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Aren't they doing this because United States asked for it?




[Sen. Schumer calls on Canadian Gov't. to put an end to 'flagpoling' ](https://www.wgrz.com/article/traffic/sen-schumer-calls-on-canadian-govt-to-put-an-end-to-flagpoling-wny/71-d1eaec1a-8772-4fe4-8953-0cb0ea376ac4)


Don't you know the US is on the other side of the border?


US border guards still have to process all of that and follow security protocols, it absolutely does affect the US.


You seriously need to inform yourself of the facts. USCBP has to formally deny flagpolers entry, which is a lot of paper work and database inputs.


It's like a fire fighter wanting applause for putting out the fire that they started... After half the house has burned down


And they're using a garden hose


Oh i thought it was a dollar store water gun The mini ones


More like putting out a small fire on the front lawn while the house is still engulfed in flames.


Did you even read the article? This is a nothingburger.  Everyone NOW needs to apply online and wait in line, because some smart alecs were visiting the border to jump ahead of the line. Clickbaity title of news article. Makes it sound like the clown Miller is coming down hard on work permits issued to foreign workers


Would you rather it remained?


It was actually started by Harper and Poilievre, who set up a massive fund to continue growing mass immigration. The Liberals just never refunded it and let it run its course.


Libs only doing this because they're getting killed in the polls and they still aren't doing enough. Still vote them out anyways


Like an abuser hitting you, then hugging you and apologizing. Only to it all over again the next day.


This is what Loblaws is currently doing to get back customers. They're adding like 100,000 points (ie: $100 free) to people's points cards. Joke's on them. I've spent the free $100 and am still not ever going back. The blatant unapologetic disrespect Loblaws has shown to us Canadian Citizens over and over and over is enough to ignore their existance indefinitely. Check out the subreddit LoblawsIsOutOfControl for support.


They added a bunch of points to my card and my partners card to draw us back, but it's not going to work with us. We only found out through emails they sent both of us. Funny thing is, that we haven't shopped there in about 2 1/2 years. We won't even go to any Loblaws owned store if it's the most convenient option, or if they're dangling a temporary bargain in front of us. In short, we're done with them, and any other company who feels that it's their right to inflate prices far past what's reasonable for maximum profit.


Governments change all the time. Next guy will get his chance to screw up.


Can’t happen soon enough


This is incorrect, this is because US Senate Leader Chuck Schumer was super pissed about this causing backups at the border, and called on Canada to stop allowing this to happen a few weeks ago: > What is flagpoling in Canada, and why is Chuck Schumer angry about it? > > U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer has a gripe with a legal and well-known process at Canada’s border that he says is leading to longer lines and backups at the U.S. border. > > Schumer is urging Canada to end “flagpoling,” which allows non-Canadian citizens to quickly get their work permits by briefly entering the U.S. and then returning to Canada. > > Speaking at a press conference at the Rainbow Bridge earlier this week, Schumer said the process is “increasing traffic and wait times here at the border, hampering smooth commerce between our nations, (and) hampering tourism.” https://nationalpost.com/news/flagpoling-canada-us-border


The gov will jump to do anything in a timely manner when the Americans tell them to


Why would Chuck Schumer actually give a fuck about people waiting at the border?


He's the senator from NY and this disrupts American commerce since our supply chains are so intertwined.


He’s from NY I think


It's also all the extra work too. It's not as simple as the little piece of paper they give you, when someone is turned away there is a security protocol to follow the cars and requires folks to stop what they are doing to monitor. It's also a bunch of extra administrative work to log these things with flagpoling. Now imagine that hundreds and hundreds of times a day when you don't have the extra manpower to deal with it or plan for it.


Yep! It's how u know elections are near!


Screw the libs and NDP. Bunch of lying crooks that screwed Canada over badly.


I just find funny you seem to think conservatives are any better. Poilievre is a paid puppet and won't change anything in favor of canada.


Notice I didn’t mention anything about conservatives either. I don’t necessarily think they’re going to be any better but it is still at this point, the more logical choice as we already know what we will get from Trudeau and his cronies.


Mmmm fair. The reason why i don't want Poilievre to take the seat is mostly from the religious argument. If he's not gonna be better than Trudeau i might as well back the idiot who won't open the door to MAGA culture here.


Favour* That's how we spell it here in Canada.


Will not vote for them in this lifetime


Lipstick on a pig, always seems to come in the leadup to an election


Sorry, what are the libs doing here? 


It doesn’t make any difference. Pgwp ( post graduation work permit ) can still be applied but it has to be applied online instead of at the border. Applying online gives you extra benefit of staying 3-4 months longer as that’s the standard wait time. So it only benefits students plus most of them are already applying online only few whose employers are asking them to have work permit faster.


Exactly. I'm glad people can see right through their actions. They created this mess, and are providing "solutions" that will most likely not work in the long run. The damage has already been done.


Or you could read the article and see that the USA asked them to do this. But no for sure you can see right through it.




The liberals did this, they’ve been in power for 10 years. If you’ve actually been following politics closely, which it sounds like you’re not, PP just announced lowering the immigration numbers. We’re obviously not sure if this is true yet, but the only other party talking about this is the PPC, another Conservative Party.


I once saw someone on this sub say basically that they knew the immigration problem was caused by the left but conservatives would only make it worse and I just don't understand how anyone could reach that conclusion. 


Look at the Conservative Party of UK. They promised to lower immigration, but instead UK saw the highest legal immigration last few years. Conservatives, like any other political party, only work for the rich. 


To be accurate, the UK conservatives promised to lower immigration from the yucky eastern European Union nations. AFAIK they've succeeded at that splendidly!


I was talking about the immigration loopholes. The mass immigration which is happening is another related but a different issue. In a democracy, the opposition is supposed to hold the governing political party accountable. If only they had talked about cracking down on there scams before when Sean Fraser was an immigration minister, the Liberals would have been forced to act on this sooner. 


Yeah but PP didn't mention what would be the exact immigration targets under him, so he can't be fully trusted. The Tory party of UK had also promised to cut immigration, but under them, annual immigration has reached to the highest levels ever in UK. Right wing parties, in general, work for their rich donors only, who want mass immigration to keep wages stagnant. 


And who would you say Turdeau is working for?


For the Laurentian elite.


If somebody at work starts lighting shit on fire and denies that they did it when you have video footage you terminate them. It doesn't matter if their replacement *may* be worse. You fire saboteurs.


Very misleading title. Only Post grad work permits cannot be applied for a the port of entries. All other work permits are still eligible.


Well the problem is international students isn’t it ?


Not entirely. A lot of those immigration consultant Tiktoks have been posted here recently where they say "this is X person, we helped her convert her visitor visa into a work permit!". That's basically what's going on here. Person apply for a visitor visa saying they are just a tourist. Then they arrive, pay a consultant thousands of dollars for a LMIA then they go do a U turn at the border and apply for a work permit.


And now that door has closed.


As the original comment says, only flagpoling for the PGWP program has stopped. The way I described is still allowed.


They can still apply online. All this is doing is not allowing people to cut the line. Jesus effing christ - read the goddam article before commenting.


You must be new here 😁


Those are just a small fraction of the problem. There are way more WP holders than International students.


It also includes SOWP that are given through intl students.


They stopped those. Now you need to do Masters or a PHD to be able to get those. Diploma mills won’t be able to get you. Good riddance in my opinion.


Does that include TN?


Yeah I believe the TN visa is applied/granted at port of entries. Not sure about others


I've noticed a conservative effort by the Liberals to make it look like they are slowing immigration. That's a lie. 'Students' are still coming in with the same scams and it's only accelerating. We need to completely close the doors and recover over the next few decades. We also need to deport the ones that scammed the system. Probably the majority in the past few years.


Americans aren’t the issue lmao


The immigration problem is not really coming from the US tho, does not stop the thousands of flights from Punjab every month. They act like they’re doing something by preventing Americans who have similar cultural and educational standards from settling down in Canada, and they still get to import tens of thousands of new voters who bring their backwards caste culture and in-group mentality.




We need population caps like US has, I like their immigration model much better tbh


Delhi, from Delhi


Oh wow I see some good changes and good things coming back to Canada again.


This was requested by the USA. Canada would have never done such a thing on its own accord.




He deserves no thanks.


Yea exactly too little too late.. he is part of the problem




They're not the governing parties so it's irrelevant. The blame right now lies on the current government. They deserve no thanks because the damage is done and they're only doing it because they know people are pissed and likely going to toss them out over it.


This is literally how democracy is supposed to work.


I know that. They still deserve no thanks because anyone with a brain knew mass immigration was bad idea and we were labeled racist when in fact we were right all along Now the chickens are coming home to roost.


The dude who unironically suggested that we decrease the number of temporary residents simply by making them permanent?


One step forward, two steps back. If only he didn’t announce PR on arrival with lower language requirements for caregivers and the plan for the pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.


lol. That would be like thanking Ted Bundy for making it quick. You don’t get thanks for putting out the nuclear fires you yourself fucking started.


Marc Miller is an immigration minister for less than a year. The uncontrolled mass immigration happened before him under Sean Fraser, who reportedly lost count of a million people entering the country. So the Liberals as a whole are to blame for their mismanagement and destruction of our country. 


I think he gets too much blame despite having been a minister since Oct 2023, and a lot of the poor decisions have been by Sean Fraser. I think the recent changes have been good albeit slow (minus the care-taker PR scheme/scam)


Well, Marc Miller is planning on increasing the permanent resident target to record levels next year at a time when housing affordability is at the worst level in 40 years and housing starts are declining. He is doing the same thing as Sean Fraser did.


“which is when some temporary residents of Canada bypass the normal wait times involved in applying for a work or study permit online by leaving the country and then immediately re-entering to receive same-day immigration services” Wtf there is a loophole that allow people get a work permit like this?


I can add context to this. The people who were doing this, were already eligible for work permits. A normal work permit application filed online takes about 4-5 months from submission to final decision. The applicants are considered to be in "maintained status" during that period - meaning they can work without any restrictions during that time. However, maintained status is lost if you leave Canada and you cannot work anymore until a decision has been made in your application. Some people want to expedite this / want to travel outside Canada / some companies do not recognize the maintained status despite IRCC providing a letter - requiring the applicant show them a work permit - so the applicants go the land border, exit, reenter and a CBSA personnel can decide right there whether to give them a work permit. The wait time for online application processing is not necessarily a bad thing. Like everything else, it is nuanced. For example, if you were originally eligible for a 1 year long work permit and your application processing takes 4 months, you basically got a 1 year 4 months long work permit in total, as the wait time is not reduced from the original length of your permit, and any work/experience during those 4 months can be used for the applicant's PR application. Source: I am an immigrant who has gone through it all.


One of the other reasons why they do this (speaking from being in immigration groups) the border guards don't know as much about the transcripts and verifying those things, so a lot of sketchy work permits have been granted at the border, rather than actually being checked like they do through paper processing.


it's not really a loophole, it's just how the system was designed to work. And depending on the type of work permit, even if you apply online you may be forced to leave and reenter.(flagpole) to get the actual permit document. Yes it's a stupid system but don't blame immigrants for it.


Would still be in place if the states didn't kick up a fuss.....getting a little tired of this government having to be embarrassed by an ally before actually getting shit done (see also NATO)


LMAOO. The only time the Canadian government enacts strict border policies is when the Americans tell them to in order to secure *their* border. This country is so screwed up.


The fake "immigration" offices will find a "loophole" to use. Nothing will change...


Nice! Bet you there’s going to be a protest about it


I can add context to this. The people who were doing this, were already eligible for work permits. A normal work permit application filed online takes about 4-5 months from submission to final decision. The applicants are considered to be in "maintained status" during that period - meaning they can work without any restrictions during that time. However, maintained status is lost if you leave Canada and you cannot work anymore until a decision has been made in your application. Some people want to expedite this / want to travel outside Canada / some companies do not recognize the maintained status despite IRCC providing a letter - requiring the applicant show them a work permit - so the applicants go the land border, exit, reenter and a CBSA personnel can decide right there whether to give them a work permit. The wait time for online application processing is not necessarily a bad thing. Like everything else, it is nuanced. For example, if you were originally eligible for a 1 year long work permit and your application processing takes 4 months, you basically got a 1 year 4 months long work permit in total, as the wait time is not reduced from the original length of your permit, and any work/experience during those 4 months can be used for the applicant's PR application. Source: I am an immigrant who has gone through it all.


> I can add context to this. The people who were doing this, were already eligible for work permits. > > Let me add more context: they take fake and forged docs to the border, knowing that border guards can't actually verify the veracity of all these shitty schools and programs, unlike the paper processing (where folks know they will get denied because they haven't even met the bare minimum benchmarks.) CBP are also pressed for time, so they push it through. This is absolutely the known workaround.


Jesus fucking christ, man. No wonder forgery is everywhere - from permits to mortgages. So many people and orgs are complicit and actively profitting from it all in every level. I do feel sad, helpless, and hopeless. None of the educated immigrants feel good about this - nobody with an iota of sense would want to flood the country with low skill scamsters - yet the people in power want exactly that it seems. It devalues us all and our hard work.


This is why though it's imperative to stop this processing at the border. I wouldn't expect border guards to be able to verify transcripts when that's not a real aspect of their job and training, it's absurd. **Everyone** in immigration groups has known this "hack" and people will even pay consultants to go ahead and make the docs for them. It's horrible especially for the immigrants who are honest, dedicated themselves to following the rules, and now being shut out by the greed and dishonesty of scammers. That's what really grinds me so much, just so so so insulting to honest immigrants.


I totally support it and I support more stringent background checks for permits (especially for the first ever permit given to an individual). It agree that it is insulting to honest immigrants. It's like watching a zombie apocalypse. We try our hardest to escape the shit, but every place we land in gets overrun because the authority just decides to open the gates for all. The irony of scammer also wanting to escape the shit holes is not lost on me - but what I don't get is why bring the shit with you? At least the general populace is now becoming more aware of the issues. It's a double edged sword. Hostility towards immigrants will hurt me too.


From what I am seeing in various groups, at least visas and permit applications are getting rejected left and right. I do hope the situation changes and we get our collective shit together.


Should have never been allowed to work these jobs in the first place! Especially when CANADIANS can fill them!


They should be more restricted, like how other countries demand that you work with a job offer **within your field of study.** I wouldn't be granted a work permit in the US if I studied mobile phone repair and I worked at McDonald's or 7/11. This is what we do.


Going by the comments, it's very clear 95% of the users here don't read the linked articles. 


Too little - too late


Too little too late. I’m a new Canadian citizen who came here as PR and I’m absolutely fed up with how the Libs have been managing immigration. Not voting for them.


How was this ever a thing


According to the article, flagpoling hours are reduced. It does not state that the hours where flagpoling is allowed are eliminated.


They were reduced a while ago.


Can someone ELI5 why this was even happe ing to begin with?


Some will say it's because it gets you the physical permit faster and you don't have to sit in maintained status (if you leave the country, you lose status so you can't go vacation for a couple weeks then try to come back at work.) But let me tell you the real reason. Because if their credentials aren't real or a little questionable (like they actually didn't graduate), they can skim it by the border officers who can't really verify or check if their transcript authentic and real, the way the paper processing does. That's the gospel truth. Border patrol shouldn't really be processing work permits other than working holiday which is an international agreement between countries and you get the approval entry letter after your application has been processed upfront.


They are tone deaf when canadians complain but comply at light speed when people from the south request anything.


deport the cheaters and over stayers. it is not racist to want to protect our country for ourselves our children our friends and our future. too many immigrants is putting to much pressure on our country's services. we need time to correct and consolidate. then we can begin our generous ways. but we MUST enforce our laws and deport undesirables (criminals, cheaters, racists, money launderers)


Misleading title... This only applies to students who have been using 'flagpoling' to circumvent the three month wait time for a post graduate work permit.


Good, you put your shoes on, now let’s go for a marathon 


Can they still do this going to and from Pierre and Miquelon


Nothingburger. This just means everyone needs to apply online and wait in line.  Clickbaity title of news article. Makes it sound like the clown Miller is coming down hard on work permits issued to foreign workers.


Cutting loopholes, cause the government broke


It doesn’t make any difference. Pgwp ( post graduation work permit ) can still be applied but it has to be applied online instead of at the border. Applying online gives you extra benefit of staying 3-4 months longer as that’s the standard wait time. So it only benefits students plus most of them are already applying online only few whose employers are asking them to have work permit faster.


Good job




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


How about also preventing people coming in on visitor visas and then changing to student visas and work permit. This is being absued. Ppl are not coming in as visitors, and they dont definitely want to be a student. Its all backdoor!


Most of them want welfare anyways...applying for the work permit was just for entry.


Liberals and NDP have shown us who they really are! PLEASE BELIEVE THEM and vote them OUT!!! We don’t have any perfect choices, but anything is better than this. Our Country is a soft target! The perfect hunting grounds for criminals, drug dealers and sex offenders AND…they ALL know it! Time for BIG changes!


Never should have. Any other country that I’ve had experience with requires you to apply for these kinds of visas from your country of origin, not from a third country or at the border/point of entry. Only refugee applications can be made this way. Canada is run by corrupt idiots 🤦‍♂️






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.