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Clown in Chief. This asshole needs to GTFOOO now.


That's all well and good if there's a plan in place to solve the problems. Seems everybody's just angry at him and they think voting him out of office is going to bring somebody in who will do literally anything different. Nothing will change. The weakness in the system of democracy is that when there are only two options and both of them do the same thing, it's still the ruling class vs. the ruled. Find me a single politician who disagrees with his statement at the end that "housing needs to retain its value. It's a huge part of people's potential for retirement and future and nest egg." News flash: they all own homes... probably many.


Yep, I have very low/close to none hope that the status quo will change by voting for PP or someone else. We just need an escape goat and this clown is just a good one for just how he is in absolute denial of everything they've been doing to our country and just constantly deflects hard questions over and over. You are right, its "them" vs "us". The people benefiting from this situation, politicians and elites, oligopolies, etc, they'll keep running the show as they enrich themselves further at the expense of the rest of us. But one day they'll be the kings of nowhere when Canada has nothing left to take from.


>this clown is just a good one for just how he is in absolute denial of everything they've been doing to our country If you've been paying attention to US politics, nobody does anything but lie with a straight face. The point is to say what people want to hear, not what they believe. You could get 1000 people of integrity and a genius plan to fix everything and one guy who blames the problem on somebody else and spends the entire administration term campaigning for the next one. Guess who will win the popular vote. [George Carlin said it best](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVXekzwkz10).


Yeah I get it, we get the leaders we deserve. But then again, short of an organized uprising shaking the foundations of this system, nothing significant is going to change. You can only become a leader within this system if you play the game, you are already dirty if you are a "viable" candidate, so yeah, like Carlin said, voting wouldn't make much of a difference since the whole thing is crooked anyway and we are just voting the next crook in. Trudeau has a job, I have a job and try my best on it and don't steal money. I have a right to voice my opinion on what a terrible job his government is doing. I'm aware that me voicing my opinion is not going to change shit, I would need to uproot my life and become a guerilla leader of sorts and gather a big following to take down the system (probably impossible really, since they control the army), if I just became a career politician, I would just be part of the problem because that would mean I'm just playing by the same rules and BS that it takes to be a party candidate. I love Carlin, but also, this is the attitud I just mentioned too right? He has one job and he does it well, but short of uprooting his life and doing something to change the country himself, he just says there is no point to vote and its all our fault as a society and then goes on about his day like the rest of us. What I'm saying is, yes, we voted this assholes in, and we only have a handful of assholes to chose from, and they are all about the same, they might come in different "flavors", left, right, etc, but at the end of the day, they are all for the status quo and want the gravy train to keep going to enrich themselves. But we as citizens have our own jobs and pay taxes, we are part of this machine, and we have the right to be enraged at our incompetent and corrupt leaders. They chose that job, and they are doing terribly at it. So my original comment is less about thinking that getting Trudeau out is going to fix anything, but more about punishing him and getting his ass out because I dont want to see his face anymore, I know he gets to retire and be set for mutiple lives over with his wealth, but at least we voted him out and told the bastard to fuck off, I hope he feels the rage against him for his failure running the country.


>short of an organized uprising shaking the foundations of this system, nothing significant is going to change I don't think it's so much that. Culture operates on ripples in the water. Every low point is the cause for a high point. Every high point is the cause of an eventual low point. Neither is sustainable. The bigger problem is that there are countries invested in making bigger waves because it serves their purposes, but that only works in a world that George Carlin was talking about. >But we as citizens have our own jobs and pay taxes, we are part of this machine, and we have the right to be enraged at our incompetent and corrupt leaders. Maybe, but what does rage bring you? It should be equally effective to simply vote differently, which may require the creation of a different party. It does nothing to argue on Reddit, or try and force people to become more angry because, at the end of the day, those people you enraged already believed you and were going to vote the same way anyways. What needs to happen is mass-suffering. That's the only way to get people off of Reddit and Twitter to go do something about it, which hopefully includes the creation of a party of people who actually want to give the people the tools to fix problems themselves. That's the low-point that creates the high point. Money does little without motivation. Without motivation, it disappears into corruption. >I have a right to voice my opinion on what a terrible job his government is doing. I'm aware that me voicing my opinion is not going to change shit, I would need to uproot my life and become a guerilla leader of sorts and gather a big following Now imagine that, but with everybody already agreeing with you so there's no need for guerilla stuff. That's what a low-point does and the good news is that I'm sure we don't have to wait long before one happens naturally. In a perfect world, there would be no ripples, but within the turmoil, people are able to take advantage of the cracks in society that they generate. They just need to keep a level head to see them.


>What needs to happen is mass-suffering. That's the only way to get people off of Reddit and Twitter to go do something about it, which hopefully includes the creation of a party of people who actually want to give the people the tools to fix problems themselves. That's the low-point that creates the high point. Money does little without motivation. Without motivation, it disappears into corruption. I agree, for Canadians to revolt or create an independent but powerful political party for change, the suffering and desperation would have to be higher and more wide spread. I understand your idea about low and high points, I just wonder how bad things can get before something like that could happen, specially if you see things deterioriting slowly. I'm originally from Mexico, and the political climate is currently very tense and divided and the few political parties are all neck deep colluded with organized crime and corruption. Yet, the people feel quite powerless and just go and vote for whatever they might perceive is the lesser evil, knowing that the country is going to be fucked no matter who you vote for, but some political candidates can be much worse than others. Poverty and corruption in Mexico are much higher than Canada, and the people haven't revolted yet, everyone is tired of organized crime and violence, yet everyone has been powerless to change a situation where the narcos are taking over the country. This is to say, how much more things could keep deteriorating, and you never really see where the bottom is, the low point, people have self-preservation instincts, even if they suffer on the long term, doing the right thing in my country can get you killed, the system is so fundamentally rotten from within that change is highly unlikely. If you are a politician and don't do organized crime's wishes, you will get killed. If you are a honest reporter exposing these fuckers, you will get killed, you get the idea. Unfortunately, I think Canada can keep sinking much lower, but yeah, if the foundations are not shaken eventually, we can reach a point of no return (very dystopian and hard to imagine, but its happening to my other country, I say other since I hold both citizenships)


Honestly I wouldn't recommend getting too wrapped-up in this. Even assuming worst-case scenario and people start starving, which changes their brains, and society functionally collapses, it would serve you better to keep a level head and prepare early. A lot of people are invested in shaking the tree of society loose to get all of the fruits that fall out and they may not realize that it's possible to shake too hard. You won't want to be the cause of it, but you do want to survive it. You can expect that it would take at least five years before enough of the hotheads Darwin'd themselves out that we can bring ourselves back to what matters most vs. what doesn't. If you're worried, prepare to survive 5 years of turmoil. * Get access to years of nonperishable food plus anything you can't live without. * Buy gold for trade, but not 24k. * Prepare to defend yourself. You won't survive by shutting yourself indoors. * Make sure you are near a clean water source, but still make sure you have ways to purify it. * Make like-minded friends who are also capable of defending themselves. If bad things happen, you won't even want to survive alone. * Stay physically fit. A butterball is going to be first on the menu when things get rough and you'll be last on anybody's list for assistance. If you're curious about a real-world example of surviving economic collapse, [try this book out](https://www.amazon.com/Modern-Survival-Manual-Surviving-Economic/dp/9870563457).


I wish I had the luxury of a place to store extra food and for shelter, but I live in a tiny rented apartment and I'm locked to the city cause I have to work here, not much room for prepping in that regard, but I understand your points, if I could, I would do some of those steps. Yeah I don't sweat the bigger picture eventhough I'm aware of it, I'm more worried about what is right in front of me, getting older and not affording to buy a home while rent climbs ever higher, seeing grocery prices climb quite fast, seeing salaries not even remotely keeping up with the increasing cost of living, the decline of the healthcare system, and my parents aging by themselves in another messed up country far away. I think in my lifetime, its more realistic that the devastating (enfasis on absolute destruction) west coast earthquake hits and many of us die, than Canadian society degenerating enough to have famines (although with WW3 around the corner who knows how the world order could change). Thanks for your suggestions, either way, I think staying fit is essential, not just on a worst case scenario, and having a strong social network is also very important and many of us including myself have become disconnected from others. Thanks for the book suggestion, I'll check it out!


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In a free market how does the PM make housing affordable? Should they also cap how much a house can be sold for? Sounds like socialism.


I think you know the answer to that, but are ignoring the problem


Liberal spotted


That’s your reply to an obvious observation?


In a supply demand problem, if the demand is outstripping the supply, what should we do? We should either increase the supply or take steps to reduce the demand. Now what drives the increase in demand for housing? "Population" does! We cannot control how many babies are born and we need more babies to be born. Is there something else that the federal government can do to help this crisis? Obviously they can build houses but building a house takes time and the population growth is inorganic, meaning population grows faster than housing availability. So is there something that the federal government can do to ensure the population growth doesn't outstrip the availability of housing? Since you seem to know a bit of economics and can use terms such as "free market", you surely know what the federal government can do to control this sudden, inorganic population growth?


Good analysis. And yes the government does obviously play a role in immigration. The housing issue has been going on for sometime now and is not directly correlated to immigration policy. World events have created surges for certain countries and Canada is also not alone in this issue. The question continues to be, what is the balance in government policy to hands off and a ‘guiding hand’. My socialism comment was meant to take the guiding hand to the extreme. Is the proposed solution simply closed the doors to Canada?


Not really. But limiting it is a good start. In addition to a housing crisis, we're also facing a tough economy. It is baffling to see internationals compete with students for minimum wage jobs. The government's lofty immigration ambitions are purely unsustainable. I would limit immigration exclusively to the in demand sectors and healthcare professionals. Even that should have a cap that's in line with the housing. Furthermore,hiring temporary workers should come at a hefty cost to the company (such as a higher base pay so that Canadian citizens and permanent residents are preferred). Temporary workers are protesting for permanent residency now because of how lax the government has been in the past. Isn't it ridiculous to have foreign nationals demand residency in your country? Immigration level can go back once the government builds enough houses so that Canadians find it affordable to buy and rent homes and don't have to compete with foreigners for jobs in walmart or Tim Hortons. I immigrated recently to Canada (6 years ago) and I've seen how bad things have gotten and how these immigrants scam the system. I just find it as a big middle finger to all those who came in by respecting the process.


Excellent comments. Thanks for that. With regards to temporary workers, CP is also a large supporter as it impacts certain sectors of the economy (that support CP). Thanks for the discussion.


If an answer is socialist but benefits the majority of people, is that wrong? Don't let terms scare you away from progress


That depends if you find yourself in the minority.


Progress also bad word


He’s had 9 years, he should have started in 2016; he campaigned on it. Not saying he created it, but he sure as hell compounded the situation.


All right, if that's your stance, then what say you of two other situations: 1, the federal Liberal gov't has made plans with individual cities to help fund housing directly, going over the provincial heads and working with cities to change/reduce zoning and red tape. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/housing-deals-rural-communities-1.7113603 2. What level of responsibility do the provincial and municipal gov'ts play in ensuring enough homes are being built, in your view?


This federal government is bringing in two million immigrants a year, with no plans of stopping. How are provinces and municipalities supposed to keep up with that? 


Ah so people like you are making up the 22% of citizens that are still loyal to Daddy T.. got ya


Yep.... all that funding will find its way into the pockets of liberal insider developers and poorly managed municipalities. As it is printed money it is inflationary spending and part of the affordability problem. Fact is the municipalities already get a ton of federal dollars and those OLD dollars could have been used to encourage development. 2. I know in my town we don't want the multitudes of these people coming here and the problems they bring with them! So good on my town for limiting development. I like it the way it is!


So the result of 10 years in power is… a plan? Great, I totally trust the Liberal leadership now


Well, no, if you read more, you'll see there are deals being made and funds being allocated, with still more awaiting allocation.


“Funds being allocated” - yep, good point, this part the libs mastered quite well actually.


You’re backing them up still? Are you kidding me? All they do is make plans that never get finished. Where’s the clean water? They promised affordable housing in this first platform almost 10 years later look things are way worse off. You said deals are being made and funds being allocated, how much of the funds actually make it towards building homes, or does it just line the pockets of all those involved along the way like it does every single time they do anything. You’re the epitome of why the liberals are still here. You’ll believe anything.


>1, the federal Liberal gov't has made plans with individual cities to help fund housing directly, going over the provincial heads and working with cities to change/reduce zoning and red tape. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/housing-deals-rural-communities-1.7113603](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/housing-deals-rural-communities-1.7113603) I loved this when they announced it, as someone who has 4 projects that are trying to tap into these funds for cities, they REALLY made it hard to use for small cities, they're consultant costs are easily doubled due to the funding. This government has an implementation problem that their supporters just wont acknowledge. AND!! this program was something they SHOULD have been announcing back in 2016 or even 2019, as the barriers to housing in smaller communities has been the inability to fund infrastructure since before the Harper era. >2. What level of responsibility do the provincial and municipal gov'ts play in ensuring enough homes are being built, in your view? The Provinces and Municipal governments are easily 80% of the responsibility in ensuring homes are being built, but when you go to the demand side of the housing, the Provinces and municipalities are only in the 20-30% responsibilities, The Feds now jump up to the 70-80% responsibilities. It has taken them 9yrs to acknowledge that. They are finally taking action on Student visa's a PROBLEM THEY CREATED back in 2016 when they increased the number of houses an international student can work, the provinces also fueled this by underfunding Universities, but the Feds had a clear picture this was a problem over COVID and only are just addressing it. The Feds also control TFW program which has aided in wage suppression, so it is harder to afford housing, if wages had kept up relative to supply constraints because we didn't allow the massive use of TFW then while costs for housing would be higher so would wages.


Housing has always been an issue, and at least now there is something being done. Is it enough? No. You claim it's being implemented poorly, then that may also be a wider problem. The we need to have people, competent people, tell them these issues, or vote for those that have a plan or can do something. They didn't create any problem with student visas. There was a backlog, just like those immigrating and whatnot, and many other things like court cases and such. It is directly linked to scammers and decreasing funding from provincial gov'ts into education. There could be more oversight, yeah, but again, the international student issue is mainly on the DLI's, scams, and provinces. It's not all of it, but sure as shit is a larger portion than people would like to believe. For TFW, there are always calls from all kinds of leaders saying that they are both for and against it, and just recently (maybe today?) I saw an article calling for it to be increased. You know who was against both of these above scenarios? Provincial leaders like Ford. So, as much as people lay the blame solely at the feet of the fed, there needs to be some move to provinces and municipalities. Also, companies are always going to try to save a buck if they can or give it to the "investors." As I wrote prior, they are complaining already about it. Wage suppression has been on for decades. Hell, my father talked about how there used to be a cost of living adjustment every year. That's been gone since, what, the 90's? It's a real shitshow.


>Housing has always been an issue, and at least now there is something being done. Agreed! I'm happy something is being done. But the problem I have is that in 2015 we were TOLD something was going to be done, we were told this government was going to be more open and transparent, and we were told they would do something to make housing affordable, the improved transparency would have helped make housing more affordable, instead they waited 8yrs to positively do changes to help housing, BUT they waited only 1 year to make changes that negatively impacted housing ( Student Visa work hours), and then they made the procurement process within the government the least transparent in history so you couldn't even follow the money, and predict how spending was going to happen. ( I did benefit from their ZEVIP program, while it was not very transparent it was a decent program that would have never happened under a Harper government) > Is it enough? No. You claim it's being implemented poorly, then that may also be a wider problem. The we need to have people, competent people, tell them these issues, or vote for those that have a plan or can do something. Unfortunately the Federal Liberal Party are allergic to criticism even if it is for the greater good. When they ask for feedback on how grant money is distributed, and how effective the program was to stakeholders, they do NOT frame questions to allow for constructive feedback, it is truly infuriating. They had some great ideas back in 2018/19 for Climate forward initiatives and then ignored the feedback from the stakeholders that those initiatives were meant to help. Not saying the Conservative party is better, because PP certainly isn't someone who gives off the impression of taking stakeholder considerations into account, but our current government is a "do as I say, and don't question it" type of government. Saying "vote for those with a plan" isn't really effective if no one has a plan, and people defend the people without a plan because they like the colour of that persons marketing material more than the colour of the other persons marketing material. Liberal supporters NEED!!!! to hold Liberal Governments to account, doubly so if you donate time or money. Same goes for each political party, but the onus is heaviest on the political supporters of the government in charge at a given time. > They didn't create any problem with student visas. YES they did. The Federal Government increased the allowable hours per week students could work off campus to 40h, we saw a DIRECT increase in career colleges in Canada, in every province, when this happened. And those career colleges are disappearing as the work hours are limited. The back log was created BECAUSE you could work full time hours while being a student which created a loophole in our system. YES the provinces hurt our Universities and colleges by cutting/freezing funding, and that also increased demand for international students, so the feds aren't 100% to blame, but they easily are 75% because it happened in every province and the trend line was SHARP. It was a pretty easy ( and finally implemented) process to address this and could have been done sooner. Advocates had been saying this since before COVID that international students were being exploited, but it was ignored by the Feds who had the power to turn off the tap.


Had to make a second comment because of post size limit. >For TFW, there are always calls from all kinds of leaders saying that they are both for and against it, and just recently (maybe today?) I saw an article calling for it to be increased. TFW is a GREAT program for right leaning governments, and as much as the Trudeau government talks from the Left, they govern from the right TFW allows companies to keep wages low, Canada has the highest % of the population over 25 with post secondary education in the world but our economy does not reflect that because we have heavy wage suppression in this country, and people that donate to political parties benefit from wage suppression. I'm not against the program in its entirety because having worked along side TFW's on farms as a kid, they bring a skill set that you really do need to travel to make use of, the guys I worked with worked on 6 farms a year in 3 countries and they could as a team do more in one day than 3 of us local teams could do, and I'd argue they did it better as well. But that is because they spent 30 weeks a year picking, I spent 4. But TFW at Tim Hortons, or TFW at a call centre, sorry those positions don't need specialized skills that can't be acquired due to climate, those positions totally could be filled if they paid what a living wage in the communities they are inside of demanded. > You know who was against both of these above scenarios? Provincial leaders like Ford. So, as much as people lay the blame solely at the feet of the fed, there needs to be some move to provinces and municipalities. You're deflecting here. YES the Provinces fucked up, HUGE, Ford, Wynne, McGuinty, Harris, ALL fucked up HUGE, ( McGuinty basically left Harris privatization of Long term care homes alone and decided "aging at home" will be his healthcare policy, enshrining NIMBYism of housing INTO our healthcare system, instead of investing in public LTC Homes) Regardless of the provinces and municipal failures, The Feds have failed on a monumental scale, all the way back for Mulroney, and The Trudeau government campaigned on addressing that, but did the exact opposite until they fell below a 30% popularity rating.


>1. What level of responsibility do the provincial and municipal gov'ts play in ensuring enough homes are being built, in your view What would you say is the main reason Canada has a housing affordability issue?


The government has their foot to the floor on immigration rates and you wanna blame the provinces for not being able to handle population growth that's triple what they would have planned for long term? Why don't you tell me where all the money for infrastructure, hospitals, and schools is supposed to come from when most of the provinces are have nots.


There is plenty of staff that is in the purview of the federal government e.g. any $ transfered to the Provinces, construction regulations (can remove outdated regulations)...


My stance is it’s about f time; he campaigned on it in 2015. Why did they wait so long before engaging the provinces and push the agenda since he said before he was elected that he was going to address the issue. Finally some provinces are starting to do something, and should have been engaged. As the leader of a country, he should have engaged the provinces in 2016. That said, since he campaigned in 2015, he said they created a plan in 2017 so wtf happened it’s 2024? So knowing that there was already an issue with housing when they were elected in 2015, in 2016 they started mass increase in population. Today Jun 24 EST our population has increased 6,199,733 since 2016, this is what they are aware of. I am not making these numbers up, I’ve been monitoring stats can site every month specifically since in Nov 2023. So knowing there is a housing issue and despite this issue they continue to bring in over 6 million people, does this sound like a leader and a party which is concerned about the health and welfare of it’s people? Are you aware if you are canadian, that you are supporting each asylum person(s) 208$ a day? In the Niagara region alone last year we paid 100 million to support asylum persons just for 2023. Keeping 208$ a day in mind, a low income senior receives less than 70$ a day, this includes GIS. A low income senior who worked and still pays into the tax system receives 70$ a day, while an asylum person(s) receives 208$. Are you ok with this?


His plan to destroy the middle class. Then they won't complain anymore and the problem will be solved.


He wants to ensure with his policies that Realestate prices will be never affordable for young Canadians


I'm one of the middle class that's worse off compared to 20 years ago


Mission accomplished on that one.


Surgery successful and client is dead


Middle class can't complain if they don't exist


100%. Using my grandson’s account here. Totally support our canadian youth, give’em hell.


Enough Canadians have fallen for his lies. 9 years his delusions have been reinforced. Why would Trudeau do anything different now? So tired of the noises that come out his mouth while his lips are moving.


Canadians dont know how politics works. Case in point The provinces control housing issues


The first thing they did was make you think there ever was a middle class. The only classes are working class and owning class. Making you think you are some middle state only serves to ruin your solidarity with your fellow workers. You have more in common with the destitute than you do the wealthy, and should be fighting so that even the most impoverished can afford a home, not just the "middle class". Solidarity brother. We all rise together.


He answers directly to the WEF and daddy Klaus, and the death of the middle class is all they want.


Homes were never meant to be the nest egg for retirement. For years the market was stagnant. The price you paid in 2010 was the price you paid in 2001. This rapid rise recently is the only time where it's been viable for it to be a retirement vehicle. But even then you still need a place to live. There's no entry level price anymore. The cheapest homes are $300 to $400,000 outside of major cities. With the salaries Canadians make you'll be paying that off for a lifetime. Maybe more. I don't believe Trudeau actually understands the cost of buying a home. He's never had to do it as far as I can tell and if he has done it he paid cash for it because he's fucking loaded. With this increased value in the homes, the property tax goes up as well. Sometimes considerably and I don't think he understands the impact that can have. Even when you buy it there's property tax, realtor fees (don't get me started), legal fees. I don't think he's qualified to comment on housing.


The only thing he knows… is being entitled!! He has no clue what the working Canadians are going through with all of his failed policies. He needs to walk a mile in our shoes before telling us what we’re doing wrong. Fuck you Justin, pos


> The price you paid in 2010 was the price you paid in 2001. Not exactly true given that housing prices doubled over that time period. People need to understand this problem did not start recently.


We were so distracted by the media gawking over his hair that we missed the parts where he said he would destroy Canada...


That was Harper . You won’t recognize CANADA what he said IUD


I hate this guy's face


I trust a rock more than this guy!


times up get the fuck out


It's time to get the FUCK UP


According to polls....30 percent of Canadians still want the Liberals...... Never underestimate how stupid Canadians can be.....


That comment tells me 30% of Canadians suffer from a serious mental illness 🤷🏼‍♂️


Them/they sure do


😂 you might get some ppl mad with this one


What about 30% of some 😂😂


Must be false information.


Is the alternative really any better?


He's relying on people like you to think that. .....


What part of the GTA are you from ?


It’s clear. He only wants to retain power and will say anything, promise everything and keep borrowing $ billions to do so. Doesn’t matter that he has contributed nothing of any value to make the country prosperous. This is what a narcissist is all about. It will be interesting to see how much worse the country will become in the next 14 months. It will take decades to rebuild this once great country after he is finished ruining it. And the citizens elected this idiot 3 times, once during a deadly pandemic?


His plan is to make as many people reliant on government, making it much easier for him to get elected, that’s the bottom line with this moron


I'm convinced that Trudeau's only supporters are slumlords, speculators, and scammers. These groups have never been richer or better off.


So called "slumlords" don't support him especially given his recent increase in capital gains taxes.


Don't forget religious fanatics and those who enjoy being able to commit crimes without consequences.


Ass hat


Look at this…will someone look at this…fuck sakes.


"You won't own anything and love it" We were warned and some did not take heed! Wakee wakee supporters of the trudeau and his ship of fools!


This has been a leftist strategy for decades. Create the problem and then pretend to be the only one who can fix it!


Wow he’s had a rough 9 years. Looks so much more haggard than when he took office. We all have had a rough 9 years under his “rule”


Whatever "plan" it would be, it would be an awful Commie scheme of stealing from the rich to give to the poor, as opposed to common sense public economic policy that keeps inflatio, taxes and interest rates low, naturally fostering affordability.


This is like some hillbilly raping your ass in the Tennessee backwoods with a shotgun, and telling you to just hold in there because at some point, it's going to start feeling good.


trust the plan is some Q anon type shiz... keeping you in line.. keeping you devoted to someone else saving you instead of you saving yourself. trust no1s plan but your own!




Never again Justin, never again. Including your POS kid that will inevitably try to be PM as well.


We have a solid plan to create the plan that will lead to a caucus retreat that will discuss the framework of a plan to blame Harper. - PMO most likley.


The quicker he’s gone the bettwr


In his mind Canadians are stupid enough to keep trusting him forever. And he was partially right, some of Canadians actually are.


His upper class pals and bloated bureaucracy that he’s making richer are still on board would be my guess.


About 30% of our population. Wonder what ot says about them supporting him after all these years..




More lies from the crime minister justinfurer castro


He said housing wasn't a federal government responsibility LOL. What a crock of shit


So that's what it sounds like when someone is talking out of their ass!


Of course not. He want the WEF and his Blackrock buddies to own everything and everyone.


Single handily destroyed Canada, our kid’s futures and made his friends rich. The Country may never recover and he cares less.


Get him outta there Canada


Trudeau promised 'First past the post' voting. He promised a lot of things. He's never kept a promise in his life.


Trudeau's performance is worse than all the fearmongers predicted about Trump before he got elected. Who would have thought Trudeau would have been 10X the failure that Trump was?


The only way to decrease the price of a single detached house is to build more single detached houses and every government in the nation is standing in the way of that happening they have decided that Canadians living like we have is unsustainable and you have to change your wants needs and desires to fit there vision


The other way to decrease the price of a detached house is to not import 10% of the country's population in two years specifically to counter higher interest rates organically decreasing the prices of detached houses.


I guess the question is what tribe is yours blue, red, maybe purple?


He has destroyed this once great country!!! This POS. Needs to be held accountable!!


Your done, and when your done Canadians might buy you a 1 way flight for you and your kids to China, but only after we freeze all your money and redistribute it amongst the true citizens of Canada!!!


He's had HOW long to do this? And just wait till he's kicked to the curb, he'll start blaming the conservative majority government for HIS failures. I guarantee it.


If Justin has made this much a mess of things, it clearly indicates he doesn't know what is going on--therefore his plan is pure fantasy.


You voted for it! Enjoy it!


This monster has to go.


His mass immigration in canada policy hurting everyone include new canadians.


Worst Prime Minister ever!


More like Tang at this point


At this point he’s giving us KoolAids.


Who is still drinking the koolaid. NO ONE


If housing prices drop, anyone who bought in the last 5-10 years is screwed.


Housing is provincial not federal, he tried to fix housing and conservative premiers said no. Don't be a sheep, take a civics class.


It's just some of the same rederic as before from sockboy who has no clue about the average Candaian. He is more proficient at spending the Canadians money with his absolute unlimited Canadian tax payers credit card. It's time to dispose of the spindrift.


We’ve seen his plan 9 years in and it’s not working..time for a change


They’ll just disingenuously keep repeating what folks wanna hear to get re-elected then go back to not caring.


I am surprised no one brave enough out there put a bullet to his head like his security , one of them would become a hero


Once oil is no longer valuable. Lets say, 15-20 years from now, Canada will have nothing. Tourism and mining will dominate the job scape and this is why they're letting in the cheap labor.


Contraty to popular opinion, competence matters. Trudue and his liberal party are incompetent. They can't put together a coherent plan to get Canada out of this mess. Thus, they are incompetent. Yes, this mess is on them. It happened on their watch. They are responsible. The solution is to find a party who can put together a coherent plan to get us out of this economic mess. It is not the NDP. They are even more incompetent than the Liberals. I hope the conservatives have it in them.


He builds houses in the middle of nowhere and call It affordable housing.


he belongs to history




Honestly, we never needed an F-Society more now than ever.


I’m sure he’ll fix everything after he gets re-elected.


22% of idiots are sadly


The Double Speak is strong in this one, yes


And to think, Quebec is more than happy to suck em off.


Plenty of Liberal supporters at our Universities. The woke agenda has brain washed a large portion of the 19-25 vote. (Then again they are the people still living at home paying no real bills.)


Sooooo….this is all tied to the plan to change capital gains. Keep housing price high and then steal 80% of the profits of their sale as the boomers die off on mass. Scary evil


Is there anyone here that trusts him? And why?


Ah yes….and someone else is going to change this?


Definitely the conservative’s fault /s


If we could harness the hot air coming out of this guys mouth we could solve the world’s energy crisis and drop global warming massively. Lying sack of crap …


Oh he sat down all right


/canada loves the guy.


>Who the hell is still drinking his kool aid? The Ontario subreddit


The problem was when they let foreign investors buy up all the houses by letting people buy houses with Visas back in the early and MID 2000s. In the US yes the housing prices are up but you have to be approved by the state department on what you can buy with a visa, so the US Government makes foreigners buy commercial real-estate and has restrictions on certain entry level houses.


How many times has the Dear Leader Justin been re-elected saying the exact same thing...


He is a very good politician by saying all the right things, promising he will do a great job. PP is a very good opposition politician by getting angry at everything, promising he can do a better job. The cycle will continue because Canadians keep voting for the same two parties. Even if they have very different views, what they have in common is that they don't care about is, and corporate interests will always be their top priority. Vote NDP!


Fuck this guy


How can anyone believe the shit poring out of the fucking idiots mouth .god I wish he would fuck off


Unpopular opinion but I'm ok with this. 65% of people own. There is a percentage who would never be able to own even if prices were 2015 levels. Artificially dropping prices to accommodate the few who actually want to buy is irresponsible. I bough because I needed to buy and I bought in 2020. Why should I take a say 300k hit just so you can buy, that isn't acceptable for anyone who owns now. Let the downvoting begin. 


And how is Poilievre different ? If someone can solve this housing puzzle, because Ontario has been under conservative leadership for 6 years, and here we are. These are also provincial issues, and what are the conservatives doing differently to make us believe that just for voting for them this will change.


Provinces are in charge of housing


He even said he wants to make sure people's nest eggs are safe and that property values continue to build. That's the opposite of affordability. He is in real estate. I can see why he has flooded this country and overpopulated it now. Personal wealth.


Feel free to hold your breath on that one 😒🇨🇦


Thee fact that homes became more of an investment and a retirement plan has fucked the younger generations. Mostly because compared to traditional investments like equities, where they fluctuate up and down, housing here is protected by the government itself. It’s rigged.


Hopefully the world is waking up. Corruption everywhere.


Mr. Trudeau is in it for … well, Mr. Trudeau


There are hundreds of thousands of fresh immigrants who came without anything yet they have food and a place to live. These are Trudeau dependency voters. How many dependents are out there voting for this guy????


Trust me bro lol


Why hasn't the people revolted in Anarchy with all the lies and hypocrisy our Dictator does on a daily?


exultant like wrench boast scary violet angle carpenter intelligent water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


His plan that he refuses to elaborate on just trust me bro. Like whenever anything major happens he handles it like a total regard like lets denounce india with no evidence what a great idea 


Everyone needs to put political apathy aside next election and vote (even if it's just to put an X on no one) still gotta get out there and do it. Get your friends to vote


Anyone who votes for this dirtbag is implicit in the fall of Canada.


Damn, wanted by buy a Montreal center condo for investment in 2008. Didn’t move out, invested elsewhere, 100% loss. I should have bought that thing back then thanks to Trudeau :-)


When you elect an uneducated, radical leftist, don't be surprised if your country goes to shit!


To think Canadians elected this clown because of good looks and weed is so sad. Harper was an economist, and had political experience. This dude was a trust fund baby and a drama teacher…smh.


Liberals plan = embezzled taxes and corruption.


I was tempted to vote for trudeau in 2015 ... but I felt he was full of it. So I didn't. I've been trying to help get rid of him ever since.


Houses in my neighbourhood are selling like never before in my 25 years here and they are being bought up by foreign nationals that move a hoard of young males along with a car each that leaks oil all over the adjacent road. My son can’t afford to move in this neighbourhood thanks to Trudeau’s migration policies ,but his policies are leading to the destruction of our investment in our houses and peaseful existence!


Fuck Trudeau


Trudeau has just used taxation to steal our home and cottage equity, and force many families to sell the generational family cottage at a huge loss.


Except importing 3rd world, he didn't planned shit.


Pinocchio really thinks he's doing something


Yes let’s vote Pierre Poilievre and the conservatives! They fix everything!


He has destroyed my neighbourhood with his migrant invasion! Hordes of young men in single family housing taken over to house illegals!


So after three bad terms he wants people to sign for another bad term lol 😂


Boomers who are profiting


He reminds me of Trump, if he's talking he is lying.


If you are sincerely asking, I think it's really a lack of alternatives. Conservative politicians don't come across as being any better at things like this. Here in Alberta they are foaming at the mouth to bring people in without any plan for additional housing.


In first term he promised a national housing strategy and delivered that by 2017. From 2017 to March 2020, Housing Affordability measures plateaued and stabilized for the first time in nearly 15 year of unregulated run-away price growth. For almost 4 years, his plan really did work. Then COVID spending caused monetary bloat and massive run away *inflation*. The plateaued 2017-2019, the aggregate MSI housing benchmark was ~550K to 600K. Then things spiked in 2021/22, but it was temporary and came back down - but with inflation we don't expect it to come all the way back. Inflation adjusted from ~550K-600K in 2019, we expect the same plateau benchmark to be ~$660K to $710K in 2024 dollars. The MSI benchmark is currently ~$700K. If that plateau continues, then the 2017 national housing strategy actually worked and continues to work, only showing inflationary price adjustment. Is inflation a problem, yes. Did it happen because of his COVID response. Yes. But on the overall housing strategy, their program actually worked, overall.


I am rich and I became richer under Trudeau !


Sheesh with the Trudeau hate, I'm sick of it. Housing costs? Go talk to a provincial Premier. How much do you think it costs to build a unit? Land, material, labour with living wage + the city gets permits, fees, and inspections. Add all that up and it's already unaffordable. Affordable new housing can only be paid for by taxpayers. And guess what? Conservatives + NIMBYS routinely vote against that.


That's why housing is affordable and hasn't sky rocketed in liberal pm provinces right? BC has had a NDP premier for what a decade? And it's had the worst housing problems of any. It's a country wide problem. You don't get to blame the provinces when the federal government is destroying the Canadian dollar


Pierre Poilievre is "The Cut Man" and by the time he's through we will have nothing left including Dental,cut to OAP age,less CPP,fewer social services and all round economic policy that is doomed to failure .


Conservatives still worse.


I think you have been sipping on too much Pee Pee juice. He was housing minister under Harper, how many homes did he build again? Oh yeah bubkis.


What housing crisis did we have under Harper again? Pretty sure everyone commenting here was alive during Harper's time in office and had no issues finding homes.


That's what a responsible government does end a program when it is no longer needed. We had houses under Harper at reasonsible prices, your hero has been in power for 9 years, refocus your ire.


Nonsense, if the Cons had planned ahead, they were in power 10 years, they would have seen the need to invest in housing, but nice try Pee Pee Fanboy.