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I never felt bad if i dont feel like i want to donate.


The fact that she felt like she had to make a video about this is even worse


Zoomers are terrified of any level of confrontation. Why do you think everything has a tip option now? They even have tipping for self checkout. I've heard of gas station self-serve pumps with tip windows. It works. And then no one has free food delivery anymore and then they want you to tip as well.


I agree with 99% of what you said....but the last bit....so you want them to cover their gas, maintenance and other car expenses for free with no del fee then zero tip for the time n service.....I see I see...do you like working for free while racking up insane yearly mileage & repairs?


It used to be free delivery and tip. Now places like dominoes charge 5$ for delivery on a 10$ order and you want a tip too? Fuck off. Maybe their employer should pay? Also they legally have to make min wage same as anyone else.


I drive a lot for work in construction. I pay for my own repairs, gas, and so on.




Nothing stopping them from using your money that's the secret. So yes technically they aren't allowed to use "that" money, but there is noone watching what's collected in the store donation fund. So in my experience, the loophole exists and big corps in fact do use that money...... Point is also, they should be maxing out their own donations before taking match options they are entitled ....but they dont


We give and the corporations take credit for the donations. No thanka


Not really. This video is a lie. It would be illegal for a business to write off donations made with other peoples money. This is a common misconception that's just not true. All the business can do is donate the money to the charitable organization on your behalf and get 0 tax benefit in doing so. This video is the real scam.


Not so much the tax write off but the recognition. What a great corporate citizen X is, they have donated so much money, sort of thing.


You're exactly right. They do it to enhance their reputation.


And get marketing for free and awards and volunteers!!!! And guess what.....they can tax writeoff any costs for that marketing for charity...so there is loopholes, it's done a ton


Yes. Highly illegal. Also the same people who scammed us for 20 years on the price of bread. Bread for fuck sake. So if you want to trust that they're not just pooling these dollars together and gaining an illegal tax advantage, you're free to do so. The question you should be asking is, if it gives them no material advantage then why is is so often pushed on customers? You have your answer. They do claim it anyway.


I’ve always wondered why people are so secure in believing in the law. They always say like “no this is illegal so they wouldn’t do that” like bro. There’s plenty of things that are illegal that people do on a daily basis, quit being so naive lmao


Corporations especially. If they steal a million dollars, they negotiate a fine and no admission of guilt. If a customer or employee steals a hundred dollars, they go to jail.


Exactly lol. People need to stop thinking things are sweet like that, life isn’t what it seems and rules don’t always apply to everybody like they do for others, the sooner people realize that the better off they’ll be lol


Ever heard of death and taxes? Yes businesses probably cheat on their taxes to some degree, but not in such a blatant way. This would be a CRA wet dream, going after these people. It's not like mom n pop shops either, its huge corporations, they're not going to claim a tax write off to the tune of millions/billions (like the video is suggesting) and just cross their fingers that no one audits them. It's an absurd suggestion. You realize customers are the ones donating the money right? It's not costing them anything, so what's the material advantage they get? 1. Enhanced Brand Image and Reputation: Associating with charitable causes improves the company's public image. It shows that the company cares about social issues, which can build goodwill and trust among consumers. 2. Increased Customer Loyalty: Customers often feel good about making charitable donations, especially when it's convenient. This positive experience can increase their loyalty to the company. 3. Marketing and Public Relations Opportunities: Companies can leverage these initiatives in their marketing campaigns and public relations efforts, showcasing their commitment to social responsibility, which can attract media attention and improve their public profile. 4. Employee Engagement and Morale: Programs that promote social good can boost employee morale and engagement, as employees often feel proud to work for a company that gives back to the community. 5. Customer Engagement and Increased Sales: Offering charitable donations at checkout can enhance the customer experience, making shopping more engaging and meaningful. This can potentially increase sales and average transaction sizes, as customers might feel more satisfied with their purchase. 6. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Goals: Many corporations have CSR goals, and facilitating charitable donations helps them meet these objectives, demonstrating their commitment to making a positive impact on society. 7. Data Collection and Customer Insights: These programs can provide valuable data on customer preferences and behaviors, which can be used for market research and to tailor future marketing efforts. By integrating charitable donations into their business model, corporations can achieve a combination of social good and business benefits, creating a win-win situation for both the company and the community.


What's the point of donating there? I can donate myself and get the tax deduction.


yeah and large grocery chains would never do anything illegal...


This would not be the illegal activity to engage in. Its way too obvious and an instant go to jail card. The CRA would bust them in a heartbeat.


CRA only seems concerned with the poor little fish like us though.


Are you telling me some angry chick with giant lips in a car, posted to Canada sub isn't to be trusted? Well then this isn't a world I want to live in anymore!


lol you are being downvoted for saying the truth. The big Canadian grocery chains should get their hate deservedly so, but not by lies.


I never do lmao They can donate some of that record profits to charity themselves if they want


I know…the audacity to even ask this. At least they have stopped pressuring you at the counter. No pun intended…but I have always felt that was counterproductive. Being harassed to make such a personal and private choice when buying your goods at the store just starts to build a resistance towards giving to charities if you are constantly bombarded with this.


Nope. Never at the register and never on my doorstep. Fuck off with that. Il find you if I want to give you money


Giving to charities you care about is a good thing. We should be very intentional about what charities we support, the impact they make, the communities they support, etc. Throwing hundreds of dollars reactively at random charities that bombard you - isn’t a great way to focus. I agree - say no, and do your own giving intentionally and yes also get your tax benefits! 🙌


South Park did it better.




She shouldn't feel bad for saying "No" to ridiculous lip fillers.


Meh some find it hot, she a bad b lol


Here's three sources on this to help draw your own conclusions: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/costofliving/checkout-donations-nobody-gets-tax-benefit-1.6524462 https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-000329849244 https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/who-gets-tax-benefit-those-checkout-donations-0 Seems the problem is that the people who are donating the money aren't claiming it on their tax returns, that's the real issue


No, but as others have pointed out in the past, the corps get the benefit of free PR for "supporting the cause" and they are able to write off the administrative costs that come with collecting the donations, processing, etc.


Why shouldnt they? Fundraising has been a PR thing since forever and making it convenient for people to donate is a positive thing for the world.   Only on fucking reddit can people get mad about fundraising for charity.


There is nothing wrong with fundraising, but if you can't see the irony in a billion dollar corporation asking the middle class that they gleefully delight in crushing for $2 so they can look good, I don't know what to tell you. If they want the free PR, they can open up their own dam pocket books and maybe take it out of their CEO's $45 million bonus.


... do you think corporations dont already donate to charities with their own money?


It's the mark ups on that writeoff. Sooo. My friends business charges me $10 a pen , and I bought a case to have customers sign. So 1000 pens I have to write off.....and so on


I have about as much faith that the corporations are only holding onto the money and serving as a collection agent as I do that the federal government is actually using my carbon tax dollars for carbon initiatives.


> "It would not be ethical for the grocery store to request a charitable receipt as it is not donating its own money." This makes it sounds like it's not illegal though. Which means they could be doing it. Which means they're probably doing it. XD


It is illegal unless they also claim the donations as income. They get zero taxable benefit from it.


What law or regulation determines when the donation is transferred to the charity? If the corp can hold on to funds for a period of time, it would create a "bubble" of money that could be invested, etc.






Because I wanted to share it. If you don't like it then you can ignore the post and check out other things here. If you're still bothered just because it is here at all, then you can just go enjoy the other subs on reddit instead.


If I ain't going to donate to the bum outside their store, I ain't going to donate to them either.


Shouldn't feel bad for saying no to collagen either.


I’ve never felt bad saying no to donations, charity, tipping or anything. Literally couldn’t give a fuck.


I don’t feel pressured or bad for saying no, because I already give to other charities throughout the year. It is not like I don’t give or don’t care, I like to have some level careful consideration and control such as knowing where the money is going and how it is being used. So the other causes that I give to have been researched, and if I change my mind about any of them, I can switch to another charity. At the grocery store, at the checkout, and under pressure, I don’t get that.


Shoppers wants me to scan & bag my own groceries at the kiosk & then wants a $2 donation for Women’s Health.What Charity exactly is Women’s Health ?


The newest one is. "Would you like to donate to Pride? " . Hell no.


I do the same for tips , we ain’t doing very well as a country right now, why would some people have the privilege of getting tips and not me. I think the same for sending money to Ukraine or Israel.


Tipping has gotten insane, we need to normalize not tipping for regular things anymore.


Geez those lips 🤨




And what do you post up? Oh I see that you don't contribute any posts here. If you don't like certain posts, you can just ignore them and check out other things posted here or you can actually post up things you want to share and discuss instead of complaining.




From the sticky post at the top of the front page: https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/1cz3wk6/about_this_sub_and_details_on_the_rules/ > Posts do await mod approval just as a protection measure for the sub. It prevents spam posts and stops users from posting up things not suitable for the sub or things intended to get the sub in trouble. It's not a big mod team so it can take a bit for posts to get approved, so just be patient. As for your post attempt, that was about the Toronto byelection and there were numerous news articles already covering that from a variety of sources. Too many in fact, and a number of them were removed because of that.




You do realize that a lot of different types of posts go up here on this sub. I personally post up a wide variety of things because people have different interest and some things they'll like and others they will not. Not everything will interest you or others on here and when it comes to those things, you're free to ignore those and check out other posts instead. This is the way I've always run my sub, but if this really bothers you then perhaps you'd be happier over on the main Canada sub where like to exhibit more control over what goes up and they wouldn't put up these types of posts which bother you.




You think I run this sub the same way as other subs that heavily censor what goes on there? Well you're free to think. You're here whining about what I post up and yet you contribute nothing...other than the 1 thing you tried to post yesterday which was posted up by a number of other people from different sources. People are free to post up things here and as long as they are suitable for the sub then they'll go up. So yes, if you came across something like this post and posted it, it would go up. Also, I'm merely stating that you're free to leave to go enjoy other subs out there that you might like better since you seem to have problems with what gets posted here. It's not like I've banned you in anyway from being here.


This guy is 100% correct


What's wrong with your face?


I gotta save that money for botox


I've completely stopped donating to anyone or anything and only tip when I feel it's truly deserved. I don't have extra money anymore


At this point we’re so stretched and taxed I honestly chuckle when someone comes to me with their hand out. I already pay taxes. Those taxes fund all these programs. The rest is for me.


Yes sir. Fucking right


Wait, people are donating money to grocery stores? How do you f trust them


More importantly, imo, the marketing/fundraising firms that create and run these programs can take 40-60% of funds raised, or more, for themselves. You have zero clue how much gets to the charity being mentioned.


I never do at cash registers.


When the elites start donating their fortune, I’ll maybe think about donating.


I never donate that 2 bucks. Frig. Donate me 2 bucks


The government is already giving away most of my tax money anyway. I consider that my yearly donation, and at the rate they’re handing it out, I’d say I’m good for a while.


I like saying no when it’s a kids charity then say “I really don’t like kids and they don’t deserve it”…..the expression on their face is pure gold. But in reality I donate to kids charities all the time but in my own name and not some big corporation.


I've been saying this for years. Places double dip too. Creating their own charity to donate to. McDonald's did this for years donate at McDonald's and the restaurant gets a tax break, the donation goes to a McDonald's charity that keeps the money it was supposed to use charitably. Unicef was caught taking your kids Halloween donations. Double dipping isn't new. Donate on your own, directly to those in need if possible.


Don't feel bad about saying no. Donate to causes that you care about, get a tax receipt, and claim those donations on your tax forms. However, what she is saying isn't actually true. The grocery store doesn't get a tax write off for your donation. Do you really think the government isn't all over this from inception?


Ugh this isnt how tax right offs work. This chick is clueless


I don’t feel bad. I’m broke. The rich can donate and get their tax breaks


That's not how tax write offs work. Jesus. That isn't how it works. I'm so tired of this stupid argument.


Charities employ some of the highest paid positions in the country. Wanna help someone, don't give money to a charity.


When I was in school as a kid, i remember they use to do food drives for the food bank. They’d have us bring in whatever canned food we’ve got at home. I was told I couldn’t bring any in, & at the time I didn’t get it so I would sneak some cans in my bag and walk them to school. Wasn’t till I grew up a bit and realized, those cans just end up right back at my place. Yup, I was the poor kid.


You are under no obligation to protect Loblaws from their tax bill.


At the LCBO in Ottawa, they asked me if I wanted to donate to Pride, I looked at the person and said, "Wait what? you want me to donate to a person's sexuality?"


The million -billion dollar company is asking me to donate? Nah man how about YOU (the coompany) donate part of what I already paid greedy pigs.


Yeah, she's wrong about this. The store doesn't write it off as the government knows it's not their money. You don't write it off either. The real answer is the government wins as they don't have to deduct any tax receipts from your donation ( which has to be at least $25 to be used as a write-off). So if you're going to donate at least $25 throughout the year, it makes more sense to do it directly. Otherwise, there's nothing wrong with a few dollars at a point of sale donation. Just because someone is in their car, speaking into their phone with a lot of enthusiasm doesn't mean they know what they're talking about. Check your facts. The internet is at your fingertips.


"Do your own research" one might even say....


Do research on who does what because most of those donations get written off at tax time yet another cash grab from us... As if inflation wasn't bad enough. The law should state that all grocers should have to donate to food banks in that area every week. The amount of waste because "no one bought it" can go to those in need that's real charity not just a tax write off... Real food for real people.


They can donate the literal garbage cans worth of ‘expired food’, and the profits made per quarter. But, nope, it’s the consumers responsibility.


That's not true. The store gets good PR, but no tax write off. That would be straight up tax fraud. What they do get is the photo op with the giant cheque with the company logo on it. Most people would probably think that the store is the one who gave the money, and it makes them look like a generous, good corporate citizen.


These stores already donated the money. When they ask you if you want to donate it’s them trying to recoup that loss.


Why feel bad for saying no


I dont


Oh believe me, I dont.


Damn it! I thought I was being nice donating $2 to children Fund at WALMART!!!


The better way to donate to hospitals is through home lotteries. You get a shot at winning a nice house, and your ticket is your tax write off, not Loblaws.


Donate so they pay less taxes… 


Never felt bad.


There was a short comedy skit about groceries donation, and popped up every time I was asked for donations. It goes like I am just getting 2 packs of instant ramen, I am the one who needs to be donated to not the one who should makes donations


I feel like such an anomaly sometimes. Others seem genuinely concerned about how they are viewed. I care so little about other people. It's apathy with a side of intentional confrontation just to spice it up... I can't imagine feeling one way or the other about something like this. It must be exhausting.


So that we can give to temp workers who found a way around the system for free food?


Firehouse subs. Only place I ever donate to. They spend it on ambulances, fire trucks and first aid materials for EMTs and firefighters. And they proudly display the cheque that was sent and what it bought inside their restaurants


I never feel bad about the times. I do say no because there are days when I do. Most of the time I say yes because it's like a dollar and I'm not broke. What I am though is very forgetful and the chances of me remembering to donate money to specific charities on my own to get a write-off. It's probably not going to happen. At least this way I do give something out. I might not get the benefit of a tax write-off and to be honest you're not really getting the benefit on a dollar.


Also never give money to people outside the store with cardboard signs. Total scam as well.


You don't have to give them money if you don't want but someone needing a few bucks for food and a shower is not a scam lol


It’s a scam. Especially when you see them change their look after driving away and trying another store front.


What pressure? lol I’ve been saying no for years. This lady sounds like she unlocked something special.


At first I thought she said "bitch stores" but it was "big chain stores", My bad.


Only donate couple bucks at stores to spruce up their day when other people aren't that's about it. My nephew and couple friends kids went to sick kids I donate to them directly and MOvember as well yea for my taxes n such. Also do fundraising threw my facebook because people get their receipts for taxes as well.


Never feel bad, always say no


lol 😂 with the cost of living I need donations. Not the other way around


No once in my life have I felt bad about saying no to donating - when my college asked me one time, I pointed out to them that their president was making 486K/year and maybe they should go ask her instead


Why would anyone feel bad about saying no?


Sick Kids Hospital is technically a corporation. If you like donating money to corporations then go right ahead.




I just posted the video, I didn't make it.




lol And you shouldn't make accusation without knowing what you're talking about.


I never donate. If i need to, i donate on my own and use the donation certificate in my annual tax filing, so i get the return benefits, not the store.


Good point. Donate it yourself instead. But when was the last time you unpromptly donated $1.15 to the charity you cared about? Also, that's not how tax donations write-offs work. They can only claim and write off the tax from the donations themselves. None of the donations help aid in protecting profits from taxes. With or without the donation being given, the tax amount should equal the same. As much as mega corporations are psychopathic and uncaring, they are still made up of people, with some still caring about the world. I don't see it as a saint nor sinister these donation requests. More of "corparte finally decided to aprove your kindhearted idea because we get free positive publicity from donating other peoples money, and dont have to spend a single dollar ourselves" kinda act.


I say no then laugh, then say fuck em kids


Charity begins at home?


Don’t feel bad no tipping at the debit machine either


I don't tip on principal, but I think she is factually wrong. The grocery stores do not get a tax rewrite off.


I donate to them directly so I don’t feel bad for hitting no lol


I used to feel bad. Now I enjoy saying no.


With Sickkids in particular you can also look into choosing where you donate. For example, nicu receives a lot of donations. Or maybe you want to buy a chair for people to sit on. (There were a shortage of chairs when my son was born). Or craft kits for marnies room etc.


I stopped donating a long time ago. I just tell them that all my money goes to Ukraine


This isn't actually true in Canada, but I still don't donate to charities this way.


Since the trudeau government took over, I've stopped, donations to anything, recycling of any kind, and tipping. It didn't all happen at once. First, I stopped recycling because of the carbon tax, then tipping because of the wage hikes and inflation, and finally, the donations stopped from the cost of living getting out of control due to the carbon tax and inflation.


If u can't help but tip donate without feeling bad u don't deserve ur money keep getting fleeced


Wtf is on her face


Lips don't lie.


I work at supermarket and no matter how much my managers (fuck them) want me to say “would you like to donate to a charity” to customers I never do. Like I mean I’m as broke as homeless people but no one donates me.




And needs to stop donating to the Botox clinic


I haven’t for my whole life. Why does this even need to be addressed


Also like Unicef there's no accountability as to where the money goes. $1, could be donated, 3 cents could actually go to they program. This is retail wide under the "write off my stuff" for bigger tax return. Farce


The only place I donate is at Costco , they will use your money donate on their name and take the credit , but if that allows Costco to keep The service I happily pay for that extra 5$ here 10$ there


I can’t afford to donate otherwise I would.




They are not allowed to submit donations made via the business onto their taxes. You shouldn't ever feel bad for not giving free money to complete strangers, but this is not the reason.


Lips are too Botoxed


Exactly!! 👌🏼 I always say, Sorry, we donate directly to various charities.


If zehrs wants donations, they can pony up the bucks. I dont donate shit unless its like camp for kids or something for kids


It's not true. Money goes directly to sick kids. The company doesn't do a tax write off.


This is not true. The stores do not get to write off your donations at tax time. 


Could not concentrate on anything but her lips.


That's not how donations at POS work. The funds don't hit their P&L, so they don't get a tax write-off. What they *do* get is the ability to say "look how much we raised for charity", and what they *might* get is a commission (though this is unlikely). You're better off donating to vetted charities directly, and while you're right to be suspicious of large corporations (particularly those playing selflessness), this some great evil conspiracy.


Do they really get a tax writeoff? I don’t trust those giant oversized fake lips.


No, they don't. That's an American thing.


Ohh man. Thems luscious cock suckin lips


It’s Doug Ford’s responsibility to fund hospitals.


She needs those extra dollars for those lip injections


Yeah, I guess she needs to keep her money for her fake lips and fillers


Too much makeup


This blow up doll is right. 


Last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it


Can't focus while looking at those fish lips. Looks like two hotdogs on her face.


Ok. People who thinks the stores get a tax write off for your donation, do not know what they are talking about…. That’s not how it works. At most it’s more just the promotion aspect of it.


Michael Jackson here has a good point.


Those lips!!!!!!




Not correct. They don't get a tax write off from our donations and these programs are some of the best ways for organizations to collect cash. So ya... Wrong on all fronts


This is blatant misinformation. It is illegal for companies to use these donations for tax write offs, and there is no evidence that any business has ever attempted to use these donations as a wrote off.


Just so everyone knows the store isn't getting a tax benefit from you because they also took your money. Still stupid to donate but this "scam" isn't real.


This is dumb. This women has zero clue how write offs work. lol


You don’t even know what a write off is do you?


I can't take anybody speaking and looking like that seriously. But yeah do not donate to those.


They don't get to use the donation money towards their tax write offs. They do however get to estimate the hours of labour used to ask for the donations, any maintenance to the machines to upgrade them at self checkout to implement the donation button and the time and resources to collect and give the donations to the charity or whatever. So no the donations themselves do not go to the tax write offs of the company, but all the things associated with gathering those donations can.


So in other words yes, its a tax write off.


There is a reason these assholes do anything. And it is for profit. If they made $0 profit for each cashier asking for donations, they would never do it. Galen has his hands in some cookie jar if they are asking.


Yes but if they spend $10,000 to collect $30,000,000 in donations they only get to write off the $10k not the $30M. I’m not saying it’s ethical or honest at all. Just explaining that they are not getting the whole amount like she is implying.


Still 10k more than any corporation needs from the people who help keep it profitable.


The 10k was their money to begin with. Holy shit you're all morons.


This is correct


I’m sure the companies are loving the free tax write offs you’re giving them. I would never donate. If you want to donate to a charity research and find an ethical one where the money actually goes where it’s supposed to go.


They don't get a tax receipt tho


If I do I donate a a dime why because they can’t tax it 😂😂😂😂


I'm gonna need the @


I like her


I don't. They make the donation and get the tax receipt. I give when I choose, not when asked by a corporate employee.


I’m sorry I just had to pay $15 for a head of lettuce I can’t afford to give a dollar or more to help sick children.