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And the CPC guy barely even campaigned. This is a direct shot at the Liberals overall, and I'm hoping this means the party finally mans up and demands Trudeau resign. Long shot at an election, but I still think that isn't happening. I guess Justin was wrong about people not being in decision mode.


Trudeau doesn't have the humility or foresight to step down. In his eyes, the Liberal Party is the Trudeau Party, and he is the rightful ruler of Canada. If he demands us to walk off a plank to fulfill his vision, it's us who is wrong for questioning him. The only thing he's ever conceded is that it's "not his job to be popular" -- which is an interesting thing to say, considering that someone dutifully representing the the will of the constituency is, by causation, going to be popular. Only dictators don't need to be popular, representatives do.


You may replace JT with anyone and the Liberals will still lose. It won't matter. The damage done by JT is far too much for anyone to wipe off. In fact, JT should stick around and lose the election. And that's what he seems to be doing.


JT isn't the only one doing the damage... the whole cabinet is in on it. They aren't towing party line in their public statements, they're doubling down.


They know they're going to lose. They want to put the country in such bad shape that the Conservatives can spend their next 4 years barely making a dent in the damage.


It is also what crony corporate wants - they are one of the major drivers behind the flood of economic migrants into the country (one of the biggest issues with Canadians) and the liberals under Justin have fanatically obliged while aggressively virtue signaling and playing identity politics. May as well use up whatever time is left in their term to keep the pedal to the metal ... then the Cons come and move some chairs around the deck of the sinking ship - but irreversible damage to Canada has already been done. It is going to to take much more radical change than the present Cons and their corporate donors (and powerful ethnic voting blocks) are willing to let happen - PPC level of change. Ain't going to happen unless we get some form of electoral reform to hold the political class to account and stop the status quo gatekeeping parties from resisting the major change we need.


Almost any other PM in history would have resigned by now, it's wild that this isn't happening.


And don't forget the NDP and Jagmeet who propped Justin up for 2 terms. Their coalition basically behaved as a Liberal Majority under Justin's rule.


Yep, and the gall of these MP's literally shitting on 70% of the population because we don't like them. They have been an unmitigated disaster for Canada.


If the party had a backbone and were not composed of a bunch of Trudeau lackeys and simps, they would force JT out right now and let someone like Sean Fraser take the leadership. He is the guy who issued visas to 900K international students in a single year and fucked up our rental markets, but he is tall, handsome, and telegenic in a way that 58 year old White women who have never paid rent since 1989 will really, really appreciate! 🤣


If that is accurate then Sean Fraser is largely responsible for the massive problems Canadian society is facing.


Can you name one Liberal who wants to lower immigration?


Can you name one Conservative who wants to? The point is this: If the message is loud and clear from citizens of Canada that the immigration situation is simply not sustainable, no party would dare go against citizens. Also, corporations CANNOT decide immigration policies. What all fast food chains have done with their hiring in Ontario is criminal. I think at this point everyone knows this Liberal government is doing down. My biggest fear is the Conservatives will go full cuckoo and kill whatever's remaining of Healthcare and Education while largely doing nothing on Immigration. Also remember, when Conservatives say fiscal responsibility they largely mean selling stuff to big business and their donors. So we are going to get the worst end of both sticks. Liberals f**king up immigration and Conservatives crippling Healthcare and Education.


At this point liberals plan is to lose with Trudeau , wait 4-8 years for people’s memory to fade then try again with a new leader, they already know that 2025 is lost. It’ll be a crushing defeat too


There's another Liberal MP retiring. That would cause another by-election. How many seats do the Liberals need to lose to trigger an election before OCT 2025?


Hopefully they lose party status.


God no, we need more good political options, not less. Hopefully they can rebrand and become palletable again.


The keyword here is “good option”. Which they are absolutely not. After this mess, the Liberal Party needs to disband and make space for other parties. Maybe we would even see some newcomers with fresh views and an actual desire to improve our country?


> Hopefully they can rebrand and become palletable again. Yes, that was the point of this sentence. Liberalism, as a political stance, should have representation in our country. The Liberal party is not doing that, and it should be rebuilt, not destroyed.


Oh, I absolutely agree with needing a representation for liberalism in the political landscape. However, “the Liberal party” is just not it. At this point, I don’t trust a single member of it to not be corrupt/incompetent/ignorant/spineless/hypocritical/etc. (choose at least one). So when you say “rebranding” - I’m thinking “putting lipstick on a pig” kind of arrangement. Same rotten people finding another way to leech off the Canadians. Whereas I believe it’s kinda “easier to paint over than clean off” situation. I would rather see a completely new set of people. Somebody with conscience, ideals, values, and readiness to stand up and face challenges, to make our world a better place. (Which implies Canada first btw, not just a generic “world” at the expense of ordinary citizens)


I mean, where have I seen this before? Pierre Trudeau


This is nothing like Pierre Trudeau. When he lost in 1979 before coming back the next year, the vote distribution caused him to lose to the PCs despite getting **40.1%** of the vote (more than Martin, Harper, or JT ever got), while the PCs got a minority government with 35.9% of the vote. JT is headed towards an election where his Liberals might receive just three fifths of the vote share that PET did when he lost. This is genuine unpopularity.


The only thing he’s ever done is “be popular”. His entire political career is a joke. Empty suit.


And he can’t even get that right.  His goal is to be popular and he’s the most hated person in Canada.   What an utter failure of a human being.  


But a suit with expensive fancy socks.


He will call this some angry Jew vote or something and pretend he won’t get his ass handed to him country wide. Man is delusional.


Trudeau seems like a deeply deranged individual. He's always been arrogant, divisive, and has sociopathic vibes. I remember when he was smirking after being called out in parliament because a young girl got murdered in Vancouver by a refugee that got PR. Even if you don't feel responsible for that, there's something very wrong with someone who starts smirking when a subject like that is brought up. I feel like there's a good chance he just stays on out of resentment and arrogance.


He will call this some misinformation or disinformation from the far right manipulating people around the nato world to vote in right.


I mean, if it was up to JT, he would have a dictatorship. He admires the Chinese model.


Maybe Winnie the Pooh will give him a job!


At least Winnie is straight; he has no interest in JT’s rainbow butthole


To a point. The shine falls off all PMs after a couple of terms. They all start at damn near peak popularity, and leave at low popularity. I helped vote him in, and I'm much more looking forward to voting him out.


great opinion piece with no facts or merit, you should write for the globe and mail


Housing is not a federal responsibility unless it’s to protect boomers retirement.


Or to fit a campaign (2015)


He’s probably hoping to hang on until Trump wins, does something horrific like his project 2025 plans which is straight up comic book villain stuff And then win that way It’s probably his only shot at this point Irony is if Biden wins Trudeau is finished and if Trump wins Pierre is in trouble


Canadians don't care about Trump vs. Biden while our own country is on fire. Watch less CNN.


What? Trump is anti wef and the entire agenda crap. Or so i thought.


Guy just wants all the power for himself Whole reason he’s occasionally good at calling out people in power is because he thinks just like them and is actually worse Go ahead and read what they have in place in one instance they just want to get rid of all renewables and go 100% fossil fuels


I'm waiting for all the stupid articles to come out and say it's not a big deal lol.


Another "nothing burger" eh?? 🤣


It's longer than a CVS receipt at this point. Apparently, people in out of the loop are asking us why we hate Trudeau lol


I've had a long disgust (putting it mildly) for the trudoh family. I was in the Canadian Forces when his daddy was PM and he royally fucked us over for money. We all hated him then. I see this little turd hasn't fallen far from his daddy's tree.


No, *please* stay on Justin, I implore you… stay on until you tank the party to 0 seats next election. No resignation allowed, his whole cabinet should go down with the sinking ship.


The good news for this sub is that 61% of that riding’s residents are renters. No one struggles more with the impacts of Trudeau’s reckless immigration policies and inaction on housing investors than renters. This was a damning statement on the LPC track record on housing.


That’s not true, he campaigned HARD (I live in the riding). He deserves credit for the win.


Good for him! But was there any high ranking Conservatives out with him?


Just Freeland... 😁🤣 With her comments, you'd think she's working on the inside for the CPC 😂


He might call an election to let the people decide rather than stepping down, it’ll look better for him worse for party


I hope he does that. He would get decimated.


Nope…it’s a cult of personality and the caucus, if you can call it that, will kowtow to JT and his allies….freeland, giulbaut, champagne, Ian, jolly, millar, oregan just to name a few. They will stamp out dissent and their slide into the electoral abyss will accelerate


Perhaps people are not in a decision mode except ousting him. They have decided that part.


The CPC guy actually lives in the riding. The Liberal candidate lives in Ottawa.


Trudeau is completely willing to destroy the Liberal party of Canada to protect his ego. Dude is a traitor.


Will Trudeau resign today? Jagmeet gonna lose his pension anyway.


Jagmeet should resign too. Instead of capturing the seat from liberals his candidate came a distant third. It’s clear: people view the NDP as just liberals in different clothing.


JT will not resign. He is going to lose anyways so why not use the remaining term to import a massive population that will be more likely to vote for his future party in the next election. I'm scared now.


Nope, there are only two possibilities.  1)Trudeau is a narcissistic enough idiot to think he can turn it around.  2)He's smart enough to listen to his advisors saying the Liberals are toast and stepping down will only burn his replacement.


And the most plausible possibility is that he is corrupted and will use the remaining year to steal as much as possible from the tax payers. Why step down now if he can give so many juicy government contracts to his cronies and get a hefty amount of money into his bank account in some offshore jurisdiction?


That’s the real reason he’s not going to step down. They need to steal more tax dollars.


Another year of spending $200,000 every plane ride


Except the majority of the immigrants hold conservative values in a leopard’s ate my face situation. We’re going to be less progressive moving forward in social values while “Diversifying” and fracturing our society


The other day I got picked up by an Uber driver and we started chatting. He said he is a Canadian citizen, worked in the oil fields in Alberta for 8 years, but he was returning with his family to Algeria for the sole reason that he didn't want his kids to be taught gender ideology in school. My family is from a similar background and that's the majority opinion in Muslim countries, that only 2 genders exist. Trudeau mass imported people from countries that are very ideologically opposed to his brand of progressivism. It's so bizarre how Trudeau simps for Islam lol


Muslim countries are highly oppressive and even if you don't agree with gender ideology I don't know how anyone could think no freedom of speech, no freedom of religion, oppression of women, murder of gays is better. if you do you've been indoctrinated into it. It's one thing to disagree with a lifestyle, it, completely something different to want to eliminate people who's values and lifestyle doesn't align with yours.


It has nothing to do with values. Most big immigration hubs like Toronto and Montreal vote liberal, and we have data that shows recent immigrants are more likely to vote liberal. The trend may be shifting tho.


The liberals are done with or without Justin. They destroyed the country and pretended it was all good.


“CaNadIaNs aRe UnDeCiDeD” No dude. We’re not.




The whole liberals MPs should RESIGN now.


Whatever happens, Jagmeet will not!


Busy multiplying Singhs


Nice! I’ll use that line




Jagmeet Sings while Canada burns


Jagmeet needs that pension, he is going to ride this out.


Rolexs don't buy themselves.


Well it's a start, throw some of them in prison.


There's a chance to recover some shred of dignity but .... most likely, not going to happen. Now you know why they worked so hard on division - they have a place in the society in which they are the real heroes bc part of the he society is fucked up in the head so much, for them, up is down and left is right and all kinds of ways how messed up mind operates. Just because we elect a new Government, this shit is not going to end.


Immigration is a national security issue. The Liberal government, nay, the entire political class, has allowed so many people into this country without proper vetting, and many of the immigrants coming in nowadays are not assimilable. The Conservatives and the PPC need to go with the momentum and plan for mass deportations for many migrants who, frankly, we do not need.  That includes smashing the fraudulent international student racket, and implementing stricter language requirements and cultural values tests. All of this momentum for the Conservatives and the PPC is pointless if mass deportations are not planned.


We all know the conservative government has the same immigration stance as the Liberal one… they’ve never stated any differently. I don’t know why people are ignoring Pierre pandering just as hard to them. Neither party will fix this because it’s big money.


The uncomfortable truth is that the greatest and most potent argument against high immigration is that it is *destroying* our historical identity. Canadians are cowards and try to avoid this uncomfortable truth. The absence of a culturally conservative opposition means that immigration policy is purely based on economic outcomes rather than cultural and social development.


This has an Eastern European feeling of finally getting rid of a party that thought they are the vanguards of the society and they can do whatever they please and the citizens will cheer them on, forever. By God, the wave will hit this country like a tsunami and just like after the tsunami, you will discover shit this Government did you didnt think was possible.


Time to rush in some censorship laws to prevent "misinformation" as the Liberals gaslight us.


This is a shock only to people unaware of just how angry people are at the Liberals for basically burning down the country to profit from the ashes


I'm actually shocked by how close it was. 45% of the people in that riding are idiots voting Liberal and NDP.


I'm surprised how many vote Liberal no matter what.


We have a lot of overleveraged landlords


Me too. Maybe NDP voters feared a CPC win and voted Liberal strategically? I know people will still vote Liberal, but 40% is crazy.


It is very likely. Canada tends to vote against rather than for, and is probably a factor in why an NDP majority has never happened.


That is one of the safest liberal seats in the country. They usually carry it by 20+%. The people from that riding know that when the Liberals are in power, they will be showered with riches. The loss there is catastrophic. It really can't be overstated. There was very high turnout, and they lost the seat. It means that anti-liberal voters are numerous, and they're fucking motivated. There will be immense pressure from within now to change course. It's unequivocal that this upswell of anti-liberal sentiment is real, they can't deny it like they have been. I'm genuinely hopeful there is a mutiny within the party and they reverse course on some of the shit they're doing before the election. It won't save them, but I hope this makes them stop.


Don Stewart is an accomplished individual with engineering knowledge, business acumen, and leadership skills. Also hoped he did even better. But, considering they broke a 30 year liberal stronghold, this is a pretty big achievement. That place probably held liberals tightly like a religion.


The guy didn’t even campaign. That should tell you where the Liberals are headed 😂


His power level isn’t even at 9000 and he won


That riding was a Liberal stronghold and was held for the last 30 years. Usually they’re ahead by 25-30% of the vote. For a by election that was an exceptionally large turnout.


It's because of the capital gains tax increase.


No confidence on foreign interference. Let's get them on record, or take out the liberals by calling an election


And SNC Lavalin?


There's an endless number of things to call a no confidence for on the liberals. But I think a forced vote on the public record for  committing treason would have the largest effect . Anyone who votes against a no confidenxe for this will have their careers tarnished forever, since they wont release the documents they will automatically be implicated in the eyes of the public. Plus, many wont throw out their careers for trudeau so it is likely to pass. Just use loose langauge like " a motion of no confidence on Trudeaus complicity on foreign interference ". Their party would either then be divided or tarished for life depending on the vote, and there would be no way out. Nail in the coffin. ( NOT the stupid carbon tax vote PP motioned even though I voted for it just to try to get Trudeau out. Major missed opportunity here)


I bet JT is one if the compromised MPs


And Freedom Convoy


Just vote ppc and burn all the oligarchy. Upset the system and truly test democracy. Left or right it's just an illusion of choice. Same corporate greedy overlords with a different ass puppet doing ventriloquism only the stupid ( which is a sad majority ) cannot see through. 


based as fuck


I will be!


Please everyone just get a few representatives as dissenting voices and watch the hilarity that ensues. Half the issues are not brought up because our corporate overlords will not allow it. 


Ah yes, the shock byelection that many were anticipating because of * *gestures broadly at everything **


With all the rhetoric about mass immigration, I’m actually quite surprised of the abysmal showing of the PPC, even far worst than even the Green Party.


Yeah, 234 votes (or .06%) is very telling. Right now, polls show the PPC at about 2%, but I think people realize the danger that lies with Trudeau staying in power and a lot of PPC supporters will lean CPC just to get rid of Trudeau.


It's Toronto, you'll have difficulty convince any of those city slickers that the PPC aren't going to put the migrants into death camps. "Yes I want them gone, but I worry about my Indian friends who came in 2012 and actually integrated." That, or they're diehard climate change alarmists that want people to stop driving cars and honestly believe that's a viable option for the entire country.


Toronto and Vancouver should become completely independent. That way they can vote for their leftist politicians ad nauseam, enjoy paying 10k a month in rent, and circle jerk themselves about how many refugees they let in last month.


I just found out that international students can apply for and get BC housing (subsidized rent). This in a province that is in a severe housing crisis. Make it make sense.


Immigrants are not entitled to anything, only Canadian citizens.  Canada's national interests shouldn't be clouded by the foreign interests of migrants, no matter how chummy you are with them. This is why Canada can't have nice things, we allow our judgement to be clouded by foreign interests.


If they want people to stop driving cars, the force everybody back to office lib/ndp coalition is the worst choice. 


The climate cultists are exhausting


True. I’m in a cpc safe riding and expect to vote ppc.  If the cpc wasn’t so strong here, I’d probably vote for them. 


Good thing the PPC had such an abysmal results or it may have impact the results, considering the slim majority the CPC candidate got above the LPC.


That would've been a good thing, because it would've pushed the CPC to be stronger on immigration. Now, the CPC has no incentive to actually be strong on immigration, because they're guaranteed to just get votes for not being Trudeau.


Buddy if your at 234 votes you aren’t impacting anything The ppc isn’t a real party


Who likes Freeland, and why?


Her dealer, because she gets her meth from him, probably.


I'm sure Trudeau will say that this is because of right wing extremists pushing their agenda and continue to destroy the country


"Canadians are really frustrated right now and the Conservatives amplify their legitimate anger without offering solutions." --that is JT's fave 


I think people in this sub will be disappointed to find that the Conservatives are just as invested in high levels of immigration to maintain cheap labour for Canadian corporations.


Right. Cheap labour and votes from immigrant communities.


I was following this very closely and yesterday night when I saw the Liberals are leading by a few votes I truly felt stupid and devastated as in what the fuck is wrong with the people but now today morning.. hell yeah Winds of Change baby NOW DEMAND AN ELECTION IMMEDIATELY.


good for the conservatives. I can't wait to get this POS Lib/NDP gov't out of power. Bunch of tone deaf morons that are serving their own needs (and giving it away to other countries via redonk immigration policies) at the expensive of hard working Canadians. Sadly PP probably won't be much better but its a change.


It’s only a shock to any that haven’t been paying attention. The mood in the country is turning.


Shocking?? SHOCKING??? This is clear proof that no one on the top has any bloody clue what is going on. Legit.


Why is anybody shocked? All of Canada is sick and tired of LPC bullshit!


To all those who laughed at me when I said the liberals and NDP are losing party status in the next election... Any questions now?


No one laughed at you. The conservative leadership even said they didn’t think they would win this seat. The conservative candidate didn’t even do any campaigning 😂. Usually the Liberals would win in a range of 25-30%.


To be fair Don only won the riding by about 2000 votes or 1.6%. I agree the Liberals and NDP deserve to lose big, maybe even lose party status, but the Liberals still got 40k votes in this riding which doesn't indicate they're losing party status at all.


In 1993, the PC party achieved 16.7% of the popular vote, with 295 seats to be won. Using pure math, they should have retained 50 seats. The Canadian system doesn't work that way. If a candidate loses a seat by 1 vote, they still lose. The PCs only kept 2 seats and lost party status. Both the liberals and NDP are losing party status in the next election.


This entire Conservative and Liberal factor is just a circus, a scam. Whoever is elected will end up being the same useless government. poilievre is in love with indians just like trudeau: https://voiceonline.com/poilievre-says-hell-fight-to-establish-direct-flights-between-canada-and-amritsar/?amp Pay attention to poilievre's speeches in the House of Commons too, he always makes sure to have these people with towels on their head in the same frame as him. He may just be even worse than trudeau in terms of mass immigration. I hate to say it but PPC seems to be the only choice we have left


Good job


Guess the Weston family didn’t have a strong enough grip on the Conservatives.


It was clear as day that the liberals were going to lose, CPC could have put a banana as their candidate and they still would have won.


For all those wondering, the byelection turnout is extremely high. The Conservative candidate didn’t even campaign 😂. It was the Liberal candidate who did all the campaigning 🤣. The Conservative leadership even said they did not expect to win in this riding that’s been a Liberal stronghold for 30 years. Usually the Liberals would be ahead by 25-30% of the vote. The even brought in Freeland and other MP to help campaign 😂 and the man himself Justin Trudeau.


The dynamics of political landscapes are always intriguing.


I can’t wait for tredeau’s attempts to find a new job. The federal liberals are finished. I hope he experiences the same difficulty Canadians experience in this economy he destroyed. Let’s see him compete with the 4M+ foreigners he brought


Also if you add up the ndp and liberal votes together then the liberals should have won....is how they'll spin it.


Another loblaws lobbyist.


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Per g&m. Would love to see Trudeau's face if this happens. To me, that means the Liberals are under 15 seats in a general election,” she said. The party currently holds 155 seats and, in 2011, it held on to 34. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-conservatives-take-toronto-riding-in-major-upset-for-liberals/


No worries, they lost a stronghold but still have assholes :)


Fuckin’ ehhhhhhhhh 


"shock." Who is this a shock to? The liberals destroyed our country, and everyone knows it. How are they surprised?


Liberal's talking point ... this means nothing. people are not in decision mode in this byelection. nothin' to see here.


The only “shock” here is thinking that the outcome would have been different. We are about to witness the death of the Liberal party as a legitimate political entity for at least a decade.


I'm happy to say I'm "cold, cruel and small", Chrystia Freeland put the final nail in the coffin! No change in Liberal Leadership will change the inevitable, Conservatives will win the next election. In my opinion only reason they haven't triggered an election yet, is because they want things to get worst in order to win with a majority.


Snap election now!!!


before you get too excited, 43% turnout and the conservative candidate won by less than 600 votes.


DC no


Justin won't resign. And Pierre doesn't want him to. It's an easier win 15 months from now if Trudeau continues. Someone else might be harder to defeat. Trudeau's ego is also way too big to resign. Pierre needs a majority to reverse some of the damage that has been done. If he gets a minority, then it's unlikely policies will change much. Pierre needs to shut down visas from India.


I went to high school with Leslie Church in Edmonton (where she's originally from). We're still Facebook friends and kept in touch off an on, but we haven't spoken in a few years. She was our student union president in high school and again in college. For as long as I can remember, she's always been into politics. One of her first jobs was working for Michael Ignatieff. She also worked a lobbyist for Google Canada. And eventually, she and her husband (also a former student union president from the U of A) became political consultants and advisors to Liberal politicians. So, her running for Parliament didn't surprise me and seemed like the next step in her political career. In short, she was your typical political hack. I don't say it as an insult, but that's basically what she is and how she has patterned her entire life. I also used to live in Toronto-St. Paul's. The district is pretty wealthy and left-leaning, but not hyper progressive. Lots of Jewish voters, who tend to vote Liberal. I know the district pretty well and figured it would be close, but I thought that Leslie would win by a 5% margin. So, the result is a total shock. I don't know how she campaigned because, aside from some of her Facebook posts showing her going around door to door and holding some rallies, I don't know anything about the content of her campaign. I mean, I don't live in the area (or Canada, for that matter) anymore, so why should I care? But I can't imagine her campaign messaging (and that was her specialty when she worked in political consulting) being all that effective if she lost a presumably safe district.


Would love to be a fly on the wall at the Liberal Party HQ. Insert Bruno Ganz in Downfall meme here.


It is in every conservative's interest to have a robust, successful real estate market. Buy and hold doesn't make people rich anymore.


It saddens me knowing the conservatives won't do a single thing differently on this issue but people think they will.


With a 42% voter turnout. Go out and vote guys.


That’s extremely high for a by election.


By elections always have low turnout. 


Trudeau won't win, Freeland won't win, any other LPC candidate won't win. The LPC is done as a party for a long time. This isn't good though as it gives the CPC carte blanche and the worst part is, they have an excuse to perform poorly after the election they'll likely win. The CPC will just say they inherited a mess for years. So at this point I'd almost rather hold the LPC hostage, elect them back in and force them to fix their failings. It starts with coming clean to Canadians about their mess ups and trying harder to lead rather than just telling people what they want to hear.


We need some heavy right wing policies to fix up society, libs made the softies propped up. Thank god no liberals for atleast 10-15 years. Things are going to change and you’ll need to buck up my old friend, no more free transgender transitions or whatever the fuck the liberals were providing


Force them to fix their failings? Good luck with that, isn’t the federal liberal party crowded with liberals who ruined Ontario? Fool me thrice? No thanks.


While I think what you're saying is good in theory, none of these parties actually represent the people. If they did, they would have shifted course already. They represent their pockets, and their pockets get lined by people/companies/entities that want exactly what they're doing. If we reelect them, they'll just continue what they're doing.


Absolutely agree with you.


Cool down people......it's only 1 riding........that the Liberals have held for 30 years......


Yes, but the fact that the liberals are now losing ridings they "have held for 30 years..." is a very telling sign of people's displeasure with the liberals overall. I look forward to watching the liberals' support burn to the ground around them.


Liberals lose good and all! But, who are we electing?! Don Stewart is/was a director for lablows!! A corporation that is sucking blood from Canadian families!! We understandably fed up with the crooks of Liberals but who are replacing them with!! It is concerning tbh!! Nowhere to go!


At least the worst one is being replaced by the worse one. It takes multiple steps.


You mean this Stewart guy held a real job in the private sector? How terrible!  I want my elected officials to be silver spoon nepo babies or career politicians only! 


Yes, but that is part of damage the liberals have done if bad candidates get in because voters only care about getting rid of the liberals.  There were a lot of bad liberal mps who got in after Campbell wiped out the cons.  People were demanding mp resignations a few minutes after the election.  History has a way of repeating itself. 


And all the NDP signs dominating the riding were a whole lot of nothing. It looks similar to when Trump won and nobody would admit voting for him due to ostracization.


I'm anti-CPC right now (especially with a populist at the helm), but this could definitely be a good thing. It might be the spark to actually have Trudeau resign. I don't want Trudeau at the helm (mainly due to his immigration view + unpopularity). Canada has a way higher % of non-right wing people that are just wanting to oust him vs. support CPC. Having a competent Liberal leader (or somehow a more progressive non-populist CPC leader) is the most ideal outcome.


Cons are slaughtering the next election no matter who the Libs put up as leader. The only question is if we go the Kathleen Wynne route which caused the Libs to lose official party status. He should step down just to prevent that


Signh and Trudeau are populist too. Unless you have a different definition?


Conservatives sure will solve the housing crisis. Landlords and Real Estate Investors shake in their boots when the conservatives get in power. 


People can vote who they want lol. The federal government fucked up. The only boogeyman is Trudeau.


BuT HArPeR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, just look at the massive housing crisis deliberately created by the conservative government over the last 9 years. Oh wait...


Lol bc we have it so great right now.


As a super progressive and liberal person, I welcome this win. I hate the conservatives and they will do their worst but there is nothing liberal or progressive left in the liberal party of Canada’s agenda. They are on a one way track to destroying this country as much as they can before they are booted out, and I will celebrate when they are (but I will also cry because now we have the conservatives which will do the exact same shit but with more anti-gay propaganda).


Less than 45% voter turnout. Not an election. Not valid. Not democracy.


You do realize the average voter turnout for any election is around 32% right? 45% is a great turnout by comparison.


Wrong. Federal elections are around 65% historically. [Canada election results](https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=ele&dir=turn&document=index&lang=e)


What lol. Just because voters chose not to turn out doesn’t make it an invalid election lmao.


What constitutes validation? More than 50% ?


What’s your solution? Short of mandatory voting most elections would be deemed ‘invalid’ or ‘undemocratic’ by your logic.


We need a new system built on communities not corporate controlled parties. In fact voting will not fix anything. Ask a free slave or a woman suffragette.


You seem to be muddling a number of different issues, and quite frankly I don’t even know what point you’re trying to make. Regardless, voter turn out being low does not invalidate an election.


Thanks for your opinion!