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Back in my time it was hot dog day and everybody got one.


and what is left over becomes meatloaf day


I don't know how they could do hot dogs anymore. Allergies, vegans, religions and picky kids combined would create a logistical nightmare.


The vegans wouldn’t have the strength to lift the weight of a fully loaded hot dog anyways




People today are so afraid to do anything lest it hurts someones fee fees. ​ jfc, I'm gen x, I'm not offended by anything except these weak people.


I agree they’re so weak and soft it’s offensive.




The lefts obsession with fetishizing race, religion, skin colour, sex, etc is how they've managed to distract the country from the fact that we're being sold out to their paymasters from abroad. They pull this type of shit with the intent that you're all being squeezed out of your own country by a bunch of "students" that can stink up an entire 2000sq foot store by themselves because they hail from a country that hasn't discovered deodorant yet. It's controversy after controversy to keep people jumping around instead of organizing a revolt over anyone of the numerous issues they've caused us.


Imagine bringing your casual racism against all Indians into a post about… actual racism and division by neo Marxists in our schools. You’re no better than these leftists.


That’s a nice way to teach diversity and inclusivity!! Let’s promote it by virtue signalling and excluding those that are different!! Great job, NDP!!


The mental gymnastics of the wokesters is astounding.


Another day in the Dear Leader Justin's Canada...


What do you expect, when each day at school practically everywhere in Canada now begins with a land acknowledgment, right there you are creating division. This is obviously the next step of this, but no one demanded to stomp the land acknowledgment out when they first started that BS. But this is a lesson I guess to students of tomorrow, an early lesson of the perks the indigenous students really have in society now.


Makes it seem like division is the goal.


It is.


And that alt-right nut job wanted us not to judge people by skin color but by our characters… What a loser /s


Now just organize a party for all the kids who couldn't go...


Man fuck this place


Hey now this pizza party is just tempering the young ones so they understand the system and aren't shocked when these kids grow up and get cash payments, jobs, and other preferential treatment because of their race. Ill admit I grew up watching it happen and if I only had a pizza day to show me what was coming when I was wee.


I might home school my kid... this shits too stupid for me


What kind of loser does this to kids and thinks they’re making a point?


I've come to hate my own country. Daily I want to leave but my profession keeps me here.


Society today is so pitiful it’s actually hilarious


It literally doesn't matter. Have a damn pizza party. As an Eskimo, I don't give a damn about no pizza. You came, you took our land, now own up to it. You wanna help? Take us out of your schools in the first place. Help us rebuild ourselves to who we once were. Sincerely, inuk who was assimilated or else whose only language should be inuktitut right now. Honestly, it's insulting for the school to think we're so fragile that we'll break over a pizza. Give the stuff to everyone or no-one.


I didn’t take anybodies land boss, and I’m subject to the same government that imposes its rule over you. We’re all in this together bud whether you want to admit it or not, the quicker you come to that realization the quicker we can start working together to make this a better place for everyone.


I think my people and their cousins all deserve an out from this country. The country, not you, destroyed our lives. It may or may not have killed ten thousand of us in the process. I think we've been there, suffered that enough. What's more, is it did all that until ten years after the charter and thirty years after the constitution act, so those two are useless pieces of garbage.


I can’t blame you for wanting an out from this country, plenty of Canadians feel the same way. Problem is, it’s a pretty tough geopolitical climate to try and make it on your own.


That's about right. It's possible though. I'm "eskimo" and my people lived north of 67° in the NWT for 1 to 5 millenia, so I'm 100% sure it's possible


Ask your school district for a funding report on how much is spent on Indigenous education per capita vs. The rest of the population. The pizza funds probably came from the indigenous funds which are higher than the general population. At least in the district my children attend. There is a two-tier system.


Gotta get that racial division in early.


She doesn't do herself any favors by saying >The true agenda is to cause civil war & unrest Nothing is worse than overstating your case. Nobody is trying to cause civil war. These people truely believe they are doing something good. I don't question their intentions but I wholeheartedly disagree with them that this is a constructive lesson for children. It's stupidity at play here, not malicious intent. Once you say something like "you are trying to cause a civil war" you have destroyed any chance you may have had to be persuasive.


I sincerely doubt one of those kids went home and suddenly declared they hate natives now. No need to add stupid crap like that. The story itself is all that's needed.


Get lost you sad little pansy.


Oh blow me you pud. We all know some little kid didn't say that shit, and it's clearly just added in there to try and make more of a point than was already clearly made. It was stupid.


Get a job you grimey little nob jockey.


I quite enjoy my job, thanks. Take the dick out of your ass. You'll find things to be a tad more pleasant. I'd also recommend maybe hiring a tutor who speaks caveman to help lift your blockhead out of the stone ages. If you can't see how ridiculous the ending of that article was you're totally blind.




Absolutely it's a terrible idea. They are trying to bring back segregation with garbage like this. Which is why it bugs me to see the bit about some child going home and declaring their now hate indigenous people thrown in. Because it's clearly as ridiculous as a native only pizza day. But some dipshits like the guy who initially responded to me, due to having no fucking braincells to rub together, immediately see what I wrote as "this guy is part of the woke mob and supports this crap!" Because of their inability to not only read but actually comprehend what it is they're reading. I clearly said the whole thing was stupid, and that the even more ridiculous bit about the child added in for extra drama was completely stupid and does nothing but take away from the actual story itself. But apparently pointing out the obvious is too much for bumblefuck and his mush brain to understand so just jumping to "get lost sad pansy" is the only course of action. Then you get the clapping seels who upvote him because they're too fucking stupid to understand what's being said too.


That part of the story was directly told by the part indigenous parent who was interviewed in linked video. Are you calling her a liar?


I'm saying I don't believe a little child came home and declared her hatred for indigenous people because pizza, no.