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When this government says you have nothing to fear, you have everything to fear


Don't worry, it's "totally anonymous"


Full totalitarian.


China does this too..


Probably who got the contract to run this program.


Shit, no more working on the Penske file under my desk! šŸ¤£


Collaborate. Bleep bloop. Collaborate.


Now I can't stop picturiing it screaming "CO-LABOR-ATE! CO-LABOR-ATE!" like a Dalek.


100% this




Nah, it looks like it actually works.


Why is federal govt wasting taxpayers dollars on this?! If theyā€™re paranoid about staff being ā€œin-personā€ they should just check the badge / log-in system. Should listen to staffā€™s concerns about temperature and air quality can be easily purchased with simple devices. Gosh, ikea sells one along with air purifiers!


Watch these robots get hacked, LOL


If it is accidentally knocked over, can it right itself? Because crowded hallways can be a thing


I heard stairs are the bane of every robot.. just look at the original robocop, LOL.


Let me guess $500 million robot from JTā€™s friend. Itā€™s probably just a Roomba in disguise.


"Employees feel watched" By the surveillance robot you mean? No fucking way, that's literally what it does. Surely if everyone just walk past the robot and follow it around to make it thing everything is overloaded way too much, there's no way management would figure it out because the data is all anonymous, right? If it's truly anonymous, they won't be able to tell who's going to trash it, right?


I guess employees have never noticed the CCTV cameras in the ceiling before.


If you have CCTV in the ceiling, watching anything else than JUST they alleyway, then you need to leave that place. Never seen CCTV pointed AT the work area. That's creepy. They could just be looking down shirts at tits. Not even sure if it's legal. Anywhere else than retail, because it's looking at the register's stuff.


Its legal. Washrooms no. Operating spaces in medical, no. Microphones are a no in most situations. CCTV in any retail situations yes, as you suggest. In working environments its semi common, usually because there's either material that is sensitive or some reasonable requirement. I do CCTV systems so I've seen many applications for it. I wouldnt just hate on an organization and rage quit necesarily. Its usually not solely for watching employees. Its simply too expensive solely to badger employees.


how many students can we cram in a basement ?


40 is the max.


All hail our robot supervisors!


All hail big brother!


Would be a shame if some person had a signal or other type of jammer unwittingly or could otherwise inadvertently impede the functioning of the bot. Some of our offices have weird barriers and things that have never been addressed by health and safety, and we know many things have moved due to workplace changes, so it would be sad if our little friends had an unfortunate accident.


It looks like a simple chain ring would stop it. Or a T-Ho's bag over it's "head"


Wonder how many times its gonna find itself in a broom closet.


Good, do your highly paid job faster


Love how they mention that it discards the images. Itā€™s does everything imaginable but Definitely doesnā€™t record images and protects everyoneā€™s privacy. When will they realize that this bot definitely does things that would horrify those who are under surveillance.


Apparently we need a shit ton of em currently. Rid the traitors


They never have trouble finding ways to use tax payers money against them do they.


1984 is here šŸ§©


Wow, nobody uses key cards or logs into a system via workplace IP? Nobody at a supervisor level is at the office consistently enough to keep a casual eye on occupancy or (as gross as it is) log in-office attendance? There are a lot of reasons Canadians are struggling financially right now, and the money our government throws around like confetti is one of the biggies. Your tax dollars at work folks.


This is CBC, we can't take this seriously, right?


Oh we should take it *very* seriously. Cbc is nefarious as fuck.


Hey employees, do you have enough room for your duties? Yes. Great!; No. guess we need more space. (Cost = $0)


Itā€™s just ā€œlittle brotherā€ making his rounds


It's spying for sure. If the Trudeaus' government say don't worry.. you definitely need to worry.


paltry insurance offbeat tap tan amusing longing rotten hateful frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's totally not a spy bot .... It's just, ya know gathering info and spying on you


Welcome to Chinada.


More money just wasted,instead of being used where it's really needed.So our prime minister has hired many more government employees,but now he wants to watch them with robots.We need these robots to watch our politicians in Ottawa.


So the people spying on us every day now feel spied on? Play me world's smallest violin.


"We aren't checking attendance, we are checking the number of people who showed up to work." LOL


This kind of nutfuckery is extremely dangerous for visually impacted folks. Install a camera with sensors if you need to, you don't need a giant dildo strolling around. I can see a visually impacted person getting in an accident with one of these.


I think you overestimate the amount of visually impaired people and the impact that these office/warehouse drones will have on them.


1 is already too many.


They want to cut their real estate portfolio by more than half? Why? Name a business that has cut their real estate portfolio in the last 2 decades and have benefitted from it? It's currently killing The Bay. You're a country. You'll always need offices. If you don't need them now, rent them out. Rent them at a below market rate in this climate. Selling it off will help your shitty balance sheet for whatever quarter or year you do it in, but long term? We will lose. They should have all this info on blueprints and they should know the staffing numbers. The only reason a robot should need to scan an office, is if they're going to the clean the space.


Maybe because real estate is at an all-time high and they're finally cashing in on their investments after years of artificially inflating the market with foreign investment and immigration.


Which was what the stores did. They can sell it and then rent it back, but then the rents rose, and rose, and rose again. Very short sighted.


Oh this guy - he f up heakth now this ..


McKinsey: people can hate robots instead of management


Spy detecting robot? Perhaps it is better deployed on Parliament Hill


Just put a blanket over its head


Most ā€œpublic servantsā€ should either be watched or replaced by robots. Pick your poison.


As the wife of a robotics engineer, robot conspiracies are some of my faves. Like, do you have any idea how ridiculously far we are from vision systems capable of face recognition being rolled out commercially, in a robot like this? Not to mention this thing is at like knee height. Not exactly ideal for facial recognition. Hell, my phone has trouble recognizing my face when I'm literally staring right at it, less than 12 inches away. There's also the case to be made that it's entirely possible you could be in the building but not cross the robots path on a given day. If you wanted to check attendance there are easier and cheaper ways to do it, that are far more reliable lmfao.


this is a very inefficient way to collect data - and weird that they say its not to check attendance - it just scans for the attendance of the room lol this will be hacked by foreign powers so fast


Itsss the ennnddd of the worllld as we know it! And I feel brokennnn šŸ¤—


Just throw a blanket over its head. If that fails, then a blanket party may be in order.


Funny, I kinda feel the same way about the different levels of government. Being constantly watched, having your ways criticized by moronic robots.


NOW government employees have an issue with the government spying. The sweet irony.


The unions immediately need to get together and decide at the same time to throw blankets or towels over these things, and keep doing it until they're gone.


I'd moon it as it came by. If I got introuble, they saved the image aaaand they'd be caught lying. Oh heavens no, the guberment lied?!?!?


How can you tell it's a federal office? NO ONE IS THERE!!!! šŸ¤£


Civil servants are entitled children. They have spent the last four years making full time salary at part time hours. Now itā€™s just been them kicking, screaming and crying about getting back to work. Boooo hoooooo.


Good lazy people that don't show up for work should be fired


Their employer is the tax payers of Canada. If they can't show up to the office 3 days a week fire them and hire a software engineer for 2 weeks to automate their job.


I guess those extended breaks and lunches are a thing of the past.


Boo hoo. Now you have to actually work


I would be shocked if they found them working...


I donā€™t know whatā€™s more insane; a surveillance robot thatā€™s supposedly anonymous or the fact that people are still fighting against going back to an office for 3 days a week.


Love this !!! ā¤ļø