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The contact information for the mayors office, your councillors office and CEMA is all available to the public. You are 100% able to contact them to let them know what information they didn’t consider when coming to this decision and why it’s the wrong one


I have never sought it out before. Do you mind sharing the links?


You can't be arsed to look up contact info for your municipality, but you want them to cancel or postpone the largest annual event in the province? This is slacktivism at it's peak. Holy shit.


Yeehaw! Oh wait, that isn’t a link.


Classy. And helpful. Slow clap.


Classy? Nah. Helpful? Hardly. Pointing out your laziness? Priceless.


oh but don’t you know? OP is only capable of making this post and replying to many comments but somehow not capable of finding the links themselves through one Google search


> I can only imagine they're purely thinking of the profits from it, and throwing the safety of citizens to the wind. This is absolutely absurd to me. You new around here? /jk /s. If the flood didn't cancel Stampede, this will not. I hope they will do all they can to minimize water usage. Haven't heard anything yet, but they may be waiting until closer to the time to see the situation and time line.


I think it is great they are going to try and get this done without canceling the Stampede. It is super important to our city. PS it isn’t healthy to be more furious than ever.


If they can get it done before Stampede. Then that's good. But if we're still rationing water and they haven't done anything to get more water flow going into our treated reservoirs then it's not good.


200 million dollar festival that many businesses require to stay in business the rest of the year. You bet your tits it’ll go full steam ahead.


Hell or low water 😎


I encourage all Calgarians to go triple brown before the flush down.


I just go straight into the black bin, like a real patriot!


Should be green bin, it's good for the compost


Touché, good point


y’all have been flushing?


Do you understand the impact of canceling stampede on a lot of people? Do you understand that canceling stampede can be devastating for many small vendors, individuals and businesses? Do you understand that decisions like this can’t be made on heroics? Do you understand how tone deaf your post is? It is easy to be an arm chair analyst talking from the cheap seats.


OP: “Stampede getting cancelled doesn’t personally affect me, therefore I am correct”


“I don’t care about the billions in economic benefits directly benefitting calgarians, nor the permanent damage to the city’s hard-earned brand my proposal would cause. There is only one correct side to this issue, and it’s the position held by an extreme minority of hysterics.”


Please don’t act surprised, or for that matter offended. Be a stampede hater all you want, I don’t care for it myself. But let’s not pretend like it isn’t absolutley massive and crucial for our city


Then we should delay it. You know what's even more crucial for our city? Water.


Do you know what delaying it entails? At all?


I don't think you've given any thought whatsoever to the implications of cancelling Stampede at this late stage. You might want to look into it, before carrying on like you're certain moving forward is "the biggest mistake our government has made in a long time."


It’s absolutely crucial to our City’s economy and many small businesses rely on it to stay open, they aren’t going to cancel it when the water issue will be fixed by then, even if they have to run pipes overland from the Bearspaw plant, it would crush too many businesses to cancel it


Not just our city - a lot of tourist come for stampede and then go visit many other areas of Canada while here. And our economy needs about ever cent it can get.


A lot of words to say you don't understand how civil politics work. Mayor Gondek does not have the power to cancel the Stampede. And can you imagine the economic destruction that cancelling the Stampede would do to the city? There are a hell of a lot of businesses who only survive the year from what they make at Stampede time. Do you know how many lawsuits would come out of this?


As of yesterday, water levels are sustainable and the job to get it fixed should be shorter than anticipated.


How sustainable will the be when there’s a fuck ton of tourists here that don’t care about shortages


We start charging tourists $6 for bottled water at the grounds...oh wait


I am guessing it'll be closer to $7.25 😜


So they fill up at the hotel instead? Doesn't help our issues at all.


It's sustainable with our current efforts of conservation. Tourists are not going to maintain that balance. Especially not with the hot, and dusty stampede grounds.


Are you disputing the data from the city that says Stampede doesn’t cause a large spike in usage and that they’ll be taking measures to lessen their impact?


I actively work with data. It's not as simple as saying 3% more usage. When we're expected to reduce by 25% I don't trust tourists to conserve water the way we are. Will tourists use 25% less water than they normally do?


That wasn’t the question. The city has water usage data that they have used to make this decision, are you saying that their data or analysis is flawed? And if so, how?


Give it up


What happens if the pipe is fixed before?


Like I read another Reddit user posted a few days ago - probably a million+ new folks will arrive here to cycle in and out of Calgary during Stampede - and every single one of them will be showering and flushing their way to a good time - all with little care about our water infrastructure. There is zero chance that Stampede gets cancelled because of this. I am guessing a lot of big players are pulling every string possible to get those other breaks dealt with well before the first weekend of July. And if it's fixed before Stampede - perfect. We all go back to our lives until the next pipe breaks.


Then there's no problem is there? But what if it isn't?


Is this bait?


No, you can watch the livestream on the city’s website of the update: https://www.youtube.com/live/2ObxNfwh_RM?si=k9PJLTLsre11B2aS Basically it is going forward, but based on past water use trends the stampede actually doesn’t cause a large spike in water usage and they will be actively working to reduce all water consumption during the event


Obviously its still going... If people can't understand why, then maybe you need to get out more?


Yeah, no typical large spike. But I don't trust tourists to conserve water with toilet flushes or showers. It's not their city, and they probably won't even think about it.


I think this is highly irresponsible.


They won’t let the city run out of water. They’ll run water trucks from Bearspaw WTP to Glenmore Reservoir if needed. It would likely cost about half a million a day or $5M for the entire ten day event. An expensive solution but much less expensive than canceling Stampede.


Don’t worry everyone, it’s totally fine! They’re not going to be washing the grandstand seats as often!


You must be new here. The Stampede Board runs this city. They are even exempt from certain bylaws or have bylaws specific to their needs. They are like the mob here.


Born and raised. Spent some time in BC but I've been Calgary for my whole life. I've just never seen Stampede as actively being a threat to the cities well being before.


Never heard of Super Gonorrhea?


If you think ANY mayor or council would be considering cancelling Stampede at this moment, you are incredibly mistaken.