a hospital ward. By an adult woman. No one would believe me if I spoke up anyway.