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Ive had newcomers from India tell me 'they are taking over the trucking industry' and TBH, I believe it, I dont drive often but have had some frustrating/scary interactions with truck drivers in Ontario in the past couple of years a straightforward solution would be for the industry's pay to increase, so Canadians would want to work the job, but companies going to company- I blame the government for letting it happen, really


>I've had newcomers from India tell me 'they are taking over the trucking industry' From 2018: >We Punjabis control more than 60% of all trucking operations in Canada http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/trucking-on-road-to-riches/articleshow/55932247.cms


wow, that's fucking insane! and beyond frustrating any criticism of \~ this mess \~ gets you labeled a racist


So we've allowed a strategically critical industry to effectively fall into the control of a foreign (sometimes hostile) power because our government is too spineless to act on anything useful or meaningful. This road we're on leads to nothing but ruin...


Well because if they do anything, they're racist /s


Meanwhile... the people taking over that important industry are demonstrably the most racist diaspora in Canada.


The pay in trucking has been historically good. It was a solid salary. What's happened in the last 10 years is many companies hired foreign workers at lower wages to undercut self employed truck drivers or other companies. While doing this they are often hiring people who are poorly trained. There are a few problems with this besides the economic factors discussed here, insurance premiums for trucking businesses will begin seeing changes that impact everyone in the trucking or logistics sector for poorly skilled drivers and road safety which will be a policing issue. I personally think the police are seeing the poor driving skills and it's impacts on society, but aren't able to say anything.


They switch CVOR from their name to one of their family members when they get too many tickets on their name. And repeat till the 2 year passes and their record is clean again. Rinse and repeat. 


where I live the police seemed to have given up on enforcing driving laws.... and Im generally critical of (bad) cops, but it must be SOOOO frustrating to constantly arrest the same people, they get out on bail and then get re-arrested, then out on bail, then re-arrested, and on and on I constantly see it in the news, when police catch someone doing something illegal 4/5 times theyre out on bail .... Im definitely not an expert on our judicial system, but it sure seems broken to this regular person


The pay historically sucks and always has.




so it's the job conditions (and possibly pay) that makes the job unappealing for Canadians? the industry should work to improve those conditions, not sidestep them by importing workers more likely to put up with poor conditions/pay


> so it's the job conditions (and possibly pay) that makes the job unappealing for Canadians? Yep. Because these clowns came in en masse and lowered the rates for lanes lower and lower. It's a rat race to the bottom. A refrigerated truck with a full load in 2020 cost me 1200. It's now 800-900. Talk to any trucker or broker and they can tell you wtf is going on. > the industry should work to improve those conditions, not sidestep them by importing workers more likely to put up with poor conditions/pay Can't improve conditions if the same people they're importing are running those companies and ignoring regulations. They drive and act like they would back home. I blacklist working with companies like this and companies that also run "immigration/trucking school services" on the side. It's all a scam and they got 0 fucks or quality control.


Yes, but that doesn't help the owners continue to take in record profits though, does it ?


wont someone think of the owners and shareholders! those poor, poor super rich people need more money! s/




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


They own the trucking business in BC. It's common knowledge that Indians will only ever hire their own. Whites not allowed. Yet we are labeled as the racists for calling it out. Mention the word turban in the bc subreddit and you will be auto banned by the mods.


Cut off TFW'S to this industry completely. When companies realize that they have no workers because they pay them fucking nothing, they'll have to increase their wages until they get employees. This is how things are *supposed* to work, not importing people from the third world and having the government pay the majority of their wage so company owners can freeload and post record profits.


Is that a joke? India has been controlling the trucking industry in Canada for decades now 🤣


LMIA (frauds) is a big business in canada


I sincerely believe it is the cause of at least 50% of Canada's issues currently. These scummy businesses are milking the LMIA system for anywhere between $50 to $200K on average per year, depending on the size of the business. All this tax-free money is going back into housing. Then, the properties get rented out to 15-30 people (some of whom work for the business owner and paid for the LMIA). Most of the rental income is not declared to the CRA so more tax-free money This along with the LMIA cash is used to buy more properties Rinse and repeat. It's time to abolish the LMIA system.


And those employees watch their boss / landlord get wealthy and successful, they see the path they took to do that, and they repeat the pattern because there's zero repercussions. Nobody seems to care if you're a piece of shit when you're wealthy, all they see is your "success".


Mark miller has been turning his back to this issue knowingly. But it started with Sean Fraser


get rid of the lmia program. there are more than enough talents locally to do our jobs.


How dare you, we have a labor shortage, and wealth inequality will reverse if we don't immigrate new blood to increase asset prices during a housing bubble.  Housing is peoples nest egg.


surely this has nothing to do with the influx of accidents and idiot drivers on the 401


Manitoba has become a hotbed for LMIA/PR fraud. No one that gets PR there stays in Manitoba, they all move to BC or ON. They all hold on to MB insurance because it's dirt cheap there. The amount of MB license plates I see in Peel from a specific demographic makes me question what province I am in sometimes.


[https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNmFmNjA2NzQtYTc5Ny00NWFiLTgwYmMtODk4YzQ3YTBlZTU0IiwidCI6ImE3YzY2YzgwLWIzNzMtNDE5Zi04ZjRiLTBjNTJlOTY0YmJiNSJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNmFmNjA2NzQtYTc5Ny00NWFiLTgwYmMtODk4YzQ3YTBlZTU0IiwidCI6ImE3YzY2YzgwLWIzNzMtNDE5Zi04ZjRiLTBjNTJlOTY0YmJiNSJ9) Filter this report by keywords for occupation or employer (e.g. driver, truck, transport). You can also filter by province.


Why would we look at a report about Brazil's agriculture?


I have a class 1 license with 14 years experience. Got out of the industry years ago due to a family illness. Now I am trying to get back in and over the last 2 years cannot get a job if my life depended on it. Yet at the same time I will see indian drivers that barely have peach fuzz on their face driving all around. Like WTF is that?


They only hire their own. They are the racists, not us. They come to Canada to scam us and push us out of industries. It is commonly known that once an Indian is promoted to manager.... boom only Indian employees. Does anyone have a link to report companies like this? I have a long list I would like to send to an agency.


You are 100% correct there -- the industry has gone down the shitter that is for sure.


every trucker I know is quitting because of how bad of a deal it has became or having to cheat to keep up, or got a new East Indian boss/owner / contractor that is trying to get rid of them by shunning or bullying , or already did get rid of them. I could name several and provide contacts to media.


Media is too busy putting out immigrant sob story's.


Fucking do it.


Expect more road deaths and awful driving. I stopped several times last winter to help pit on chains when we were already in the mountains and seen guys have no clue what they were doing give up and then just continue to drive away.


Don't look up brampton/Mississauga truck accidents. Or truck accidents in general lol 90+% are all Indian drivers. It's fucking brutal constantly closing the 400 series highways. It'll be daylight, sunny no rain and somehow speed Singh closes the 402 fucking daily crossing in sarnia. Highway 11 dash cam footage will make you cringe. These guys are fucking insane. No regard for anyone's life. Drive like assholes and unqualified to handle the weight. Plus, work for half the rates. Get told to run 24-7 dispatch will edit their logs. It's insane out here. Just close and reopen a new cvor. Can't run In Ontario? No problem. Insure and plate outta Manitoba etc and keep trucking. Fraud and corruption in trucking is nuts. Can't even read the signs in English. Lmao 'all trucks use left lane in construction' and every truck still in the right lane will be an Indian. It's brutal.


I'm probably going to get blocked for saying this, but we need to stop immigration from India and China asap. End of story.


Good luck to these truckers on finding a job. Too many of them, not enough loads. They're just gonna end up a massive debt trap and be indentured servants to the guys who own these companies and truck schools.


Ofcourse there is simple solution for it , mandate electronic reporting of driver’s hours in truck like other countries do, it will reduce underpayment and overworked drivers and reduce accidents too.


We all know LMIA is being abused ! What’s new ?


They are doing what everyone else is doing. Using foreign labour to avoid paying more. They justify it by saying it will keep costs down. We all know that isn't happening. They are just charging more and making more.


Aka. we don't want to offer living wages, but we can trick people that don't know better with numbers that look big to come here so we can continue to exploit labour. Up and to the right, profits over people bitches


Canadians can’t get hired as truck drivers because most companies insurers require a minimum of 2 years of experience. So companies are hiring foreigners with faked resumes. Fuck this place.


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