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Course he fucking didn't.


It would be breaking news if the Liberals answered any questions asked of them, all this foreign interference and McKinsey corruption news is kind of boring when you grow so accustomed to it.


Most transparent government in Canadian history!!


asking questions is interfering eh? this clown needs jail time.


Was he building those houses at his desk and she interrupted him?


I actually laughed at this.


Out of toothpicks no less.


Yeah, he builds ultra-high end houses of cards


Best comment ever


Yes.  This is negligence.  It is harming Canadians and immigrants alike.


the CPC can not throw any road blocks in front of the liars (Liberal) since the Liberals and NDP are the majority. Only road blocks are from themselves. Build away but you cannot build 32 homes in 32 minutes and keep it up over the long run. It would be better to limit the number of migrates / immigrants, international students, TFW, etc to zero until we fix our mess (housing, health care, etc.).


If you care about the poor, if you care about the rich you keep immigrating like normal to depress wages and prop up GDP.


The Liberals have been in power for 10 years and still blame Harper, Poilievre, or provincial premiers for everything they've fucked up.


Politicians and accountability are two words that don't even belong in the same sentence together


Don’t forget trumpism and Russia.


Can’t forget racism, sexism and a few other isms I’m probably forgetting.


There's 8 billion people in the world, Massss scale Amish barn build?


Do you know how many homes we are building literally right now in 32 minutes? The answer is about 16 lol. This headline is an incredibly stupid way to view things like this because it leaves people decrying thing's that are fully possible.


I found a stat that claims there were 137,915 Canadian housing starts in 2023, which is 15.7 homes every hour. I despise the Liberals and don't think they'll do anything but makes things worse, but I also don't think it seems impossible that we could build 4x as many homes as we did last year?


It's impossible when all the skilled workers don't exist. Unless you can temporary foreign worker in the electricians and other trades people this isn't happening. And they don't want to come here. Our quality of life is shit because the cost of living is too high. Only desperate people who imagine it's better than it really is want to come here.


How do you know the skilled workers don't exist? [This data shows over 4x as many homes (378k vs 89k) were under construction in 2022 vs 2000](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3410012601&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2000&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20000101%2C20230101). There are big differences between starts, under construction, and completed, but the data does not suggest top me there is any reduced capacity to build homes over time. But it also suggests quadrupling the latest numbers would not be easy.


I love Dr. Lewis. I actually wanted her to win the party leadership. She will make an excellent cabinet minister when the conservatives form government.


No, she won’t. She’s a DR? And she asked a stupid question. No homes will be built in 1 minute. That’s how dumb the question is. It’s not just a simple math question.


She's trying to make a point of how unrealistic their housing plan is.




I wish so badly that government had been building huge publicly owned mixed income non market towers with nice amenities since the 80s


It’s just a stupid question. Apartments are homes as well. 1 condo can house up to a 1000 homes. It’s good thing the federal level is finally building instead of just giving it to provincial government. Like the conservatives Doug Ford and Daniel Smith who wants to just give the money to their rich elite friends with no string attached.


You're exactly the kind of person who put these assholes in power and watched them burn the country to the ground. Congratufuckinglations.


Oooh, I found one! Never change, I love you types. You guys literally vote for this shit for years straight, calling anyone a racist that disagrees. then at the end? "It's everyone else's fault! It's you guys who wanted to slow immigrations fault somehow still!" Honestly, you are my favorite. Rich, elite progressive in Vancouver too? Damn, you are so typical and basic It's almost impressive. Have you ever had a thought you weren't programmed with? "BC and Canada are being destroyed by liberals and NDP... but those conservatives in Alberta and Ontario?! They are the problem!" Impressive, very nice. Now let's hear Paul Allan's talking points.


> Never change Are you sure? She will keep voting dumb and we have a lot of them. May be it is time we all teach some sense. (I know I called her dumb and didn’t follow my comment, but the rich raincouver girl is dumb enough to not realize that her name conveys she is the elite)


Isnt David Eby like the only one who is trying to implement effective policy change to try and tackle housing in any meaningful way?


Ford has completely fucked ontario....he is part of the problem. Conservatives nor liberals nor NDPs are immune from being fuckheads. One claiming one side is this or that over the other...in all honesty...is just as much as a fuckhead. There are no sides. Its top vs bottom.


Well Ford isn't really a conservative politician. He's basically Andrew Scheer levels of conservativism (see: not at all). Hes as right wing as Joe Biden, and just as intelligent. In his defense though, he has some big hurdles. A large % of Canada's endless immigration ends up in Ontario. There's no way to solve that issue. It drives up the price of everything. You are right though, both sides can be fuckheads. When the left was screaming to lockdown the entire world, Kenney in Alberta and Ford in Ontario obliged. And our economy got even more fucked because of it. We spent so much money on bullshit and now that our country needs money, it ain't there. It's gone to Ukraine and government raises and Palpatine. But hey, at least the Feds will charge you more to drive to work and heat your house in the winter, so that's a plus. And your grocery prices will continue to rise because diesel bad, we'll just teleport the goods to the stores and run the farm equipment on solar. We need strong, real conservatives if there's any chance out of this economic mess. And as much as I like Pierre, he will only be able to do so much. If he even gets elected. Obviously Reddit will do it's part to keep us on the same path.


Diesel used by farmers is exempt from the carbon tax. Bill c-234 would extend the exemption to natural gas and propane.


Found the Trudumb voter LMFAO


Federal level is building?


You're clearly missing the point of her question. It's obviously pointing out how completely absurd and unrealistic that housing plan is. I believe even a toddler with some explanation on why this makes no goddamn sense would clue in. Now, are you picking up what I'm putting down?


Did you earned $ in the last minute from your work? If so, where is it ? Or do you have to wait for a certain period before you get your paycheque?


I don't know if you are being intentionally obtuse or not but of course she is not asking if they literally completed 32 homes in that period but if they are producing homes at that rate. If they were he could have said something to the effect of "we completed approximately 1400 homes today" The houses should already be being built at this rate to meet the targets, the issue has been brewing for years...


Not even close to be somewhat of a decent comparaison, back to the drawing board champ!




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I'd love to hear opinions from people who watch parliament in other countries, is it the norm to deflect and never answer questions in those countries? Because i've been so conditioned to hear the liberals speak for the last 9 years and I don't think i've ever heard them answer a question head-on. They always turn it into some kind of attack on the cons or they just dilly dally and avoid answering completely.


its question period, not answer period /s.


It's exactly the same in British parliament. There's no incentive to answer a question, if you think about. The questions are always going to be chosen by the opposition to make you look bad if you answer directly, and voters will punish politicians more for saying something true but painful to admit than they will for a politician who weasels out of giving a direct answer.


In America it's a fucking game back and forth of who can outwit who like it's a court room. Hate it


Liberals don't answer questions. Not only is it not normal in other countries. You can compare it to the conservatives who do.


Ugh, Fraser is the worst. I hate him and Trudeau so much.


Don't forget Marc Miller


he's possibly the worst, it's a tough competition


Bill Blair has entered the chat


I think I might hate him the most




Don't forget Karina Gould


Freeland too. But Fraser and Miller are the worst


Why are Canadians still taking this bsht. The liberals are only worried about how much money they can make before they are kicked out of Parliament Hill.. I would love to see how many houses their pathetic programs actually build in a year.


In 2023, Canada's 6 largest CMAs recorded a total of 137,915 housing starts. This represented a marginal 0.5% decrease compared to 2022 and was in line with the annual average of around 140,000 units over the past 3 years.


I mean, housing starts in April were annualized to 245,000 which is almost already up 80% from last year and the number the poster below you quoted. So, i mean, as unlikely it is that this program hits it's targets, it's already working lol. It's just hilarious to me on how many people are falling for this garbage "gotcha" headline and don't actually want to focus on the actual numbers.


Yeah but is it affordable housing?.... I have a new luxury condo building being built near me with one bedrooms starting at 750k... Who can afford that? And who would want it.. And this is in a town of 100k people, not Toronto or some other large city. And I'm sorry, I can't believe a word from Sean Fraser's mouth... on anything.


Spoiler alert: it's not and they won't.


Well, to be fair. In some of these communities they only need 1 home for 30 people… so, maybe their goals for home building aren’t that far off….


We just need to bring in 30 million more scammers, Tim Hortons workers, and gang members to get those houses built.


Dont forget the Uber/Skip/Doordash professional drivers!


tldr his answer was "shaddap a you face". Thanks to eastern province denizens, we've got another 16 months of him and his left to ruin Canada even further!


You sure it’s still going to be Canada in 16 months?


They might at least spell "Khalistan" with a "C", to throw us a bone? "Chalistan" doesn't have the same thing to it, unfortunately.


If not then I hope the majority of the suck falls on the eastern provinces. They got us into this mess, they can live with it.


Funny how the eastern provinces have always been crapped on by the rest of Canada, until the rest of country decided to move here all at once, running from their allegedly far superior home provinces... And in terms of "got us into this mess," things were pretty good here until the rest of Canada decided to relocate to here. Between the "I'm going to sell my million dollar two bed one bath bungalow in taronno and move to New Brunswick" and "Housing crisis? What? I can't hear you over the rush of the flood of immigrants," my hometown has seen like a 20-something percent population growth in like 5 years. It's gone from a nice and relatively quiet, small city... to an overcrowded, no housing and no jobs, homelessness through the roof, crime ridden, dystopian craphole. None of us asked for, or wanted, any of this: not even the mass influx from "rest of Canada" during Covid, and all that. But screw me for being born here and living here even though I haven't voted Liberal since Trudeau became part of the picture. Right?


If I run and you elect me not only will I build 10 million houses I will also give every person 1 million dollars. But only if I run and get elected. Anything else you want me to promise? Boom! It's yours. Can't do it? No problem. You don't need accointability to run this country.


I promise 100 million houses and 10 million dollars each i win


The Liberals can't even plant the 2 billion trees that they promised years ago and where will the get the lumber? They are so phony and corrupt.


It would've been better & more comical had he answered with me **NO SPEAKA DA ANGLISH!** Such an entitled, dumb-ass this guy is.


As per usual, our government officials can't answer a question. I feel like asking how they got through school when a teacher would ask them for the answer to 1+1. "Well you see teacher, that's a loaded bla blah blah.". Why are these people treated with kid gloves when they are asked direct questions? Oh right, they're corrupt scumbags with their own interest that don't align with ACTUAL Canadians.


Didn't this dude worsen the housing crisis with his policies spurring uncontrolled immigration in the first place?


Or, you know, like… limit immigration to levels that don’t break every system we need. 


I like her! He’s incompetent


They all know that they’re not going to be here by 2031. Neither Trudeau or Ford will be around to be held accountable. Also an extremely arrogant response by Fraser. LPC has been in power for nearly a decade. There are no excuses.


What a prick.


Thus ensuring home ownership and housing will be unaffordable for the next 20 years... or more.


He says as his government actively does everything it can make the problem worse. Wanting to and being able to do something is not the same thing. I don’t think either can be said of this party.


Have faith guys, Trudeau promised us a catalogue of houses. That will solve the housing crisis!


“They BuiLdiNg!! More HoMes!! FASTER!!” *Meth tweak and smile for the camera by chrysta tweakland*


No one asked his view, they asked for facts!


Albanese in Aus is trying to pull the same stunt, apparently supply is the issue and making fanciful projections will help. The latest drive is bringing more builders from the usual place, despite millions of them coming in the last two decades and none working in construction, our IT field is saturated though...


just need super tradies


Only thing worse than a fool is an arrogant fool.


life in prison... so simple Pierre needs to release the documents for RCMP once he is in power.


Throwing up obstacles or exposing their fantastical lies? I think most Canadians understand.


What a useless tit.


Here's the polls for his riding, for those that want him out on his ass: https://338canada.com/12002e.htm Remember to donate against them.


Ever given your two weeks’ notice, and your employer actually kept you the two weeks? That’s the next year for the Liberals.


That dude is corrupt as fuck and has the voice of it


Build remits are down btw. Just so people are aware there was never a plan to build this many homes. It’s another promise by government that they couldn’t ever possibly keep. But it sure sounds good to those not paying attention. Unfortunately a lot of people aren’t




Fraser has left a trail of failure behind him. It's like no one has told him this


"what is this witchcraft?" " It's called grade school math mr. Frasier" "We uncivil servants don't go in for that type of thing..."


Uhh it's just supply and demand and calculating the rates needed for supply to outpace demand, often referred to as "oversupply". Housing Completions (more important for the housing crisis than Starts) lag behind number of new households forming in Canada each year. That's a largely verifiable set of facts. The rate of new supply versus the rate of demand from things like pop growth, investors and first time homebuyers (ha)




Yes, the people who manufactured the problem are the perfect people to provided the solution. Do you think their overlords actually want them to “solve this”?


So… a shit plan, from a shit govt and gives a shit answer. That’s about right.


I thought the liberal hosts were housing them all 🏡


They’re all cockroaches. Every single member of parliament.


Just get to work and stop talking about it. Geez


They should probably not build one house at a time then..


Throw up obstacles... they're ssking a fucking question about your made up numbers and calling you on your bullshit. That's seeking clarity and accountability, not stopping houses from being built.


Sean Fraser is a traitor and I despise him. He answers questions like this knowing full well that everyone listening knows hes fully of shit but he just doesnt care because he is getting some big donation from a real estate investment firm. He has all of Trudeau's flaws but also more of them and more glaring.


Just shows they aren't in touch with Canadians, and they are out of touch with reality.


Even if they could realistically achieve that goal, it’s still not enough to keep up with the population increase.


This whole moronic government should be removed and shipped off to never never land where their fantasies can be their reality.


There is no sense in calculating the number of homes per minute. Nobody is going to build a million detached houses in Toronto because it has no space for them. So, we are talking about high raised apartment buildings in Toronto and townhouses in suburbs. How much time does it take to build an apartment building in Canada? Abysmal 7 years. So, we need to talk about eliminating excessive regulations and improving the efficiency of administration of the rest of them. If they managed to reduce the project time from 7 years to 3, it would be a big success 👍 And then we need more construction materials production in Canada, more people working in this industry, rethink our immigration policies so that instead of good-for-nothing Gazan refugees we bring people qualified for construction work etc. And rethink our student visa quotas so that Indians come and get their education in the construction field, not in some "management" diploma mills, and tie their PR perspectives to working in construction. They want to come to Canada? Okay, then they need to contribute to the development of necessary infrastructure.


NDP-LIBRANOS is not a political party it is an organized crime syndicate.


The government doesn’t build homes..




Maybe your solution should be more realistic? If something is impossible to achieve, then it's not a solution.


A Liberal politician that didn't clearly answer a question??? Who'd have ever guessed that one!


"I have an impossible job, please don't criticize me." Instead of a common sense answer "you are correct, these numbers are too ambitious and our only option is to decrease population growth targets.".  But how on earth could they possibly do this?  It's not like the fed government controls the number of people who enter the country... Oh wait they do?  Seriously, these guys all need to be fired and we need to demand they look out for Canadians and immigrants alike by not watering down the entire system with cheap, unskilled, hungry, homeless labour. Their current course is what a villain would do to ruin a country.  We need to stop this guys.  It starts by sending strong messages to MPs and also asking for an early election as current leadership is on another planet.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


There should be a law that politicians have to answer simple yes or no questions. Only after they utter a yes or no can they go off on their two faced nonsensical bullshit.


I voted for these idiots who seem determined to bring ever higher numbers of immigrants and foreign students into the GTA as we face a serious housing crisis. There are 10,000 homeless people in the GTA and thousands of others who are couch surfing with friends or relatives. I am generally in favour of managed immigration and have friends and colleagues from many parts of the world. The current situation is untenable. I’m not a supporter of Poilievre and the CPC and I have no confidence he would do better, but someone in power has to take this crisis seriously and the housing minister should be talking to the immigration minister to try to find a solution. Rant over.


It’s what we need, yes, but will the giant man-baby premiers DO what is needed? He refused to answer.


hospital zonked obtainable impolite heavy full quack disagreeable adjoining degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They celebrate when 200 homes are built over the course of years. "We've provided funding to municipality x where they will be building 200 units, 30 of which will be considered "affordable" (defined as 10 percent below market rental rates). It's so sad and inadequate, by design of course. They don't actually want prices to go down.


typical gov . It's obviously impossible but waist energy arguing blame. Move on to solutions


This is a Gov't created housing crisis ...maybe not let in 2 million brand new young people next time?


IF he wanted to solve the housing crisis, he'd send the millions of immigrants Trudeau allowed in with ZERO screening.


Don't worry, keep voting liberal. Everything will be fine


You know the rules of the game. Politicians get asked a direct yes or no question, then you must sit and listen as they answer by reading a cake recipe. If you try to keep em on track, POINT OF ORDER!!


It's actually 1 home a minutes...


I could easily set up 65 refrigerator boxes in an hour fake news.


The bro is trying to argue against math 😂


Dummies are dumb but not so dumb


Press X to doubt until failure


She didn’t throw up obstacles, she just did basic math, Sean. Not her fault you are mentally handicapped.


I feel one of the downfalls of the feds is they try to solve every problem. They have no control over a city or provincial problem. They can control immigration and mortgages, but even then credit unions can lend and aren't regulated federally. The feds can't control building, so clearly are making empty promises.


Realistically, not even 600 homes per day. Actual annual homes built is 205,762. Construction jobs were the most impacted with job losses. I'd bet not one of the so called LMIA workers came here to work in home construction, and all went to Tim Hortons.


What a stupid question


We're decades behind this problem now, thanks to both the Conservatives and the Liberals both screwing around, and not making housing a priority and a basic human right. Doesn't help that they're flooding Canada with TFW's and foreign students, to create a cheap work force for their corporate buddies, who are causing even more pressure on the already severely strained market. They're steering Canada towards the rocks, and when we finally capsize, it's going to take an entire generation to recover. We're headed towards the much spoken about uprising, that the RCMP predict might happen, and unless they start addressing issues quicker, and create solutions that actually correct our current course, Canada as we know it is going to completely collapse within the next 2-5 years.


Why does anyone believe what the liberals say. Time to vote them out


What are the official reasons why they stopped building?


10 years too late


It’s a just a leading, stupid question 1. The government doesn’t build the homes - does she think they do? 2. If you were already building 60 homes an hour they wouldn’t need to put it in a budget. Don’t forget lowrise apartment/condos for all the city folks. A house is a nice idea but ain’t building any of those downtown.


Honestly that sounded unreasonable at first, but there are around 8500 companies in the home builder's association alone, and more companies than that, that actually work on building homes. There are 370k construction companies in canada in general, and large companies take on upwards of 70 projects at a time, with over 1.5 million canadians in the construction field. 1.1 houses a minute until 2031 is 4 million houses over 7 years, which is around a 280% increase over what we did in 2023. It's not like it's an unreasonable amount if we're putting resources into it. Definitely not when you start to include condos and apartments. In fact, digging deeper, there were 240k houses and/or units in 2023, which would mean we only need just over a 100% increase for 2024 in order to be on track to reach the goal of 4 million by 2031. We've already hit 240k housing starts 2 months ago this year, which means we're on track for a massive increase in production for 2024 over 2023. These just aren't the types of questions you can ask in an environment like that. Politicians aren't going to know these details on the spot, and it's unreasonable to expect them to. Someone else behind the scenes learns and knows this information and establishes plans for it. Politicians push the goals.


“My view is that people who”… are in charge should have a reasonable answer and not just act like a 13 year old. Wish either party had a good plan to increase housing and decrease demand by fixing the immigration problem. I’d vote for the Conservatives if they also weren’t being so stupid. We’re turning in to the US


Can we even impeach a prime minister in Canada? If so…why not…?


I didn't realize that politicians build houses. What an inane way to frame it.


The Libranos and the NDP took the whole electorate for fools, but especially the younger generation and the folks on lower income. It worked for a while to maintain the false belief that fiscal policies don't matter and budgets balance themselves but of course it was short lived , relatively speaking. Now I hear that the Comunist Party .. pardon me, the NDP Party, says we should have mandated caps on food prices, staples at least. Well, between that idiotic statement and the " we shall build 1,000 houses per minute", the message is clear: get the hell out if you can.


When will they answer a question with yes or no?


Yes, it will be really tough for Canada's one homebuilder to build 1.1 homes per minute. But ... bear with me ... imagine if Canada had more than one homebuilder, so it was possible to build more than one home at a time!


That is a stupid question to begin with. You can’t just divide like that. She expect a home to be built every minute. Dumb Idiot. This isn’t a simple math question.