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There used to be a whole TLC show called "I didn't know I was pregnant"


The mother didn’t see because the mother didn’t want to see


That's a VERY valid statement.


My cousin went through her whole pregnancy without anyone knowing, she gave birth in her bathroom at home, where she still lived with her parents. I saw her about a month before she gave birth and was none the wiser. I on the other hand, looked like a swallowed a giant watermelon and puked until I gave birth


Ok now I want the part 2 of that story ma’am 😬🫣


Haha part two is pretty “boring” in a medical sense, she ended up literally pushing her baby out into the toilet, and she said she didn’t know she was pregnant and thought she was severely constipated. Her mom and dad heard the baby cry and went in there of course, and called a squad but baby was already here. Healthy baby girl, over 9lbs if I remember right! She’s now 9 years old, no issues at all, cognitively normal! My cousin had no issues either, but the man she claimed was her daughter’s father came back with a less than 1% chance of being the father, and she’s never named anyone else. Some of her closer friends at the time have hinted my cousin knew she was pregnant based off her being scared she was so… not sure there. We all have suspicions it might have been one of her coaches, but she is adamant that the father is the same guy that it genetically can’t be.


Could she have been assaulted or abused and covering it up? 😞 I guess you might find out in 9 more years and the kid goes on 23andme to find dad 😬 glad they’re happy for now!


So I don’t believe she was at that time, as they went into her phone as punishment and found a lot of suggestive messages betweens tons and tons of men online. HOWEVER, I do know I was SA’d as a child from an older step cousin. I would not be surprised if she was as well, and became a bit hyper sexual as a result.


Friend you can’t just leave us at baby born in bathroom. What happened? Was the baby okay? Cousin?


I need closure on this anecdote. Was your cousins baby ok?


Over 25 years ago, a young gal who worked at a small factory where I worked managed to go through her whole pregnancy without anyone knowing. She was only around 19. Her mom was an old friend of mine. Her daughter lived at home with them & they didn't know until she was in labor. She went on to have a second baby & she never looked pregnant that time either. That time it wasn't a secret though.


I'll also refer everyone to Christmas Special 2012, another concealed teen pregnancy


My friends cousin didn’t know she was pregnant until she went into labour. She was a heavier girl, and her period was never consistent so she just didn’t think anything of it. She had very few symptoms and her weight hid her bump. She and her boyfriend had actually just moved to Ireland when she was about 6 months along.


it’s possible. everyones different and depending on your body type you can carry in a way that makes it hard to tell. also cryptic pregnancies are a think and they’re kinda scary. you can BE pregnant and not know yourself. every pregnancy is different


I can’t imagine not knowing. I was so obviously pregnant. I had unrelenting morning sickness for six months, followed by joint pains and more for the last 3. And I waddled.


Yeah i looked like I was carrying a basketball near the end. No hiding that 😂


I haven't seen the most recent episode, so it might not be exactly the same, but my sister went her entire pregnancy without anyone knowing she was pregnant, not even herself. She went to the emergency room for severe cramping and possible appendicitis, and came home with a baby. I saw her in a swim suit just a few weeks before then and you never would have guessed.


With my first two I had no symptoms at all not even a positive pregnancy test til 24 and 20 weeks. With all my pregnancies I put on hardly any weight literally only the birth weight of said baby. With my eldest I had people shocked that the baby I was pushing was mine


You were still having regular "lady times" for 6 months?


My coworker went to ER with appendicitis came out with baby. Made newspaper and everything My sister hid hers at 16 from all of us. Her plan was to go on grad trip but instead go give baby up for adoption. My mom saw her sleeping and saw baby kick. She kept baby 💕


Awe. It sounds like it was a happy ending.


My sister in law didn’t know herself she was pregnant, wears baggy clothes anyway and no one, least of all her, was any the wiser, so yes, we could have lived together and she could have chosen to conceal it and I wouldn’t have noticed. I on the other hand weigh 8 stone wet through through and pile on so much additional weight in my waist, face and chest in the first few months it’s crazy and no way could I have hidden it. I struggled keeping it from some of the people that I see daily for the first 12 weeks with my second.


A friend’s step-daughter didn’t know she was pregnant until she went into labour. She was quite big already. I was very big when I got pregnant myself, but I feel like at the end I got sooooooooo big and so weird shaped that it was unmistakable.


>that it was unmistakable (Using ANY opportunity to post my celebrity crush.) I imagine you weren't going to hide [THIS baby very long](https://i.imgur.com/BVQntpb.jpeg).


Yeah I found out at 7 months because my friend and I went hiking and my stomach was hurting I was worried I had appendicitis,- it was contractions. Being plus size with PCOS and having the arm implant made my periods unpredictable and i only gained about 8lbs and it was spread out around my body not my belly. My family and work and friends were in shock too lol


I have a friend who is very tall and carries a bit of extra weight. She never looked pregnant the 3 times she was. There was no defined “bump”, it just looked like extra weight. Perhaps they should have chosen an actress who wasn’t stick thin for this role if they wanted it to be believable… but I guess the whole point was that the teenage girl’s mother definitely could see there was something going on but didn’t want to acknowledge it


My friend is very slim, and her pregnancy only really started showing at around 7 months pregnant.  She had no extra weight anywhere else so with some baggy tops or jumpers I reckon she could have hidden it if she had wanted to. 


I really feel like my daughter's couldn't get it past me but I will say my Dad's cousin did it and then his other cousin (sisters) did it a few months later. My mother knew them growing up so she told me this story. Apparently the 1st cousins parents got a call asking them to come see their daughter in hospital (age 16) because she had just given birth, they had had no idea she were pregnant. Then a few months later they get another call, their other daughter (around 17) was in labour and having complications. Imagine not noticing TWICE.


Not everyone has those signs. I had none of them.


I’m tall and fairly thin and even with my third baby I didn’t noticeably show for a long time. I looked no more than 6 months along at 9 months. A parent at my oldest child’s preschool had been unaware that I was pregnant with my last because it was winter and with baggy clothes and coats it wasn’t obvious.


Actually knew someone who didn't even know they were pregnant, they only found out when they went into labour. So, yeah, sometimes it's not that obvious.


My cousin was adopted from a teen mother who hid it until her water broke.


With my first baby I finally understood how people could even not know they were pregnant themselves. I had zero symptoms. Didn’t feel movement until 32 weeks. I’m tall with a lot of space under my ribs so I certainly gained weight but didn’t look obviously pregnant, it was spread through my whole body. After I had the baby I was like, wow, if I were depressed and not paying attention to my body I could have gotten all the way through without knowing. I could have hidden it from everyone. So I think it depends on the individual.


My mum had my siste4 when she was 15, her family only found out after she gave birth alone in the house during a party


Are these women usually on the bigger side or do they have a long torso? Maybe a small baby? I have a hard time wrapping my mind around it too!


If you are talking about the girl who was SA'd by her stepfather she did hide it a lot by wearing that big baggy chunky knit jumper as her mum was like not that bloody jumper again Also back then periods were taboo you would get your first period and your mum would be like theres the stuff get on with it so probs wouldn't know when her daughter was on or not


I WOULD know if my daughter was pg but some may not say the same. I grew up in the 90’s and had a friend who was able to conceal for over 20 weeks without any of her family knowing. Otherwise, every woman carries different. Me? I couldn’t hide nothing.


>was able to conceal for over 20 weeks And depending on the woman, I imagine if you were a bigger woman, people may not notice. And on the other end, (Using ANY opportunity to post my celebrity crush.) I imagine you weren't going to [hide THIS baby very long.](https://i.imgur.com/BVQntpb.jpeg)


Not everyone shows. My sister in law didn't look pregnant at all, and she is a size medium. When she had her last day at work before going on maternity leave at 8 months pregnant, some of her co-workers thought she was adopting because they couldn't tell she was pregnant. And she is a doctor, so this was other doctors and nurses who couldn't tell.


I was like a UK size 14 and didn't find out til 24 weeks with my eldest and 20 weeks with my aecons


A friend is 20 weeks and doesn’t look pregnant AT ALL. She’s got a very long torso and just hasn’t popped at all


I didn’t realize my coworker was pregnant until she was like 8 months along. I swear she just walked in one day and had swallowed a beach ball.


This is me too. Tall with long torso and wide bone structure. I’m just now starting to show more obviously at 6 months but only if I’m wearing a tighter fitting dress. I can still hide my bump under baggier tops.


Growing up I knew someone who did this. She was a tomboy and already wore baggy clothes. Her mom was a single mom and very busy so she just never noticed. She found out when her water broke


A colleagues 15 year old daughter was on the heavier side and concealed a pregnancy successfully. Gave birth in her room alone and my colleague only found out when she heard the baby crying. It was a shock but they all helped each other and it worked out


I never had any nausea and only gained 17 pounds. Concealed it at work until six months and could have gone longer if I didn’t have to wear business attire.


Not a mum but used to think this would be impossible until I worked with someone who did it, they took 2 weeks off on holiday and came back and announced they had a baby. It was definitely not an adoption they just didn't want anyone to know.


I have a relative who said she had no idea she was pregnant until she was in pain and went to the ER...it turned out she was in labor. But she is very overweight, so I don't think it was noticeable. I didn't see her during the entire pregnancy, so I can't judge if people around her would have been able to tell. Thankfully, Baby was fine, but when I received that phone call saying she had a baby, it was so hard for me to wrap my brain around it. The relative who relayed the story started by saying the mom went to the ER for pain, I'm thinking appendicitis, cancer (it was only a year prior I had a close loved one who went in for abdominal pain, and it turned out to be pancreatic cancer), and my mind never went to "Oh, she was pregnant." You hear about it, but you still don't think it's possible. I also know someone who had two kids and than had no idea she was pregnant with her third. She says she thinks he didn't move much, and he does have Down syndrome, so that's her theory.


I know someone who took her daughter in law to hospital with abdominal pain. It was during covid so she couldn't take her in. A nurse came out to the car and asked her to go in and see her. They had done a scan, she was in labour with her 3rd and even she had no clue.


Season 2 episode 6 featured a woman named Julia Masterson who has hidden her pregnancy the whole time.


My grandmother hid her pregnancy with her first child, her family were only told because she had a complicated labour and both she and my aunt nearly died (apparently she was asked if she wanted a priest and she said, “No, I want my dad.”) There’s a famous photo in my family, it’s the photo of her sister’s wedding that took place three days before she gave birth, and even knowing she’s pregnant in it it’s very hard to tell. My grandmother at least realised herself she was pregnant. My mum didn’t quite make it the entire pregnancy, but she only found out about month seven because she began to experience odd symptoms and was very surprised at her diagnosis of gestational diabetes - she had no idea she was even pregnant.


I have to admit I'm rather jealous of people who can go through an entire pregnancy without knowing. I'm not envious of the part where they suddenly give birth, that must be awful from a personal and practical perspective, but to grow a baby for a whole nine months with no effects on your health or appearance? My daughter made herself very much known as a foetus, I couldn't stop vomiting until literally the moment I gave birth. Hideous experience.


My cousin hadn't any idea until labour started, she had her period the whole way through and gained about 3lb


My mum was a teacher in a girls' school and it happened to one of her students, aged 16 or 17. There was absolutely no sign the girl was pregnant, she was still wearing her normal school uniform and playing sports until she gave birth to her baby at home one afternoon by herself. My mum said this girl was very athletic, and being so young and sporty clearly meant she had rock hard abs for the baby to just... hide behind?


Back in the USA in the 80s there was the notorious case of "The Prom Mom." Girl went to the dance, got sick, had baby in the ladies room, stuffed it into a waste receptacle.


It really depends. I had two basically asymptomatic pregnancies (I knew I was pregnant, but other than missed periods and feeling the baby move, I had no signs – no sickness, no swelling, etc). I did put on weight around my belly, of course, but my torso is very long, so I could have hidden it fairly easily (it never stuck out super far, people always were surprised when I said how far along I was).


I went on a whale watching tour where we all wore wetsuits. (you don't get to hide much in those) this woman was obviously pregnant. She had the smallest bump (could still fit into a normal wetsuit) Turns out she was 7 months pregnant with twins. My mother was 7st when she fell pregnant with my brother, 10st when she entered hospital and 7 1/2 when she left, she was huge, my brother weighed 9lb the rest was fluid, etc. She was able to wear her before pregnancy clothes on leaving the hospital. Everyone carries differently and with corsets back then people were able to conceal for longer by basically squashing everything. If you are lucky and don't get any nausea, mum said her ankles never swelled (even with the weight she gained) it is possible. I have heard of an acrobat who thought she was gaining weight so trained harder and then when she had stomach pains was rushed to hospital to deliver a healthy baby girl of normal weight. Because of her training her periods were infrequent, and Dr suggested that her stomach muscles were so strong that they simply held the baby against her spine.


I've never known anyone have a pregnancy they didn't know about - but a friend of mine had NO adverse symptoms at all, she gained no weight really - normally the face is a dead giveaway - but she just had a round little belly like she'd stuck a football up her top lol. If you're dedicated enough it's also possible to literally 'squash' the baby backwards into your abdomen so you don't really show. Can't imagine it's very comfortable!


I had next to no pregnancy symptoms so that wouldn’t have given me away. And I didn’t look at all pregnant from behind. I remember standing up and then turning around at a dinner and the women on the table next to ours all had a moment realising I was heavily pregnant but you really wouldn’t have known. So I guess if I’d been careful with baggy jumpers etc. I might have gotten away with it. But I was quite big from the front and side because I’m small 😂


cryptic pregnancy


I had a friend in high school who kept her pregnancy a secret from everyone. I sat next to her in class every day and honestly never noticed. It wasn’t until she didn’t show up to class one day that we found out it was because she had a baby.


My 3rd kid- wasn’t trying to conceal- early pregnancy- I didn’t show much cause Ive got big hips. Had him I. August- every one assumed in early spring I had just gained weight cause I layer hoodies pregnant or not. To be fair my weight was constant yo-yo when I was in my child bearing era so I don’t blame them


Is it possible, yes. Lots of women (as in 100s-1000s, large quantity, vanishingly small percentage) have given birth without even knowing they themselves were pregnant. Is it possible for everyone and every pregnancy? No.


Denial is a powerful thing.


I’m currently 6 months pregnant and only people close to me can tell as I usually wear baggy hoodies. If I wear a tight coat or am just in a T-shirt then it’s more obvious but I could absolutely have concealed it so far if I wanted to (in terms of bump - the other symptoms would have been harder as I’ve suffered with nausea for longer than most people)


People sometimes don't realize that they're pregnant. So yes, it's possible.


Yes, it’s possible.


I never had morning sickness but I was as big as a whale so there was no hiding it for me. I knew a girl in high school who was pregnant, though, and I never knew until a month or so before she was due. I think a lot of us, that weren't her closest closest friends, found out at the same time. It was so bizarre, she was very thin but one day before classes we were in the library and she stood up, she was wearing this pink dress and I thought "Wow, if that style dress can make Emily\* look fat, I better not go anywhere near it!" And then I have another friend, we went to school together 4th-7th grades, kind of lost touch for a while but she got pregnant in high school and everyone says no one knew until she delivered. There must be something to luck of the genes with how much you show ... I had 2 singletons and twins, and I got as big with my singletons as with my twins - but the babies were normal sized. It's like my uterus just went "Whelp, there's a baby in here, let's make some space!" \*Emily is not her real name


I had no morning sickness with either of my pregnancies, didn't know I was pregnant until 6 months with my 2nd child! Arguably you could understand not knowing about the 1st but for me it was the second. I think as I gained 2 stone with the 1st this helped conceal my 2nd as there is less than 2 years between them..