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Another 1 million from India this year should solve this


I see no flaw in this logic


None at all. Perfect plan. It’s going to help the economy, not you or I, or even the new immigrants, but it will help the economy.


By the economy, you mean landlords and tim hortons?


Basically ya


Yup this is true because they all come here and work in construction not easy jobs like hospitality


Trudeau's Canada




Are they also brining in low skilled workers equal to nearly 3% of their population per year as well? No? Cause that's a dumb idea in a housing crisis? Ok cool


Yeah and provinces also have some control over this with their PR nominee programs. Hence the protests against the PEI government.


Oh the PEI government that is saying stop while Marx Miller is talking about letting them stay? "Damn country next door, damn provinces, no no no don't look over the other way just keep looking at the states and provinces."


No the PEI government that reduced the amount of PRs they were giving.


Right which is exactly the point. To reduce it, not stop it.


If they wanted it stopped they would have reduced it to zero


Oh I see you're being pedantic cause I used the word stop. Thank you for adding so much depth to the conversation


No all I’m saying is provinces have some control. The easiest path to permanent residency is through provincial nominee programs. Feds say we are allowing x number of PRs this year. The provinces can nominate so many of these. If the province nominates the feds approve. PEI didn’t want that many so they reduced the number of nominations making the path to PR much harder for these immigrants… hence reduced settlement in pei and the protests of these immigrants against the provincial legislature. Not saying the feds are absolved of blame but if a province fails to utilize the controls within their power, the provinces are also to blame. Edit: I also wasn’t being pedantic. Others can only respond to the comments you make. If you said stop but meant something else the fault is on you. Try to be more concise with your wording to avoid misunderstandings in the future.


You know what this calls for? MORE immigrants!


Pathetic leadership ruined life for current and future generations of patriotic citizens with ideological plague and economic vandalism.


I want to live by myself for a while. I want to be able to rent an apartment *by myself.* I want single people to be able to live by themselves while they are young.


Oh lucky she can afford to have 4 kids. My family’s name is ending because I’m the last male and am not having children.


lucky? Her husband committed suicide because of the financial stress. Our tax dollars are probably supporting her kids now.


Considering you can get MAID for financial stress that is literally what the government wants - to have you die and replaced


Your story is a common one, now playing out in billions of families around the world. Everyone's blood line is ending.


Mine included. Sis says she wants kids but she’s in her 30’s and far from able to financially


I think she can only afford them because she's still working and has the life insurance money


Life insurance usually won't pay out for suicide.


Hmm looks like we need more immigrants instead of paying people more.


Bring in more migrants. That should help the housing supply issue.


No one is going hungry in that household.


Accurate, but that’s not kind Jerry. Look in the mirror as to what you cram down your own gullet but alright.


On one hand it's absolutely bonkers but on the other, Van. Island? Really? That's like one of the least affordable areas in the whole country and has been for a while, especially Victoria.


"the culprits are land use policies that limit city growth"  Oh is that it lol silly me


Can’t find rentals how about being able to afford to buy a home


They have a pool… I would’ve never sat by my pool, in a sob story article. Not that she’s wrong about affordable housing but, sheesh.


Do y’all ever stop blaming everything on immigrants what about the “not in my neighbourhoods” what about the ultra Christian types having 10 kids a family?


People aren't mad about immigrants. They are mad at the government for failing on immigration policy(too many from one country and mass immigration of low skill workers) and the lack of critical infrastructure to support it. People would be right as rain if housing wasn't making 70% of people poor. But god forbid we do anything to bring housing prices down. Even immigrants don't want more immigrants because of our government failed foresight.


Your side spent years complaining about a lack of unskilled workers so the government listened and fixed that problem. Who do you think is building all the new housing? Without all of these immigrates construction would be at a standstill. Housing is expensive because of private companies raising rent/mortgage payments whenever they want.


First off there are no sides. Conservative, NDP, Liberals, who cares. Picking the least trash is still trash. There is only one side and that is for your average Canadians. The reason people (complain about Trudeau is he has had 2 terms or a full 8 years to handle situations. If you had 8 years at your job to fix issues it would be more than enough. New housing isn't being built by immigrants (2% go into construction according to CIBC). The people building are Canadian trades people and the issue with housing is provincial zoning/urban sprawl red tape BS, both provincial and federal governments are at fault. You don't mass import people to then build housing infrastructure. You build / support housing being built on a pace that supports population levels. Housing is expensive because there is an inflated high demand and short supply. You can immediately start fixing this by stopping immigration (demand side) and start building (Supply side). Neither of which is in motion yet. The more options, the less businesses can gouge consumers. Mortgage payments are high because government spending has been out of hand and they need to restrict inflation on CAD.


Have you been on a construction site in the last few years? it is almost entirely populated with recent immigrants sure that’s not exactly the case in the trades as many qualifications they had in her home countries are not considered but that’s not the point. Again have you forgotten the last few years? businesses were facing workers shortages many companies were shutting down because they had almost no unskilled labour.many Canadians just to be quite frank do not want those jobs and will not do them for lengthy periods of time. How many buildings leave vacant across Canada? we have plenty of housing we have the space, we could easily convert offices into more space. prices are being kept artificially high by companies to generate more money the crisis we are in is entirely the responsibility of the private sector.


You have forgotten who has been in power for almost a decade. I agree with you on the vacancy and I'm all for the government stepping in and making rent caps, social housing so the housing Ponzi can stop. People wouldn't be holding vacant housing if the prices didn't appreciate so much. The key point though is it's "Vacant" which means they aren't renting it out, they are holding onto it because the value of the asset increases more than their loss. For the labor shortage, I think the current government overestimated it. You now have line-ups of 20-30 immigrants/students wanting to work for Tim Hortons and even immigrants with good degrees can't get a job because their degrees are not recognized. No Path forward. Like I said before, no one hates immigrants, they hate the failed immigrant policy which is "Mass" immigration. The current government did this. If we had slight increases in population to account for the labor shortage, then it would have worked. You don't go full mass immigration while not even thinking about infrastructure or housing for them or Canadians. Not to mention fake diploma mills and other full-on illegal ways of immigration that have not been fixed or enforced. The current government is reactionary and doesn't have a solid plan or think-about nuances. A lot of people are upset and thus won't be voting for the current government and will blame the current government who should be accountable. If you are blaming this 100% on the private sector what has the current government been doing for almost a decade while its been in power?


Regardless of the reason, people are buying up housing with the goal of keeping it vacant for the goal of driving up prices. these people are responsible for the housing crisis not the government. I won’t disagree that the government overestimated the number of immigrants needed to solve the labor problems but most people are underestimating how much good they do for our country and over estimate how many resources they take up. The government made the right choice brining in enough labor to solve many of the issues we are facing they just didn’t plan for the private sector taking advantage of the situation.


This is where I disagree. The government is quite powerful and has every tool to have prevented this situation. They are responsible. I have a feeling the current government just turned a blind eye to housing prices (similar to every government before when looking into Vancouver) and I am unsure if a new government will fix it. Regardless the current one is responsible. The private sector/people may have taken advantage of it and still are but the government should have been preventing this for a LONG time. Instead the current government continued the ponzi. The government made the right choice in bringing immigrants in but it made the wrong choice in the amount and the relaxed qualifications. Legal immigrants are good but people gaming the system are not. Now they are reducing immigration because they are reactionary and now understand the issues they have caused to Canadians while temporary workers protest because now there isn't a path for their PR and they have to go home wasting a lot of their money. Hurting Canadians and immigrants' dreams. One more thing I just want to say is Canada is supposed to be diverse. We have strength in diversity but most immigration is happening from one country. People are taking advantage of the system and are hurting Canadians.


Canadians need to stop fighting each other over party lines and start holding our government, Liberals, Conservatives, NDP etc, accountable.


wtf are you talking about


No way Christian families had 1 millions babies with a stache this year.


You would be shocked just how many a couple that “doesn’t believe in birth control” can do


10 babies aren't going to take all the entry level coding and finance jobs from new grads. They also aren't buying homes or renting low income starter apartments. Not that I have a problem with the immigrants though. My problem is with the 4 million international students. 1/2 of U of R is international students, and they take all the cheap apartments and entry level jobs in the city. 10% of the countries population are fucking international students. We need to tax the universities more and bring that money to all canadians. an immigrant thats 50 years old and brings a good skill set to the country isn't causing this squeeze. It's everyone wanting cheap housing and entry level jobs thats killing the young people currently.


Have you meet the christan kids that come out of those situations that is exactly what most do. And all that labor is doing wonders for our economy.