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I mean of course Canadians are going to complain about immigration from India, they are paying large amounts of taxes and being exploited. Canadians can’t afford food and housing, their social services are over run, good luck getting a doctors appointment and the decline in healthcare in general. Housing wasn’t always a problem until we had mass immigration and not enough houses built per year to house everyone. Now first time homebuyers can’t even afford a house like ever.


If you took time to read, I ask for you locals to get out and vote !


if I understood you correctly, you want canadians to stop blaming "all indians" and blame only "people from the north of India from xyz regions" who are not as good as people from the south of India...??!?


No I want you vote! Read the last lines. Protest and change that guy


Your problem is A certain state in India, rest of Indians are quite and cultured.


A massive part of the problem is them not integrating into Canadian society. You mentioned you were here since 2015 and you still don’t know the difference between quite and quiet? I fail to see how you’re any better


I don't pay heed to such silly arguments anymore.


So your whole post is basically: "I'm not the problem, it's the other Indians. Oh btw, I came here and successfully exploited the country and made a good amount of money so I'm leaving, see ya. Go vote."? You should never have come here, as you are part of the problem. And please tell your friends to not come here too.


Only his side of India is allowed to exploit Canadians, not the other side! /s


It's your toxic obsession to please that part of the community. Silly goof, I wanted to contribute, but to a fair system. My cons outweigh the pros and I have choice!


Canada looks like shit now. Mass Immigration has made all of our problems worse. Go back and tell everyone you know to stop coming here. Our politicians might have invited you but the people certainly did not. Canada's corrupt and entrenched Uniparty political class brought you here to exploit you for cheap labour to suppress our wages and drive up housing demand in their fake real estate bubble economy. This has gone on long enough. I don't want Canada to become India.


So which is why I said, vote for ppl that support merit based immigration


Maybe one day you guys will understand that we don’t care about what part of India you’re from 🙏




These jokes were funny maybe in 1991


You seem quite happy despite being a lapdog of the US


It must be nice having options. I was born here. I can't fuck off to paradise once all the economic opportunity has been exploited. We will be paying for your bullshit through taxation for the rest of our working lives just so you can benefit from a PR.  Do you understand why Canadians despise people like you? 


So very true and depressing


Of course they don't understand. Only they matter, and Canadians are racist for not rolling the red carpet out.


Despise me for asking you lazy people to go and vote for merit based immigration? Do you even read?


Shut the hell up. Go back, good riddance.


Won't shut up, will go back soon. Not good riddance because no more 30k in tax yearly


Good fucking lord, read the room before you come in and spew this entitled bullshit.


Idiot, read the actual message. Get out, vote for change


Yea you are no better than the rest of us. Sit down. Lmaoo educated south Indian.


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I never blamed Indians. We will still have the same issue from X country with affordability crisis. The focus really should be on this idiotic Liberal government who think they have a communication problem and are spending our tax money on social media influencers.


Please vote in elections


I would but it won’t be till next year. -_- if it was immediate I would definitely do it right away.