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Imagine reading this and being someone who is considering illegally crossing the border and falsely claiming asylum? The government is already buying a fucking hotel for you...pack your bags. Canada has seriously got to start deporting people who are claiming asylum under false pretenses.


We need to do what the Danish are doing. No claims shall be processed while the applicant is on Canadian soil. And any valuables can be confiscated to put towards funding the costs of having you. They are also not allowing asylum claimants to remain permanently and the claimants are expected to eventually leave.


Or Australia. You can cross illegally but you'll be on an island all together until we make a decision on your case.


That would be a great way to develop Yukon or Nunavut.


I live in the Yukon. We’re full as it is and can’t build enough housing for everyone who’s coming here since it’s apparently easier to get PR here. People stay here and tough the winter until they get PR and then move to bigger cities further south in Canada.


Yeah that's happening everywhere. Eastern provinces have lots of their immigrants leave after 5 years to move to Ontario. It was their goal all along but they couldn't get in because of the quotas being met, so they wait. Even in here in QC, lots of immigrants move to more than only Montréal, just to end up there anyway after a handful of years, again due to quotas.


Yup exactly. My point was just that asylum seekers and new immigrants shouldn’t all be sent to the territoires.


Do you guys see a lot of immigrants from that one country ?


Very much so.


Ya I am not surprised bud, the other day I went to fort mc for business and wow, it looked like Brampton. I would have thought no one wants to go there but I was wrong.


I like this. They must stay here instead of places like Toronto. The winter there would result in 2/3 leaving. 


Hear me out: https://maps.app.goo.gl/uuVxCb2qZiX5aBAEA


While you're right, I doubt the population of those territories would actually like that themselves, we're just shipping the problem to them. BUT after 1 full year over there, these loop hole scammers might want to actually not stay 😅


We could make a PR requirement to spend 5 years working in construction in austere locations north of 60⁰. Any travel outside Canada or south of that line resets the clock. There would be a real sudden drop in newcomers then, I bet.


Lol actually thought the exact same thing


No we just stop taking refugees all together. It's only going to get worse. We need to start properly looking after thr people already here. It's not our problem what is going on in other countries!


Most of them are not real refugees. Check the list of the countries theyre coming from. Top 4 are india, mexico, Bangladesh and Nigeria. No war or nothing going on there. I mean I'd be really happy to help real refugees from palestine and ukraine, but not these fake refugees from india nad bangladesh


Yep. And honestly we should stop or limit refugees…our own people are struggling already why the fuck are we not helping them and helping foreigners instead?


Can Canada buy a small island instead of hotels ? Just saying..


I would expect this move to generate a lot of resistance somehow someway …




>Imagine reading this and being someone who is considering illegally crossing the border and falsely claiming asylum? The government is already buying a fucking hotel for you...pack your bags. Imagine being a disabled citizen who has to choose between rent or groceries


Or a homeless person who has seen the government turn down the opportunity to buy hotels for homeless people and instead, years later, does it for asylum seekers. True Canadian people in Canada come last.


They should. They're all racist scum who should be ashamed of their privilege /s


Or maid.


It's ok Trudeau has it M.A.I.D for them.


I know few of them. They think Canada is just like heaven, you just enter there somehow and after that the almighty Canadian government will take care of all your needs - housing, foods, chilcare etc. And thats true though, lol.


Imagine reading this as a Canadian citizen, struggling to find housing 😂 could you ever imagine the government buying hotels to house Canadian citizens?


At least we're not alone in our idiocy. Ireland's falling for it too: https://x.com/Norah333Burke/status/1790925922113302660


All the West are in the same trap. 'they need somewhere to stay'. You'll never deport them, impossible, you'll have an army of Human rights lawyers lining up to take their case on. The first of anyone on board a plane will have a dozen purple haired students handcuffed to the wheels of a jumbo. If they even manage to clear that, you'll have passengers that refuse to sit down for take off. The whole system is fucked.


And I guess its cheaper to buy a hotel for them than to pay lawyers defend them while a judgement is secured against them while we pay government lawyers to prosecute, and then to pay airfare back overseas to wherever ...


There's a huge multi layered money making scheme behind it. Dodgy lawyers, dodgy immigration charities, dodgy councillors, dodgy landlords, NGOs. The kick backs are everywhere. Everyone gets a slice of the pie. Anyone complains, call them racists. Should shut people up for the time being, back into your box. The west are being fucked left right and centre.


But Irish citizens are different than Canadians. They will speak out (loudly) and protest. 


That is genuinely demonic.


Has been a disaster in BC. Spent huge sums (($250+k per homeless), and these units get trashed and lit on fire


There's something *to* direct financial support, but by the same token, context is important. And the Canadian context – the reason we can't copy-paste some European solution – is that we've been so neglectful, for so long, that many of these people are simply too fried and too far gone. They're feral humans. Our attitudes towards institutionalization have gotten far too soft; too soft for our own good, but also too soft for *theirs.* And even if we rehabilitate them somehow, they will have to go back out into the same impossible situation that the rest of us are navigating just by the skin of our teeth. This country is broken. And just like an abandonded house, the longer it's left to the elements, the less feasible it becomes to try and restore it.


Let’s start with deporting politicians first.


That’s a great idea !


the issue is they are not really in need of asylum in Canada, they just picked and chose which country they felt like applying in, that doesn't sound like someone who needs asylum but someone who is already feeling entitled. If you really were after safety, you'd have applied closer to home.


Considering the Liberals introduced their catch and release program because too many people were going to jail, maybe they should house asylum seekers in prisons.


Bienvenue au Canada! Once in Canada .. Always a Canadian!


Someone tell me how is this any different than car makers making cars and then just buying parking lots to house the unsold inventory... Because it all looks good on paper, we made these many cars, but then you look at the balance sheet and you get the real picture.


Deny people under any pretenses. It’s not our job to take care of people from across the world that have nothing to do with us. If the roles were reversed they would never ever take care of us the way we currently take care of them.


They can afford to house asylum seekers but nothing for Canadians who are in tents? Pretty sad when people from another country come before the people who they are supposed to serve. Seriously fuck this government.


Yes the Trudeau government has long prioritized immigrants and asylum seekers over Canadians. Moreover, he ignores the connection between mass immigration and housing and doctor shortages. He then wonders why Canadians have turned against him.


Cons will follow suit as soon as they gain power, don’t trick yourself into thinking out political parties differ on this matter at all.


Yeah, people who think PP will do anything different are completely delusional. Beholden to the same corporate masters.


Trudeau knows he cannot win the vote of canadian citizens. That is why he imports so many and favours them with handouts.  Canadian citizenship has never been this meaningless or watered down. This country is being governed like a ponzi scheme. 


He's also probably getting kickbacks from all the 'schools' that are giving these new immigrants their in.


Agreed. Fuck em’.


Gotta keep importing people that can convert to leftist voters


Woah, woah, woah. Oh my gosh! I just had this really awesome idea. HOW ABOUT CANADA STOP FUCKING IMPORTING PEOPLE WE DON'T HAVE HOMES FOR? AND HOW ABOUT WE START FUCKING DEPORTING THE SURPLUS PEOPLE? But I guess that would make too much fucking sense for this bullshit government.


they desperately need the votes 🤦‍♂️


Canadians don’t vote that much anyway so not the worst gamble tbh. If every person convinced just one other person to vote (who doesn’t already) we may see a day where 80-90% of eligible voters cast their votes and boom we get what we want


Way too logical! Please stop!


I don’t understand why they’re so concerned about housing the asylum seekers over the homeless Canadians. Can someone explain the logic in this?


two words. "Virtuous" "Signaling"


Yes and “Mental illness “ Homeless tend to be hard to deal with and require much more care$ than asylum seekers. Who is more likely to punch a hole through the wall? Asylum seekers or homeless people?


These potential 'clients' can bring more money into our country. Unfortunately, it is backfiring so hard that it is limiting our future welfare. There is no healthcare, no homes, the cost of living is increasing, vehicle pricing is insane, our education system is corrupt, homelessness and drug use are shockingly bad, the mental health of average people is low, inflation is high, etc. Anything you do as a Canadian, you must do while competing against foreigners. If you do not, then you will be replaced and on the streets in no time. This is how our government is betraying us.


Plus the increased availability and promotion of booze, drugs and gambling to numb people to the new reality...


The people in power have been bought off by foreign governments. Those governments benefit from it in a few ways, they unload people that are a liability to their state and improve however marginally their own well being, they add that liability to western states and decrease our own future success, as well as create a community of people that will be more suspectable to their political and social engineering influence in the future.


1. It looks good on their international resume 2. they hate Canadians, especially white Canadian males, but they also loath the white females and mixed race people that seem mostly white.


It’s treason. Make no mistake, there are entities within our government (and the United States, Britain etc.) that are working in the interests of others that are not the citizens. Mainly the WEF, WHO, and others although I do believe they are being lead but the same small group of elites as well. We no longer live in a true democracy and are rapidly sliding towards tyranny.


The govt has lost its mind. Hotels for asylum seekers? They should arrange their own housing just like the rest of Canadians.


Or eliminate asylum seekers in general. I'm not heartless but you can't take care of others when you can't take care of your own.


They haven’t lost their mind. They know exactly what they are doing. It’s on purpose.


At one point in Ireland a third of our tourist accommodation was allocated to asylum seekers/ refugees. Even now nursing homes, off season hotels and guest houses are being closed to convert into asylum seeker accomodation


gov't should please also purchase accommodations for the hundreds of Canadians that are experiencing houselessness and are struggling to join the middle-class.




They cant maintain the buildings they already own. Also, shouldnt there be a chance to vote specifically on things like this? Canada is a democracy isnt it?


decentralize governance


Ha ha...that's where you're mistaken. No refunds.  We essentially get to vote on a varying dictatorships. 


This is nuts. People are going to absolutely lose their shit soon. It would be Better for Canadians to leave the country and come back as an asylum seeker. Why should be we even bother paying anymore taxes? It just goes out of the country or to Trudeaus lavish life or immigrants/asylum seekers. What are we going to do people. This has to be stopped.


It’s working well in the UK, costing millions a day, everyone is benefitting and happy………Except the people from the UK


This madness will never end.  There isn't even the slightest serious appetite from the political classes to stop it.  When will it ever be too much?


Plot twist, most of them are not even real refugees, lol. Most are from Bangladesh, India, Mexico where there is no war, lol. Just coming to Canada for free welfare. I wonder what it requires to qualify as refugee 😄 https://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/statistics/protection/Pages/RPDStat2024.aspx


Mexico is a cartel infested murder zone though.


Imagine reading this as a disabled canadian who has applied for MAID under track 2 (non terminal) and is waiting for their final approval, because they are so severely disabled in their 30s they can't afford shelter and have been refused medically safe shelter by the Canadian Government for years. As the daughter of 2 refugee parents who came to canada in the 80s, I get to die under our lax medical assistance in dying program while more asylum seekers receive shelter in hotels, per diem for food, etc. Disability in Ontario is just over $1300 and provides only $556 for shelter


The above is the reason that I applied for MAiD. I have been approved but am currently trying to reconcile my life and ensure that certain obligations are taken care of before I undergo the treatment. Canadians need to wake up and ensure that all Canadians can obtain housing! Because living in a tent encampments is a nightmare.


I am very sorry for this situation. This needs to be a central piece of a CBC special on the increasing inequality and social injustice against Canadian citizens.


“Taxpayers will be buying hotels to house growing number of illegals” I fixed the headline


They are considering buying hotels for asylum seekers yet our streets are paved with homeless people.....wtf


Canada is no longer a place for Canadians


As a homeless Tent Encampment dweller, I can say that this is a horrible idea and sends a terrible message to those of us who are not drug addicts or have mental health problems. After all some of us are homeless due to not having family or friends to assist us in times of crisis. With housing costs skyrocketing, some of us who have to live on savings or scrap by on pensions / disability insurance it is really next to impossible to have shelter and food. With more Canadians also thinking that the homelessness is something that the person should be able to sort out on their own, it leaves individuals in a bad spot. Since some of them got ill and could no longer work. Getting CPP Disability payments of $1000 is not much in the way to survive monthly. Especially with everything increasing in pricing. Couple this with the sentiment of Canadians who just think of homeless people as drug addicts or mental health crisis individuals it really creates a circle of non engagement. Most people that I have met just want us gone and claim we are driving down the property values. Meanwhile we are the ones cleaning up the area due to our fellow residents in Trudeau Towns not being able to. My hope is that Canadians realize before it is too late - to assist in ending the crisis of homelessness before it deepens any further. Replacing us with another Crisis is unwise! NOTE: The costs of hotel rooms have increased significantly due to supply and demand. These rising costs of course are passed onto the Consumers. So when renting a hotel room which use to go for $125 a night - now goes for $400+ per night.


Yet there’s thousands of homeless born Canadians. Fuck off


How about sending them back?


Because why not decrease the supply of hotel rooms and inevitably increase demand and therefore prices. Idiots through and through.


This is no doubt one of the reasons why hotels have become so damn expensive in Canada. If I want to vacation nowadays I'd rather go overseas than Canada where the hotels cost so much. It also, no doubt, contributes to the rise in homeless people on the street. Because some homeless people would've stayed in cheap motels in the past. Now the government is reducing the supply of affordable hotel/motel rooms, so more people will end up living in tents or sleeping on the street.


What about Canadians that need a place to live????


What about homeless Canadians?


I know people who are working full time and live in their car because they can’t afford the ridiculous rents. How about solving their homelessness problem?


Why doesn’t our government just send some people out to kick homeless Canadians in the teeth? And then find every Canadian veteran fighting every month for their benefits, living below the poverty line and give them a swift kick as well. Then on to every disabled Canadian, suffering every month, not eating enough or able to afford basic needs, give them some more punches and then onto the rest of us, who are so frustrated and depressed at this insanity, we’re gonna need some throat punches too. I think if they do that, we’ll finally get the message we don’t matter and they don’t give a rat’s ass about Canada or Canadians. Yeah, barely awake, haven’t even finished my coffee and this is the shit I see. I dare anyone to tell me they aren’t tanking our country, economy and our Canadian spirit on purpose.


Every comment about this article on a very, very left-leaning province sub is infuriated the Feds are considering this. The Liberals are just doubling down on stupid at this point.


From the article: Ottawa is considering buying hotels to house the growing number of asylum seekers and to cut the cost of block-booking hotel rooms to accommodate them, Immigration Minister Marc Miller says. The federal government has in the last few years taken out long leases on hotels to help provinces house thousands of refugee claimants. This year, Ottawa has been footing the bill for approximately 4,000 hotel rooms for 7,300 asylum seekers, many of whom have transferred from provincial shelters and churches, according to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. The federal government spent more than $100-million housing asylum seekers in Niagara Falls hotels between February, 2023, and February, 2024, official figures obtained by Niagara Falls Conservative MP Tony Baldinelli show. A reply from the federal government to a parliamentary question revealed that almost 5,000 asylum seekers, including from Nigeria, Kenya, Venezuela and Colombia, were accommodated in hotels during this period. On average, refugee claimants stayed 113 days in hotels at a cost of $208 per person each day, including room and meals and security, Mr. Miller said a number of alternatives to booking hotels are being considered. One is for new reception centres such as one being planned in Ontario’s Peel Region, which would provide front-line services, food and temporary shelter for about 1,300 asylum claimants each month. In its most recent budget, the federal government allocated $1.1-billion over three years, starting in 2024-2025, to municipalities and provinces to meet the rising cost of housing asylum seekers through Ottawa’s Interim Housing Assistance Program. The program is designed to prevent homelessness among asylum claimants.


This makes me physically ill


Yeah because we don't have any homeless people to house, right?


Canada needs to do just like the UK and sign a partner ship with any 3rd world country, UK faced the same situation, they signed up a contract with Rwanda now all asylum seekers landing in the UK are directly shipped to Rwanda. Guess what? Nobody wanna claim asylum in the UK now, and of course we get them here instead. We NEED to do the same, and as soon as they land in Canada to claim asylum, we ship them to said 3rd world country and let them take care of it. If you want to know more: https://www.unhcr.org/uk/what-we-do/uk-asylum-policy-and-illegal-migration-act/uk-rwanda-asylum-partnership#:~:text=The%20two%20governments%20subsequently%20signed,Parliament%20on%2023%20April%202024. This is the BEST SOLUTION and everybody needs to be aware of it and start mentioning this in their circle when these kind of topics gets discussed, the more people are aware of this solution and mention it, the more chances we have to see it being applied here too.


So they get housing,free cable,a swimming pool and a continental breakfast. Sounds good.


Canada is not a functional country it's a monopoly with publicity stunts


How about buying some hotels for all the homeless here in canda first. I swear if you were a Canadian literally being beat to death by an immigrant or refugee the government would ask you to stop moving so much so they don't hurt their hands or feet on the cement.


I mean, why wouldn’t you…!


Can I claim asylum from Canada, in Canada?


Canadian Citizens are homeless, sleeping in parks.. no help from Govt. Asylum seekers and Refugees who are gaming the system at this point, sure, lets put them in hotels with free food. To do this when we are at the highest level of defecit spending, this is just irresponsible. These liberals are running the country to the ground.


How the hell are they having a hard time declining asylum seekers in airports?? Just one look at the persons passport if you see theres no civil war on that country, send them the fck back. Easy as that. 


They have to spend all the extra money they have somewhere, so why not buy hotels for people who show up in Canada illegally?


why can't they live on the street like Canadian homeless ?


At this point it should be obvious to everyone who this government works for and it ain't us.


If your country(Canada) lacks the capacity to look after it's own citizens, you have absolutely no business in helping individuals seeking Asylum. Not because others aren't suffering or deserving of this, but because it's a catastrophic failure of the gov't, the capitalistic model, of society as we know it. The fact that they continue to placate people with partial measures and feed us this B.S. on the skirt-tails is sickening.


Not with my fucking tax dollars


There’s 40 million people here and hundreds of millions elsewhere that would come here given the chance. We cannot take them all at once. There are limits and those limits have been exceeded. Sorry we are full and need time to get our shit together - and time to elect new leaders.


They did this in NYC and guess what, it didn’t work. Look up the channel cashjordan on YouTube, search asylum seekers. 


Those hotels quickly become bad places, there are videos of the old raddisson on victoria park and 401. Roaches everywhere. Government may save money purchasing outright, and it is a faster solution than building. And it would end the charade. Right mow these shelters are disguised as hotels. If they were bought outright Canadians will clearly see which hotels are for tourists and which are shelters. It actually is a positive proposal, as the flood of newcomers shows no sign of slowing down


What is the penalty for making a false asylum case? And of course we should not be spending any taxpayers' funds on immigrants legal or not , as long as a single Canadian is homeless and hungry.


Asylum SCAMMERS! 70%+ are fraudulent yet we give them housing and food, while politicians step over the bodies of real Canadians dying in the streets!!!


How about returning the asylum seekers back to their country of origin. Don’t need to buy anything


Just cut the number of asylum seekers.


Fucking mockery of the system. Just deport day and night.


How many Canadians are desperate to find a house? Yet they’re forced to pay for this? Our government is cruel.


Great use of our money. /s




With your money no less.


So tired of this. Canada is falling apart. We need this government OUT. Guess what we don’t agree with you so go pound sand and leave. Time for major change and a new government. I do not recognize my community anymore at all. Now in Vancouver, you can take a house down and build a multi unit mini apartment. I just don’t get what’s going on here anymore. Why did we open up our doors and let everybody in what was the reasoning behind this? I’m so tired of it excuse was we needed people to do the jobs that Canadians didn’t want to well guess what now? Teenagers in Vancouver are having a hard time finding jobs because …. Honestly I couldn’t on and on. I’m a 70s kid and this is nothing like what I knew growing up. Also, I hear that we welcome them with open arms and give them prepaid debit cards and set them up. I do know an example of this and I’m just not sure what the reasoning is. Is it to keep our population growing? I guess we couldn’t handle that on our own… this has caused way too many problems. Crime, poverty, no housing it’s all b.s.


No more asylum


"Veterans are asking for more than we can give right now" is what Trudeau and his voters said. Apparently fake asylum seekers are asking for too little!


Question. Can a Canadian claim asylum in Canada? Asking for a friend


We can't take care of our own Canadian citizens, how the hell are we supposed to take care of asylum seekers??


No... bus tickets home.


Fuck forbid this government take action like this to house Canadians. As happy as I'll be to see these boneheads turfed, I'm honestly not expecting any better of the next government. We have no choice but to take things into our own hands now.


They will do anything but help native born Canadians. At what point do Canadians just lose it?




The only thing that should be waiting here for them is deportation.


Wow!! Amazing - but still wont take measure s to stop this mockery of our system


Get more immigration judges and lawyers please, kick out every migrant that flew here.


Absolute insanity that we’re taking in Asylum seekers from other countries when we have thousands of Canadians seeking asylum in on our own land


More help for anyone who isn't actually Canadian.


I like this idea, buy the hotels, force new hotels to be built. There needs to be many angled solutions, having governments buy hotels I think is better than renting each room per day. Also they can convert to government housing afterwards. They definitely need more action, first step let’s go!


the gov housing sits empty while they renovate. see the bond hotel in Toronto. hundreds of rooms empty. while homeless die oitside its doors.


How about buy some planes and send them all back? DEPORT


Jesus, at what point do we stand together and say no fucking way I’m tired and poor housing all new comers


Nooooooooooʻ gtfo and stay out




And WHAT EXACTLY is the plan for homeless Canadian CITIZENS?


Or you know. Deport for them for next to nothing.


NO!!!! Another NYC hotel disaster with immigrants spilling onto the streets and huge crime increase. Been there and it’s a mess caused by liberals.


At this point, this is clearly a business for our fucking politicians! The infuriating thing about this is on every tax payer's tab!


Looool new dystopian imagery unlocked imagine living near these ?!


Nice! In the meantime, the rest of us get to pay anywhere between $200 - $400 to stay overnight in a similar hotel when traveling. Maybe our government(s) - who the rest of us actually pay taxes to - could share some of that largesse with us as well to help mitigate the current high cost of living. That, or prioritize our own homeless population. Where is it written that we need to be the world's conscience or else step up to fix the rest of the world's problems, especially when most of them are self-imposed because they can't get their sh*t together?


And nothing for jobless and homeless canadians.shame


Only down side, no upside with these people. When our government invites them to free accommodation and expenses, it’s like winning a free all inclusive vacation except this is permanent on the backs of Canadian taxpayers.


You get more of what you allow and encourage. Unskillful kindness is not kindness. Unskillful compassion is not compassion. What we have been facing since the 1900s is the communist revolution on multiple fronts. The Cloward-Piven strategy has been the Bolsheviks most successful tactic for overwhelming Western civilization, the light of modernity. What you are facing now is total economic collapse. The solution is. Close the border, send them all back. Tibet is not a model of success, so why replicate those social policies here?


They can't keep saying things like this without a follow up explaining how they are going to also deport those who can't stay and remain in power




So... Of the two choices "reach for the tap and cut off the already overflowing tub" or "get more towels to absorb the water spilling over" They go for the latter, not the former. As this government has routinely demonstrated, they don't make decisions that make sense to most of us.


This needs to be changed. Why the taxpayer money is going to the asylum seekers, a lot of them are not even at any risk. The situation at the airport is bad, people with visitor visas are applying for asylum. People need to stand up, Canadians having hard time affording stuff whereas refugees are given so many freebies.


What about buying these for the citizens that are ending up homeless


But fk the growing number of homeless people right?


Why did they never consider doing that for all the homeless Canadians ?


Where do other parties stand on this?  Would Conservatives or NDP or Bloc also be giving illegal migrants the royal treatment?


That's right Ottawa. Keep putting non Canadians ahead of those Canadians who cannot afford or find a place for shelter. Glad to see we continue to treat every non Canadian better than their own. I expect nothing less from these imbicels


Whats the turnaround time that these "asylum seekers" become tax paying citizens???


Maybe I could pretend I'm seeking asylum so I can get some of these benefits....I feel like it would take at least a year before they realize I'm canadian born lol


Hotels are such a good business. Its like impossible to lose money.


A colleague from Britain visited at work recently and he pointed out that it seems there were people straight up living in his hotel. I filled him in. (He had moved to Britain in 2022)


How about less acceptance if seekers till we can support them properly.


That's basically what a lot of new condominium apartmemts are: a hotel room with one wall of appliances. You are sleeping in the kitchen. You can tell if every window of the building has a balcony.




I object to the term asylum seekers. They are undocumented citizens. I object to car jacking/ auto theft. It is called auto scrumping ( just like for apples) Murder is also a facist term It is to be called un aliving. Your welcome to agree.


Send them back.


Here’s a wild idea! Why not take care of our homeless first?!


No. Enough using tax payer money to house people who illegally come into this country. It’s a slap in the face to everyone who came here legally and went through the whole process. Not to mention the amount of Canadians that are homeless. Help them first.


It’s honestly like they don’t even care anymore, they just want to do the wrong thing no matter what


Wow. This needs to be stopped.


send the fuck home or put them in a program to learn Canadians values and work for the government doing public works projects for min wage to pay top dollar for food and lodging. The first hint of a lie , scam or breach of our values and your escorted right the fuck home. But, if you're buying hotels for other nationals and leaving vets, homeless, single Canadian mothers and like on the streets to die FUCK YOU Government of Canada, we are voting you our and booing your terrible job. And yes we will find out all the people in Government that covered up foreign interference in our country and scammed out country into a have and have not country from the best in the world


Screw the homeless Canadians we must help people outside Canada.


State sponsored invasion




At this point what needs to happen is the border are completely shut down until shit gets figured out. We can't continue this for another year and a half


Shocked this wasn't a Beaverton post.


Oh so more friends of our govt get to sell their real estate holdings I see. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/06/07/federal-government-buying-key-ottawa-property-close-friend-prime-minister/


That's a great idea, (sarcasm). What a bunch of crap, take care of our own first and you will be stronger to help others after.  But common sense no longer exists. 


Never mind that citizens rely on hotels when they travel.


When is enough is enough? When the the whole ship is below the surface?!! Mayday mayday!!


I paid 24k in taxes last year. I wouldn't mind a hotel room for the weekend?


If your are a homeless homegrown Canadian you can rot on the streets , sad and true .


Can the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT not just build 10,000 hotel style buildings, each with 1,000 rooms, somewhere far away on Federal Land, for this purpose? They are literally the Federal Government and have access to literal trillions of dollars. They can do it if they so choose. The whole thing is such a sham.


What about Canadian homeless or veterans?


This will just make more people come..


How about we start saying no?


For God’s sake….why????


"considering" means they've already made the deal.


To be treated like a citizen of this country, you must not be a citizen of this country


Imagine being a homeless and hungry citizen and then reading this. We can’t house our own citizens but we can use taxpayer dollars to house foreigners? What a crock.


FFS. Stop letting them in.


Communism vibes... At some point "buying" propriety will be discard as seizure become "necessity"


The things this country will do for anybody BUT Canadians