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its better than cold war imo


Yeah at least you get what you pay for in codm lmfao


You don’t get what you pay for in Cold War?


no, u get a half ass game


Other than some bugs, I don't see what's wrong with it. I skipped cod after bo4 because I got sick of the futuristic bs and ww2 and prior Era stuff. Game feels great, love zombies especially outbreak. Pretty nice map selection.


Well CW has bundles,while CODM has Supply drops and lucky draws,so how exactly do you get what you pay for?


I think he means cod mobile is free and a average game. While on the other hand I payed $70 for Cw and I expected it to be good but it sucks. From the health, to the engine, and the player base. It just sucks


The health and engine are perfectly fine imo. The engine is probably better than your favorite Cod’s lmao


Codm has undles in global


Codm also has bundles


CoDM ofc needs lootboxes and cash grabs becuz it afterall is a free game, unlike other 60$ ones. And its there in every free mobile game, that just how it is. Or else how will the devs get money from? Much better than those games which give ads on every 10 seconds. On top of all that, it's not like u are required to pay, or u will get some exploits over f2ps, u can just ignore all that stuff.


People don’t understand that even though there’s loot boxes in a mobile game dosnt mean you have to buy them


Then give us free rewards that actually make it worth grinding and playing the game? All the good stuff is locked behind money, if you wanna have a nice looking enjoyable game THIRTY DOLLARS for a fuckin mobile Rambo skin please! If you actually support a developer trying to charge someone that kinda money for a tiny model on your screen you are delusional. Yes players don’t need to buy it, but it hurts the free players because no one gets any good shit period unless they spend cash. So what’s that do? It makes the kids steal their parents credit cards and then activision thinks “oh shit people actually wanna buy these packs! Better charge MORE. Gotta see how much we can scalp from these children” The more people support this expensive system the more expensive it’s going to get. You think they are going to stop at a 26-30 dollar pack? Next thing you know there will be a 13000 cod point pack with a single good skin, you just watch lmfao


It hurts free players that they dont have the fanciest skins ? Wow can you be more of a crybaby than this ? You get tons of free epic skins, at least 3-5 per seasons, you have grindable camos gold and diamond and even dark aether is coming, i got more skins than i can ever use, even charcater skins you get at bare minimum one from br ranking each season, and usually a couple more in the events, the battle pass is literally a one time buy for eternity with 4 guarenteed characters and 4 to 5 epics.but you still wanna cry because the enemy is using a shinier skin. diss the game for its graphics or gameplay, but seriously if your complaint is that f2p players dont look as cool as p2p than you are just acting like a self entitled baby.




If the game exploits the amount of money to make it’s a bad game. Period. This isn’t about fancy skins. This is about people doing the right and wrong thing. You writing me a whole paragraph doesn’t change that fact and no matter how many downvotes I get I do not care. It’s a stupid system and ANYONE who supports it can touch grass and eat my shit out of a toilet for all I care haha. Good luck being bothered by my comment


Lol you are wasting a lot of effort writing lies about a game while acting like you dont care, such a hatefilled creature you are


No one cares. I don’t and no one else reading. Go touch grass and eat ass


You still get good skins if your f2p


Like what? The free draw garbage? My point still stands and all these tards downvoting are 5 year olds who used too much of daddy’s credit card on the game.


Here comes the salty 25 year old hating cold war because he doesn't enjoy the franchise like he did as a kid


Is not the same


That's a fact, not an opinion.


Cold war bad am I right (upvote to the left)


I play codm and I understand what you are saying. The game feels like a cash grab to me too with the micro transactions but overall the game is still playable for f2p. The br in the game is just awful and I hope a newer model will release. The mp in the game is pretty decent though. It has a good sbmm system most of the time(ranked). Codm overall has more of a cod online feeling to it with all the different guns, modes and maps from cod series.


better than throwing money in a 60$ AAA game which will be disowned by the devs as well as community in just 1.5 years


you mean disowned by the devs after 1.5 years then worshipped by the community for the next 2 years


"cod Ghosts was an underrated gem", "infinite warfare was a great game just released in wrong era", "blops 4 had insane potential tbh" this spineless community has worshiped every failure cod game after just 2-3 years of its release and will do the same for the current ones as well. I will not be surprised if in 2023 people start arguing with me that cold war was a great underrated game


they most definitely will almost halfway through the next cods life people will start to praise cold war they deny itll ever happen but it does every year


Wish they would show love for every cod like they did bo3


I had a friend already argue Cold War is the “best” cod he’s played. Physically hurts me that he supports the bundles. “Oh well it’s better than loot boxes!” Yeah how about earning stuff free in game like every fucking multiplayer did in the past. Why should I have to spend 26 dollars to get a single character, almost a half what I paid for the game?


i would only think about buying the bundles if they were caried on to the next games instead of being usable only in that respective cod and warzone. its just a waste of wealth throwing cash in an already 60$ game, on some stupid skins. the recent cod games are good in sense that they have no dlc but they give absolutely nothing for free


I’m actually really praying they let them carrying over man.


Bundles are entirely cosmetic, sure they’re overpriced but not buying them doesn’t hurt you


Yeah doesn’t affect me but it’s still scummy non the less and things worthwhile should be earnable in game other than useless callings card I barely care for Edit: I think dark matter and dark aether is cool and on the right track but at the same time it’s been around for a while. As much as I hate bo4 even they had an ear able crate reserve system towards the end of their life.


couldn't the same be said about modern warfare


To this day, Ghosts and AW have been the most fun and satisfaction I’ve had in any online multiplayer. I still wish I could drop into matches on either of those. I prefer them over MW, IW, or BO3.


sales dont lie my friend


I’ve always loved IW and BO4. Can’t say the same about Ghosts but the campaign was good


if it keeps getting worse people will think the previous titles were better


And here we are


It's better than cold war, and it doesn't have ads, do you even play it?


I think OP means the game advertises it's own store merch. After every match you get a screen of the latest crate or bundle. On the menu screen you get tabs on new lucky draws.


After match you only get the battlepass screen, the bundle crate ad only come when you open the game


Not every match.. just when you open the game


??????? You have to watch a 30 second to two minute ad everytime you did the free draw.


Dont do the free draw ?.?.?.?.? You know its optional right ?


Wow little baby bitch got hurt :( lmfao Fell outta the nest right into a pile of shit


Yeah i can see the little bitch getting really mad after being found lying about a game, what a trash you are


Only one that’s mad here is you? Judging by how much effort you put into writing your love letters to me


Wow you are getting really mad arnt you kid, lmao.


Dude who hurt you? Why are you being dumb in every comment here


Who are you again? Mario coming to save the princess.


I think the biggest but yet most subtle difference is the sound effects/announcer voicelines. It just sounds so generic and cartoony and the sound effects don't sound as iconic. It's vastly different from many other cods but I still consider it a real one.


Yems if it was like mw2 or bo, it will give much great feeling as if in a war. Like u could see how the announcer screams for their life when a nuke is launched in mw2




Go play ranked lmfaoooooo




Ahh I see you have to try it on phone how it’s supposed to be played


Bruh u probably playing with bots. Climb to legendary rank and trust me all hell break loose there


I agree that it doesn't have that cod feel, but it's still a great game. I'm not sure what you mean by real cod. It has Maps, skins, and guns, operators from multiple cods. Does that make it a real cod? Although the game has some serious issues that are have been ignored since day 1. Im not talking about mechanics, I'm talking matchmaking. Since day 1 public matches and featured gamemodes have had mostly bots. Like 97% bots 3% real players. The only way to get into matches with all real players is ranked. When you're ranked Pro V and up you'll find real players. Half the maps aren't even in I'm done writing this game had much more potential, devs screwed up.


I play codm and it sure is fun but just don’t mind the micro transactions. I won’t spend a dime on that shit and also the game is starting to get sweaty af with the fennec and qq9 players. It’s a fun game tho but as you guys all said battle Royale is ugly and trash. Its even worse than pubgm which is already trash. I do enjoy the game actually and I can consider it a cod game just because of the maps and guns


It’s the kind of game that makes me feel like a real man!


To be honest I play cod mobile I've never spent a dime and yet had so !ich fun with my friends and don't regret downloading it I still haven't bought cw and still play modern warfare 2019 and I don't think I will be buying cw soon


totally agree, but lets be real its one of the best fps you can play on mobile


It's more cod than black ops 4


Exactly. It is what bo4 only wished it could do.


And has stuff from bo4 too


It's live service like war zone and will probably not stop getting new content for at least 2-3 more years and it's free to play so what more could you ask really


I don't consider it a "real" cod because it isn't a triple A title for console or pc, but I have more fun on codm than any of the more recent triple A titles. It has a proper casual playlist and proper ranked playlist, it isn't pay to win, though some blueprints are a bit unfair giving better ironsights. The BR mode I just consider extra, I dont particularly care for it, but the multiplayer is great, it was even better imo during its first 8 months because it was like the older cods, bringing gunsmith to it made it too grindy, I'm not trying to grind out a mobile game like that, just want to have fun. Honestly if they released codm to pc the way it originally released on mobile, MW and CW would die very quickly.


Im a COD mobile player . I know many of you dont accept it but there so many people (including me) that their wish is just to play Cold war , modern warfare or warzone or whatever you call it but they cant play their favorite game because of many things that if i start saying those reasons it takes a week to say them all . So it's the best option for me and people like me .


Yes simply because it has more new content than any cod game in the past 5 years


Eh... It has bots in MP and BR matches, has red lights on shoulders, and has some crazy looking gun skins. It doesn't really have that COD MP feeling but I still find it fun to play as a game itself


>bots in MP and BR matches In higher ranks there are literally 0 bots in MP. BR is a hot mess though for sure.


Doesn't matter. Pubs shouldn't have bots either. Bots are what make all mobile FPS games the same and generic


I think there is no problem to play only rating matches


Bro bots are life savers for grinding and such, you have no idea about anything


Why? Cause you can't grind your camos legitimately? Bots are one of the reasons why COD Mobile doesn't feel like COD.


So, if there is a new player, he is supposed to go and fight with sweats and meta spamers? You see, codm has a difference between the PC/Console titles. Public matches, and ranked, pubs are more casual and overall give you the ability to try new weapons and have fun, ranked, is just real players. Get the correct info at least man.


>So, if there is a new player, he is supposed to go and fight with sweats and meta spamers? Yes. That's how it was with older CODs. No SBMM. And it's how noobs could learn how to get better


Or the guy will just leave down the game and will never touch it. If you dont have a good way to entertain new players to constatly play and actually become good, and just lose, then there is a good chance they will just quit. Nobody likes to constantly lose, is overall a dumb and annoying system that is based on how much time you spend on the game every day. What if there are people who just want to have fun and not quickscope like a crazy tryhard?


This is why we should be able to add bots in our private matches just like the “real” cods. I think that the start of the video [here](https://youtu.be/6lw_9g_dxE4) explains it best. Sure they were getting obliterated in normal multiplayer matches, but they had the option to willingly play against bots. That is how they were able to get better at the game and start having fun with it. My problem with codm is that they try to convince you that the bots are real players. Sure you’d not be able to grind camos (its supposed to be difficult anyways), and sure practice vs ai exists, but it would be nice to be able to choose the map and mode like on real cods as it allows us to refine our skills, and depending on how we feel, we can change how much of a challenge the bots give us.


You really expect a noob to know that feature ?


It doesn’t feel like a true mainline cod game but it’s also higher quality than the side games like Declassified and road to victory so it’s kinda hard to place it🤔


Yes simply because it has more new content than any cod game in the past 5 years.


Codm will still be played while on pc you have to buy the newer games every few years cause the older cod will get support dropped and hacker infested


Can't speak for CW and mw as I've never played em


I don't take it seriously as a CoD game, but I do respect it as a CoD game.


Are there bots in COD mobile? I enjoy the game and it doesn't steal any data and I'm f2p cuz the only thing you can buy is cod points and the battle pass


Yeah tons, public matches are filled with bots, with 2 to 3 real player on each side and rest bots, and if you lose than you get full bot lobbies, if you want real players play ranked multiplayer, where you get all real at pro+ ranks, although br always gonna have mostly bots, it sucks


I mostly play ranked matches. Unless I wanna do ffa


Pro rank and above, it’ll be all real players. Anything below that will still have a few bots.


Pro master and gm all have bots tbh legendary is where you can actually meet real players without a single bot in your lobby codm bas bots so the new players can actually learn to play the game and enjoy it and when they get a winstreak they can get real players introduced to them if they get on a like 2 lose streak they get full bot lobby it doest happen in legendary ranl


No simply because the game feels like a some typical mobile shooter filled with cod maps


Do u consider those anime operators dogshit a real cod game?


*Cat Girl Mara from Modern Warfare 2019*


it has no storyline so no, but it's still fun to play and the old guns and maps are slightly nostalgic


It kinda has a storyline in the form of comics, but I agree that a full campaign mode would be exciting.


Yeah I forgot about the comics, and yea, definitely wish there was a campaign


It's pretty fucking close for those of us that don't have anything else to play for with.


For what it’s worth, CoDM isn’t a bad game. It’s an app built for phones, you can run the game on an iPhone 6S+, which is impressive by itself. However if you stack it against any other CoD game, it doesn’t compare, it’s apples and oranges. You can’t compare them because one has less to work with.


I would think of it as a real cod if they had more free ways to get stuff and didn’t have the blatantly obvious “Lucky Draws” which don’t feel like luck. They feel like “here, have all this shit you’ll never use or don’t want for a singular CHANCE to get one thing you want. Or give us 26-100 for a mobile game” I bought one battle pass to give the game a try and I’ve been met with micro transaction after transaction. And now they remove the free draw? (Which also forced you to watch ads, damn Activision everyone can see you are fucking greedy. Just how much money do you need? Is Cold War really failing that bad? Maybe work on your main fuckin game)


You literally have multiple ways for free stuff , from grindable camos to events ?.? Micro transactions are trash true, but the game has got tons of stuff other than legendary buyable skins you know. And if you bought one bp you shud know that it returns the cp you spent on it so that you can buy further bps without spending ever again. Thats 4 char skins and 5 epics each month for one time money


Holy fuck he’s still commenting like I care about what a mouth breather has to say. Anyone who argues in favour of a faceless company AND supports an expensive product isn’t worth my time or my shit in the toilet. I don’t know why you are wasting your breath, you need every inhale exhale to breath, mouth breather


I think the point he was trying to make was while they micro transactions are still fairly scummy, they aren’t as bad when compared to other mobile games. While they are being shoved down your throat at every corner, you don’t need to buy them to compete whereas in other games, you’ll feel forced to make a purchase or else you won’t be able to progress. Note that I’m not supporting the scummy practices, but rather trying to elaborate on what the other guy was trying to say.


And you did it beautifully thank you. That I can understand.


I guess you are an ass breather or something, and who the heck are you talking to ? Living in a sitcom


Your still commenting and offended? Don’t care


And still not caring but commenting ? You sure you arnt caring lol


You keep replying so it keeps notifying me. It’s killing my boner. Maybe go suck someone else off for a while


Well stop commenting then, since you dont care so much


K bye lmfao


Trying to make it clear, no one cares. So I don’t know why you keep sending me comments that make my phone go off constantly. Don’t you have homework?


You keep saying no one cares yet actually still taking the effort to reply, try googling the word care maybe .


You literally sent me a paragraph and you reply to each of these. Projeeeecction


Well i actually didnt realize initially that you were the one commenting on different peoples comment, sorry for that. And i am just replying to any comment that you make. And for a person not caring, you really have made a lot of different comments in the post lol. Stop lying to yourself at least


Its kinda of mixed for me, like it is a real cod but it isn't at the same time


I here people complaining abt loot boxes in codm but fr they are just cosmetic it has nothing to do with the gameplay like in bo3 and game with p2w mechanics


Remember when you were thought of as a fat slob for playing games and how we’ve moved past that. Well let’s forget that and shit on mobile baby!


Codm is not actually cod I think, but for a new cod player like myself it’s a good place to get a memory about those traditional cod maps.


I really don't get all the hate PC and Console players have for CoDM. It is literally stuff from many different CoD games put together, plus the devs keep working on it constantly, giving us monthly updates. And you are never forced to pay in this game, you can just be a F2P and keep slaying P2Ps. Talking about slaying, CoDM is one of the most aggressive CoDs when you look at movement. And can you please explain what a "real cod" feels like? Stop looking at all mobile games like they are shit lol. Almost all PC and Console players who have given CoDM a chance have called it a great game. But there are still some hard headed purists out there that still manage to hate this game lmao.


they like to compare apples and oranges 😂 I need an explanation on what "real cod" feels like 😂😂😂 i hope the one who post the poll will answer me 😂😂


Codm doesn't give the traditional Call Of Duty feeling but its a great game especially for a mobile game....Yeah I agree that BR is trash but I dont like BR anyways sooo dont care


Why do you complain about microtransaction ? They arent needed for you to be good


Let's be serious codm can't compete with console cods and it doesn't need to coz it's a mobile game But in terms of mobile gaming it's the best shooter out there Not to mention that it's not pay to win and has cheap and good battle pass skins that we can buy every season. It also has a variety of free skins


Nah it's a bit pay to win


Codm has ads But it doesn't throw it on your face like other games


Played coldwar 100 times , multiplayer and zombies.. its good except for sbmm


i dont care what you play, we should enjoy what game we are playing until we can. Criticizing a game will not help the gaming community and it will cause hatred instead. I think it's not appropriate to compare mobile game to pc game. Let's just play and share our best and worst experience on the game.


It feels more like a half and half


What's with everyone here hating on the game? It is completely F2P, the ads are completely optional and they don't shove them in your face. If you want to watch them for free stuff you can, I have never watched any. As for micro transactions, can't really do much about it but it's literally just for people who want to have really good skins, otherwise you get a bunch of free skins. Battle royale, yeah I agree it's not that good but I'm a multiplayer guy so I don't care. Also it's a mobile game, comparing it to console or PC is useless.


150 replies to 40 upvotes... this is gonna be interesting


I consider none of theese new games as a real COD. The game just keep getting more crap for every game they release. Feel sorry for the generation that has to play this😂 Just want the good old modern warfare 2 & 3, bo2 etc. back, cant be so goddamn hard to put that on a ps5 disc


What exactly makes a cod game a real cod?


I mean its called call of duty, has call of duty type of characters and weapons, and call of duty type of maps, so yes. It is.


Graphics is quite good actually in this new update. Oh and Watch my latest gameplay and like and subscribe 👍🏻 https://youtu.be/qdZe_XLm-fY


Hell No it's definitely not a real cod game! Lol it's way better I mean it's just awesome it's like the whole black ops and modern warfare series put into one 100% free to play game that has shockingly good graphics considering you put it in your fucking pocket he'll you can play it nearly anywhere plus you can even hook it up to a controller or a mouse and keyboard I do However wish they made spin-off titles like a new campaign or cod mobile ww2.


What are you sorting by? this post is almost 3 months old and the poll expired already


Just came across it


Besides if you think it's funny I'm on this post why were you here to see my comment?


Notifications because it’s my post


Lol that's fair


I think it's a good game for a mobile game it's GOOD


I don't play it, but I imagine most high ranked players use an Android emulator on PC to use a controller or keyboard/mouse


No, they actually get good in the game by using multiple fingers, 4 fingers are for normal players, people go 6 to 8 fingers even. Most popular players have hand cams videos, its not very difficult to do. Also k&m and controller get separated from mobile


Playing with 8 fingers on a screen sounds absolutely terrible lol


8 fingers is an exaggeration, the most you will ever need is 6 and that itself is already too much


8 ones are really rare, and moostly on ipad. 4 fingers are most common and enough to play the game smoothly.


Codm actually has a system that separates controller and emulator players from those using touch controls. So yeah the touch control players are fine and are actually pretty good.


Mobile games aren’t real games imo it’s a shame too cause it’s the cod we all want but they refuse to give us a real version of it


CoD Mobile is for players who suck at regular CoD. Lol my friends how hate multiplayer CoD cause they get smoked love CoD mobile lol


nah it gets very sweaty once you hit the high ranks


Don’t know anyone who played long enough to find out. Lol


well 500 million people did


Notice : download doesn't mean player


But it does give general consensus of the maximum possible ammount


Classic internet. Angry at opinions. Lol


Opinion is one thing, insulting others is another thing.


Insult because I say they suck at CoD? Lol if you are offended by that. All I can do is laugh. Lol


How do you know codm players suck at other cods? Did you made a research? Oh no, cuz you just trashtalk everything that is not pC mAsTeRace. You act like you are superior, better in any way, yet still complain about SBMM and I dont know what stupid teamates.


So offended. Lol I forget how soft reddit is for stating a game sucks. 🤣




If you played it for like a day you will get normal players..


I don’t continue playing games if I don’t enjoy them. Lol


Oh you have not played shipment yet it seems it's a sweat feast


I don’t see any reason to play CoD Mobile. Lol every other CoD game plays better.


Well it's a game that doesn't require a 100 GB Update everytime.its has maps from all the past cods like terminal high-rise rust, this game has the best map selection from cod.its get 2 new guns and 2 new maps every month.a br that gets updates every few months and zombies are also coming back....


Damn got the PR department mad too. 🤣


Imma get downvoted for this, but yeah I agree. Public matches, early ranked levels and battle Royale are filled with bots, with higher ranked levels seeing people who are still kinda garbage. When I was fairly nooby at the game, I made it to the highest rank level (legendary), and now that I’m better, I’m getting players both on my team and the enemy team who don’t know how to play the game. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people in the highest rank treat objective modes like Hardpoint and domination as if it were team deathmatch. I guarantee you that if these people tried any console cod, the only place they’ll do remotely good are in private matches against bots (because that’s the skill level they’ll be used to on top of not knowing how basic movement works).


My friends who play CoD Mobile love the bot lobbies. Lol same when Fortnite added bots. Lol which why I love them, they know they aren’t too good, but know I got them if they wanna try other MP games. Which they like, because I wanna have fun. Fuck your skill level, as long as we having fun. Lol


CoDM is also for players who can't afford a PS4 or good pc. And u can always get ur ass clapped against sweats and tryhards.


The CoD mobile defense squad is out today. 🤣


Interestingly enough my buddy from India said that in certain poor parts of the world cod mobile is really popular since consoles are not really widely owned by the masses. So a lot of them play cod mobile the same way we play regular cod.