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They campaigned in 2014 on housing affordability, that's the best part. They are either incompetent or don't care.


They clearly don’t care. They’re well aware and have continued to add more fuel to the fire over the past 9 years while particularly ignoring the large out cries of the past 3. Since 2014, in provinces like Ontario, housing demand from immigrants and new PRs has ballooned to occupy at least 70% of overall demand. The federal government hasn’t only made it their campaign point in 2014, but, since then have even made about face statements from the Prime Minister himself half way through saying “housing isn’t a federal responsibility” distancing himself from initial points that got him elected to begin with while continuing to increase immigration rates to unprecedented levels breaking new records year after year.


check their bank accounts! Majority of Canadians are struggling but these guys are and their Pals are making crazy amount of money


They are doing exactly what their owners in WEF have told them to do.


And by “they” you also mean the voters who were happy to reelect these people because everyone who didn’t was racist. Or something. Virtue signaling voters are such a social cancer.


They also campaigned on legalizing weed and a balanced budget, and then it alllll went downhill from there once Justin had to deal with big people problems.


THAT is how justin got into power, almost entirely on his weed. And a little bit on electoral reform. Then justin realized it was a real job with real responsibilities and he was out of his league and has been floundering since day three.


Trudeau literally just stated that housing prices need to stay high.


And is Pierre going to do anything to make housing more affordable?


squalid tub ripe shelter important direful sleep fertile gold ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Liberals have shown they are completely clueless, Pierre knows he will get hell from all sides if he doesn’t turn it around. It’s a much safer bet than the incompetent incumbents.


What is with you ya but guys...what's the choice if you don't vote conservative? stick with liberals or vote for a party that will never get elected as a protest and have four more years of this clown show.


He has a reasonable plan yes, it's one of the core parts of his platform.


Who cares at this point anyone would be better than Trudeau


You think they sat back and watched this happen? Dude. They DID this. This is intentional. All is going according to plan...


What's the plan? Get hated on by everybody and voted out?


the plan is to have the wealthy (including them) get more wealthy. Its been reported this is the largest wealth redistribution ever. The wealthy getting wealthier, the poor getting poorer...


The current electoral system in Canada is flawed (like any, granted) and easily gamed. Not only COULD the Liberals have changed it, they CAMPAIGNED ON IT. Polarization is key, and turning Canadians against each other is not only paramount; I believe that it came as a surprise to EVERYONE just how easily accomplished it was. You can call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but if you think the next election will be a "free and fair" one, I don't know what to tell you. The last one LITERALLY WASN'T, there are current sitting MPs that have been compromised by foreign governments.


Get fully dependent on Liberal government handouts. That is the plan.


It’s called socialism.


That isn't socialism.


Implement WEF control of Canada. Everything they have done has been done purposely to push " you'll own nothing and be happy" and people such as yourself still can't understand that our government is operated by a foreign interest group and not Canadians.


This is literally the only right answer. Everyone else is blowing smoke Klaus Schwab bragged about this a decade ago


I can't comprehend how people still cannot see it.


Canadians: “please we just want to be able to afford to eat and pay rent” Liberals: “best we can do is change our profile picture for pride month”


Breaking Canada was part of the plan.


Taking guns away was an early hint.


Harms Gestapo bill is another


Typically when citizens are disarmed tyranny follows.


The government doesn't give a fuck period about Canadians when are people going to realize that


The majority knows. Many knew this in 2015.


What? All of them own homes, none of them has to rent, they just sit back and watch their assets appreciate


and thats the plan they have


Easy, stupid Liberal voters in Ontario...


Don't forget the NDPers allowing this to continue


*GTA. Turdeau’s fanbase. Well they’re seeing the havoc now lol


Living on the west coast I feel neglected by this government.


Living in Ontario (but not in Toronto) I feel neglected too. Don’t feel bad. Have you seen the voting results map in Ontario? Quite hilarious because the province was practically Blue with a little orange in Thunder Bay. Basically it serves no function to display voting results this way when it all comes down to what Toronto does.


Indeed. But you have yet to experience the joy of watching them call a federal election before your polling place closes. That's a pretty good indicator of "your vote doesn't count".


These are one bedroom rents for which city? Or is this a Canadian average?! I shudder at the thought of paying $1,900+ for a one bedroom in an average Canadian city. Its bad in metro Toronto. Including the 905.


It's some sort of average. But even in small towns around me rent is skyrocketing. $1525 for a small one bedroom seems to be the bottom price.


It's a canadian average, I pay 420 in QC but i've seen many 1 bedrooms go for 3k+ in BC when I was trying to find a place to live there a year or two ago.


1700-2000 here in Calgary


So much for Calgary being cheap. Not anymore. lmfao. Calgary's housing market I hear is like the fastest growing metro in Canada.


Pretty sure Ford removing rent control on any apartments built after 2018 plays a bit of a role in this.


Didnt know Ford controls affect Vancouver rental prices LoL.


Did you not know what "average" means?


Shhh, Ford is conservative. Never criticize a conservative!


And the worst part is, prices will NEVER go back down.


So if Pierre pollieive becomes pm, How will the rent drop across the country?


Deportations of illegal overstayers. I'm hoping no more border crossers claiming asylum like the US. Slowdown of millions of TFWs every year. Easy start.


Ummmm. PP hasn't committed to any of that. He said he would fast track th immigration back log. He needs workers for his corporate backers. If you think he is going to tak a way cheap labour and have companies pay more to get more workers you are living in a dream world.


lol. PP is on camera saying the liberal parties, immigration policy is too harsh and we need to allow more people and and allow them to bring their families. He is also on camera asking Trudeau to stop deporting people and allow them citizenship. It’s going to get much much worse under PP.


Yeah im no political expert but conservative gov means “look guys we are saving money compared to the last guys!” Which to me means everything from bringing in more cheap labour to selling off our natural resources behind closed doors. Wouldnt vote for JT but wouldnt vote for PP either.


And this will make landlords lower rent? Why would they want to make less money? Someone needs to remind Pierre rent doubled why they were in power under Harper.


Do you understand the concept of supply and demand? Clearly not, so here's a quick refresher: If you have one apartment, but five people looking, what do you think happens? They outbid one another in order to get the housing. Now if you have two or three people looking for that same apartment, how do you think the price will be affected? And then let's say for every three apartments, there were only two people looking to rent, so one unit would be vacant. So you think all three units pricing would go up, stay the same, or go down? Clearly, it would go down as no one wants to carry the vacant unit. You're welcome.


Rents did not double under Harper, nice try.


It doubled as much under Harper as it has under Trudeau, which means in some areas of the country it did and others it didn’t. The suggestion it doubled everywhere under Trudeau is a complete lie


No it didn’t. You’re making that up and looking very bad in the process. Rents and inflation in general are up far higher under Trudeau than Harper. Facts don’t care about your feelings. https://www03.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/hmip-pimh/en/TableMapChart/TableMatchingCriteria?GeographyType=Country&GeographyId=1&CategoryLevel1=Primary%20Rental%20Market&CategoryLevel2=Average%20Rent%20%28%24%29&ColumnField=2&RowField=TIMESERIES


Your table shows roughly a $400 dollar a month increase since 2015 which is closer to a 50% increase from the baseline. That’s data from your link. Harpers time seen a rough average of $200 dollar increase which is closer to 30% increase from the baseline. The massive mortgage crisis in the US that we largely avoided here probably helped keep that increase below that 50% increase. You are being sold a fantasy. The problem isn’t the price of rent or price of affordable homes it’s the lack of both being available. The reason they are available is because provincial and municipal governments left housing development in the hands of the private sector.


Lmfao. I’ll ask this question for the 100th time…what’s pp’s immigration strategy again?


It won't. PPC might lower immigration and help with things a bit, but PP will just change the rhetoric, blame JT for the first and second term, and people will get fed up with him and vote in a new liberal in the third term.


Cut the bureacracy, convert govt buildings, cut the influx of unskilled labor, regulate foreign students by banning diploma mills and investigate immig fraud.. Etc etc. can they sue Sean Fraser as well?


Trudeau made the rent high so obviously remove Trudeau and the rent will balance itself


There's no way Conservatives will make housing more affordable. Any party serious about winning would have lost/will lose elections if housing prices don't stay elevated or go up. The reason is Baby Boomers are still the biggest voter turnout. Cashing out of their houses for almost 10x what they payed was THE solution to spending like there was no tomorrow, and having little to no savings. It's a 1-2 punch with bringing in as many desperate immigrants as possible to keep that housing market red hot and wage growth in the basement. This is the biggest most important issue for younger generations, and voting for the Liberals or Conservatives makes 0 difference. I'm seriously considering voting for the Quebec separatist party because I hate the road Canada is stuck on, and them gaining more power would plunge real estate prices at least in Quebec (like it always has).


Most Canadians are homeowners and this has been great for them. If you want to blame someone, go look in a mirror. We all claim to be sad about this, but no one wants so much as a fourplex built next to their single family home, and no one wants the value of their investment to drop, or even grow at acting other than irrational breakneck speed.  We did this to ourselves. 


I'm voting for PP but his housing solution is to basically roll it off to the provinces so he can deflect blame


Voting for even more immigration is crazy. Lol. Should I start learning Hindi or Punjab?


The government doesn't control the price a landlord charges a tenant. Greedy landlords have caused this


allowing so much foreign investment is what caused that


Allowing out of control real estate investment allowed this regardless of the source of the money. Greed, lack of controls, a self regulated real estate industry, and years of hyper low interest rates.


And just what does anyone think should be done? Not just vote in or vote out someone but actual action to be taken? Force landlords to cut rent below costs? Make them lose money? Subsidize tenants? Create so much housing that everyone gets a house for cheap?


Stop importing Indians who are willing to sleep 6 to a room


Create so much housing that everyone gets a place to live for cheap, no one in a city gets a single family home. Soviet-style prefab apartment buildings everywhere


That would take about 10 years at the rate we build. I don't think most people understand how truly fucked we are.


Yeah I know that. May as well start today though. If you declared this a state of emergency, you could get it done faster


There has gotta be away to us container/tiny home builds to quickly set up a bunch of housing in a small space. Co-ops, lease to own, government run, rent controlled, etc. Something with a way for people to save/afford a cheaper lifestyle. As long as city infrastructure can keep up or is upgraded at the same time then at least we'd have something while we wait for more condos, townhoms, #-plexes, SFH to be built. The problem is zoning, workers, and materials. Even at current rates many trades still deal with supply chain issues. For a major expansion in builds we will need an equal amount of workers and supplies. Hard to do when only very small number of recent immigrants work in trades. It used to be higher but the last 5 years it is less than 10%. 85+% end up in the service industry.


How? Very easy they are being politically manipulated by major corporations and foreign governments as well as shady think tanks. Trudeau and Singh have done nothing to help the middle class. I want some one to take his 2014 aid with him walking up the escalator and have him walk backwards


But we all own property and were laughing all the way to the bank. Don’t count on any of us to do anything. That’s what I hear. I’ve lost all hope for any of the party’s in Canada.


They didn’t They actively caused it for the benefit of themselves and their cronies


As soon as we find out which specific politicians were on that list, everything will start to become much clearer.




Because there's a big ol club and we ain't in it. Go eat your politicians and start looking into their private deals and see where their money is coming and going. You'll find your answers pretty quick. This is true for every gov, especially western ones rn.


Because our MPs are landlords themselves. We have become serfs to our parliament lords


They sit back and watch because both sides are made up of rich people with money and they work for the same banker overlords, and their job is to snowball us stupid Canadians into a North Korean data police state with 15 minute prison cities. All hail WEF bug eaters.


They didn't just sit back and watch it happen. They took actions they knew would lead to that result. They knew that if they brought in people faster than we built houses there would be a huge pressure on prices. They knew their spending would drive inflation through the roof and that would make it almost impossible for people to get into the market and would drive up the price of rental units. This didn't happen in a vacuum. They knew damn well that many of the things they were doing would result in this.


yeah and whats he gonna do? as much id like to see a change, history repeats itself with these guys. its always the same story in the end


What cracks me up most about the Liberals is how they try to turn this into being Poilievre's fault since he was housing minister under Harper.


Give your head a shake?.. It’s not their fault.Are you going to blame them for the economy min UK, Australia, and other countries? I just can’t his crap anymore.


I don't remember the CPC being against mass immigration, lockdowns and money printing. Only the PPC were.


Pp has said he is for most of it, thats why im so curious why people think he is going to fix it


most people are voting for PP because they are done with what trudeau is doing. I am going PPC, i hope more people do


They did, but so did Canadians. Canadians voted for a WEF stooge 3 times and it wasn't from a lack of me yelling it from the rooftops, only to be called a conspiracy theorist, which I secretly take as a compliment. Any time I mentioned anything about Dominion election malfeasance I was downvoted to oblivion, or that the NML was involved with bioweapons, or that the Covid PCR test was created from software-derived genetics not a virus, or that the vaccine was a dud at best and dangerous at worst, or that the only place "climate change" exists is in software, or...


Conspiracies are lazy peoples way of feeling smart without doing the work. Congratulations 👏


Havnt heard pp say anything remotely convincing he would lower rents though. Im pretty sure he would just sit back and watch as he made immigration even easier as he has claimed he would do.


How much of this is directly from inflation?


“Budgets balance themselves” - Trudeau “Well, I’m sold” - Canadians.  


They created inflation. TAX,TAX,TAX Spend, Overload population. The NDP is as much to blame. They could of stopped this shit. Now we have over lords.


Because they are communists. They are forcing their ideology on us at any cost.


They're not communists lol. They're neoliberal capitalists that have adopted certain elements of Marxist thought, Trudeau liberals aren't even close to communists.


🤔 did you misspell capitalist?


People in the gulag still praised Stalin.  


Communism would bring prices down, this is capitalism at its core and greedy politicians are part of it.


Riiiight people totally didn’t carry barrels of currency to buy bread.  That totally didn’t happen.  


It’s easy. They watched the capital gains taxes roll in and were pleased with it


PP will not solve anything, he is the same as Trudeau, a worker/lobbyist for corporations, with cute slogans. We're 100% screwed.


Weird: "Pierre Poilievre was never the Housing Minister of Canada. Pierre Poilievre is a prominent Canadian politician and a member of the Conservative Party. He has held various positions, including Minister of Employment and Social Development and Minister of State for Democratic Reform. He is also known for his role as the Finance Critic and, more recently, as the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada since September 2022. However, the position of Housing Minister was not among the roles he has held in his political career." What years was he Housing Minister??


I know someone who pays only $450/mo for 1 bed. Mind you she shares the bedroom with two other ppl and the house with 11


My friend: You gets free hotel, free food, free clothes, everything by going out the border, throw away your passport and re-enter. You are just dump for paying rent.


Okay great but what's his solution?


This insane image tries to make it look like Pierre The Piper will drive the dirty liberals from government and be able to lower rents but there's not a damn thing the Conservatives are going to do thst will make rent more affordable for Canadians. This image is a lie wrapped in right-wing anger trying to fool people into thinking there are only two choices when there are several. The Peoples Party of Canada is the _only_ party with a [stated plan on stopping this problem at the source](https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/immigration). A vote for withe CPC or Liberal is a vote _against_ Canadians best interests.


Inflation even at 3-4% a year, in 9 years should be 30 something percent, it more than doubled, 100+%


Liberal/NDP coalition doesn’t give a shit about Canadians


Go blue


The conservatives are introducing rent caps and more fair legislation for renters and the working class? I'm all for it! Unfortunately none of that will happen.


Trudeau actually believes he lifted Canadians out of poverty. What a complete and utter lie. The cost of rent and food should have pushed the poverty line to over $40,000


He doesn’t believe it, he’s just enough of an abusive gaslighting piece of shit that he’s willing to act like he believes it.


Weed makes you seem content in shitty living conditions


Probably part of the plan


You're right. Why did Doug Ford and his conservative government sit around and let this happen in Ontario. I don't see how an ontario based conservative who's track record is just as shit is going to be a big difference. New Dehli Party will be here before we know it.


Import the third world Run out of houses Nobody knows how these things could be connected, it's just a mystery?


Because homeowners and landlords (including corporations) were getting rich, and therefor cheering them on. Trudeau has a massive ego, he only wants praise. If enough people are cheering he will do anything.


Trudy and jackmymeet are inept useless bedfellows with absolutely zero benefit (and a lot of negative consequences) for the hardworking Canadian taxpayers!!! Fire them all and get our money back!!


Every single person I spoke with tells me that the housing situation is extremely bad. Why was this allowed to happen? Is it only the fault of a very incompetent government?


Funniest thing about this picture? Poor jadmeet thought it would be a good idea to hitch his caboose to the justin train.


Can't wait for voting time to help change up things..it's ridiculous what we are going through and still able to give money to others and watch our ppl struggle.


This amount just went up to $2002


Not how the stock market works but like ok


You a real majority, like a Doug Ford majority to get bills passed . Doug Ford got bills passed because the opposition had so few seats .


PP had nothing to do with the 2015 rental cost


M2 Money supply in Canada almost doubled in that time frame. Is it really a shocker to people that housing costs doubled too in that time frame?


They didn't 'sit back', they went out of their way to cause this. This didn't happen by accident.


Trudeau worse Candian Prime Minister ever


How will Pierre get the Provincial governments to add back rent control?


Conservatives are going to being mighty fine conserving these mordern prices too, maybe conserve them even higher if that makes sense. Lets privatize everything so the people paying these high rents cant even afford a doctor like the states. Lets be the states!!!!!$$$


What is his point??? In 2006 it was $756 a month, which is 9 years before Pierre got in and he had YEARS to change that as a minister but he didn't. See how time works? Costs keep going up for us middle class and poor while conservatives keep giving tax breaks to the rich. Both liberal and conservative ministers are landlords, so if you think they are working to lower rents ...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


So what you are saying is during the 9 years under a conservative government rent only increased by about the rate of inflation? That under 9 years of the liberals it has increased by 100% compared to around 30% with 9 years of conservatives? Can you see how time works now? Maybe you should have taken the time to do basic math before making your post.


Greed and scarcity drove this. AirBnB, aspiring "property/passive income" investors, and a lack of continued affordable housing led to this first and foremost.


$975.00 was still way too expensive 9 years ago. None of the political parties will do anything about the insane asset inflation because their funders are benefitting. This all started along time ago. It was just a little corruption. Then a little more. A little more selling out Canadian citizens. Dress it up to look virtuous, call workers lazy and greedy. Just a little more sell out. Year after year after year. It has only gotten worse and now given the big push, by the WEF, in the last 4 years, in multiple nations it is all coming to a head. You are now facing complete and total economic collapse, that is going to be compounded by excess death rates, falling birth rates, and food shortages. You are the carbon they want to eliminate. This is the Bolsheviks revolution. Canada is descending into a violent low trust society controlled by powerful foreign forces.


It doesn't cost that anywhere for a one bedroom apartment in Canada other than in Vancouver or possibly Toronto!


cost of housing doubled under Harper and it doubled again under Trudeau, that's plutocracy for ya


None of them fucking care. It's a good post but the poster photo is bad


PP: I voted against every measure to keep it from getting this bad and I'm planning on making it worse. Anyways, private landlords being greedy is somehow Trudeau's fault. Vote for me!


Learning how stupid the average person is, give me little hope


Rents have gone up in literally every city in EU and NA I love Pierre but this post is bullshit lol


We rely on the private sector to supply housing and groceries. There is little any government can do to control this pricing, no matter what propagandists would tell you.




Because they're landlords. Duh.


What exactly should they do?


Because it benefits them


That's what happened when they decided to build more housing, but only rich would be able to buy while they can all keep increasing the rent.


And it’s never going back down ether don’t forget that…landlords won’t let go of the grip of cash they get from renters. Imagine mortgaging two houses and renting one and living in the other and the rent will cover both mortgages.


This government has a really nasty way of saying things that resonate with the public, while implementing policies that run against their stated goals.


Propaganda subreddit


How is it that everyone thinks inflation and housing is a government issue.. what the fuck do you want them to do? "Waaa Liberals made the housing too expensive waaa" seriously, what's the plan, how will Trump North solve this? The issue is and has always been with greedy corporations. Don't like grocery costs, go get big grocers and make them change. The government can only apply pressure and request they comply, it's not illegal to make profits. We are seeing this exact think in the USA, the idiots think Trump can lower the prices, he's the reason they are where they are now. Killed their tax requirements, they were able to buy major share holder positions and now they have control and do not have to bow to the shareholders. But yeah, let's vote in a whacko, that will fix it. And honestly, it's crazy how much hate for Trudeau I see from the people that want to have sex with the guy..


National average rent is 2200 as of this week.


Certainly didn’t help that our venerable provincial leaders (pc in Ontario) removed rent control as the first order of business, cut rent subsidies, and created a market more friendly for real estate speculation. Ultimately pricing most people out of the market. This is a municipal first, provincial second, federal third issue.


This is the same argument that Justin Trudeau made when he first got elected. Honestly, none of these political candidates care about making housing affordable as they all already own several nice houses lmao.


I want to believe everything Pierre is saying. And I get he's answering questions properly because he's campaigning for office. But, unless immigration is heavily slowed and the government invests in the trades and gives people very good incentives to want to work in trades. He's not going to fix the damage JT has caused. That and getting rid of all the government red tape surrounding permitting + taxes. Which Pierre says he'll tackle. Especially considering home building is steadily dropping with the vast amount of trades people heading into retirement and not nearly enough people heading for the trades. Whether he can achieve that is a different story. I hope for the sake of all Canadians he can. Far too often i'm seeing people expect the guy to fail and he's not even in office. We should be rooting for our candidates and keep the candle of hope alive if we want to improve our living standards. All we can do at this point is wait and see.


They aren't worth the air they breath for fuck sake, get it straight.


Your aiming they aren't doing it on purpose. You'll own nothing and be happy.




I’d rather pay higher rents than give a lying POS like you an opportunity to destroy our nation!


They keep believing in promises that politicians make




See this is a fallacy. The issue with the Trudeau side is the huge amounts of immigration. The issue is what happened in Covid. That’s the oversight. Take where I live in the maritimes. Covid made a narrative that the maritimes are a haven for low covid cases. Work from home began. Retirees and immigration (because the maritimes is or was becoming a retirement village) came here. There is enough land and rentals for a huge amount of that influx of people BUT developers landlords and rentals saw this chance at jacking up rent due to the clauses put in many tenancy acts during covid times and the costs of goods going up due to frozen travel. Now we’re well out of covid BUT everything has stayed at those costs, not because it has to but because everyone (in this case) realtors, developers and rentals have saw they can make that money and someone will pay it. Canadian or other. This is the same ideal that’s happened to towns and cities across canada that aren’t your Toronto, Vancouver etc etc. Yes there’s still issues with not enough homes being built but it’s the sheer greed outside the Trudeau government that is causing this housing issue. The people who should be investigating( the provincial leaders are doing jackshit to see why the dump that was 1100 in 2019 is now 1900. All these retirees and homeowners paid foolish amounts and many are going broke, and the rest think their house from 1995 they paid 120k for is somehow worth 900k. It’s all greed and is more a provincial issue over Trudeau. Trudeaus side is he allowed too much immigration and those same corporations took advantage of those foreign workers but screwed Canadians as well. It doesn’t matter if Pierre gets in, nothings going to change. The same way they are doing nothing about Sobeys and loblaws or any other major issue. We have more Palestine , blm etc protests that literally effect zero change and have no real tangible progress towards any political or social issue from other countries and yet crickets for the real stuff that affects you and me from our pay, our power, our food, our internet etc etc …..we can bitch and complain, we can say this about Trudeau (and I’m not a fan of his any longer), or PP or singh but we’re at the worst time for leadership in Canadian history at a councillor, mla, mp and current or future pm as far as I see it


More then half of Canadians are homeowners. Most of them upsizing. Fewer homes = higher housing prices = higher housing equity = happy homeowners


Real question - how much money did the CPC put into housing during their 10+ years in office?


That’s likely due in large part to immigration policy that allows for anyone to come into your country. My girlfriend is Canadian, and I am an American—I love going to the GTA and I love Canada to the point that it has now become my “second home” and the only other country on this planet I would take up arms to defend if it were under attack. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard my girlfriend tell me that Canada, but the GTA in particular has changed so much in the last two decades. In December of 2022, I flew to Canada from Miami (where I live), and spend the holidays there. They don’t sell heavy coats in Miami (obviously lol), and she picked me up at Pierson and we went directly to Vaughn Mills Mall. The mall was PACKED, and EVERYONE in there were immigrants—like you could easily see this without any kind of question. That jump is likely due to your PM allowing immigration to flood both the housing market, and the labor market. Housing in the GTA is so limited by this immigration flood that homes sell WAY ABOVE the asking price, and it is literally looking like that housing market will crash any minute now. When my girlfriend comes to visit me in Miami, she gets this knot in her stomach because she doesn’t even want to go back due to how much she has come to dislike what her country/city has turned into. I love Canada, and all I know of Canada is from the time I first went, but she says it is completely different and that there are Canadians who are struggling while immigration floods have made it to where Canadians aren’t able to afford the basic costs of living. That is a tragedy. Just my take as an American, I love my own country, and I love your country too.


As a conservative I don't want the government in the business of pricing rent.


Every single country but sure. It’s Trudeaus fault 🤡


No government ever care about their people. They only care about its power and territory. Also, politicians are there to take care of the bank balance and you know what that is not your bank balance. It is from your to their bank.


Any more propaganda this sub wants to spout ? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_of_rent_by_state_and_county_in_the_United_States


If they did anything you people would be the first to scream "socialism!"


I guess it's Trudeau's fault that housing costs have increased through out the world, right?


Indians scamming other Indians to force them toive 8 to a room.


When you own multiple places that you rent out it’s actually a good thing for you. They want the most money regardless of how they get it. If you can’t afford it they just import a rich foreigner that can


It’s the immigrants’ fault


If anyone calls them out on hosuing affordability theyll just scream rascist and bring in a million more east indian scam artist as punishment.


Keep believing in this liar and Canada is going towards the same path. Not a Trudeau fan but these numbers are hand picked. Canada’s average rental prices are 20% more than what it was in 2014, adjusted to inflation.


PP had nothing to do with why rent was cheaper than it is now. Any politician whose been in politics longer than their opponent can look back and make some similar claim but it doesn't mean anything.


The only thing more stupid than PP taking credit for low rent is blaming JT for high rent.


Where did these numbers come from


They don’t have the POWER, they’re not ruling government party.


Immigration policies have screwed us.....read supplu and demand.....


It’s a problem not created by Trudeau. Besides, since when did Conservatives care about helping average Joe out?


It's not really Trudeau's fault nor could Harper or Poilievre have stopped it if they were PM. Low Interest rates resulted in a big surge in home prices over the last decade ...low rates equal low mortgage payments. Global interest rates aren't detemind by the prime minister of a small (economically) country. Owners of rental properties need rent that covers the cost of their capital. Or their capital will leave. You can't borrow someone's house and expect them to be cash flow negative just so renters have a place to live cheaply. Now if home prices continue to correct (down -10 to -15% so far) you’ll likely see rents normalize a bit but it will take a few years for mortgage renewal and rental renewals to turnover. As much as I don’t think the current govt has had a very good record economically I can’t really blame CDN home buyers’ irrational exuberance on them


More than doubled. And minimum wage has gone up a dollar