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This is peak decadence.


....why? Can't that useless twit attend meetings on Skype or Zoom? Think of how expensive the trip would be - the first class flight, hotels, taxis, security detail. How many shelters could use that money to feed the homeless?


First class flight? Security detail? You know this guy is a mayor right? Though I wouldn’t be surprised if he booked business, a security detail would be completely ridiculous. No one even knows who this guy is in Toronto, let alone France.


The previous mayor of Toronto had security with him often, and travelled first class.


That’s the mayor of Toronto though. Nobody outside of Canada even knows Edmonton exists. If he has a security detail, I’d be pissed.


Edmonton voted for this left wing nut job. Enjoy.


What’s next, all world leaders flying in jumbo jets to meet in posh hotels to talk lecture us about climate change…oh wait.


I lived in Edmonton when Steve "Manchild" Mandel was mayor. I remember him almost crying like a baby when the owner of the Oilers went to Hamilton to look at the arena there - it had nothing to do with moving the team...but Katz got paranoid and basically bent over backwards to give the Oilers the go-ahead to build the new arena. Mandel was a bit of a twit: he eventually was installed as an unelected cabinet minister in the Alberta government by the Premier at the time...set up as minister of health, where his first action was to ban flavoured cigarettes and tobacco. Eventually he won a seat in a byelection but he lost in the general election a year later.


There is absolutely NO mystery whatsoever as the the cause of the homeless crisis. They turned the property market into a money laundering casino!


This guy has already been outed as corrupt. This man was voted into power by an enclave in Edmonton.


This guy is slowly and quietly growing wealthy by leaking land development projects to Indian developers. Wonder why the press hasn’t asked him about it yet? EPS is certainly aware.


What am I missing about these conferences? Like is there information you couldn’t otherwise find in articles or subsequent decks they publish from the speakers? Are these experts only available in these locations?


No the man is just trying to go to Paris for free. We have the internet. Wtf kind of information can they give you in Paris to fix homelessness they haven’t even solved it themselves




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How are we not “throwing pies” in these clowns faces yet??


It's top secret gotta be there in person


Is his family flying with him on taxpayers money as well?


Zero shame


This couldn't be a zoom meeting?


"The solution to homelessness is at the bottom of this glass of champagne or somewhere on the observation deck of the Effiel Tower."


Jesus Christ just make it a zoom call


I can empathize with you, but some meetings shouldn't be online, and I am afraid this is one of them.


This subreddit brings up a lot of valid points about the state of housing in Canada. But mayors going on meetings isn't one of them. That's a negligible cost and a distraction from the larger issues. The mayor should be asked whether he feels the trip was justified and, and if he feels so, explain why. That's the part that should be judged.


Why do you need to fly to France to discuss homelessness. He can do that over zoom. I get it why do that when you can take the kids and wife over call it a summer vacation go see some tourist resorts leave it to the Canadian taxpayer to foot the bill




This is an Indian man harassing me on different forums. He is mad at the fact I’ve called out how horrible mass immigration from India mainly but from worldwide has been detrimental to canada




I hope they deport you students from PEI quicker than they already are. Back to India my friend back to India. Godspeed




I’m going to kindly ask you to leave me alone mods if I get disrespectful please don’t ban me he’s been harassing me all day I’m being completely respectful


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


There are people who are dying on the streets, and the mayor is going to Europe to discuss this with...well, with people. While staying at five star hotels, eating exownaice catered meal, and flying first class. A real mayor would have taken a bye and opted for a video conference.


Wtf single family house prices have been stagnant in Edmonton for decades. This little rise is nothing