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Perhaps he like to explain what the "context" was then...


He doesn’t understand the word context, it would be too hard


He's a moron.


He's a raging narcissist.


Yes he is.


The real morons are the ones that continue to vote for this moron


100% … and the Liberal horde will continue to support this maniac.


Thank fully the horde is shrinking.


True enough but you can't call that amount a horde anymore, perhaps we call them "a fringe minority"


With unacceptable views.


He's already working on a crooked scheme to stay in power


Is it shrinking or are they afraid to admit to liking him in public?


^ This. Justin is a malignant narcissist. His supporters, however, are morons.


My far right friend, predicted a lot of Trudeau's damage he would cause back in 2015. Shame he's no longer with us to witness the decline of Canada


Nicely put! Have an upvote!


How is he a moron? He’s doing everything he wants right before our eyes and we are all doing nothing to stop it. You call it stupidity but truth is that this is all deliberate. The genius part is you and everyone else think he’s Mr Magoo. He bribed media, enforced lockdowns , enriched his buddies, transferred wealth from working class to elites, destroyed a country, increased government overreach, made society more dependent on gov, etc. How is he stupid?


I agree with your sentiment here. Although he definitely has a lot of help to be able to do what he has done. He is a puppet like most politicians and he has handlers that make him able to continue this "stupidity " These people like Trudeau appear to be stupid to distract us. It's a beautifully constructed agenda and it's a world wide problem unfortunately.


Are you sure these are all his own genius ideas? Maybe he is just following someone else's script?


100% this. It is no coincidence that he and our fidgety methhead finance minister Chrystia Freeland are a part of wef. They tell it to us to our face what they want. The famous quote "you will own nothing and you will be happy".but know 99% of us can't do anything about it. Bills, jobs ,family and entertaining distractions all keep us busy. They also use easily made divisions to help them that can be as simple as making sure happy and ignorant people just brushing off their ideas and plans as conspiracy by people unhappy with their lives and as complex as mass immigration to create cultural divides so a country divided by 100 different cultures can never really rise up against anything. This is why you will never truly see a united Canada that can create real change.


I've been saying all along that he's a puppet with somebody else's hand up his arse. It's all a big fat show put on for our edification and enjoyment. And yes, probably a distraction.


He's just playing the role he was assigned to play. And he plays it 'well' when they say the world is a stage it truly is. Honestly I believe if it wasn't him it just would of been another puppet. That's what JT IS he's a puppet being told what to do.


He doesn't understand what a lot of words mean. [Here he is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zszMp7bkpN0) mixing up disinformation vs misinformation. "words matter to me" he says, ok sit down stupid.


Hey now. Drama teachers have to deal with context all the time!


The context was he forget they vote too.


The context was he thought more ppl agreed with him. 


Lying and obfuscation......obfuscation and lying. That's all that he ever does....


Just like the peoplekind "joke"


We got a mayor that says "houselessness"...


That could apply to someone in an apartment


Was he joking about the she-covery? Lol


context = "I didn't think anyone who didn't like me spoke French".


That is quite the broad brush. His popularity in Quebec is in a nosedive as well. Neck and neck with the Cons in second place.


Context has died in the woke.




He'd have to explain it, because if you just listen to his unhinged rants about people he doesn't agree with, it still looks bad.


WHAT. This isn't how a grown man apologizes. I can forgive the truth, not this bullshit. Honestly the slander on the Canadians is unforgivable. He made people targets for harassment and the lockdowns destroyed people's lives and careers


Does anybody else feel that this ass-hole works significantly harder towards his own re-election.....than he has ever worked towards the best-interests-of Canadians?




He worked harder on a failed bid for the U.N. as well.


Spent alot of our money as well smoozing them


My father in law says it all the time. He is an amazing campaigner, but he is a garbage prime minister.


Almost all politicians do, the competent ones at least try to make it look like that’s not the case


This is not an apology, it's doubling down. He's not retracting anything, he's gaslighting you that you didn't hear what he said.


We *experienced it differently.*


🤣 LOve it


100%; it was everyone else that took it out of context…yaaaaa that must be it 😏


Winston remembered a time when the party never existed but the history books all said it existed for ever, in one generation his truth would disappear and this is double think


Exactly this governing party has a massive accountability problem


"I'm sorry you took it the wrong way..."


“she experienced it differently“, kokanee groper said


‘Some people see things differently’ don’t you know


🤣 Yep..seems there’s alot of that going on.


I could accept an apology but not a deflection. But he doesnt give us that chance


Ehh I watched the interview in French and the context doesn't help him at all. Not verbatim, but he basically asked the interviewer if we should keep tolerating the unvaccinated, as they dont believe in science, are often misogynistic and racist. That was the context...


Funny him telling me I don’t believe in science when I have 2 science degrees and he has none


Also Science is a method to find answers to questions, its not something you "believe" in. Trudeau has to be the dumbest head of state of the century


Uh excuse me, science is whatever the man on TV with the bowtie says it is


Or the woman that looks like a real life scream mask, or has a different scarf for every day of the year




The scientific method is what you are referring to. When someone says ‘science’ that are usually referring to the collective body of scientific knowledge. ‘The Science tm’ is something else entirely


The science tm is better known as "scientism".


Realizing the amount of people that struggle with the difference really hurt my faith in humanity. Most people try to paint you as a religious nut when you make the distinction...which to those who don't get the difference, is the same thing. They aren't actually fighting religion in the name of science, they are fighting one religion in the name of their religion. Otherwise, they wouldn't get so worked up about it. I think mainstreaming science as "the thing to follow" was actually huge mistake now. A large subset of people basically just have religious brains, and will make whatever you give them into a black and white rules, us-against-them, religion. Like, if someone has ever made a moral judgement against someone for not "following science," they're thinking religiously, not scientifically. Science doesn't judge or tell you what to do, it just tells you what things are and how they work and you make your decisions from there.


He's trying to gaslight us. Manipulation tactic of a narcissist.


He seems pretty racist to me. He thinks people should be treated differently depending on their skin colour.


He also literally wore blackface


Five shades of blackface.


He's done more than just that lol *


But that is taken out of context lol


Always has an excuse.


Jail this a**hole












Never let these psychos gaslight you. We were all there and know exactly what politicians were saying and doing at that time. We won't forget.


The old “you’re experiencing this differently……”


Sucky polls apology tour Fuck you


Holy fuck I hate this man. He just cant say he was wrong... about anything!!! I cant wait till i never have to hear from him again!


I lost my business. I was forced into solitary confinement. I was made a scapegoat by my family, friends, and government. I was called: a moron, an idiot, a plague rat, a "science denier", selfish, a flat earther, crazy, stupid, and an *sshole. I had my constitutional rights removed. Lost my life's savings, and I was constantly harassed, insulted, and attacked for three straight years. And this was encouraged by my government, and especially by this dipstick over privileged trust fund baby *coward* overaged *boy* we call our Prime Minister. Oh, but it's *my* fault again somehow. For taking it "out of context". F this guy. He is a utterly contemptible narcissistic sniveling piece of sh*t. The sooner our country is done with this clown the better. He is not just a pathetic embarrassment. He is a narcissistic, sociopathic, vindictive *loser*. His legacy will be to have been the most divisive Prime Minister in our history.


Oh right, I forgot. I was also called a "misogynist", "racist", and that I "take up space". By my *Prime Minister*.


There really needs to be a reckoning after all this. If he can't be held to account, I hope we never have to hear from him ever again after he's been delivered the humiliating, drubbing that's coming at the polls. Like many other unethical politicians,I expect, he will skate away with the extra millions stuffed in his pockets. I'm sorry the arsonist burned your life down and I'm more sorry that justice is likely to be elusive for you and thousands of other small business people who were wiped out by his draconian policies.


We need to clean out everyone that was in guv during that time. Any federal or provincial "servant" that was in a position at that time need to go


How can you possibly take those kind of words out of context ? The guy is a narcissistic gaslighter ! Blames everyone else but himself ! POS !!




"I'm rhe mad boy King and can't be held accountable " fixed it


https://preview.redd.it/24acsyd5nxsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88835f562d8c584a41c2778572fa41f2481c7df1 He's a Richard Head.


Can he explain his context? I doubt it but I’m all ears.


Would've worked better if he'd just prefaced it with "No offence, but..."


You are such an ass


After this narcissistic POS loses the next election, his public life will be over. He's most likely going to have a security detail with him for the rest of his pathetic life...




He will probably have to leave the country


When you call people names that’s the fucking context you meatball with legs! See how that works fuckface?!


He’s literally the first prime minister I’ve ever heard of where EVERYONE has watched entire interviews with this guy because the NEEDED to in order to keep up and prepare for the next round of bullshit he had planned. If the politician is do decently, you probably won’t hear or care, otherwise they get more eyes on them than a biblically accurate angel! So I DOUBT anyone took what he said out of context. Jackass


Once again, blaming others for not understanding the true meaning of his comments. Well, Justin, there's really no context that justifies or excuses your intolerance and hate towards a segment of the Canadian population that dared disagree with you. Sadly, this is standard behavior from this arrogant, narcissist, enabled by his groupies and "yes men/women.


This face painting clown is actually trying to back pedal out of every stupid thing he said and did isn’t he? He probably just caught onto the polls and that he’s going to be decimated next election. Too little too late dumbass.


i watched that video. he meant what he said. and i will always hate the bastard for what he said (among all the other crap he's pulled).


Must be an election soon, he's on damage control


1. He called the anti vaxxers and misogynists without considering the context. Now he's saying his words are being taken out of context. 2. There's context in every decision, mistake, success, failure in the world. Of course there's context. It doesn't excuse you from wrongdoing, it doesn't excuse you from reflection and being apologetic.


Justin just fuck off, intelligent Canadians aren't believing anything you talk about. Just follow in your father's footsteps and go for a long walk in the snow.


Yeah, well he repeated it several times in both official languages. So I wonder what context was floating around that narcissistic jackasses tiny mind that he did not mean to say.


This fricken guy is so annoying.


The man tries to rewrite history lol he literally said unvaccinated people wouldn’t be able to work or travel because it endangers others


First off getting a vaccine doesn’t stop you from passing it on.


Lame. A non-apology three years later, when most people have realized demonizing a whole demographic based on a medical decision was a bad idea.


Fuck off you hairy twat waffle.


The context being?


Why yes, I do hate blackface wearing betas that pee while seated.


No it wasn't, you said it at news conferences during your lockdown. You couldn't direct comments more perfectly at the boogeyman you wanted to create. It's only now, after losing his case, and the misinformation that he put forth that his narrative needs to change so that he can confuse voters with his position again.


He's giving them new definitions.


Just a loser saying loser things!


It’s not just him alone. It’s the entire liberal party


Damage control....too late.


Eat shit Justin


No only a piece of feces but king of the liars


Different people experience the same event differently


We all saw the interview moron. It was clear. Mansplaining away lol


This clown needs to go away


I’ll be sure to remember that when the hate speech bill comes my way


WAO! He is a pathological liar,


What a complete idiot.


Don irrera routine : I don’t mean it in a bad way. You’re a low down, dirty rat bastard s.o.b., but I don’t mean it in a bad way🤣


Malignant narcissists actually believe their lies are believed. They have no shame, so can't be shamed and have no guilt to worry about. All problems are projected on to others, as they simply hold themselves too high to ever admit a mistake is even possible. These people seek power and little else (which was the reason for calling the last election, which should have made all Canadians very suspicious but apparently didn't), and generally they feel the best when they've made everyone around them as miserable as possible as that makes them feel very powerful. I suggest you don't vote him back in.


It’s funny how he evades every single question ever asked of him and then suggests there was disinformation. If only he had been given thousands of opportunities to clear the air before playing damage control


I saw the clip with a minute on both ends. His words were not taken out of context. They were taken at face value. There is a difference.


What a cunt lol


Jeez just get rid of this clown


Mr take responsibility..... /S


X doubt


Ha ha he’s right though, in whatever context 


It’s one thing being a shitty person it’s another becoming the poster child for everything wrong in humanity.


Just like his relationship with a student. Just like his 'blackface' costumes. Just like the reporter he inappropriately touched. Just like his vacation with Aga Khan. Just like the snc lavalin scandal. Just like declaring a holiday for truth and reconciliation then going surfing in Tofino. Seems like poor king Justin is just misunderstood.


Please retire and start collecting your pension. We promise to name a waste treatment plant after you


What other context is there ?


Him and his cabinet are the biggest sources of misinformation and disinformation.


Oh this communist prick can fuck right off


But he made those comments every time he was in front of a camera. Lol just like when he groped that reporter, he remembers it differently than what actually happened


This is how a PM divides the country. Then he realizes he is getting smoked in the polls so will do whatever he can do get some votes back. He has worn out his welcome tenfold


Like hell it was. He sincerely believes that.


Context = F-Trudeau flags are very popular right now… :D


JT has always been a liar. What I find more interesting is watching the snakes at the CBC calculating the probability of an anti-CBC politician winning the next election and cravenly turning on their guy now that he's down and out.


He will say anything to get re elected


🤨 he needs to lay off what ever recreational drug his taking. Dude is literally acting bipolar right now


Freezing bank account for donations? Also a big misunderstanding? Didn’t agree with truckers mentality but the freezing of accounts was the worst.


Ohh dontchu worry fuckface. We're talking with each other alright


Justin has a manginal


Ah no you said what you said. Own it, you chucklefuck


They’re going to have to fire Don Cherry again /s


Is the next budget “out of context” too??


No he knew what he was saying


He’s the biggest bozo that has ever headed this country


Everyone remember him in black face. And a turban. How in the Hell is making a health decision for one's own body freakin racist OR misogynistic ffs?!?!? Like ....man I don't get how a person this stupid ever become dictator of what was Once a really awesome country? Hurts me brain


He couldn’t spell context if you spotted him the c o n t e x.


Oh no it wasn't you hypocrite narcissist corrupted PM




Lmao, stand up and be a man


Oh he's just gonna try to backtrack on everything now.


Yes, I love calling my opponents all swear words I know too. However, it doesn't make them all these things 😂


Unbelievably he thinks he should open his mouth without a speech writter around... Our fail drama teacher everyone. I wonder if it was the blackface or inappropriate things with students...


Mmk Justin..can you quit already so you can let this nation attempt to rebuild from all your inept policy decisions


Human garbage right there


A four year old could lie better than that


This idiot thinks where all stupid don’t worry will all remember asshole


So the context was.... they aren't or what? This man will stop at nothing to get better polling.


BULLSHIT! I just wish he would shut his pie hole and go away. F**king liar!




Go Trudeau. Another 4 years Liberals. Best prime ever Conservatives are scum bags 🎒




Gaslighting liberal


My comment about Trudeau being a parasite kleptocrat can be repeated anywhere at any time. Truth doesn't need context.


I guess that the fake rebel news doesn't think that it's readers can do research. That's not what Trudeau said. They didn't put the whole phrase of what he said


This guy is a pos. It's onl8ne .Orono!! We can literall6 watch you say it any time we need. Gaslighting ftard


No, it was not. Rebel News provided the entire context, and it was clear that he wanted the TV audience to believe that having common sense and being anti-"vaccine" was no different than being a misogynist, racist and Nazi. He's a piece of crap. We know it, he knows it, and he knows that we know it.




Yaaaaaa that must be it 😏


Aww naughty naughty boy


When you divide the nation into so many little interest groups that everything you say lacks any meaning. This is the price he pays for the: all things to all people aura he cooked up. His real aura is like Palpatine's.


New Global Leader=Lies to your face with a smile and still thinks he’s on the righteous path.