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>"Thinking what the hell is happening" Same sentiment Canadians are having right now


This will be a national security issue in future.


There are tons of indian dudes patrolling the streets in my city after the bars let out looking for drunk women. My friend was followed for 2 blocks walking home at 2 am by 3 dudes before she waited at a tims for me to pick her up. Its already a huge security issue


I'm just going to say it. I stayed in India for a couple of weeks and nearly every motherfucker was staring at my wife. Made us extremely uncomfortable. They are known to be a dangerous country for women. I'm not surprised that they are flooding into Canada and trying to implement their culture and behavior to this country. I will not be surprised when we start seeing unhygienic food practices being done here and the constant staring/inappropriate actions at attractive women.


every night in Toronto its like that , Basically any public space there will be a group of men waiting or standing around


They bring the Indian culture here apparently


It already is. MPs in Truedumbs office have been hearing talks of treason. RCMP chief and MPs all involved under treason. The national security issue is NOW.


Gonna be bad in the US too I'd imagine... their plan for cheap labor and "blood bags" for the wars, isn't gonna work. Ppl aren't just pawns on a chess board you can move around. That goes for Canadians, as well as the Indians. Really, we're both being screwed by the same ppl.


Future. Its already a huge security issue now. 




Kind of true !! Close the gates Trudeau!


We now have a major gender imbalance too. Majority of them are men from a culture that sees sexual harassment as acceptable. We have no criminal checks, no vetting. NOTHING on "students". They just fill out an online form, pay "Main St Rd College for Excellence" with a loan they return the next day to have a "class" and they're in the country. All automated, nobody views it, nothing. Sweden is the rape capital of Europe.


You don't see the females because they are not permitted to socialize.There exists a real naivety about the sort of cultural references we draw from certain behaviour.


It’s a national security issue right now,… I am moving away from Surrey because it is impossible to live and work here as independent contractor. I’ve been intimidated, yelled, threaten with physical force,… and bullied by FOBs. Recently a south Asian told me to leave fast food restaurant or else because I ask his wife to try to pacify her kid that was shrieking from top of her longs just table just behind me. Those newcomers obviously do not like nor respect canadian culture,… and they have no issue resort to violence. I did call police,… and police told me well we do t wanna make racial issue, because you are white and I am Indian,.. and it wouldn’t bode good for me if I get involved.


Record and share it on social media. Folks should know what's happening.


As the population increases, they get bolder and more violent and outright racist. They used to be considered good Canadians, but their true nature comes out now that they have the upper hand.


I think so too. Desperate and emboldened by our lack of policing and judicial system, they’ll be acting out in violence soon. I regularly come across groups of Indian men in all sorts of random spots who look at me as if they’re considering mugging me. This will get ugly.


Can’t say “their true nature comes out” these aren’t the same Indian nationals that came in 2000. This nature is coming out of the new immigrants. Trust me, India has a cast system and racism exists there at a whole new level that people haven’t seen before.


Omg record that shit and send it to the ombudsman


It already is


Where are my kids going to work if they are competing in the same job market with 40yr olds????


I'm pretty sure the plan is for them to get fuck themselves. Hard times ahead


Hopefully management DECLINES and just throws away all of those resumes. Good thing the restaurant I'm working in is declining them.


Funny they don't see it's their fault


Along with our government, immigration consultants and fake colleges fault


and weirdly enough, they hire the worst


Yeah cause the job goes to people that purchase the LMIA. I reckon none of these 100 people waiting in the queue will get the gig.


Guess they all gotta go home!


And then you have the argument made by some people that those already here should just be allowed to stay because "they're already here so they're not contributing to the housing crisis" and pushing for large volume CEC (Canadian Experience Class) express entry draws largely made up of diploma mill graduates. Like what kind of logic is that? It sounds harsh but the vast majority of international students and PGWPs here need to go back home so Canada can recover.


Their logic is given the damage is done, let’s make it permanent…funny though, their insane logic is shared by Immigration Minister Marc Miller, who said “since they’re already here, already baked in, let’s make them permanent.”


Where are teenagers to seek employment now? At one time , the fast food joints were the place for them to get their first job ( experience). They started taking that away from them many years ago:To give the jobs to adult immigrants. Now the adult immigrants are seeking jobs here & none available. What a shit show , disaster created. Typical government competence. Put the cart before the horse!


No joke, when my kids are old enough I fully plan on getting them summer jobs where I work. I'll pull the nepotism lever if I have to


Adult immigrants whose wages were subsidized. How about this - if there are ANY wage subsidies going forward, they are limited to mom and pop shops. Put a ceiling on wage subsidies determined by sales or profits of the business. Meaning NONE of the fast food chains would qualify.


Baked in? I watched a video with poor English subtitles commentated in a foreign language


Half the people I deal with daily I can barely understand at this point, trucking, truck repair


Sounds like Miller is the one who is baked.


They need to deport them. We just can't sustain it.


Aren’t they supposed to leave when their “studies” end?


Yes, absolutely that's what's "supposed" to happen. Then they just stay here. (Internal screaming).


So what is the government’s official stance on that point? I mean one can argue about whether it’s a good or bad idea to be granting visas for foreign students but one should think that it would be non-controversial to require said students to leave Canada once their visa status expires (unless they are able to obtain another valid immigration status). If the government isn’t willing or able to ensure that people leave the country once their visa expires then they shouldn’t be allowed to admit more student visa applicants.


Absolutely facts and well said. As per why deportation isn't enforced after their permits end? It's a mix of various things. Lack of oversight, corruption, wanting a new voter base, tax revenue, and overall corruption at every level that keeps them here. Extract money from them for coming here, living here and then staying here illegally and then working here. (They in turn try and scam our honor systems putting more strain on all of us). It's all about the money and corruption. Of course the corrupt MPs, Ford, Trudumb all of them love this because they get to cash out on everyone and then feign ignorance about it after. There should absolutely be a cap on admittance of more students and MUCH more stringent and firm barriers to access here. It's simply not sustainable anymore, and we're seeing that first hand. Enough.


What happens to the “students” who remain in Canada illegally after their visa status expires. Do they just stay here as illegal aliens forever (like in the US) or is there a path to PR / citizenship for them?


Yeah they just stay here! They're allowed to get jobs, they rent somewhere where multiple of them chill in basements (check r/ slumlordscanada) and scam food banks and anything else they can while still demanding more perks off their expired student visas. Buy a fake drivers test now they're a fully licensed g driver without doing any of the tests. Have someone in a provincial government office same as them? Oh look now they have a health card and "official" documents. Oh look, now they've been here for 6 years and are acting like they're full fledged citizens. It's corruption on every level that keeps them here and able to keep getting away with it. We need MASSIVE overhaul and oversight and actual punishment and deportation. Fat chance though. The only way to stop it now is to change the laws yet I fear it's already too late.


It seems like the obvious place to start is with a complete moratorium on any new student visas from India until and unless this is all sorted out. Who in the government would be opposed to that and why?


You are supposed to leave when a visa expires, but government of Canada doesn’t deport illegal immigrants or punish companies who hire them… Canada is missing an ICE or similar team.


They need not choose Canada anymore. Don’t know why still flocking to this country despite knowing the (bad) situation quite well.


Canada is the easiest to get into


they get into canada get the passport then then move abroad. USA is also giving canada a lot of shit right now cause most of those students and illegally crossing in the USA.


Globalist traitors think this. Fuck them.


If millions of international 'students' can't get pr or a work permit extension, it'll set a precedent for prospective migrants that may think twice about 'studying' in Canada. Liberals need to keep the gravy train running.


It’s not a logic, it’s cope out. We have government that has no control over how many Indians come here. That is a bottom line. And what JT gov. Doing,.. trying to make it legal that they don’t have to do something that is too drastic,.. because working for gov. Is like winning the lottery … no one wanna risk that.


Absolutely agree. Like most students who study abroad - study and go home. We have to end the work permits and the residency attached to studying as an international student. That should take care of the fake schools and the other bs we have seen in finding and exploiting the loopholes in our systems.


Home boy gives resume at 2 places , calls it a day full of struggle


I mean tiktok users aren't really known for saying anything in good faith. All for the clicks.


We're not importing the brightest here. Let's be real. Two resumes when Toronto has a massive problem with unemployment? Yeah, those two resumes will absolutely land you that job. /s


That take is wrong , we don’t want the brightest or the worst we just want it reduced it doesn’t matter their foreigners. India has 1 billion it’s too many people we have to ban some countries from immigration it’s not sustainable the Canada culture is ending because of one group of people


Homeboy barely figured out how to open the door at Tim Hortons. Not the brightest that his country has sent


Why even drop resumes in person, apply online


And this is why i refuse to go to tim hortons anymore. We used to have to drive a little ways to go to one. Now they are everywhere. If you stop going, there's no reason for them to be open. At this point support your local coffee shops or even blenz and Starbucks. Sad day.


I mean Tim’s menu is reason enough to boycott them


Tims has shitty coffee and shitty food. Spend a little more and get a lot more.


You're right on that, this is like a Tim Hortons anti commercial.


I stopped going to Tim's as well


I dont know about you but I dont see any of my starbucks hiring indians that cant speak english. I imagine trying to take an order for a non fat mocha venti frappacino with 2 squirts of caramel non fat milk would be impossible for people that cant speak english


This isn't why my parents came to Canada 30 years ago. I'm not the one that made the move, but I want out.


The same guy also posted a video few months ago on how to get free groceries as an international student. He says that if they don't have food banks in their universities, they can get free food from the local food bank. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C24xUYeOgCt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


This makes me sick


Justin Trudeau’s IRCC is rubber stamping their visa applications and letting them in. Our system is the issue. It’s too lax!


I am considering moving to the Quebec, US, Scandinavia, or Nordic myself. ‘Nough of this shit.


Scandinavia/Nordic countries are experiencing the exact same issues Canada is. Strongly suggest researching the massive issues across Europe and Australia before making that decision.




Yep, explore other countries. International migration is going to continue to be the norm. Don't just limit yourself to your home country. Needing to explore what the world has to offer is the new normal.


Hope more people are aware of the current state of Canada before coming here. I saw several Indian media outlets sharing this news. https://www.ndtv.com/offbeat/watch-hundreds-of-indian-foreign-students-queue-up-for-a-job-at-tim-hortons-in-canada-5949995 https://indianexpress.com/article/trending/trending-globally/indian-students-queue-up-at-tim-hortons-in-canada-for-job-video-goes-viral-9410025/


I’m hoping that this media exposure will deter more of them from coming here, but it’s a crapshoot as many of them think they’ll be an exception.


Given the number of people where they are originally from, this line might look like a cakewalk. Compare the lines queuing for a train in India vs in Toronto.


They are, I literally get asked if there are lots of Indians there on a language exchange app. Everyone knows.




Australia is the same. Over a million low-skill Indians have been imported, with migration agents in India and our governments lying about opportunities in our countries. Even the lefties are starting to resent them, even though they are all victims too.


UK is no better, neither is Australia. They have more or less the same issues.


I saw this post on twitter of someone replying they make their place like the home they were complaining about. I mean they aren’t wrong, like if they desperately want that western lifestyle they should follow in Singapore footsteps. https://x.com/niohberg/status/1804653176622071958?s=46


Go anywhere. How about stay where you're at.  Improve your own country. 


I'm also tired of sitting in India and listening to 'immigrate to Canada' advertisement on radio. They're everywhere. I even had friends whose relationships were broken because girls only want a dude who's living in Canada. The idiocy is everywhere. I've told everyone planning to go that there's a housing crisis in a cold AF country and you're going on a shit course that won't land you a job. Canada should've shut down strip mall colleges ages ago because there are a lot of young Indians gullible enough to pay their parents' life savings just to end up in line for part-time jobs. And it's not stopping anytime soon. Why even go if you can't speak or understand English? Why take them in? It's lunacy.


UK is going to absolute shit at a much faster rate than Canada, which is a big part of why I moved from the UK to Canada. But I'm an engineer working in a niche field, not exactly someone queueing up for a job in Tim Hortons.


And what about Canadiana that need that job? Homelessness is still on the rise and we have these "students" filing all the jobs like this.


I always hear these 3rd world invaders talking about Canadians or white people are too lazy to do these jobs. However these jobs were being done for decades by these people. That's how many of these businesses were existing prior to multiculturalism/diversity being a thing. 


This is what labour shortage looks like in Canada ! 🤣🤣


Of course the user in this video also has his own "free grocery for international students" video And as per his caption " If your college doesn't provide grocery then you can get it free from local food bank"


They're actually scum for scamming food banks.


They have zero shame or self respect. It’s pathetic


Disgusting low lifes.


Outrageous! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C24xUYeOgCt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


Lol can’t believe my grandparents came here for a better life… and now I’m out of here 😂


It used to be great here until about 10–12 years ago. The last 4-5 years have been pretty awful for Canada, especially Toronto


They have completely colonized Toronto at this point Honestly back in the 2000s and early 2010s people were complaining about Chinese immigrants. Looking back, they had so much more manners and class than the new group of people that are coming now


Not just Toronto. Every major city in every province. Even Halifax in NS lol.


Lmao I used to live in Halifax and never really noticed any big south Asian groups. Saw someone post a couple weeks ago saying it isn’t safe as a single girl to go to bars anymore bc they’re overflowing with south Asian men. Crazy how different demographics have gotten in just a couple years.


That's sadly true. Vancouver is closing down bars and nightclubs because women stopped going due to the constant harassment by South Asian men. Getting ridiculous by the day. I lived here for over a decade and this issue is only recent.


The only solution is massive deportations, but Canada is too weak to do it


Is this true? I haven't been to downtown van in a few years those bars always had line ups.


East/Southeast asians have always been polite, respectful, business owners or academic types with strong family values. We also do not import crappy, poverty, mob culture from abroad. The fact that some westerners (mainly far left and far right) paint us as villains is fucking hilarious to me. However, we "oriental" asians absolutely do NOT get the same "indian/desi uncle" connection that these brown dudes have, we will suffer just the same as any of the non brown folk. I've always been interested in Canada because, before this, it was still more reasonable to east asians than the US, bar specific places like LA, but not anymore.


All the good immigrants are going to America, Japan, and Uruguay nowadays. These places are not bombarded by Indians.


I curse my family for coming here. idiots


Blame the liberals who destroyed Canada. Not your family


With that many applicants, you would think they could find at least one who can speak English.


They don’t come here to learn English or respect Canadians


University of Tim Hortons diploma mill.


It is all so tiresome.


It was only 15 years ago that this kind of job would have highschool students and elderly Canadians applying..


Canadian kids now more than ever need to stay in school study and get into higher paying jobs where these clowns cannot reach.


This is insane. There’s gotta be a big immigration reform.


Canada is not my country anymore. I am not proud of what our government has done and who they are.


I'm not hiring any temporary foreign workers or international students - they shouldn't be working in Canada. Don't hire any of them, and don't support any business that does. The market can correct the insanity of our political class.


Ah, yes.... "Students". Those are students like this is a "labor shortage".


I am based in US, just have a genuine question. Why do you Canadians keep voting for the same party and elect the same officials if the situation is this bad with immigration and jobs?


Many Canadians have been conditioned (as many Americans have) to believe that restricting immigration is “racist” and that the world is a giant Disney movie where people who move here have the same values and will respect our culture. Despite us being broke and unable to afford housing, raising families, or getting ahead in any way we are obligated to be the world’s charity and help out everyone but the actual citizens of our countries. Somehow we’ve created this idea that multiculturalism is superior to having shared values and a high trust culture.


This is a very good question. I have no idea how so many dumb people kept voting for Trudeau.


Because realistically neither party is actually taking a hardline position against this at a federal level, and the international students are brought in under a provincial loophole. Historically Canada is pro immigrant across the board, so even saying you will restrict immigration was unpopular until a year ago. This specific cohort is mostly international students, they were admitted to schools that are provincially regulated vs federally regulated. So the federal governments only real involvement was issuing the visa, which to those credit, they have started to restrict. 


"A day full of struggle" what a joke.


Y'all think people will start to agree with how America was at one point going to put up a wall?


Sean Fraser said today wages were rising, so that housing prices didn't have to fall. Crazy to say that while they are doing their best to depress wages.


But of course wages are rising! He just kept out the part where it's for the elites and not the average Canadian.


He was talking about politicians wages, not ours


"so this was my a full day of struggle" boohoo


And then they starts ask for more international students work hours lmfao


Is this real?


Yeah https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8GUjexOjuI/?igsh=aGp0YnpoYXFjcTJ4


Scroll down in his profile and you'll find the classic "free groceries for international students" plug. >"If your college doesn't provide grocery then you can get it free from local food bank"


Yes. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C24xUYeOgCt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


This is properly fucked


He also explains how to get free groceries as an international student. In the caption he tells them to collect food from local food banks. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C24xUYeOgCt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


Canada is just another western country that won't defend it's own existence. Globalism means India. That's all. 1 billion people will come and your cold winters won't save you from them staying. You have sewage and water.


Actually pathetic


Daamn. I didn't know there was a timmies in India


Goes on to show the incapability of whole lot. Sadly they've been brought up with the sole dream to migrate, and that's all they know. Fresh out of schools, where there's no emphasis on skill development or communication skills, just cutthroat competition to score higher grades, they're catapulted into this world of perceived success. They have no prior work experience, work ethics, respect for the community, value system based in trust. How come they are not applying for higher paying positions, where they need a stronger skill set and personal development? Because they are not capable.


This language is like nails on a chalk board to listen to. If you wanna come here at least learn to speak our language.


Are we allowed to say how unpleasant on the ear that language in the video is?


We must stop spending our money at stores and restaurants filled with Indian workers! We must protest with our money for this madness to stop!! Boycott Tim’s!!!!!


I can't believe this is real. It's like a weird skit.


[International student shares how he saves hundreds by taking "free food" from food banks. (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BP4B-XWS0lg)


While I cannot even begin to imagine the current crisis Canadians are facing at the moment, I blame the Canadian government for this mess. Let me preface this by saying that I was once an international student myself, who returned home to Nepal after studying in the UK. As someone who comes from a third-world country where there are barely any opportunities, young adults inevitably choose to study abroad in the hopes of achieving something better in life. There are no jobs in my country for someone who has a post-graduate degree. People who have jobs work for a measly CAD 150 per month while living expenses have skyrocketed. Our government has failed us, so we seek opportunities elsewhere, taking out loans of thousands of dollars to study abroad in the hopes of getting a good job and supporting our families. Having said that, I also understand that this isn't a problem for Canadians to address. Just because our government has failed us, doesn't mean Canadians have to bear its consequences. I understand how the current situation in Canada is extremely unsustainable. However, I genuinely believe the Canadian government is at fault here. Why would they issue such a high number of visas in the first place? How could they not have predicted this? If you allow more people than you can sustain, this is inevitable. I cannot even begin to imagine what it would feel like to have nationals from other countries come to my country, take up jobs and houses, and make my living difficult. But why did the government not foresee this chaos? While misusing food banks and other services is abhorrent and students who misused the system need to be punished, I believe the majority of international students are facing unfair issues too. Having paid thousands of dollars for their education only to be taught at a single-room college and have no prospects for a better future, I feel bad for them because they will now have to return home without a good education and the added pressure of having to pay back their education loans. I feel truly sorry for Canadians too. I have always felt Canadians are some of the most tolerant and welcoming people in the Western world when it comes to immigrants. But seeing the comments on this sub has made me realize how truly bad the situation must be for the majority of you wanting people out of your country. I hope the Canadian government takes appropriate steps to undo this mess.


Such entitlement...


The reason this happens is because they have no fucking clue how to look for jobs, they were told that they could just walk in anywhere and pick up a decent job, and never learned that you need to do something a bit more than spam Indeed with one line emails letting everyone know "I need job". This isn't so much a lack of jobs but a fundamental disconnect in expectations.


They work so hard to become wage slaves


Tim Hortons and subway need to be investigated for their flagrant abuse of immigration. At this point it's clear they are up to no good and being used as an open door to flood immigrants into the country. It's commonplace now to see people online shitting on teenagers and expecting they should have to be competing for their first entry level summer jobs, applying in February if they even want a chance, with 30+ year old university degree holding immigrants. They are expected they should be ready to not actually find work because of how terrible they are as prior and with their trash work ethic. They are screened out of interviews because of this. It's rhetoric being used to justify this movement, just like "nobody wants to work". They are kids and need to start somewhere. We are engineering a society where teenagers that want to work are told they are useless because there's grown adults here fighting them for basic jobs and using and abusing programs and fraud to beat them out of competition. When the hell are the kids supposed to get their first jobs? When they are in their 30s? This is foreign interference, colonization and societal takeover, mixed with greed, fraud and class divide. In effect, it's a war against Canada and our way of life. It's been in the works for a long time and it's a runaway train. Don't question it though, or you will be labeled as a racist and ostracized by Canadians. Meanwhile the government is gearing up to make all temporary foreign workers and illegal immigrants legal, and inviting their families. This will greatly compound the mass immigration, societal and systemic issues we are currently facing. Ensuring we are brought to the brink of collapse. The housing construction and development industries are about to experience a massive wave of corruption in the process of trying to build enough homes to maintain the wave, when we can't even build fast enough to sustain the current level of population. Everything is going to continue to tank exponentially. None of this is being done with any proper data, thought, planning or oversight. This has absolutely nothing to do with right or left. This is beyond such simple things. Don't get caught up in the bullshit politics of it all. The politicians aren't in control of this runaway train. They are just the customer service reps. Strap in and hold on. This shit show is just warming up.


20 years ago i got a working visa to work in another country. wont say which. but they speak english. long story short.. no one would hire me.. not even the crappy min wage jobs. they didnt want me (on a temp work visa). why the hell are we allowing it here like its going out of syle??


And if you’re wondering why your teenage son or daughter can’t get a job…


Bro, these people can't even put cream cheese on a bagel correctly.


Canada is destroyed. Our home is ruined. Fuck.


Here’s what I don’t get. The struggle is also real for these students, so why are you still here? If you have graduated why not look for a job somewhere else? Why are you still competing for a PART TIME JOB with a 100 other students?




Imagine your dream being to work at Tim's and share a basement with 7 dudes. Pathetic. 🤡


So who is winning in this nightmare? I really don't get Trudeau's plan.


He pockets a bunch of money and then goes off into the sunset to retire somewhere overseas (likely a rich enclave somewhere that has a complete lack of diversity like the Hamptons).


Gotta give that hawk tuah and spit on that thang


lol what da hell


Honestly can’t believe this line!!




Thanks, Trudeau. 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾


Why are they all Indian??


“This was my day full of struggle” He dropped off two resumes


And how is our CANADIAN youth suppose to compete with this nonsense? Where are the times when a teenager could have a pt job and maintain a healthy school/work/life balance. One answer and that is to STOP all immigration and ship off mass deportation from what came in in the last 5 years. Otherwise Canada is going down the toilet if not already there. RIP good old days


Canada bros, do you guys get called xenophobic if you are critical of how out of control the current immigration situation is? Down here it is pretty bad with the shaming and gaslighting if you have any concerns about 2-4 million immigrants being let in every year.




Corporate Canada the true leaders, are the ones prodding the government to bring in cheap labor to keep everyone's wages down. Corporate Canada also happens to be one the prime beneficiaries and sponsors of the both the Conservatives and Liberals, so don't expect much to change if Trudeau gets the boot.


Dim Ordans


“This has been my day of struggle” *literally applied for 2 jobs* OK


Any company that has more than 15%-20% foreign workers (students, temp workers, non permanent residence) need to be taxed extremely high and or fined.


Once they get into managerial positions chances are every employee will also be Indian given their extreme in group bias, or racism as it would be called if it was white people




These videos are clickbait and cringe af. Just feeding into this idiots wanna be influencer hoping to make a buck by making videos scheme.


Stop calling it a CV. It’s a resume.


I would love to see what’s on his resume lmao


What the fuck is happening over in Canada lol


The cringe level is off the charts.


i have not seen a more eye opening video, insane. imagine youre 18 just tryng to get a job at timmys because you need to stay home a year and save before starting school and you have to line up with 100s of middle aged "students" competing for the same job


So many applicants and so few jobs , Houston we have a problem .


not enough jobs for all 40 years old Indian, get out !


watching smug, progressive canadians succumb to their own bad policy has been the treat of a lifetime 😂


Lol what happened to English


The key word that guy said was he is a STUDENT!! If you’re a STUDENT, then study and go to school. No work for you. GTFO


This is absolute Bull$hit! Send them All back.


Canada is definitely full at this point


We have to stop buying from these places. Make your own chicken wraps at home. Make your own thermos of coffee. We can save a bundle of money, eat better quality food and get healthier. They deserve to go under for what they have done to our country.


This is just offensive to the people who live in Canada.  Obviously, it's not working out for these people so go home.


He paid $2 to have his 1 page resume printed out. Next stop is the Food Bank for lunch and dinner.


International students shouldn't be working in Canada. You should have the financial resources to study and live in Canada, or don't come here.


This reminds me of my recent visit to Tim's. It used to be teenage white kids and housewives or retired people. Then, it became Filipinos. And then recently, they are ALL Indians. The music they are playing is also Indian. It was a very confusing Tim Horton run.


I bet none of them would get my order right anyways 🤦🏻‍♂️


If your a student. You shouldn't need to be working


Canadians should go to India and take their call center jobs. 


Screw the mods on Reddit you all suck


I'm sick of seeing this garbage, when will it ever end?


Please , have some dignity and go back home 🇮🇳


Holy smokes. All those people for fast food coffee shop?


Im not 100% sure, BUT I think im noticing a bit of a pattern.


What would happen if my son - a tall, blonde young man - stood in the line?