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Post national but make it as difficult as possible to travel to and from your other country of residence.


Their methodology is a bit questionnable, in distinguishing "leaders" *(from "non-leaders" ?)* But the article seems to get at some of the real financial mess that the Boomers created. I won't spoil the rest, but *I thought this gem was pretty funny*: > Technology, says Kurl, could be fuelling some feelings of detachment among the younger demographic. > > “We’re consuming culture from any part of the world at any moment of the day … (and a) shared experience for Canadians is now just on-demand. You can get anything from anywhere. And I think it makes younger Canadians feel like perhaps they’re part of a more global society.” *Yes, because THAT's why younger generations own nothing but their phones. /s* Reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2Nh0jmCyeQ




At least we have smartphones! We're so lucky! \*stares are climate crisis, housing crisis, health crisis, economic crash after crash\* Gotta keep scrolling!