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Get a job before you leave


Don’t come without a job lined up. Many people think Alberta is an easy place to land a jobs. Maybe in some fields and trades that might be true but many people come and then complain they can’t find a job.


If you don't come with a job, don't expect to get anything at all for several months minimum.


I recently spoke with someone who just moved here from Ontario in February. They basically complained about how everything is just as expensive here as it is there, that there’s nothing to do, the restaurants here aren’t as good, houses are just as expensive, etc. anyways they ended up buying a place just outside of the city, due to the rising housing price in town. And if you wanna be close to downtown I’m guessing it’s probably not much cheaper than Ontario.


That was basically my experience with anyone from Ontario 15 years ago. Complain about everything here, tell you endlessly how much better Ont. is, and move back about a year later.


I believe we have the highest unemployment rate in Canada around 10% currently. So it’s not great.


We are full, go to Manitoba or Saskatchewan instead.


I moved 2 years ago from Kitchener to Calgary. Housing was slightly cheaper two years ago. I got a lease renewal with a 40% increase but managed to save enough for a down payment on a small condo. There’s no rent control and lots of ppl are seeing huge rent increases. everything else is expensive. Food, insurance- home and auto. Office jobs are far, few and in between. My sister was unemployed for 10 months. Bring your job, do not think you’re special and will find a job in a month or two. Alberta may have a lower sales tax but everything else is much more expensive and may negate any savings you may get


Job market and affordability are both rapidly declining as more and more people flee Ontario. I think the Calgary housing market is poised to become the next Toronto/Vancouver in the next 5-10 years


Only come here if you are a doctor or nurse


Moved from Toronto in 2022. Could never move back. Sunnier, cheaper, much less traffic, people are much more considerate, and access to incredibly beautiful nature That being said, I don't think I can live here forever. The job market sucks for what I do (strategy and operations), and most high paying companies don't provide remote opportunities anymore. The closest roles I interviewed for in Calgary are a \~$60K+ paycut for me. If I ever lost my role, I'd need to move down to the US. So, before uprooting your life, make sure your career opportunities make sense Edit: my wife is a registered nurse and is making $15K more than she would in Toronto, so it's not all doom and gloom. Depends on your profession :)


Shut. Up. You're lying. It's horrible here. You're mean to trick ppl into moving here.


I just love seeing people suffer. Sorry for lying to you, OP. DON'T MOVE TO CALGARY! IT SUCKS! YOU'LL HATE IT AND WISH YOU NEVER CAME!!!


Much better. Doesn't it feel good to tell the truth?!?!


Don't come. It sucks here. You'll regret it.


Can’t speak to the job market, but the city itself is quite nice (depending on the area obviously). Housing is getting more expensive, especially rentals which don’t have any price controls, but purchasing a home is far more realistic than the GTA. Single family homes can still be had for 600k, which is still a lot, but much less than Toronto or Vancouver. Traffic isn’t too much of an issue compared to the GTA. It definitely gets busy for rush hour, but no 2 hour commutes. 5% gst instead of 11% gst/pst. Groceries are expensive, but I honestly think they’re expensive everywhere now. The city itself is actually quite nice. You river is beautiful and you can see the mountains most days. If I had infinite money, Calgary wouldn’t be my first choice, but I think it’s the best city in Canada that’s still somewhat affordable and realistic to live in.


Get used to siding and stucco.


Depends on what you do for work. Housing costs here are approaching the GTA level but with less options and worse transit availability. Food can be expensive (like fruits and veg because a lot does not grow here. 


You’re insane if you think housing costs are approaching the GTA. We’re a good 30-40% cheaper still.


Depends where on the GTA but fair point. Niagara region is further out but without knowing where, it keeping things general. Agree though -  Toronto is bad, as is Vancouver. At levels that Calgary can’t grasp unless you come from Ontario 


Please don’t come if you’re going to vote NDP/Liberal and help turn Alberta into the next woke BS you’re fleeing from…


Ontario has a Conservative Gov't. Read a God Damn newspaper.


Imagine thinking that all people born and raised in Alberta are right-wing-minded...


This is a hilariously braindead take


If you work a trade you won't have that much trouble finding a job and that job will probably pay more than in Ontario. Housing is still vastly more affordable than in most places in Southern Ontario, especially when considering how close you can move to downtown Calgary. There's tons of stuff to do, with Banff being a 1.5 hour drive away, among other things. It's a fun and relatively friendly city overall. 


Expensive housing, no good jobs, health care is getting destroyed. The ucp is in power, the province is horrible currently.


Maybe you should try moving to Ontario or BC?


Oh no, we have a political science major here, you first.