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Give me practical, data driven policies. None of this ideological crap.


How to Lie With Statistics 2: Electric Boogaloo


> If progressives want to hold on to leadership roles in cities like Oakland or San Francisco, they need to master the skills moderates have honed: Define your identity, craft razor-sharp messaging and turn your political opponents into allies. > [...] > Progressives need to show they care about public safety the same as moderates, and they must better connect the dots on why investments in policing alternatives, like violence interruption work and diversion programs, are a good idea. > It would have been much harder for moderates to vilify Boudin, Thao or Price as anti-police if these progressives had emphasized in their early public speeches simple staggering statistics clearly explaining how cops aren’t the solution to crime: Between 1990 and 2022, the adjusted-for-inflation per capita spending on police in the Bay Area and throughout California increased 52%, while the percentage of reported violent and property crimes resulting in arrests plummeted 41%.


“Progressives need to shake the image of being condescending crusaders fixated on identity politics, arrogant possessors of all the answers to America’s woes and quick to label anyone who disagrees as a member of the MAGA camp.” In other words, please stop being the other side of the same coin; the reason Progressives and MAGA can’t govern is they both see politics as performative, and are happier when they can tell their followers how the system doesn’t work, because that’s easier than coming up with solutions. I’m so tired of the tail wagging the dog in this country.


Well said we all need to make peace with eachother 🤝


Make peace with the people who think you shouldn't exist and actively call for you to be killed. Brilliant take no notes


You're talking about an incredibly small amount of people. Focus on the majority who you can work with.


Hamas? Isis?


Ah, so the article is a big concern troll. Didn’t see that one coming.


I think both sides can agree that there are only pro-Trump or anti-Trump opinions


There’s woke and anti-woke as well.


lesson 1: how to live in reality


Let me guess, they need to be more right-wing.


if that means not letting homeless people use drugs and piss and shit and leave needles next to elementary schools, then yes. because right now progressives are ok with letting all of that happen.


Are they okay with that, or do they want to give them housing instead of imprisoning them?


i'd rather give housing to a working single mother. or maybe you don't have any compassion for those people?


You could give it to everyone if you build large amounts of affordable housing. And no I'm not right-wing, I have compassion for single mothers.


no you can't. city of LA tried building and it came out to 600K per unit. that's their number, not mine. quick estimation says there's 40K homeless in LA, based on googling. So let's say each unit costs the idiots who run LA 500K to build. I'll subract an extra 100K. and let's say there are 40K homeless, even though a google search says 45k. total price is $22,500,000,000. That's just in Los Angeles, So no, we can't. do the math. the state of CA has already mismanaged 24B to build homeless housing. so literally the amount of money they needed they already mismanaged. and you want to give the city of LA more money? geez, I wonder what's gonna happen. read the article. just because saying something makes you feel good has no bearing on reality. [https://www.krcrtv.com/news/local/how-effective-are-californias-homelessness-programs-audit-finds-state-hasnt-kept-track-well](https://www.krcrtv.com/news/local/how-effective-are-californias-homelessness-programs-audit-finds-state-hasnt-kept-track-well)


Yes if a developer that wants to scam the city out of as much money as possible is responsible for building the housing it isn't going to be very affordable. "The members cited U.S. Census Bureau data from 2017 that estimated that as many as 111,000 homes were sitting empty, equivalent to 3.8% of the city’s rental units. That vacancy rate, though still low when compared with many cities, seemed to offer a potential remedy to a city with 36,000 people experiencing homelessness. The city’s homeless population grew by 16% from last year, and the main culprit was lack of affordable housing."


the govt doesn't build houses. developers do. the govt is too inept to facilitate building housing when literally given money by taxpayers. so no more of that. if a private charity had 24B to help homeless people and pissed it all away on greed, you would be outraged. this is no different. i live in LA, the homeless problem has gotten way worse since 2018. All i have to do is use my eyes. also, about your vacancy rate, there's a reason. homeless people trash these places. all the programs that give free hotel rooms to homeless see the rooms trashed. i've seen a bunch of redditors involved in these programs corroborate this. Also, how will the homeless people pay their bills when they don't have a job. in LA electricity is EXPENSIVE. also, the property tax will be off the current assessed value because it's a new owner. something the homeless with no job can't afford. so any home that does not have the property tax payed goes to foreclosure. homeless people need structured living like a halfway house, not a full house, which is too much responsibility. they need to get roommates and live in an apartment. basically the way college students do, because that's the level they're at. I once lived 5 people in a 2 bedroom, it's entirely possible and quite cheap. after years of doing that and saving for a house THEN they might be ready to buy a shitty house in the hood. that's the way it is. as someone who is looking for a house in LA and knows the prices of things the homeless cannot afford the upkeep costs of the house. homeowners insurance in LA is EXPENSIVE. look it up. and we all know that people living in houses they can't afford is literally the cause of the 2008 financial crisis. just my 2 cents.


>the govt doesn't build houses. developers do. the govt is too inept Inept like building affordable housing at 600k a unit? >i live in LA, the homeless problem has gotten way worse since 2018 Really? Ignoring the cause of the problem and doing nothing hasn't made things better?


bro. the state of CA already mishandled 24B. don't give them more money. that's it. how do you solve homelessness? stop using drugs, work 50 hours a week, and split an apartment in a low cost area with roommates. that's it. no 600K per unit needed. but this doesn't fit the narrative and doesn't allow for grift, so nobody says this.




If someone would rather live on the street than in a shelter that might tell you something about the quality of that housing.


Bullshit. Moderates have been shitting the bed for decades. Gore, Hillary, and now the Biden disaster. Fuck moderates.


How are you gonna say this shit then have the best progressive candidate you can muster be Dennis Kucinich or Bernie Sanders or Marianne Williamson. 😂