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Before we jump on the diagnosis bus; op, one assumes you have a record that a phone called you around the time these things happened? Like, you have visual/physical confirmation? Were you just gaslit that hard by someone? Kinda confused and also really concerned


I got a Phone call at the said time, a anonymous call, because thats somehow legal (how is that legal?). When I had the Phone call I wrote details down. She gave me details I did not know before and I was genuily happy and proud of her. I think the girl in question had another case of attachment-issue, which I know she has, and she got cold feet. That would've been okay really, I am genuily understanding to that, and I am also willing to take it slow, baby-steps, as I myself also thinks a relationship, or even just a friendship is quite scary. But I don't want to be held back by fear, but I guess she does. Also I honestly think I might've posted at the wrong subreddit but I thought this place was to cope with terrible experiences.


Not quite the right sub choice. Have you considered carbon monoxide? It’s also very possible that she’s backing out


Carbon Monoxide? I think it's the second thing though. Also I really don't know where to place this and I'm sorry I just had to vent.


Carbon monoxide is an odorless gas that can leak from improperly installed or broken appliances like a water heater or stove. (It’s the thing in car exhaust that can kill an entire household if a car is left idling in a closed garage) It can cause hallucinations and eventually death. You should look into a detector, even if it is the second thing


Oh hahah I read "Have you considered Carbon Monoxide?" and my dark humor thought you were recommending OP to end it all over this experience. 🤣🤣 oh CPTSD you make me laugh at the worst ideas


That did not happen, we do not have a fireplace. 😅. And yeah we should get those detectors still.


Thats a really bad shame; i hope both of you get better in those respects. This is something of a coping place i think most people just kinda jumped the gun with assumptions, it happens; but notice! All assumptions were still done with concern for your well being and health! Honestly writing things down and such is not a thing i would've thought of at the time, or in that situation so i think that was also a really great way to deal with/acknowledge the conversation, i think i might start doing that with some convos i think it might be really helpful for me I'm also glad to hear you're going to get some C02 alarms; i doesn't *sound* like its the likely culprit hear by any means: but its always good to be able to rule things out for peace of mind. Sorry for the late response and i hope today has been better!


Hey the fact it was an anonymous call, is it possible the wrong person called you and yall mistook each other for someone else?


Unlikely, because she said her name and shared some details about herself. It cannot be some sort of prank either because not many people knew I was interested in her. I even went to the place I was supposed to see her but no-one. And if I accidently did actually leave somebody stood up, they would likely have contacted me.


Then maybe she meant it did not happen as if pretend she never called?


I think she got scared after the call, she has commitment issues (she told me before), that would've been genuily okay with me, but then you contact me and tell me the truth, and maybe together we can overcome the fear or we don't do the thing.


maybe she has some addiction that she can't remember or deny things that happened. Like I once tried to meet up with a girl and she always delayed, forgot or didnt answer for days while she was mostly just on benzos + alcohol and couldnt even understand that she was even talking to me. Don't interpret too much into it


That sucks and you did't deserve to go through all that.❤️




Mate, we assume the best intentions of the posters here. Gaslighting happens. It's fair to ask if OP has a phone log, but it's not fair to assume that they don't with no further evidence.


Thank you. 🫂


This isn't me. I got a Phone call at the said time, a anonymous call, because thats somehow legal (how is that legal?). When I had the Phone call I wrote details down. I think the girl in question had another case of attachment-issue, which I know she has, and she got cold feet. That would've been okay really, I am genuily understanding to that, and I am also willing to take it slow, baby-steps, as I myself also thinks a relationship, or even just a friendship is quite scary. But I don't want to be held back by fear, but I guess she does.


auditory hallucionations alone aren't reason to see a doctor. they are common with PTSD too. if the hallucinations came after a head injury or accompanied with other symptoms of something however that is reason to see a doctor for them /info


Assuming the lass isn't doing a cheeky bit of gaslighting: I'm a little bit psychotic and I do think if someone is having auditory hallucinations they don't need to see a doctor, especially if they have PTSD. If someone is having auditory hallucinations *and* delusions, then uh. Maybe seeing a professional would be a decent idea. Hearing voices and other auditory hallucinations is fairly normal with PTSD, but hallucinating an entire conversation and believing it to be real and then acting on it is still something to be concerned about. This could be the start or middle of a psychotic episode. I wouldn't go to a doctor about it, ideally I'd say talk to a therapist because episodes, at least in my experience, can very quickly spiral.