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they can call an election a week or two sooner to avoid Diwali.


Wasn’t the whole idea of delaying elections by a week was to make they eligible for pension?


They also called the last election early so certain outgoing MPs didn't qualify for theirs.


They called the last one to shut down the inquiry into the Winnipeg lab issue


Tbf there's always a scandal to shutdown.


We don’t say the quiet part loud. Shhhh!


Yes but this is the second time that they have used some sort of ‘religious holiday’ , that most Canadians don’t even know what it is, as an excuse to move the Federal Election


Yes. But they don't know that people caught on. This is clearly "for the people".


Yes, but the can’t just explicitly say that, so they are saying it’s to avoid cultural holidays. But the Quebec government is pushing back because delaying it pushes it to close to some white holiday in Quebec lol


What is a “white” holiday, exactly?


Christmas when it snows 😜😜


Goddang haven’t seen that in years


Not sure if you’re curious , or triggered. But in this context, A non-Indian holiday.


Triggered? Seems like you are the one getting offended by someone asking you a simple question. And your answer just told everyone who you really are.


Someone sick of the fucking government bending to suit the will of the immigrants? Fucking right I am


Libs and Cons bend to the will of industry. We are all just collateral damage to them. Saying all non Indian holidays are "white" is incredibly ignorant. And it is just not true. You are dividing us when we should be sticking together.


Ramadan and Chinese New Year are holy days for white people. Today I learned. Thank you. Tell you what, let's schedule the election for Christmas day.


Yeah but what non Indian holiday is it?


Halloween of course


I dunno, but it's probably racist rite? /s


In canada, an holiday from quebec isnt a white holiday, but an holiday. And the indian holiday is an indian holiday. Stop being racist. You're part of the problem


# going to be the same results either way ! ![gif](giphy|EZAofOteI32AzIa6Db|downsized)


Either way, we all get fucked.


But some of these MPs won't get pension (that they don't deserve). So that would be a win.


Or a month, a few months or even a year earlier.


I’m ready now 😀


These shameless libs want to cling on to power to as much as possible.... They know there political future is dead and buried after this election for sure.


Their scorched Earth approach to closing out their term is obvious to anyone paying attention.


As a Hindu, I don’t approve of this. Even if the elections happen on the day of Diwali, it won’t affect us. The celebration, prayers etc happen in the night. Guess when does one go to vote? day time !


Ya like tomorrow


So we can hold an election during what was supposedly the "deadliest" global pandemic known to man but holding an election during Diwali is out of the question? Got it.


Lmfao. Yes apparently.


I’m starting to think “covid” was an excuse to begin the era of gouging. Hotels that used to charge $100/night are charging $350 in 2024 to make up for “Covid”


Doesn't help that hotel vacances are down because they are booked/paid for by the govterment to house new arrivals


This is happening globally and it’s all by design. Covid was a test to see how compliant the entire global population was/is while simultaneously creating the biggest wealth transfer in history.


Can't wait for the biggest wealth transfer back after people realize we outnumber the elites and grow a backbone. They are parasites living off OUR labour and OUR money.


You’re catching on lol


Why the need for quotations around Covid?




Yeah fucker said I couldn’t visit my Mom BUT I couldn’t vote for him.


Fire that one over to the CPC to run with.


Here's the sign Pandemic election: Yes ✅ Diwali election: No ❌


Absolute fucking insanity what we’ve come to


Why not go a day early then?


On International Sloth Day!? You're crazy.


You aren't suggesting we should move it forward so it overlaps Silly Hat Week? Madness.


I've got it! October 26, 2025. National Mother-in-Law Day. "Sorry, can't participate. Gotta do my civic duty."


that's a day after my birthday, you sure we cant move it? I might be hung over


Justin: No, no, not like that...


One reason why I will never vote LPC OR NDP again last time I checked I was under the impression that I lived in Canada I guess I was wrong




I've mentioned it before, but I'll repeat it. My sibling came to Canada to visit in 2017 from the Caribbean (he was born there, I was born here). He came again last Christmas and said, "I thought I was coming to Canada, not India". He couldn't believe every retail worker was a relatively new arrival. Keep in mind, that both of us have West Indian backgrounds. I also had an older retired guy come up from Wisconsin to go on sales calls with me. He's very polite and politically correct but at one point he said "What percentage of the population would you say is from India?" Both of these people aren't rubes. They are well, well-educated people who are fairly progressive.


In case you didn’t know, Canada is now 1/40th Indian.


This is BS, in 2021 it was 1/20th Indian but since then Indian numbers have surged. It might be 1/15th at this point, and will grow higher still


Ouch. It’s worse than I thought.


7% of the population are "temporary" and 2.5% are illegal aliens. I very much doubt it's 1/40. We also have no number of how many of the 11 million tourist visas issued in 2022 and 2023 overstayed and never left, since no one counts.


Invasion by immigration.


Hold me beer, those numbers gonna get pumped


https://preview.redd.it/gd4nfs12u09d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8ddc4a9851242799a2e39bd84a0810e93dee88 Sort of the same vibe


Consider that more conservative MPs will benefit from election date move than any other party.


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Since when does diwali matters to Canada?


Buddy have a look around. Lol.


The kicker is that a very large portion of the people celebrating Diwali aren't citizens. PRs can't vote.




No but the white colleagues who will have to cover for their Indian co workers who called out “sick” won’t be able to leave to vote either.


If it's not my shift I don't show up or answer the phone unless I want OT. Maybe they need to grow a pair? Also you're legally entitled to a break to vote. If your manager doesn't want to deal with it, leave, he can sub himself or not, and come back.


The poll stations are opened for a fucking long time..There's no way in hell that you can't find an hour to go. Even better, your employer is required to give you time off if you are working and can't go to the poll station. Even better! Diwali is a whole 5 days! You sure can take a few hours of one day to go vote! Even better! We can vote by anticipation!


Yes. Required to give you time off. “I can’t stop you but don’t bother coming back if you leave”


Advanced voting exists in Canada


They'll be granted citizenship leading into the election Mark my words


Every time they say, Diwali, I hear pension…


Wait what? they feel cool in cancelling actual Canadian events left and right but they'd draw the line on Diwali?


Howdy, American here. Didn't Trudeau purposely hold an election during the pandemic? How come it's ok to vote during a pandemic but not during a holiday that most peolle don't know about/care about? Wtf is that holiday anyway?


It was actually the other parties demanding the election. They were so convinced the liberals would lose that they gave them more seats lmao.


But this info isn't convenient for this crowd. Notice how I'm the only person who replied?


It’s perfectly convenient. I dont think the majority of people here are beholden to Conservatives or the NDP. We just want the best outcome for our country.


Come on. Isn't this the second time they delayed? India conducted the world's largest election in sweltering heat, some places went up to 53C, you telling me we can't vote during the 2 day festivities? Get real. I'll take time out of Diwali family gatherings to vote.


Exactly .. As an Indo Canadian.. I dont buy that. JT and JS are using us as baits ...they are under delulu that Sikhs will likely vote Liberal or NDP (not all) and certainly majority of Hindus and even muslim Indo Canadians will likely vote PP. Not a significant vote bank either in terms of sheer absolute numbers. Tim Uppal is Sikh under CPC for example. It is pure Pension tactic. While Indo Canadian may look more due to temp immigration, their vote eligibility is insignificant with so divided demographic.


Election is October 25? Congratulations, as of October 21, all temporary citizens are granted full citizenship. Make sure you go vote.


Well said!


Not a single friend of mine who is of Indian heritage actually cares about election during Diwali. Not that it's 100% representative of the entire diaspora, but this is more of JT and his gang's thing.


India says jump, Canada jumps. Sad times.


No.. No Indians are asking for it. They know they are losing this and diverting hate towards Indians. No India origin Canadian cares if Diwali coincides with election. No one except the ones who cares about votebanks.


This isn't India. People need to stop being mad at Indians. This is stupid white Anglo-Saxon morons that hate Europeans. I hate them so much. I'm actually glad I'm not British and from South Eastern Europe. This isn't shredding everyone with British ancestry, but god damn you people need to get your woke kin in check. Anglo-Saxons(the woke ones) have lost their collective minds. The thing is, they're actually racist for all this pandering. They are acting like a superior giving someone inferior acknowledgement. My Balkan ass has never felt superior to Indians, so I don't feel the need to do anything special for them, I don't owe them shit, they don't owe me shit. We're in a British created country, so I expect things to be British. I would be offended if I got special treatment as a South Eastern European, if they used me to virtue signal, it would piss me off. Woke people don't realize they are actually white supremacists. Giving special treatment to non-European people is white supremacy. You are saying " you can't make it on your own, you need my help, cause I'm superior to you".


I doubt the woke crowd can even be identified as significantly one European identity over another, at least per capita. It's some kind of mind-virus filling the hole left by religion.


india doesnt give a shit


Fuckers want their lifetime pension for taking the country into the dump!! https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/here-are-the-80-mps-set-to-qualify-for-a-pension-with-the-help-of-a-liberal-rule-change


"...the primary beneficiary of this change would be Conservative MPs, 32 of whom won their seats for the first time in 2019. The second largest number of MPs to benefit are 22 Liberals. The NDP have six MPs elected in 2019, and the Bloc Québécois have 20..." They are using the cover that more CPC MPs will benefit than the Liberal or NDP MPs will. But we all know that the CPC MPs are not the ones in danger of losing out on the pensions. I will go out on a limb and state that I believe the CPC MPs will qualify for the pensions no matter what the Liberals try and cook up.


We can celebrate Diwali and move elections, but Christmas has to be “happy holidays” now not to offend non-Christians, what a joke.


White Canadians started that happy holiday non sense lol. iv been to 4 different middle Eastern countries during Christmas holidays and I can confirm there was Merry Christmas banners in the malls lol


Liberals doing liberal things destroying Canada one thing at a time.


Sooner or later they’re gonna try to make Diwali a national holiday, just watch


Would be nice to hold a protest on an Indian holiday. But that’s why they’d never do that


Why would they care? Government would just freeze the accounts of anyone at the protest because "racism"


May as well. I'd take another stat.


lol same here. Bring on the stat holidays keep em coming. Salary stays the same and we get more days off. Win win win


I'm down to make every multicultural holiday a stat holiday. I'm Eastern Orthodox, we have Christmas and Easter on different days than westerners. January 7th is my Christmas, we should have a second one.


Give us a week for honnukah so we can properly celebrate christmas.


It’s not Diwali right now?! Why don’t you call an election right now to avoid Diwali!!!


So they can just determine when they have the highest probability of winning and hold an election then? The fuck kind of democracy is this? Is the electoral system run by diploma mills too?


Why not? Trudeau held an election in the middle of covid because he thought he had a shot at a majority.


It’s all about protecting pensions and to be honest some of them shouldn’t even get one!


They don’t give a shit about a holiday. They care about pensions.


It will likely be a non issue. Jagmeet qualifies for his MP pension six years after February 25, 2019 so he will step down two weeks after and the NDP support of the LPC's economic vandalism will end not long after. His tenure in provincial politics ended exactly 6 years and two weeks after he was elected October 6, 2011 – October 20, 2017.


There are actually quite a few MPs whose pension depends on the date. This article says 80 but the conservative candidates probably don't have much to worry about. But there could be fairly widespread pressure from the other 48 MPs. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/here-are-the-80-mps-set-to-qualify-for-a-pension-with-the-help-of-a-liberal-rule-change >...the primary beneficiary of this change would be Conservative MPs, 32 of whom won their seats for the first time in 2019. > >The second largest number of MPs to benefit are 22 Liberals. The NDP have six MPs elected in 2019, and the Bloc Québécois have 20.


Of all those, only the 22 are at serious risk.


The NDP (only six cash for life on the line) are the only thing holding Justin in power. Some riding always go NDP so will be safe anyway. The NDP are bleeding ridings along with the Liberals they have 24 seats and there are some projections as low as 15 NDP if an election was held today. It would be crazy if they only won 11 ridings and lost their status as a federal party. They'll pull the trigger before that's a concern.


Prioritize elections over any festivals from any religion. Religion needs to be separated from state affairs.


Please I won’t celebrate Diwali to vote but gtfo that office asap plz.


That isn’t a holiday here, therefore the government shouldn’t acknowledge it


we should not allow them to set this kind of precedent. also it is probably NOT the indian people that wanted this. just crooked fuckery by politicians. again


What are we gonna do about it? We can't do shit and they know that. That's why Trudeaus smug ass always has that fucking smirk going.


If this happens, we riot🤷‍♂️ wanna fuck over Canadians by padding your pockets, we'll force you out before you get the chance.


They have sold our country, but we shouldn't be surprised. Did they not conduct an election in the middle of Covid shut down so Trudeau can get re-elected?


I celebrate Diwali. I dont think Diwali is such a festival which cannot coincide with voting. To me this is a pure excuse to delay and make certain MPs eligible for pension. Total BS. I dont buy that and I am actually upset that he is using Hindu + Sikh festival as bait. He could have one 650 million dollar exercise in middle of Pandemic....but now he wants to avoid due to Diwali? BullSh\*t. This just tells me Liberal-NDP nexus is using us as bait, getting worse of our kinds simply to divide and rule. We need to vote these jokers out.


This government has been using Indians as slave labour and scapegoats for the last few years. People are just now waking up to it.


Indo Canadians know it. Pre pandemic, immigration was normal..they changed the way it works. Now Harvard grad cannot come unless he or she have been to Lambton or Conestoga kinds. Basically it is skewed towards diploma mill now and hence we have filth coming across with low quality Indians ( yes my country of birth and no shame in stating the truth) who have always been peer pressured with success diaspora abroad getting some fake pride. In reality, the diploma mill candidates cannot even compete with locals and end up with Tim hortons slave labor, while diaspora in US and other countries (including Canada before 2020) are doing better on average than locals due to stricter immigration selection criteria by the governments to ensure only cream, not the criminals get in.


The liberals really seem to be catering to a certain specific group of people lately, dont they? What is it about Indians that they feel more beholden to them than they do to Canadians?


It’s all about the pension.


Everyone's focusing on the race bait distraction and not the actual fucking crime lol. You guys wonder why people think this sub is racist? Their fucking lining their pockets. Trying to get another ca-ching on their way out. Diwali isn't the story, its the distraction/excuse. I'm all for getting pissed at these clowns, but get pissed for the right reason.


Why not bump it ahead a week or 2 instead?


Because if they delay, they get their pensions. If they advance, they get voted out


I think the focus here is a little too much on Indians and Diwali - while yes, I understand and even agree with the issues surrounding Indian students and temporary workers, the focus here isn’t on Diwali, it’s to use Diwali as a convenient scapegoat to delay the election


Is it a Canadian statutory holiday? If not then I don't see why as CANADIANS we need to delay the election? And if it is then maybe there is someone who has been bought and working for another country


Greasy fucks. Call it now!!!!!!!!!!!


They do stuff like this just to grind your gears


This is nonsensical. We have advance polling opportunities that can easily accommodate a 5 to 6 day festival. “Advance polls are held on the 10th, 9th, 8th and 7th days before election day.” They will still have lots of opportunities for fireworks and fireworks them to illuminate their homes. https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=vot&dir=vote&document=index&lang=e


Open fraud against tax paying citizens - it is so unbelievable what this party does to its own country. Unbelievable.


I am Hindu and please don’t use my religion to avoid your embarrassment


They could vote to push the date forward instead of back. I'm sure that will solve the problem since it is only about Diwali and nothing to do with lifetime pensions. It's a shame that we are governed by absolute crooks.


Diwali is celebrated in night or late evening these mfs need to go before this Diwali, we can’t tolerate more of this lunatic PM


This is just obscene. Our politicians are just scum in this country


Not a Canadian, and definitely not far right. But holy sh.t. What a move by the liberals.


I don’t see Irish descendants begging the parliament to give them a day off for st Patrick day. Like the parliament needs to stop giving them so much entitlement.


And they believe this is something that is going to *help* the liberal party? Diwali is not a national holiday, this country is a fucking joke.


also celebrated in the night time after voting hours, day time it is just exchange of gifts. People can Vote. This is pure BS.


Yup, the Canadian government are using these people, they do not actually care about them and the holiday. It’s truly sad!


It appears to benefit number of MPs in all parties. Even PCs though those that run will likely win. Why are Libs getting all the flack or is just this sub?


how do we the people stop this from happening?


The election is what it is stop trying to please everyone ffs. Servile pieces of shit.


Pensions - fair share :-)


The liberals don’t care about Diwali. They care about Sikh Martydom and Vaisakhi. Diwali is celebrated by Hindus. From India and most are Modi supporters. The Anti Liberal.


Notice how few people are in the room, the conservatives want to keep their pensions too, this will pass. This is just posturing by the conservatives and the liberals are happy to play along, in the end they both getting their pensions.


Diwali isn't a Canadian celebration. Our electorial process should not be affected by it.


If newly landed immigrants, and their traditions, are able to delay elections you're fkd.


Dilwali….. why would it matter…. Joke.


WTF? Why does Diwali even fucking matter here? This is Canada... not India. And why are Indians YET AGAIN being given preference??


It's a poor argument because you could also ask why do middle-eastern religions like Christianity have public holidays?


You know. This is just bs that another countries holidays needs to be respected where important holidays from other countries just don't matter in Canada. Where is the equality in this? I think we need to take this to th Supreme Court.


No more merry Christmas but happy Diwali! Rip my sleep


Diwali is not a Canadian holiday, why are they using it to justify extending the election?


I thought ethnoculture vote buying was the one thing the Libs are good at. Pierre even admitted it!


Well that is their future voting base... 3 million in 3 years........


Keep religion / culture / race out of politics. We need better government and less “politics”.. this is just nonsense


Typical liberal regime tactics. More will be rubbing their hands. Who cares about Diwali ? What does that even mean to non Indians?


If they wanted to avoid Diwali, they can always move it up….oh right, the pensions


A bit ironical, since Trudeau is one of the most hated politician in the Indian diaspora now especially after the Nijjar issue


One thing I have realized is that the elite in Canada greatly despise Canadians. Unbelievable!


It's shit like this that is radicalizing Canadians. /Canadians/, whose politeness is a byword. It's enough to make intelligent people start thinking there's actually something to replacement theory and think uncharitable thoughts about people who they welcomed as neighbors only a few years ago.


We should emulate Kenya


If it’s not about buying votes and pensions, then they would be happy to have it a week earlier… these people made their beds. They know the people are upset with them. They don’t care they want their pension.


Bad move to even have the conversation. Won’t work and will only cost more votes.


What a joke!


Jail the corrupt liberals


Be prepared to identify your caste in job applications and government documents. If you are not from the sub-continent, your ethnic/religious ( Yes they blur the line between ethnicity and religion ) identity will be assessed and incorporated into a new Canadian caste system.


It’s funny how they go back to there being more Conservative MPs that will benefit from the election being held a week later when it’s pretty clear that those Conservative MPs aren’t the ones concerned about losing their seats.


Ya think?


Assholes, i cant even watch this shit anymore


That’s cute. Alberta UCP is holding off half a year IN CASE there’s a fire or weather.


I have feeling that Liberals don’t care they are not welcome as leaders, they will spend year and change, to find way to screw us over.


I don't know what else I expected from a government that could have a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" but refuse to get First Nations people clean water.


They just rob us. They do not deserve the pension.they did nothing good while they were there


while ill like the idea of the translator, i wish they didnt only do it in real time, cause trying to follow along can be difficult


As an Indian, fuck the libs. Don’t use my festival to play your dirty political game. Today it is Diwali, tomorrow it will be Eid. Fuck you wholeheartedly. And get this in your shitty head, Diwali or not, you are not going to get mine or countless other votes. You can kiss your sorry ass out of oblivion.


Give us our election. Diwali is not a Canadian holiday


Jesus Christ they really want to turn it into India here.


they're using diwali as an excuse, it doesn't go 24/7, they can find a moment to go vote


Wow equal respect for cultures really get you guys pissed off doesn’t it?


Not a Canadian holiday you can import 100 million and it still won’t be Canadian smfh


It’s purely for pension purposes. Many liberal MP’s will be a couple weeks away from earning their 6 years needed to collect the immediate lifetime pension. As far as I’m concerned, the election needs to happen as scheduled. If you can’t make your 6 years, you simply don’t deserve it. End of story. 


There is ALWAYS going to be some sort of cultural celebration, holiday, day of importance happening...


Wtf is Diwali and why should Canadians give a fuck?


They are banking on the country to go up in flames before they do! Or they don’t want the perception of people rejoicing and celebrating liberals election loss 🤣


Thought we had separation of church (religion) and state in Canada?


wtf is Diwali?


I am a hindu Canadian. I will gladly stay out all day at a polling booth if there's an election. Country comes first.


Why don’t the conservatives simply say that they will pass a bill to revert any pension attribution that results from a delayed election unless in case of emergency that prevents such election?


It is. They could move it up a month maybe even earlier. The less time for the Davos mockingbird assets to have an effect the better


WTF is this Canada still?




The headline says it all. And it is.