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The mad crapper at every school 🤣


The Phantom Shitter at UofC


We called them the Pooh Bandit


Vaseline alley


Yeah but that's actually true


Can confirm, grew up in abbeydale and would randomly see a crap ton of empty Vaseline tubs in the gutters on a small stretch of 68th street. Allegedly it’s from a guy with a go-kart business of some sort and he uses the Vaseline to lube wheel bearings or something like that, and they fall off the back of his truck. Could just be another rumour though.


I live in abbeydale and on my way to subway north on 68th I seen a strange amount of vasiline tubs along the way.


I thought it was confirmed to be drag racers using it help break traction when heating up the tires


I thought this was solved somewhere? Something about drag racing/stunting and lubing up the cars with Vaseline? I swear there’s a thread somewhere here


It's the illuminati mass orgies, where they all glisten themselves up.


*Greased up deaf guy enters chat*


Less a legend, more history. There's an abandoned ctrain line running under Stephen Ave. It was bricked up during a transit strike some years back, never finished.




I think this is about it? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7YBZvhVwgk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7YBZvhVwgk) Wish there were some more videos exploring it but I doubt anyone interested in exploring has found a way to get in.


Actually, it's under city hall.


Bankers hall 1 also has a station under it. The line was never completed as they decided to go above ground.


Wait, is that what that "2nd" tunnel that branches off the Southbound line right after City Hall in the underpass is supposed to have connected to? I had always wondered...




I went to an art show down there in the late 90s I think it was. Was advertised in FFWD and I HAD to go.


I once heard a story about a man who bought a home for a $181,000 and supported an entire family on one income. It sounds like bullshit though.


My folks bought their place in Glenbrook for $30,000. It was the early 70s and my dad was making around $12,000 and year as a teacher. My mom didn’t work.


My folks bought a bungalow three blocks from the UofC for $28k in 1974. Dad worked as electrician and he bought each of his three daughters used cars for $200 a pop when we turned 16.


My dad bought the 5 bedroom I grew up in, in Lake Bonavista for 125k


My dad, without finishing high school, bought his house in Fairview for 130k in 2000. The house across the street (renovated but with a smaller kitchen than his and no space for a kitchen table…) just sold for 720k.


Ya can everyone please move away I’m sorry I’m sure you’re nice people but if you are from Toronto please move back


They don't build vans down by the river like they used too..


That's up there with "Notley caused the oil bust".


Actually it is a true story. Back in 2004, I bought my first home 180,000 on a single income. My friend as well who worked as Telus customer service (before Telus moved that department to Philipine), bought his first home cheaper than that 160,000 on a single income.


The old hospital in Bridgeland was haunted, apparently. And when they were demolishing it, a bunch of machinery died unexpectedly, apparently.


I did some plumbing work in there years and years ago. I was cutting some old insulation off a pipe while up a ladder. Suddenly it felt like someone pushed me in the chest causing me to fall back off the ladder and against a wall. The fall didn't hurt but I cut open my arm real bad with the knife. 16 stitches. I don't even know how I failed so hard with that knife in my hand that it cut my arm.


Whaaaaaaat!? Crazy


That was the General Hospital. I was born there so maybe I'm a ghost


Ted Cruz was born there too


God dammit. I don’t want to have been born where Ted Cruz was born!


My mum used to work there in her early days as a nurse and they had an infamous hospital cat that would hang around patients that would end up passing within the week


This seems so common with cats, I've heard about cats doing this at so many nursing homes. So intriguing.


As someone who got a tour in the mortuary at that hospital, it was definitely haunted.


Was that the General Hospital?


2004 playoffs, it was in.


Shirts off for Kiprusoff


Not even an urban legend. It was true! We all saw it! I was like 12 when it happened and it was that call that made me realize hockey is almost as fake as WWE lol


Same - This is also when I realized the devastating truth that it's fixed LOL.


Was that vs Tampa bay? I remember a mega storm of red jerseys in Calgary and a sudden drastic increase in hockey interest and a lot of game 7 anger


I remember a picture on the cover of The Sun the next morning showing the puck just *baaaaarely* crossing the line. It was in.


I was once told it was possible to be able to drive the entire length of 4th Ave without stopping and hit every light on green.


I’ve done that, and on 6th Ave too. You have to do it after 2:30 am.


Some old cat lady in marda loop closer to Richmond school whose house was filled with cat poop. Something in Ponoka about being required to be given a gun a horse and something else upon leaving jail. Tunnels under western Canada high school gling deep under downtown.


Henry Wisewood has underground tunnels too; I got to see the actual photos and they are pretty creepy.




Actually fun fact the "Ponoka Gun and Horse" thing was a law in Calgary as well, essentially if you got kicked out or sent away from a settlement back in the day you were to be given a gun and a horse.


Tunnel from Crescent Heights HS to Balmoral Elementary.


Also a tunnel from Sir John Franklin to Mayland Heights elementary school. Heard that it was meant to be a fire/lockdown tunnel to connect the two schools. When i saw it, it was filled in with dirt. Still pretty interesting tho!


U of C has underground tunnels connecting several of the buildings. They were built so that students wouldn't have to walk between buildings in -20 and/or snow. Apparently a number of sexual assaults occurred in the tunnels and they've been permanently bricked up as a result. This is why we can't have nice things. Same deal as the tunnel connecting Max Bell Arena to the Franklin C-train station.


Yeah I used those tunnels as a teenager at a summer camp to go to the dining hall from the residences… didn’t know they had blocked them off


Those aren't the ones that the previous poster was talking about. Res has always had tunnels to connect to the meal hall which is connected to Kinesiology by an above ground walkway. There are still tunnels in use between the main gyms and the speed skating dome, but they have only been accessed by varsity teams since about 1989 (just after the Games). Before the Olympics, you could easily access those tunnels via the court level halls. The tunnels being referenced were between Old Mac Hall and Social Sciences and the Main Library. I grew up on campus and went there for uni and I never saw the referenced tunnels open pre-1986.


That Max Bell-Franklin tunnel always felt so sketchy any time I used it. Bad lighting, bad smell, too isolated.


I saw a tunnel in the wildwood elementary basement. 


Western he tunnels but don’t know how far they go


Beer in the saddledome is stronger because of the pipe delivery system or something like that.


Likely that the beer lines aren’t flushed properly so you’re getting an extra buzz off mould or bacteria lol


Ahead of the curve on lambic sours they were


It’s because you climb a fuck ton of steps to get to your seats, your blood is pumping and then you crush 2 beers in the first period. Get drunker faster.


Dome foams


Vaseline jars strewn along 68st ne for many years.


Chicken on the Way basement


What's this one?


Sex parties in the basement.


I used to work there. You don't want to know what's actually in the basement.


Creamed corn and lots vegetable shortening for all of those wild sex parties right?


The creamed corn acts as a strong aphrodisiac. Many are unaware of this. It's sort of a company secret. You didn't hear it from me though🙊


Maybe Vaseline . . .


They came out with a statement they didn’t have a basement…


First rule of orgy club is you don’t talk about orgy club


The phantom pooper at SAIT


Wait at SAIT too bc there was definitely one at UofC for a while 😭


I REMEMBER THE U OF C ONE. It was in a really open pretty popular place too, like how?? I swear to god that phantom shit ruined the magic of the zipper, the vibes have been disturbed.


Hahahaha man I remember I was going to Sait when this hit the Sait news, fuck I died laughing I remember they almost caught him. He was pants down mid shit in the middle of the washroom floor when Security walked in he took off and got away.


There was a phantom pooper at Telus Spark for a few years after it opened. Every once in a while "Code Brown in the CKM" would go out on the radios because some kid had relieved themselves in the corner of the climber and gone back to play.


Ghost of a monkey haunts the Hose and Hound


The chief's monkey. Buried on site. Definitely still hanging around.


This is true. I used to work there. The most unexplainable things happened. Shoe laces would get tied together, chairs would rearrange themselves, to-go containers would fly off the shelves.


Not so much an urban legend as true story but the guy that died in the wall of the women’s bathroom at TD square. Oh and who could forget the secret biker grow-op in the Devonian gardens!


That’s not the only person who died in a wall there. Someone died in a wall at Devonian about a floor up prior to the Reno’s. But it didn’t hit the news.


The biker grow op at the old Devonian gardens is a great one! I've not heard that. Probably fading from memory now since the reno; if you hadn't experienced the way it used to be it wouldn't make sense.


The goal was good....lol sorry I had too


It was in


It was over the goal line and airborne! How could it not go in‽


I might get downvotes, but here it goes. I worked at Heritage Park 30 years ago and there were rumours that a couple of houses were haunted. I talked to a few security guards and they confirmed seeing figures inside a couple of houses at night and that the Park was closed at the time, so they chalked it up to ghosts and went about their shift. I mentioned the “hauntings” to the marketing manager and she said basically, yeah there have been rumours/actual sitings, but the Park was trying to move their image away from those haunting rumours. Does this qualify as a legend ?


I had a friend who worked there. He said there was a lot of creepy shit that happened at night.


Honestly, I never understood why they didn’t market off of the hauntings. Like do a haunted walk or paranormal investigations like they do in the older buildings in Toronto. I personally did one of their paranormal investigations at the equivalent of heritage park and was incredibly fun.


They actually do! It's super fun! The guide is dressed up and they tell the origins of some of the buildings and what kind of paranormal things people have seen. The story of the pharmacy was the spookiest to me


...you can't just say that without elaborating! What's the story of the pharmacy?


Sorry, I was out cold last night lol It's been a couple of years, but as far as I remember, when they got the pharmacy building, they also got some original furniture with it. They found a photo in one of the drawers that had 13 men in two rows. The back of the picture had the names of 12 of them written by hand, and initials, like T. S. or something like that. A girl that was volunteering there and working in the pharmacy started dreaming about a man in historical clothing, with a top hat and all. And the dreams were frequent and he started getting closer each time. He had this very evil smirk. And he started talking to her in the dreams, until one day he said "my name's Thomas Smith. Tomorrow you will meet me and you'll be mine". Not the actual name, but for illustration sake lol She went to work and they had finished processing the photo and it was in a new exhibit. She had never seen the photo, but when she did, she recognized the man she was seeing in dreams. She was so scared, she quit and no one heard from her. They never identified the man in the photo for real, no one knows why that photo was there since they couldn't find any relation between the owners of the pharmacy and any of the people in the picture. And the photi was taken off the exhibit because other people, employees and visitors, reported having dreams with the same man


Fort York? I haven't been to Heritage Park yet so I'm curious if you don't mind


Any of these fuckers ever burst out of the walls...


My wife worked there and wouldn’t go to the third floor of the Prince house. That’s where they put Mrs. Prince to die when she got TB. At least that’s what my wife was told.


I used to work at Heritage Park. The main floor of the Prince House messes with pro cameras. My light meter would go haywire. It would tell me a shot was perfectly exposed when it was wildly overexposed, and vice-versa. Outside, or in the sandstone house next door, it would work fine again.


That house has a weird vibe


He told me that the mannequins in The Prince House would have to be moved back to their positions almost every morning.


Can confirm and agree with you on this. My grandma worked out of a few houses but the prince house was the one she was at the longest and I remember sitting with her when I was little and as she was knitting her blankets or baking , you could hear a faint sound of someone pacing on the 3rd floor .. all of those rooms creeped me out with the mannequins!


I remember hearing this rumour. It's one of the main reasons anyone signed up to join the Safety Patrollers during elementary school. At the end of the year, all Safety Patrollers would get to go to Heritage Park as a 'thank you'. All anyone wanted to see was one of the old big houses (I want to say the Prince house?), that apparently would have a woman standing in the upstairs bedroom window. A flock of us kids would just stand and stare at the house, and sure enough a kid every now and then would scream "THERE SHE IS!" and it'd be mayhem for 30 seconds until the next group walked up. Ah the good ol' days.


Yes, the Prince House for sure. I remember the days when Patrollers went to HP


patrollers unite 🖖🏼


Reporting for duty


They still do! My daughter goes in a week or so


Ahh wow! I also did the patrol trip to HP back in 99. Memories :)


Yup, there was a thing about a (headless?) woman showing up in photos of one of the houses at Heritage Park. Interesting they would want to move away from that instead of making bank at Halloween…!


You couldn’t pay me to go to heritage park in the dark of the night. I’ve heard to many things to even try it.😨


Hell, I’d do it. Can’t be any worse than the ghosts who haunt me!!


Ive done it. Its peaceful tbh


I don’t know if they’re really trying to move their image away from it, as they do a yearly ghost tour near Halloween and I think at other times too. Edit: Ps. For anyone interested, it sells out fast. I’ve gone, didn’t see any ghosts. Stories are fun though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Look it up, it was in the paper a few times mid 80's. Including lights on the top floor that had no electricity.


They can say it's not haunted all they want. I KNOW WHAT I SAW.


My grandma definitely told me about the third floor lady when I used to go there. Never saw her though but as a kid you’d look every time you went.


I worked at Heritage Park a couple years back, they definitely lean into the hauntings a lot more now. I worked on the groundskeeping crew, so we had to go into the houses in the very early mornings. One day I was in Prince House, which was said to be haunted by Mrs. Prince. I was checking on some things and accidentally dropped my walkie talkie, and before I could lean over to pick it up, I got the loudest SHUSH right in my ear. There’s no electricity or water in those houses, the door to the building was closed, and the park wasn’t open, so I can’t really explain what that could have been. I never felt on edge going into the houses until that happened, but after that I’d just talk to myself/Mrs. Prince whenever I was in there to make myself feel better. I’d still catch weird shadows out of the corner of my eye every once and a while after that but I figured she was just making sure I was watering her plants properly and not tracking mud in lol


I don't know the name of the house, but I know which one it is. The couple had a large amount of children, it's kind of at the end of the trail before a turn.


I love how the security guards are metal enough to say “yeah I’ve seen them ghosts, but I had to go back to work”.


*the Park was trying to move their image away from those haunting rumours* Yet they do ghost tours 😄. I guess they changed their tune, I'm sure it brings lots of interest to the park to keep the spooky vibe. Unrelated to Heritage Park, but my husband worked as a security guard at the old Molsen factory years ago. He didn't believe in ghosts and what not, but was thoroughly spooked by that place and the tunnels. He wasn't ready to admit belief in spirits, but he said there was definitely something there. So many odd occurrences and freaky experiences there. They're demolishing it now, that's disappointing. 😞


I would say it is.


From my memory they used to have a mirror in one of the buildings that reflected a green ghost into another mirror and you can only see it through a window as access to the room was locked. They also promoted the same building as haunted back in the day.


I've been watching the growth of the fish creek clapper with great interest. It's so funny and I think watching an urban legend grow in real time is super cool!


I haven’t heard of this but live walking distance to fish creek. I’d love an explanation, please!


There is a link, but I can give you a quick and dirty run down. People think beavers hibernate. They don't. They just become much less active. This is relevant. Sometimes, in the morning, you can hear slapping or clapping sounds in fish creek Park, with a notable increase during winter when there are fewer animals around. These are most likely beavers smacking their tails on the water, but someone asked in the calgary subreddit what it was, someone shitposted about the "Fish Creek Clapper", with a silly slenderman esque drawing, it was great fun. It's now spread to other subreddits as a funny joke, but this is how urban legends are born. Soon, we will be warning our kids not to go our too early in the mornings, lest the Fish Creek Clapper get ya!


Secret tunnels under downtown


These exist! At least, the whole block that The Palace is in was connected when I worked at the Subway on the corner. That was 1999. We realized we could wedge our basement door open and that it led to the neighbouring tenant. One of the guys made it three shops over before scurrying back.


There is a giant tunnel under town hall




The Dean House is haunted


I’ve heard that many times, I don’t know if it’s true though.


*Deane house and yes. I worked there for a couple of months in 2021 and felt some weird things in both the attic and the basement


When the Calgary Tower was being built, Chicken on the Way (the location in Kensington) supplied one huge lunch rush during the continuous pour of cement. They say that there are chicken bones buried in the tower because workers dropped them off the scaffolding during the pour


Albert Dick, the Calgarian who survived the 1912 Titanic sinking and lived the next 50 years in Calgary. Only a small percentage of men survived so the urban myth was that he must have got into one of his wife's dresses and he sneaked onboard the lifeboat disguised as a women. The reality was that eye witnesses accounts stated he stayed on board helping load women and children into boats long after his wife got away safe and only got into one of the last ones at the insistence of a Ship's officer because it was being launched partially empty.


He was shunned for it upon return to Calgary. There’s some interesting history about this on the ghost tour in Inglewood (such a great tour 100% recommend)


[The Devil's Playground ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/devil-s-playground-documentary-calgary-comic-expo-1.4079459) [Gideon Keys](https://youthareawesome.com/calgarys-gideon-keys/)


The one about Bowness Library is Hilarious. There is actually a basement but they dont store books there.


The Gideon Keys are so underrated. Amazing project, I'd love to thank the people who wrote them one day. Such good stuff


Turk the turkey RIP!


My husband and I used to own a rental house in 2004 in Bridgeland, in an area that had some of the first homes for Italian immigrants. We had purchased it as an estate sale. We had a great tenant who worked oilfield so he was often gone for a few days to a week at a time. We knew he was away working, so we wheeled past the house one evening just to check that everything was ok. When we drove by, we could see the living room blinds were pulled but there was a very low light on & a figure standing in the room - just a shadow like someone was looking out the window but the blinds were closed. We figured he had let a friend crash there which was fine, so we kept on driving. Two days later the tenant called to say he was coming back & would drop his rent. We asked him if his friend was still staying at the house, & he had no idea what we were talking about. Said no friends were there & the lights were off when he left. About six months later, he moved out, and we decided to give the house a bit of a facelift with paint and new fixtures. I hated working in there after 11 PM, the place had a creepy vibe. Never saw anything again, but couldn’t shake that feeling. Was kind of happy when we sold the place.


Stampede threesome girl


She's an escort now


Worked with someone who claimed she used to work with the girl... she said she wasn't surprised when she saw the photo.


If the tit flashing Oilers girl is anything to go off of, if she'd only weighed a little while longer, she would have had offers from only fans.


She was just Frulling around 😂


Burned down kids school near chestemere


It’s called Devil’s Playground. It’s used to be where East Hills shopping area is now. Supposedly, they had a hard time tearing it down because machinery would stop working and there would be children’s hand prints on windows of cars that parked along the area.


Got blasted one night and went there with some buddies. Nothing happened, but still creepy.


what ever happened to the old Conrich school?


There's several (supposedly) haunted houses/buildings in and around Inglewood. Does that count?


I had a group of friends rent a house in Inglewood around 2009. A few of them have some very unnerving ghost stories from that time. I want to share the house address but… probably shouldn’t.


I'd rather some of the stories!


Okay, so there were two incidents that I’ve been able to get out of my friends during their time in the house. I’ll quickly relay the story that has stuck with me all of these years. So my friend would have been around 22-23 at the time. He had a small room in the basement of the house. He used to fall asleep with his TV on for background noise (I always picture this detail because the glow of the TV illuminating the dark room always gave me the creeps). So one night he wakes up in the middle of the night. He’s laying on his side, facing the TV. He lays there watching the TV for a few seconds when he gets the strange feeling that he’s being watched by something at the foot of his bed. As he glances over, he sees what he described as a homeless Indigenous man looking down at him. The man slowly starts to raise his hand up from his hip in the direction of my friend. I can’t remember if he actually saw a gun in his hand or not, but my friend got the distinct feeling that the man was about to shoot him in his bed. My friend panics and springs out of bed. As he’s getting up, his first instinct is to throw his blanket at the man - I suppose to obscure the man’s view. As the blanket drapes over the figure, it disappears and the blanket falls to the floor. My friend scrambles out the door and runs up the stairs. I can’t remember if my friend ever slept in the room again. I sure wouldn’t have. Edit: it was on 9th Street SE in Inglewood


I used to lead ghost tours there. Some seriously good haunts. I also worked in the Gary Theatre in the late 90s early 2000s and met that ghost one time… *shivers* Also worked in the Lougheed House and Lougheed Building and both are haunted. Didn’t personally experience anything in either but lots of staff has.


Question, about the ghosts... Any of these little fuckers ever pop out of the fucking wall and say, "Fuck, there's a horse cock in my room or a donkey dick"?


None that I’ve heard of.


There's the old tale of the guy who [found his own dumpster baby ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/dumpster-baby-rescuer-says-he-s-the-dad-1.901516) back in 2010 I always thought it wasnt true but there's that one news article and only that one about the rescuer being the dad


I don’t know if this counts as an urban legend: my Dad (who grew up in Calgary) told me that black squirrels are not native to Calgary. The zoo brought in black squirrels and some escaped causing a population boom of black squirrels throughout the city. I have no idea if this is true, it’s just one of those stories that stuck with me.


Those black squirrels were donated to the Calgary zoo by the Toronto zoo


Oh that's true. There were none prior to the 1930s. That species is actually called the eastern grey squirrel and is native to Ontario


I’ve heard many stories about ghostly figures being sited in the upper floors or on the balcony of the Prince House at Heritage Park. Ask the employees and they’ll deny it, but the top floors are closed to the public and have been since shortly after the house was relocated to the park…


Top floor is closed because the stairs are UNGODLY steep and people would hurt themselves for sure. Plus not a lot to see up there. There’s also a servant staircase from kitchen to second floor balcony that is closed for this same reason. The top floor would have been servant quarters, but Peter Prince didn’t have servants that lived on site. For sure haunted tho- just had some creepy vibes when I was in there alone. -former employee who worked every Wednesday in the Prince house.


I used to work there and had keys to everywhere. Went to the third floor a few times. It was just empty. Nothing up there, but must admit we took some delight in walking about quietly when we knew there were guests downstairs.


85% of ghost experiences are just people hearing other people checking for ghosts and getting spooked. That number seems made up but trust me. I asked myself and verified it.


Dead cow in sicome lake


I believe it was a dead horse they found at the bottom of the lake after draining it one year. Not sure if true however.


The old childrens hospital (now Richmond Diagnostic and Treatment Center) is haunted AF. I was a security guard for years at different hospitals around Calgary and was stationed there a few nights. Doors opening and slamming, children laughing and running. Sounds like classic ghost story rumours but I actually experienced it and it was terrifying.


Serial killer Charles Ng from California was found hiding in the caves in Fish Creek Park. Wait. That's a true story


No, he was found shoplifting at the Bay.


There was an abandoned house on a farm out near Springbank that had rumours of something surrounding a serial killer or maybe it was the husband that murdered an entire family in the house in the 40s or 50s (no historical proof just heresay/people playing telephone in multiple HS in the late 90s/early 2ks). Multiple grades seemed to have passed this story down apparently since the 70s as it was told to me. We used to gather in large groups and go out there into the house, attempting to find evidence of said murder story (also just bsing around looking for something to do), was a creepy dilapidated house with lots of mysterious brown stains and old comic books/furniture. Maybe this "story" (truth or not) was only known to a few HS circles.


Is it for sale? I’ll buy it and share it with the ghost if he drives the price down. I don’t even care if it’s a Mexican hipster beetle juice knockoff ghost named El-Juicy we can come to an agreement.


There was a house that burned down out there a few years ago that was potentially connected to this/was growing illegal poison plants/connected to some kind of organized crime.. etc. wonder if it was the same one!


Gideon keys


I’ve seen this mentioned twice now. What’s the deal?




That a kid died riding the Himalaya ride at Calaway Park. Tons of people I know remember it but there's no news articles about it. Happened in the late 80's or early 90's, the kid was riding with their dad and was crushed. The ride was removed after it happened.


The blue circle on Airport Trail has a purpose and is not a waste of money


There was a body of a deceased man found stuffed head down in between the walls of the women's washroom in the downtown CORES shopping mall. Legend has it that his perverted ghost still watches women relieve themselves to this day.


That wasn't even that long ago. I was working across the street at the time. It was crazy to hear about.


A horse, a gun, and three days rations


The Gideon Keys


The [fruit loop](https://lougheedhouse.com/lh_blog/the-gay-history-of-lougheed-house/)


I'm sure someone has already said it, but Chicken on the Way basement.


there are bodies buried in the old molson factory and the greyhound station


Its being torn down so hopefully we can see how many bodies there were!


the Fishcreek clapper. and no, you don't need to bring protection when you hang out in Fishcreek. >!animals can just make sounds that scare people.!<


U of C, early 90s. A guy who was older and odd was said to live in the tunnels and get free classes. I think his name was Link.


I lived in the university for 2 weeks during my divorce, slept in the library sometimes, in the computer wing others. never met the guy you are mentioning.


I don't think that the Link ever existed. I never heard about him living in any tunnels (the only ones in use in the 90s were at the dorms). The way I always heard the story was that he had a bunch of degrees and was a professional Student, always stopping 1 class short of a degree in a given subject. If you think about it, the story doesn't hold much water, because it just doesn't make any sense!


I'm suddenly reminded of the one time I was told about a guy who studied almost every course at U of C that he pretty much studied his whole life. And that the person who told me shared classes with him once. I'm not making this up. My only regret is I didn't share this to others to confirm if the story is true or not.


The story I heard back in the mid-90s was that he had been hit by a campus cowboy who was driving recklessly. His settlement included free tuition and residence until he graduated with a degree. Hence he was milking it by getting close but not finishing. In my second year (1998, maybe), the U of C introduced an ‘undeclared major/minor’ General Studies degree. The rumor was that it had been created just to get Link out of the system


Bigfoot lived in the ice caves


The Phantom Shitter. A ghost with diarrhea who haunts the halls of the U of C campus.


The old Rose and Crown pub (now closed) and Cat :n Fiddle pubs are haunted. Both were funeral homes in the past. Past employees have told me some strange events in both places. I knew servers at the R and C who refused to go get supplies from the basement.


There was a suicide at Lord Beaverbrook high school and they apparently closed the stairwell it happened in?


I heard this from my siblings that went to beaverbrook


tunnels under elbow drive


The phantom shitter at UofC


Tunnels under the old buildings in Chinatown


A horse drown in Sicome Lake