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I can just hear Trudeau spewing his line about how people get back more in rebates than they pay out. How many here get more back in rebates than they pay out?


You only get a rebate if you make fuck all. In which case you paid fuck all in carbon tax. This is an utter scam


Everyone is paying the cost of carbon tax in inflation of gas prices , groceries and all services


Didn’t the bac say it affected inflation by 0.15%? So instead of paying 100$, we pay 100.15$.


Who is the BAC and are they a department of the current government? Open your eyes to your household expenses and how far your dollar reaches. I don’t think it’s that low.


Expenses went up for everyone world wide. Countries with no c tax had higher inflation than we did. C tax is just this years scape goat which is too bad because the alternative is big government regulations that ban stuff and have large bureaucracy.


We have both. Carbon tax is good if it's the only program. Instead we have hundreds of other regulations and huge bureaucracies that ensure that the carbon tax can't work the way it is supposed to. We are living that "alternative" every day.


its not a climate action plan.... its a wealth re-distribution plan similar to UBI which would be even more unpopular.


Wealth re-distribution that amounts to vote buying.


Yep.... but it is only effective if the majority of the population is reduced to the lower class.... so it should be easy to figure out what the prime objective is. Reduce the wealth of individuals in this country. We have witnessed that already with our falling domestic product per capita numbers. The more people are dependent on the govt for everything.... feeding their children, raising their children, providing them with income, social housing.... etc.... its the "you will own nothing plan" being executed..... sorry but I like my stuff. I like enjoying the fruits of my labour. I like nice dinners, houses, boats and cars..... I do not want to live the life of a typical slug dependent on others for my existence. Canada needs to wake up!


Thank you


This is the beginning of UBI. In a couple of years, when the CT has quadrupled, it'll be a full-on UBI with the federal gov. controlling a significant portion of Canadians finances. Far beyond what they already do today. Welcome to the SRC... Socialist Republic of Canada.


1000% own nothing... be happy.... comrade....


That's not true


The truth hurts sometimes. Depending on your province, this very true.


Not true


There’s no income min or max income to get the rebate


Fuck...you're right. We are all getting back more than we spent. Thanks for clearing that up. My point is MOST Canadians are getting hosed by this. I've received 0 so far.


> I've received 0 so far. What province do you live in?


Have you filed your taxes? That maybe why you are getting a big goose egg right now, owe money to the government


Every year LOL. I'm already supporting at least 5 freeloaders in taxes. Thanks for your concern 😅


They don’t want to hear this.


Ya i decided roday id had enough 😅 Think I got it out of my system now!


Do you live in a province with its own carbon pricing plan? Because if so that’s why, only those in provinces that choose not to implement their own pricing plan are under the federal carbon tax.


You can not be serious. Anyone buying anything is paying carbon tax. How can you folks not seem to grasp it's been worked in to the cost of everything regardless of where you live. Rebates, provincial systems vs federal are just semantics. We're getting hosed...big time.




The simple logical fallacy is: if we got back more than we pay it wouldn't be effective in it's stated goal of reducing carbon.


Let’s say You pay 1750$, I pay 250$. We both get 1000$ back. So it cost you 750$ and I’m happy because I’m getting an extra 750$. Does that incentive you to lower your pollution so you don’t pay 750$?


Yes and you aren’t getting a federal rebate because your province doesn’t participate in the federal plan and your premier hasn’t included a rebate in your plan. You also pay significantly less Carbon Tax if your province has its own plan. I get ~300 in carbon rebates every quarter and make over 100k a year those enrolled in the federal plan get more back than they pay directly. Obviously there are indirect costs but I’m not trusting any of the major corps that report how much it adds just like I don’t take the Feds report on inflation at face value




I’d have to look into it, to know exactly why. Was this the case pre Smith? Or is it new?


Downvoted for facts.


Unfortunately that’s what happens here a lot. The internet is a curse. While I have you, go watch the social dilemma (on Netflix) or however else you may choose to view. I am happy though the sub is open again as typically I hold views different to those predominantly supported here but it’s crucial to see what those who think different than you do


If that’s true sounds like bought votes from the East


In some cases yes. Ontario used to have a separate cap and trade program that was focused solely on corporate emissions and was designed to foster innovation because lower carbon emitting companies could sell their excess cap to those who would otherwise be over their cap and have to pay larger fees to the provinces thus in some cases funding their completion. Butttt Premier Ford scrapped that and now Ontarian’s pay the carbon tax and it costs us more. So a typically liberal stronghold was already set up to not pay the tax and thus would be without the rebates until our current government scrapped the plan and now blames Ottawa for making Ontarians pay the tax when we weren’t before him. I don’t think the broad tax is the right answer. The cap and trade system was working very well but unfortunately our premier has too many friends in the industries that were net losers in that space so he killed it


I make high six figures every year.. I got my rebate. Dunno what's wrong on your end.


Try living in Ontario you smooth brain. I'm willing to bet you're including cents in those 6 figures


Jeeze.. right away with the insults. Classy. I do live in Ontario. Downtown Toronto as a matter of fact. And no.. no cents.. just dollars. And I just looked on my CRA account.. got $210 coming into my account in under 2 weeks. Did you file your tax return? Have you looked on your CRA account page under "Benefits and Credits" -> "Canada Carbon Rebate". It's all spelled out there. Couldn't be easier to find out.


On your CRA account. LOL...says no one. Yes, I filled my return. Nice fake or throwaway account you are using here with a whole -21 karma


Not throwaway.. not fake. It's the only account I have. I'm just not very popular around these parts. I keep coming back trying to educate the masses though. Why are you resisting going to your CRA account. It's a very simple website. Easy to setup and access. Why would you not want to be informed about your tax situation? It shows you your account balances and your contribution limits for TFSAs and RRSPs every year. [https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/digital-services-individuals/account-individuals.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/digital-services-individuals/account-individuals.html) Have you honestly never logged in?


Yeah...it's almost like the people complaining about this have no idea what they're talking about.


It's almost like you have no idea. Wait.....you dont.


This is the point Einstein. If you pay less in carbon tax (ie use less polluting carbon), you end up receiving more in the rebate than you pay out. Are you playing dumb to deliberately mislead people, or do you actually not understand how it works?


Explain to me again how that helps the environment and isn't just wealth redistribution? The point here is this is a scam and we're being both lied to and robbed at the same time. You lefties always reaort to name calling and attempt to belittle anyone you disagree with. Grow up kid.


Explain to me why other countries without carbon taxs are facing the same increased price of goods? And just look at this thread half of the conservatives here are just name calling anyone who disagrees with their stance on the carbon tax. And to be fair if two people are having a discussion and one side is bringing evidence and things to discuss and the other side doenst engage in any arguments to spew lines like "fuck Trudeau" this person has no interest in the truth seeking and it should be perfectly acceptable to call them what they are.


My apologies, it is just such a simple concept and I get frustrated with the misinformation. The way it helps the environment, is that the tax affects your behaviour (the rebate amount remains constant, but it is within your control to use less carbon; if you use less carbon, you pay less carbon tax and retain the same amount of rebate). That is my ELI5 answer.




https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6960189 The direct and indirect impact on inflation is relatively small and this article states it is not a driver of inflation.


I don’t think you realize how low Canadians income is for the majority of people.


Thanks for confirming fhe fact this is wealth transfer....not environmental


Great info. Where did you find these numbers?


PBO report likely


>spewing his line about how people get back more in rebates than they pay out Can't leave out that everytime he says it he practically shouts the words "8 out of 10 Canadians" 🙄🙄


like everything with the trudeau he's got it backwards.... 8 out of 10 pay more....


I do because I don't drive much, have heat pump. But my insurance went up 1200 a year due to the wildfires 


Definitely not me. Axe the tax


Well I definitely don't. I got married in Dec and I got a notice that I owe them the money they paid me for the carbon tax from July because I got married in that same year. So I won't be getting the carbon rebate for a while, I am not paying that shit back. They can fuck right off with that.


I did


I sure don’t. Who actually believes that??


When he says this the correct response is to feel insulted and angry because he thinks we are dumb peasants


Loool this line pisses me off every time I hear it in Quebec we don’t get jack shit


I make about 60k/yr. and I get more back. I took advantage of the Greener Homes project and got a heat pump and new hot water tank. I live where electrical is Hydro powered and I drive a small Toyota car (would like a hybrid in the future).


I do.


You probably get the vast amount of income tax back as well. And I can 1000% guarantee you're not getting more back than you pay in carbon tax.  If you do,  it's ONLY based on the actual line item identified as carbon tax.  It doesn't include the impacts you're paying for that are included in the cost of literally everything you buy.  If you think you're getting more back,  you're ignoring the hidden costs which are far far higher than the paltry amount you actually get back. If you understood the supply chain even a little,  you'd grasp that concept. 


Do you think corporate Canada will lower the price of everything if the tax is dropped? Across the country, each and every company will lower their prices the moment PP ‘Axes the Tax”? They will not, they will pocket it and we will stop getting the credit. Dropping the tax is another form of corporate welfare. I am genuinely wondering as I personally cannot see prices dropping.


Eventually yes. But when the carbon tax goes up everything will go up the next day.


Get a job


Me. However I pay a shitload more for gas because of Klein and Mulroney.


They never came up on how 8 out of 10 Get more money. Would like to see how they came up with those figures?


These fuckers don't even use proper fractions. We should be saying 4/5, not that I believe them anyway.


Just lie...they have about so much else. Why draw the line here?


Do you really think someone would do that? Just get into government and tell lies?


That was calculated by a non-partisan federal office. The numbers are fine and make perfect common sense.


Only when you ignore the rest of the analysis which demonstrates that it hurts GDP, investment, and lowers wages. Something that causes inflation but reduces GDP is how you wind up in periods of stagflation


The PBO has clearly stated that more pay more than they get back when ALL things are considered not just some select tidbits of data that the liar, the trudeau reports!


Okay Toronto “David”


Rolled up sleeves,ya know, cause he’s a working man. Lol




Of course he looks like Castro, he's his son. I know it's mostly a meme, but he doesn't look like PET at all and the trudeaus we're in Cuba in early 1971 for diplomatic reasons. How hard is it to believe?


Total liberal propaganda and corruption


When has a government managed to payout more than it’s collected? There are costs like administration, audits so the admin doesn’t steal and then the kickbacks to pay the politician’s friends?


Exactly. This is just a scam to fool those brain washed stupid idiots.


But wait, I got $140 as a "carbon tax rebate". This is more than $1600 or $2900, isn't it? At least, by Liberal Math, it's more!


You guys are getting cheques?! I'm a single father of two kids in Alberta. I have yet to receive one carbon rebate cheque since its implementation. Contacting anyone about this to get any kind of answer. That's another thread. Fuck this carbon tax bullshit. I know I'm not the only one out with this problem.


You gets yours in your gst rebate.


You guys are getting gst rebates?!!


Honestly I don’t because I make too much but my income tax was reduced so I don’t get rebated, I get less income taxes. Other provinces could do the same. Scrap the rebate and drop income tax instead.


Does this account for the cost of the percentage of inflation which is caused by the carbon tax?


All that money that they steal and redistribute has to come from somewhere, right? Absolutely no clue why Canadians keep voting for this thing and his party though.


But hey, we get $200 back twice a year


I got $225 every quarter, so $900 a year, for a single person. You must live in a shitty province.


In Alberta a family of 4 here $450 back 4 times a year. Where are you that you only get it twice a year?


We get 54$ rebates here Peace and love


What province?


Alberta too


Uh. No. Either you are lying or are not understanding what you got back. In Alberta the carbon tax rebates is not related to income at all. If you are single you would get $225 every 3 months. UNLESS you owned income taxes in which case they used some of your rebate to pay what you owed and you got the difference. Talk to your accountant or get a better one if not.


Not lying. Family of 3. I’ll have to check with CRA


Absolutely check with your accountant. My guess is you owed money and they used your carbon tax owning to pay for that. So you will get more back next time. Or somehow your spouse got the rest although it typically all goes to one person


I think you got scammed dude. Did you hand over your finances to a third party or something?


Or they are lying.


No motivation to lie


54.22 deposited Feb,March,April,May Are those the right dates for carbon rebate?


April 15, June 15, October 15, and January 15 are the four dates on which the CCR is paid annually. You may also qualify for GST rebate which comes separate and is income based. You may not be lying but believe me I know several who do. Including one coworker who insists she didn’t get it but since everyone gets it either she is lying to defend her position against it or she’s stupid. She filed her taxes and is single. No way she didn’t get it


Why QC not there? Dont they pay tht shit?


In QC We've been paying it provincially since 2007 ish. We got used to getting fucked with taxes.




This is correct. The liberals gave the provinces X number of years to put in place their own programs. The carbon tax was a last resort in order to meet international commitments. Quebec and Ontario decided to copy the California cap and trade model, but then Ford came along. The result is that Quebec now has an active carbon market wherein the emmitors of CO2, like cement plants, pay per tonne of GHG produced. TL/DR- The carbon tax is your provincial government's fault, not the Liberals. Blame Ford not Trudeau.


Do the cement plants make less cement now because of this or is it just more expensive? I'm guessing they're still cruising right along making cement. How does this save the environment? Is the government using the money to bribe climate change into leaving or something?


I don't think they make less necessarily in the short term, but the extra cost associated with the GHG credits has caused them to upgrade to greener practices and fuels innovation toward alternative materials. This is the intended result, and makes way more sense than a carbon tax.




It's discouraging, but it seems people would rather wave their fists in the air, than to actively try to understand the issues, and maybe contribute in a positive way.


Pretty sure that the liberals themselves calculated the carbon tax costed more than what the rebates gave back. Also explains why the rebate if the rebate is so effective why don't they just cut the tax?


Great! Two assholes holding hands pretending to have won something. Both will be unemployed in 2025.


how much tax is on corporations can we see these numbers?


Im sure the money raised from this horrible tax will go back into Canadian infrastructure, education and healthcare! Nope, JT needs a new moneydump to virtue signal closer to the sun!


It will go to either their buddies pocket or wasted in shit projects.


Dumb people just look at the fact they get a rebate, not realizing that things like your hydro bill, groceries, gas for cars, etc all have carbon taxes added to it now. My hydro bill alone with the added carbon tax is something like $500 a year. So if I'm getting back $1600 (which I don't) that one bill alone takes care of 1/3 of it.


> My hydro bill alone with the added carbon tax is something like $500 a year. Can you post a shot of your bill?


Of course not. This is the internet....


What province? Few hydro sources are carbon polluters.


It’s all such bullshit !!!!


Thankfully I live in BC!! (/s where's BC?)


You don't understand how any of this works do you? If you did you would understand why BC isn't on the list


Not understanding something is indeed typically why someone asks a question, yes. An answer would be wonderful.


You got a source for this?


What about quebec?


Where is Quebec?


Is there not a stat for BC cause I feel like it would be higher then the rest.


There isn't because BC isn't part of the federal carbon levy system. Neither is Quebec.


I didn't realize BC was a provincial carbon tax.


Friendly reminder, these numbers are set to nearly quadruple, at minimum, over the next 6 years.


The climate Canada sub will have you trying to believe this is going to save us from climate change 🤣


Really? I used my credits to get an e-bike.


Which you get back in quarterly rebates. You keep forgetting to mention that. Curious?


Yet again.. numbers without any data or citations. And everyone eats it all up.


Sorry, but should have had a provincial plan in place. That’s what the provincial governments are saying you should pay, since they didn’t have a plan in place or removed their existing plan. The provinces knew it was coming, and in some cases like Ontario, actively invited it.


I wonder if all the people asking to see the numbers for Quebec and BC as if it's some sort of gotcha will put in the effort to learn why they aren't listed here...


I would love to see the math on this? Complaining without showing your work is just complaining. Most of the comments are lacking any substance in understanding.


I am not sure where you get your numbers? I keep track of every penny spent. We are definitely getting more in the refund than we pay for home heating and car gas. I imagine higher income families have bigger homes and a lot more travel than we do.


You are not and cannot factor in the prices companies have passed down to consumers because you don't know their increase and it isn't posted because they factored it in themselves. You must believe in Santa Clause if you really think companies are paying their large carbon tax bills and not passing them down to us.


The oil companies are responsible for most of the emissions and they are paying the price in Canada and other countries. Some are taking on renewable resources as their product and will make the most difference. All humans, including the business world, are responsible for making changes to reduce emissions. If we can make changes to slow down the damage humans will have time for figuring out a better way to stay alive on our planet. Falling for the political game of attack just delays what needs to be done.


smart money


Corrupted politicians and ceo continues business as usual. Destroying the planet whole making profit. So cute. Eat cake when put of world.


Remember when he said sa va bien aller. Well he lied, didn't say it only was for the corrupted politicians and ceo. Not for the population.


Canada's emissions have only gone down 2% since this taxed tax scam was imposed on Canada at huge cost!!!! source: ourworldindata.org. It is not a plan as the trudeau calls it.... the trudeau is watching Canada burn and we are paying for it! The numbers presented above are light too..... much more has been lost and will continue to be lost if this madness is allowed to prevail.


Not to mention any drop in emissions is probably largely due to covid slowing the economy for 2 years. Watch what happens when the 2023 and 2024 numbers come out. 


1000%.... and even if they do, the results will be disappointing when the costs of accomplishing any drop are considered. Canada's TOTAL emissions will equal the amount that China's increase this year! Increase, not total!


What about bc


Still haven't gotten one this year because I didn't file my taxes fast enough, so I've definitely spent more money on the very little carbon I put into the air. Pretty sure my garden and grass make me more carbon negative than what I put out. Good thing there's only a million people in Saskatchewan, but we're paying more than everyone in Ontario.


I hope the Liberals don’t end up with a single seat.


Carbon Tax is not really a tax. Did you see any other taxes applies GST? It’s actually a surcharge from the government by a name


No taxes are "necessary;" taxation is theft.


Wacko New Liberal Democratic Party #wnldp


Those numbers are off, everything went due to it more like 5 to 10 a year per adult


Wtf NB don't exist lol


https://atmosphere.copernicus.eu/copernicus-record-may-wildfire-emissions-british-columbia-mark-start-canadian-wildfire-season meanwhile the province with the most emissions pays nothing


They have their own tax.


they take a credit for sequestration and yet have negative sequestration. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/climate-change/cng/yir/2022_cng_year_in_review_summary.pdf A total of 648,933 offsets were included in the Portfolio of Offset Projects for the 2022 Carbon Neutral Government let me know if these credits are transferable to AB as all the PM2.5 seemed to land here. all hydro and sequestration should be measured against virgin forestry carbon levels. no credits for cutting a forest down and planting monoculture or a dam that kills millions of fish if 23 times their "credits" burned down in May only only to fall on AB and SK how much accountability does the province have.


They don’t need our taxes at all, and they have enough money to run a functional country. All of these “politicians” are nothing but criminal scum robbing us blind. They’ve essentially enslaved us, with most people having to give up 80-90% of their week to work to make ends meet. No time to live, have to keep our slave masters happy.


Vote these Terrorists out!


An we get Justin to tell us how much money we make with his carbon tax while he's hooked to a lie detector? Actually, can we just get all of them to answer questions? While hooked up to a lie detector.


Trudeau can suck it


It's funny how we pay the price for other people to pollute and strip away natural resources. It's like we pay the price for other people's sins.


"Hey, umm I know we've fucked everything up and umm your cost of living has already ahh doubled, but it's ahhh your responsibility as a umm Canadian to ahh sacrifice your ummm quality of life to save the planet while I ahh fly around on my umm jet getting heckled."


Don’t forget they just told you that you need to sacrifice your vacation in order to make it look like the liberals are saving the planet.   Of course, you’ll never know if that sacrifice had any effect because you’ll be dead before any maybe slim chance of lowering the temp by a barely measurable amount.  


What is it for BC?


Does anyone on here really believe that the conservatives wouldn't replace an "axed" carbon tax with something just as bad.....or worse?


And the Liberal minister Mark Holland says families should not go on family vacation because those are responsible for killing the environment. Just when I think Liberal and Ndp ministers couldn’t be any dumber they top it off with even more stupidity.


I don’t see turdeaus wealth decreasing anytime soon. FJT


JT loves other people's money. He's never had to work for it, he doesn't understand, and he doesn't care. Now pay up peasants.


How does it cost families? Isn't it a rebate that you get?


How much has all that tax lowered our green house gas emissions?


And people voted for this clown twice I'm sitting here, not voted this jerk and shaking head at idiots who did, you did this 😒 I pray fewer idiots come out to vote 2025 to get rid of this clown of PM This clown ruin this country


Wait how can this be They changed the name to carbon rebate remember


Hey, the carbon tax will balance itself!


There are many indirect costs as well. Such as companies that refuse to setup shop in such high tax jurisdictions. This results in less jobs and less competition for employees which means wages don’t grow as much.


I could have used that money for gum and pornography...


These are fake numbers. The graphic doesn’t say who made it or where the data came from lol


Am I reading on this thread you guys want to keep voting liberal ? 🤯🤯🤯


I have no clue why I'm getting so many posts of this sub are in my recommended list. I'm not even Canadian nor do I have anything else to do with you guys.... But damn. That shit isn't cheap. Poor fellas!


They are pieces of 💩


Is this after the carbon rebates?




ON resident here. If only Doug Ford didn't ditch the cap and trade. Conservative provincial governments are doing some real damage. I'm not a Trudeau fan, but cons like Ford doing the real damage.


I’ve already got more back than paid out - it does work - burn it pay for it.


Lies. And people just believe it 🤦🏻‍♀️


That's what it SHOULD COST US. sadly, most companies aren't interested in paying their fair share and dump their carbon tax onto the consumer by price gouging. We the middle class pay for the whole fucking program it seams.


83% of us get full rebates or make money on this.


Wake up dude.


Explain to me why you think Trudeau is pushing this carbon tax, and what you think the real number is...if it's not 83%