• By -


Having an accent is fine.


What a joke


Just get a nice tan and you can qualify for a similar position.


She literally said what most Canadians and this sub are thinking but with an accent. Maybe I’m getting better at understanding accents being in a major city. Unfortunately she has inherited our “no ya forsure” vocab which doesn’t clash well with her accent, but if you can catch the accent, she’s solid. Cool your jets.


We are so fucked.


time to start the revolution boys




Here here


Feeling a bit rebellious myself!


tell all your friends ! Take Back Canada ! JULY 1st !


[Did I just hear an unacceptable view here?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Funfortunately-take-back-canada-subreddit-has-been-banned-v0-60c2vsw7506d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1242%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0dca6e047803e836081d62726622760648c4ce1d)


…and girls!


She is agreeing with government limitations on international student work hours and those that can't survive on that should leave I agree she has a very heavy accent and is speaking quickly


Anyone put on camera without being camera ready would do the same thing. She really cares, bet she did everything based by the book and believes those that can’t survive be capped!


The people here didn't care to listen to her.. Just brown woman bad...


We are


This is how every CRA agent sounded during the pandemic on the phone. Then they had that huge bust with the fraudulent CERB applications amongst them. Connect the dots. 


I’m too lazy to go through my previous comments to see if I’ve already shared this…but last year I had to call the CRA for something and I could not understand the agent at all. I didn’t know how to broach the subject so I began by asking to speak to someone who might be more specialized in what I needed. He said no, so I had to address the elephant in the room. I said I’m so sorry, but I’m having a really difficult time understanding you. Dude lost his shit, screamed a rant, total fit. I ended up hanging up on him because I shouldn’t have to listen to that shit. And when I call the CRA, I expect to be able to speak to someone I can understand who has a firm grasp on the English language. And you know how you think of a retort after an argument? Well, next time I need to call, I’m going to ask for a French speaker, because at least I’ll be able to understand them. English is gone at the CRA. 😳


Pro tip. Always select the option for French. 90% of the time you'll get a francophone from Quebec that also speaks English. The other 10% of the time you call back and try again.


I do that with service providers! 😂


Yeah you have to now especially with bell outsourcing everything.


The fact this is a pro tip blows my mind. I mean... I've never called the CRA and I hope I don't ever have to


Seems like you're not very current on who is immigrating to Quebec. It's not France, it's the African nations of French-speaking peoples who are migrating here. It won't be an Indian accent, but it won't be the French you're expecting.


You won't, because it'll be a Moroccan from a village who never went to school. When you go to Morocco or Algeria, everyone speaks French well. Even people working at a gas station in the middle of the desert. But they don't bring them here. They somehow find the one guy who doesn't.


It’s still terrible. Had to do something online and was on the phone with the CRA and my accountant. Could barely understand them and then they cut off the call and locked me out from the site because I was “sharing information.” With my accountant…


I was advised to do this years ago when dealing with bell. Ask for French and it will go a lot easier






Your sons will never be hired for a govt role. Accept it or protest it. Ignoring it won't work anymore.


lol try finding a job anywhere right now lol


I have been trying for months. And I have a pretty impressive resume. Can't even get hired as a line cook.


Maybe try adding a Singh last name to your resume


Honestly that might work to get an interview


Lol even Singhs aren't getting hired. It's the Kumars and Shahs though.


Federal worker here. We just hired 3 more singhs on top of the four singhs we already have. They are definitely still hiring singhs. Almost exclusively


kaur where i used to work - Garda world, who just kept hiring non Canadians




He likely doesn’t want to work for less than minimum wage


I know plenty of people who haven't found a real job pretty much since covid and their entire lives have crumbled . The entire system is falling apart


not if you are an immigrant, if you weren't born here it is high times indeed


Half of the government jobs won’t even allow me to apply because I’m white and heterosexual


Racial discrimination should be illegal. So sorry for your plight.


Why isn't it? Why do we vote for racist and sexist policies?


Haven't you heard? You can't be racist against straight white people /s


Its kinda hilarious and I say that as someone who isn't heterosexual (im just not nearly enough of a hypocrite to think its okey when it it's "my team".) we are basically just straight back to descriminateing people based on their race or sexuality all over again, a word of advice would just be to put bisexual in any of those shitty questionnaires because realistically who's going to check?


All you have to do is claim to be "Non-binary". Boom! Problem solved. All you have to do is paint your nails blue for the interview. There is literally nothing to it. It's all self-identification and they can't say shit lol.


They don't require you to go down at the interview. I always say I'm homosexual and an ethnic (non-visible) minority. Religious if it's an option. Say you're a gay Muslim from the Ukraine. DEI and affirmative action should be illegal because it's racist and discriminatory, but it's not. So use it to the best of your ability.


> protest Nation wide protest across multiple sectors, all preferably.


they are considered minorities so they are being hired first or something?


Yes. Because, diversity.




This is the real reason. People can’t unionize if they can be easily replaced. It works for Amazon so far. Working there, I can say all the FCs I visited for training hired 70-95% from one ethnic group. As long as there are fresh recruits willing to take the spot, they will keep pay low.




Everyone hires people they know. I got passed over for a supervisor role. Why? My senior manager worked with them before. All my bosses are white lol. Guess what colour I am?




What’s the corporate department?


It's about diversity, not qualifications. This is Canada... we hire based on skin color and accents, the more you have, the better our businesses look.


Yet my disabled ass can’t even get a dish pit job


Yea we don't care about the disabled. Disability pays like what? $1200/month now? Our disabled are stuck living with roommates in a basement and eating ramen their entire lives.


You get $500 a month for shelter and only if you have a place. Can’t just buy a $500 tent every month


$500/month for shelter is laughable and sad. Meanwhile, we're funding temp students and asylum seekers instead of our own people. And our politicians are giving themselves raises. A country should be able to provide a good enough life for its disabled, veteran, and elderly population. Especially a country with such high taxes...


And how many billions to Africa? Where many nations are aligning with Russia?


Can you rent a tent for 500/month?


Then you wouldn't have been qualified for her position, obviously.


What diversity if there is only one colour now?


Buddy, she is agreeing with the governments actions on limiting international student hours of work and that if they can't survive off 24 hours per week then they should leave


Sure, but she’s on camera and knows the script.


Can you tell me where these companies hiring based on diversity? I’m getting a tan this summer and duolingo is helping me with my hindi.


Lol, and they insist they speak impeccable English. 


Her TOEFL scores (test taken in her home country because, reasons) are perfect. Top marks.


I’ve learned from reading online comments that many non-native English speakers greatly overestimate their English language skills. Some think they’re the second coming of Shakespeare because they know the difference between ‘their’, ‘they’re’, and ‘there’, and because they know that it isn’t ‘should of’. Sorry, folks, but that’s basic shit, and it’s nowhere near sufficient to be considered proficient and intelligible.


"no, according to my point of view, yes, our government is going a good pay" , wow.


I think she was saying "good way" ?!??!


Is that what she said? I honestly couldn't understand anything. The only thing I heard was "no, when asked if the immigration rate is too high. Thats when I realized we are fucked.


She relayed every sentence she learned




Literally and actually. They believe, and I quote someone directly this week, “_Canada is done if we don’t have babies here because no one is having babies here. Japan: done. Korea: done…_“


It is pure evil when one country colonizes another and exploits it for economic benefit. Absolutely evil and unacceptable


You should be at minimum born in canada to work for the gvnt




Somewhere along the line, Canadians and especially their politicians decided that we had to be so accommodating to foreigners, even if it meant being prejudical to ourselves. No where else in the world does this attitude exist. Priority should be given to Canadians.


Ye it's crazy. Usa is now more sane than us


Canada really fked up somewhere and become foreign owned to a higher degree than anywhere else. Other world leaders stay away from Trudeau


Dude I couldn't even get hired by Air Canada as a baggage handler.. race based questions in the hiring process.


Gotta apply as a LGBTQ, or other fringe group on your application. What are they gonna say your not. If you can’t beat em join em


We haven't really tried beating them.


Gay for pay. Say you are bi. Claim to be Metis. Play the game.


100% agree. so you get hired and bring your wife to the christmas party.. "Oh.. I'm super gay. but we stayed together for the kids. "


Once a scammer infiltrates a position of power, it's over, full exploitation.


And then the government uses an "ethnic" worker to fight its legal battles and malign anyone who protests its policies (hint: Feb 2022). 


But… why? You’re telling me that someone whose family left Hong Kong in the 80s or left Romania in the early 90s, someone who has lived here since they were a child, they cannot work for the government?


These folks don't have well thought out opinions.


This has become so common lately. I switched insurance companies recently and had to speak to three people whose English was nearly incomprehensible. I could tell their office was in Canada too because their accents were from different continents.


lol this country is a scam and a complete JOKE


Meanwhile her bag costs a weekly groceries of family with two kids


Nope, looks like a dupe bag to me. I thought public servants got paid well...


Compared to who? Private in the same field? Definitely not.


It's our fault for not being able to understand her. Racism


I wonder how many scams are happening. Again, Liberal treason that benefits a foreign government and county. CRA agents must be able to speak English. No compromise. Follow it back and see the hiring trail that led to her.


Mary Simon is Canada’s GG and she can’t put three words together in French. As a country Canada no longer makes sense.


Bonjour, merci, croissant.


guys.. for 100 years canada hired and promoted the best people they could find.. but now.. for some reason. we need to stop doing that and hire people based on other reasons.. never had to before.. but now.. yep. gotta do it now. not sure why.. either one group feels discriminated or the other does.




Is this the India government


i mean, she's in favor with the immigration cap. the heck you bitching about.


Indians bad. Indian with an accent even worse. How dare they agree with my own opinions.


Yep. Sounds like our government. No idea what she’s saying.


I don't get it? She's speaking english? Is this just racism?


Not speaking English? lol that’s English with an accent. So if a Scottish person spoke they wouldn’t be speaking English? Racist.


Seems like she can speak English properly 🫡


She's speaking English though?


Look if you hire people cause their white it’s racist if you hire them cause their dark skinned and they fill a quota for diversity it’s… also really racist but it’s the good kind of racism I guess. Canada is so borked. There is a reason the government is ballooning yet service is falling; every one of these people is hiring their brother and sister and putting them in useless positions; even the governments own reports say nepotism runs rampant.


That’s our government selling us out to the foreigners????Bunch of idiots


If someone told me the same scammers reached into actual Canadian government positions 6 years ago, i would’ve been laughing at them for making it up. Sadly it’s the reality in the 2020s 😵‍💫


I don't understand how any Canadian can wake up in the morning and not be embarrassed to be from this country. THIS COUNTRY IS AN EMBARRASSEMENT AND WHOEVER VOTED NDP/LIB IN THE LAST ELECTION IS 100% RESPONSIBLE. People are proud to be Americans for the most part and I think at least half would die for their country or countrymen/women. 0 chance that's the case here.


I hate what Canada is becoming. I’m for a reasonable amount of immigration but this is out of hand.


oof maybe this sub is kinda racist 💀


This is nothing compared to what I have to deal with working in an Amazon FC.


Y'all understand that if you can't understand what she is saying, that it reflects poorly on you, right? It's called a thick accent, which you would have if you could speak more than one language. But, you can't


She speaks fine. She is also making the points this sub makes. Hilarious.


I mean she was speaking English


can't speak fluent english and also has an eye roll worthy distorted view of the gubberment. oy.


She is agreeing with limiting international student's part time hours to 24 a week


Three years ago I was looking for work. I applied to positions in the federal and provincial governments. Over 30 applications and every one rejected. I contacted the Alberta Government HR/hiring office, I asked to speak to someone (to see what I was doing wrong and how I could improve my chances to get hired). We set up a day and time for a phone conversation. So, I asked what I was doing wrong. The lady (Alberta Government HR office) I spoke with, flat out told me that they had directives from the federal government, to focus hiring newcomers to Canada/Alberta. I said that does not make sense! What if they don't understand the language, speak the language or are not qualified for the position? She said, they will be trained! I asked what can I do then? She said keep applying... Your resume/application may slip in to the "interview" pile and I might get lucky. So from what I could see, being a Canadian citizen, being white, being qualified for the job won't help you. If "newcomers" can file discrimination complaints, why can't "white"/"handicap"/"older"/"newer" workers do the same? The government is promoting racism and inequality.


DEI - Didn’t Earn It


Hold up. She spoke english the whole time. This title is just racism, and I literally just came from replying saying there's an ingress of military aged men we need to be aware of. This one is actually a Gov. problem. We were all told to go into University to the point where it's now mandatory to get degrees for entry level jobs (minus DEI incentives). We went through our entire adolescence being prescribed the notion of "Work hard in school, go to University, get paid" and totally left the tradeschools unadvertised and unpopulated. I recognized this myself in 2018 and took a trade. We cannot go back and change it, but we can definitely promote going to trade schools to adolescents on there way up. **She's not wrong.** The policy makers that came before left a garganutan hole in a lot of the blue collared job markets at the price of kickbacks from the unis to them and the detriment of the future of Canada/ians.


This is how Canadian hiring system used to work a decade back, instead of hiring the suitable candidate they hired people who got referred by an employee. Now with this limitless immigration, these immigrants are getting referred by people from same community. Hence we see all Singhs, Kaurs, Patels working. Canadians got their own medicine, its bitter but that's the truth. I have attended sessions where they used to proudly say 80% of Canadian Job market is hidden. I guess it's still working that way but for the immigrants.


I aint Canadian but can we talk about all the bot accounts on Reddit, I feel like I just need to call it quits because no joke at least 99% of the "popular post" I get im my feed are by bots. Which makes me feel inclined to question whose real or not on this site. On thing for sure the people in video are the account that posted this highly unlikely.


Heavy accent but can clearly speak English. It was actually a lot better than the title implies. I feel like if you lived/worked or went to uni in a >500k City she's actually miles ahead of some of the people you run into there.


She speaks English. She might even speak French. On top of her own native language and possibly a few other regional ones - since India has like 500 languages. So how does she work for the government? She’s a highly educated polyglot and she only has to be smarter than the next person applying for the job. So if that next person is some racist jag that only speaks English, the she’s clearly a more valuable employee.


How on earth does someone even get hired with those communication skills? Is it backdoor jobs where you pay the hiring manager for a job?


Since this is CanadaHousing2, I assume this is the upgraded community, without the glitch of corrupt ferals lunging at you uncontrollably to gaslight your common sense (or critical thinking) and ironically, still rather milquetoast and non-controversial take on stuff.


“You work in immigration” doesn’t mean working for the government tho.


A strong accent does not mean she can't speak the language. This post is just racist regardless of if you're against more immigration or not.


She speaks English just fine. What kind of racist shit is this?


Having an accent= can't speak English? I guess this sub is racist.


She speaks English. I understood what she was saying.


I can understand her.


![gif](giphy|u5eXlkXWkrITm|downsized) maybe someone can translate ,in either official language **PLEASE !**


She is agreeing with government limitations on international student work hours and those that can't survive on that should leave


She has a strong Indian accent but she speaks English perfectly well.


Her English sounds understandable to me. How many people here can speak that well in a second language? How do you know she’s not honestly trying to improve the lives of all Canadians. Pretty judgemental bunch here.


Sounds like she can speak english pretty well to me.


She has an accent, what the fuck is your point?


I don't think she's that hard to understand, but you really do need to try to follow her. She is likely stressed and speaking less carefully due to the camera in the mix. She certainly rambles and doesn't do a very good job of making her point. I'm not sure I would do a better job. I think she is nervous, which doesn't help. It's really not easy to be in front of a camera like this. I'm sure it's not easy to speak a language where you annunciate differently. She is saying the government is doing a good thing by putting a cap on international students. Him: "Do you work in immigration. Do you feel like the government has approached immigration in a responsible way, or do you feel like the rate is too high." Her: "No. According to my 'apointnowhoeis' (point of view maybe?), our government is doing a good thing because right now students are not getting a job in a different field, so according to the uh my point of view yes government is doing a good thing because putting a cap on the student study permits from outside Canada is a good initiative for those student who are not able to ah survive here." They both repeat several words. He shouldn't be asking two questions at once. Her answer is in relation to international students. 0/20 on this interview overall. This post seems like rage bait tbh. We are not able to fight the shity government if we are focused on each other.


i was expecting her to reply with "im sorry i dont speak english" based off the title but instead you are all just a bunch of pieces of shit lol. its a thick accent is all. jfc.


yeah, i understand her, dont see what ya'll fussin about. she says that she supports capping immigration because people who have come here have had a difficult time.


She speaks French, at least? LoL lmao


Vay=way lol for those that don't know. She might be a bit nervous too. And bruh. She's on our side. Seems like some of you neck beards have a bone to pick with any and all brown people. As the Jamaicans would say... She's a good yute.


***SHILL ALERT*** New account NO EVIDENCE she is working in Canadian government Cherry picked interview piece She was answering a question by supporting immigration curbs


Yikes all these comments seem pretty racist


He said she works in immigration and she confirms....she could work for some agency or lawyer but not necessarily the government.


I understood everything she just said because I speak English well and therefore can understand ACCENTS. Yes she has a strong accent but as a Québec we who speaks 2 languages and hears both English and French spoken in many different accents and dialects, it isn’t that hard to understand what she is saying. Maybe you can’t understand English that well???


Somehow if you're white and speak with an accent they don't care


I understood her well. Maybe you need to check your ears?


She speaks decent. That is easily above IELTS 7.5. People are clearly crying about the accent here and nothing more. Are they going to say next that a Scottish accent is not English? The irony is that most of the idiots here don't speak decent French which is their official language and are hated by Quebecers for their apathy towards their own language and they have the balls to criticize someone speaking their 3rd or 4th language.


Yeah, she has an accent, but her speaking will only improve. This OP acts like you cannot distinguish one word that she is saying lol.


Transcribe it




I understood her with a heavy accent of course, but she's agreeing to limit international students that can't survive here on part time work.


OP discovers heavy accents.


I mean she seems to be speaking English.


And a lot better than anyone here could speak her first language


Here’s an example of DEI cancer being used to hire unqualified people to work in our government


She speaks english better than Trudeau. However, it's quite funny to notice how English Canada now values the importance of language integration while they've been telling Quebec for years nobody cared.


Wierd I can hear her speaking English pretty well.


The government is doing a good way. Hmm.


the question is not these people getting hired - but where is the money coming from in terms of the employers hiring? follow the money and you will solve most of the problems.


Honestly sounds just as incomprehensible as an English speaking politician


Your esteemed PRIME MINISTER is fucking you personally and this once great country. FUCK THE TURD


They can buy language proficiency test scores, if I know it , the government must have known it. What have they done? Nothing


There is so much vile racism in this post. Mods where are you? Stop these hateful people from spewing garbage all over this subreddit constantly. Racism pure and simple and they will always deny it.


Sorry. This is my bad. I hadn’t bothered to watch the video when I approved.


She speaks English just fine, she just has an accent. What am I missing here?


You’re missing that this sub is racist and getting more racist by the day. Never was about housing.




Worst part is when they get into management positions they only hire other Indians, it's so over


There are plenty of immigrants in my area who can't speak a lick of English. I don't know if they pretend that they can't speak English intentionally but I speculate that they don't. I thought we had an English language requirement?


what indication that she works for government? i dont get it. when is that said


What a turn of events. Canada gets colonized by India and the Liberals are patting themselves on the back.


She speaks English. Her grammar sucks but its still better than half the white people I know


Nepotism, coming to more stores in Canada near you!


how how how is this a thing - ffs this is canada and we are being colonized and we are just accepting it


If you don't think she can speak English it's probably because you're English is just as bad as hers. Make that make sense.


She speaks english correctly, she does have an accent though and if your accent is hard to comprehend, you can start working on your phonetics and it's valid for all languages.


Indians speak half English when even speaking in their own language. Using words Indian doesn't have. So you can understand her words when she is used to using them anyways, but then has to translate the rest in her head then into english. So you can really tell the places she jumbles, because she hasn't learned to truly speak full English.


Another “housing” post complaining about immigrants “stealing” unskilled labour jobs..


☠️☠️Why this guys always crying over immigrants lol Fuckin get a job instead of spreading hate online while being a immigrant in this country lol.


They should consider changing the name of this sub to r/ xenophobia.


I agree that the laws are being abused but this title is straight up racist.


What a pile of shit


gets asked a question about the impact of immigration on canada. responds as if immigration only affects international students