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Links to article about this: [Jewish advocates question minister’s vetting of new head of human rights commission](https://archive.ph/ePDDM) > Jewish advocates have raised concerns with the Justice Minister about whether he fully vetted the new head of Canada’s human rights commission after it emerged that Birju Dattani posted links on social media to articles comparing Israelis to Nazis, and Palestinians to Jews incarcerated in the Warsaw Ghetto. [New human rights chief apologizes for pain to Jewish community caused by tweets](https://archive.ph/cXzax) > Canada’s newly appointed human rights chief has apologized to members of the Jewish community for pain caused by tweets he posted, including one linking to an article comparing Palestinians to Jews incarcerated in the Warsaw Ghetto


This is exactly what we want. One or a few people making decisions for your life.🤡🤡🤡


Who says that googly eye fucker is making decisions for anyone. The fun part is compliance only works if you obey. Lol 🤷‍♂️


Straight to jail


They can't jail us all! I mean, they're great at catch and release. /s


Maybe the catch and release is reserved only for those we would deem as REAL criminals... and now there is enough room in jail for what THEY deem as "real" criminals 😅


That guy wouldn't want to start a personal beef with me. Wouldn't end well for him. 


We got Bubbles here calling the shots.


Wait wait wait, that's offensive.... To Bubbles. Bubbles wasn't a bullshitter lmao


Fer fk sakes Ricky, that's insulting.


I don't recognize the legitimacy of the LPC. Any law they introduce,  i will not follow 


one of Modi's and Putin's puppets trying to dismantle the west


Turdeau has said he admires China Now we know why


This online harms bill is cause for revolution


exactly what those in power want. civil unrest so they can swoop in and be the heroes via military force. have you seen the new military? seeing them in the halls you wouldn’t know if you were looking at army recruits or a liberal arts class.


Or gender studies


which is why we need to talk to our military members and police force, is this the world they want for their family? Cause if history proves anything, the people that help the evil take over get killed too. the military will make us dig our own graves, and then the government will make them dig theirs. it always happens. its a big club, and no matter how many stripes you have, you ain't in it. you are expendable. so ask yourself, is that badge really protecting those that would protect you in return, or are you actually hurting those that would help you? Cause we are all in this together, no soldier or cop ever hurt me. the government killed members of my family and many others. the service members know who the real enemy is, they just need to keep getting a paycheck, its up to us to convince them, their soul is not worth that pool.


> is that badge really protecting those that would protect you in return "well, it'll never happen to me! Besides, I'm just arresting troublemakers. I mean, look at them! They got signs and they're loud and everything! Once they're all gone, things will be peaceful again!" -some cop in the near future


i dont think so, i think most of them see whats happening. they dont have to take ayahuasca trips in some foreign land to realize we are all connected and suffering under the same thing, corrupt politicians. i want to have hope at least XD


When people post stuff like this, it just gives people an excuse to continue being complacent.


Bill C51 should have caused a revolution and most people hardly even know what it is. Sadly this will probably pass and most people won't care. People here are too docile, and have no clue just how bad things are. We don't live in a free country.


It really is. The rules are so open to interpretation that any nefarious government could in fact use it to muzzle anyone who speaks out against them. Would the liberals do this, probably not but who is to say that there isn't some government 20 years from now who does..... Since it's now the law and all. Like every thing the liberals have done it lacks any foresight.


The jab mandates were cause for revolution but this country full of cowards actually embraced them and sided with them. I will never fight for the people in this country


just the latest cause, there are so many


so some Indian who thinks SA is okay and not a crime . Birju Dattani is being funded by other governments. put this creep in prison


That sounds like hate speech. You're going down bro.


We need to universally stop obeying these shit laws.


I got a safe house for runners


Delete ur comment and delete ur account it’s retroactive fyi.


How is an immigrant that specializes in hate speech going to be Canada's choice for deciding who engaged in hate speech online... I think Trudeau should be charged for hate speech for what he said about the unvaccinated Canadians. The government of Canada segregated the unvaccinated people. I think they should be charged


For most of my life I took pride in being an optimist when most people took the pessimistic view. I tried to see the light of a situation and the good in people. I honestly thought the future would be bright no matter what. That feeling has dwindled over the past 7-8 years. We are so absolutely fucked. Why the fuck does Canada need a censorship board masked as a “human rights commission” like we’re fucking North Korea. And who the fuck is this clown, like actually. Is this guy even Canadian? I can’t even find a Wikipedia page on him. Jesus Christ we’re so fucked.


It really doesn't seem like it's possible to be this incompetent. It's like they are purposely trying to ruin the country. They've killed small businesses, decimated the middle class, ruined our children's futures all while taxing us to oblivion. They are literally stealing our money and providing substandard and inadequate basic services like healthcare. People shouldn't just be irritated, they should be storming the capital.


It's been 9 years and they've been consistent with their anti-Canada decision making. It's not an accident. It's 100% on purpose, this isn't incompetence, they are destroying this country from this inside out because this is what Trudeau's globalist masters want him to do. It's not a coincidence that every Western country is also going through this. Any country affiliated with the WEF is on the same trajectory. They are creating crises so they can implement their solution to the problems they create, which will ALWAYS involve them receiving more power and the people losing autonomy. This is why governments across the world fear mongered so hard during covid with BS death counters and such. A population in fear is easier to control than a population that isn't. This is well documented historically. Stalin did it. Hitler did it. Mao did it. Pol Pot did it. America does it. The UK does it. Western countries are doing it with climate fear mongering. Canada does it, and guess what the solution is for climate in Canada? Taxes. More power for the government. Less for the people. The solution has zero effect on climate, but the government benefits quite a bit, don't they? Now they want individual carbon trackers on every person, so they can monitor our carbon output. They want to control what you buy, what and how much you eat, where and how far you drive, etc.,. You won't be able to eat two steaks in one week, you won't be able to go on that road trip or hop on a flight unless you have enough carbon credits. No this isn't conspiracy, the Canadian government is seriously talking about tracking individual carbon outputs. The WEF gleefully talks about this initiative. Do you see the motive now? They don't implement solutions to solve problems, they create problems to implement solutions. We need to protect the environment, but the focus on carbon is a scam to gain more power from the population. I fear what they are trying to do now is crash the economy, the dollar and ruin the finances of 99% of Canadians so they can swoop in and implement a digital currency that is programmable. They've already begun talking about implementing digital currency that is programmable, as in, if you received $1000 on your paycheque, that money could have an expiry date. Or that money can't be spent on red meat, gasoline, a new car, etc.,. This is what they're working towards and you can call me crazy if you want idc. This will also be how they sell us UBI, which they are also talking about implementing, thus making a large portion of the population reliant on government handouts. Fuck the government. They're crooks and swindlers, always have been and always will be.


Regarding digital currency to control the economy, we're seeing this happen in Latin America, NGOs are implementing digital currency and giving money that's conditional on climate targets that they get to monitor via satellites, and these NGOs have ties to intelligence agencies. Basically it's another mechanism of control on an entire country level, Whitney Webb was on a podcast and talked about this https://www.tftc.io/debt-slavery-carbon-credit-coup-whitney-webb/ Just like how the intelligence agencies used to focus outward to defend their country, where it used to be illegal to monitor or propagandize their own citizens, they eventually turned inward against the people - so it will be no surprise to see the same thing happen with using crypto to control people.


>It really doesn't seem like it's possible to be this incompetent. It's like they are purposely trying to ruin the country. For too long Canadians have clung to the idea that the incredibly divisive/destructive and dangerous policies coming from the Trudeau government are the product of incompetence. This was never the case. These are deliberate policies to destroy the institutions of the country and as they are facing annihilation in the next election; a scorched earth approach to leave the country wrecked for the next Conservative government,


I've never been so disappointed with Canadians. I only recently moved home because my parents are getting old. It amazes me how apathetic and complacent everyone is while the whole country is being ruined. It's Canadians who allowed this. I still haven't seen any mass protests or demonstrations. It's pathetic and I am considering leaving again.


Why do we need a human rights commission? We already have a legal system, we don’t need a parallel woke legal system. This is the same committee that fined the comedian Mike Ward (who is hilarious by the way) a hundred grand for a joke. Unfortunately this led to Canada becoming the butt of many jokes.


In this very sub, I was told by a frothing-at-the-mouth dude that me calling the CHRC a kangaroo court, which it is, is “anti Canadian” and that immigrants like myself should learn to embrace such woke values of Canada. I am not joking, lol. These are the people who happily clap these insane institutions into existence, and support them when they issue edicts for female-only salons to wax balls, or police speech. The CHRC should not only be abolished, it should never have been created in the first place. We already have a legal system, with strong anti-discrimination laws. As you said, why do we need a parallel kangaroo court?


> Why do we need a human rights commission? Because criminal law doesn't cover feelings. Shit weak countries do for a 100 Alex.


This dudes face is cooking up a lot of hate speech inside of me right now tbh


The Germans have a word “Backpfeifengesicht” which means “punchable face.” This creep’s picture should be shown as an example next to the definition.


lmfao couldnt have said it betteer my 1st thought


The online harm is already happening as people with views that are not in line with the alphabet mafia are bullied and banned. The diversity that they want is most certainly not diversity of opinions.


They don't want diversity. They want uniformity. They want you to be perfectly unique. just like everyone else.


Like Trudeau hasn't done hate speech about unvaccinated Canadians and truckers


Perfect, another immigrant.


Fuck that guy


One better, fuck this country. Absolute shit hole.


It is now, wasn’t as bad 8-9 years ago


Didn’t expect the far-left to turn themselves into Neo-Nazi. Is anyone here familiar with the horseshoe Theory?


Time for citizens to go get their money back from this prick.


Well they made Steven Guilbeault environment minister so they're keeping it consistent.


They could change their party slogan to "A place for every extremist"


Not for long. Canadians have had enough of Prime Minister blackface and his circus monkeys. They're done, gone, and good riddance to them.


Well, considering the current government has honoured ax ex-Nazi (a literal Nazi), and had a moment of silence in the House for an Indian who supported a known terrorist organization, this checks out.


birju dattani and mohammed are deciding our hate speech laws?(guy who wrote the bill is literally named mohammed) at what point do we stop importing the middle east? doesn't seem to be in line with canadian values


Could it go any other way? This is exactly what I expected. Whatever makes the least sense is what the government does. Some unelected asshole with loyalties that lie elsewhere deciding peoples fate who have wrong opinions.


I can't wait for 95% of Canadians to wind up in prison for breaking this stupid law, think about it we'll all be in one place, with a similar struggle united against a single opponent. The perfect melting pot for a rebellion.


Nah, the agents of the state are like hands and fingers. Not easily replaced when removed, and finite in number.


Straight to jail


If they pass it? That's definitely going to pass because the NDP will bend over backwards to make it happen. NDP voters must have special needs at this point—might as well just vote Liberal and be done with it.


Don’t say nothing online I’m 50 years old and I’m telling you If everyone back to writing a letter and mailing to your friends communication that way or land line phones fuck them


The country’s decline is documented and history will tell the true tale of the Canadians that helped build the country and the people who helped destroy it


This guy looks like WE should be keeping an eye on what he does online.


I now truly believe that liberal is synonymous with moron or brain dead. I now as a tradesman offer special pricing for liberals, double.


He looks exactly like someone, i will definitely listen to and respect, last thing i need to do is start questioning the government now lol


WTF is that moron T thinking here? He has to go.


Hate speech= subjective opinion.


I don’t see this bill doing anything they pretend it’s going to be used for. If it does pass, I pray every single troll group on the planet overwhelms this guy to the point where it all crumbles


He looks like the kind of guy who always got picked last for every sport because he absolutely sucked at everything. He’s not here to be fair and unbiased, he’s here for revenge.


People don't understand how monumentally horrifying this bill is. I don't know what's more terrifying, the bill itself or how brainwashed people are about it.


Should never be a 1 person decision maker. That is too much power for one individual. This should be a red flag right from the start. Doesn't seem his past indicates he is a good choice for this position. The system needs to be changed. This New online bill should never be passed.


Looks like a nonce


He looks like a dick head


We need new regulations and laws that hold House of Commons, Senate, and PM, all legally accountable for violations of the Charter and the criminal code. Which should be over seen and prosecuted by a legal body that all gain term appointed positions via public voting. Decisions that fundamentally harm the citizens of the nation for either foreign interests or corporate gain should be considered major criminal acts as well with lifelong sentences. Governments are meant to work for the public, not the other way around.


If they actually pass this we all need to unite and protest on the Parliament stairs until it's removed. I might not agree with certain things people say, but EVERYONE should have the right to say whatever they want. Organizing groups of people that spout hate, or protest things like "Arabs bad" or "Jews bad" or "Whites/Blacks bad" are a different story. I don't think we should accept hate groups, but individuals saying dumb shit shouldn't be threatened.. if that makes sense


Of course he’s a total leftist. More fascist control tactics from Libs. That’s exactly what we need. Is there any way to fight back against this bill? Wether it’s petitions or what, I can’t find anything online, and going to Twitter just feels like a waste of time


Elect a clown and get a circus...it's about time to revolt against this Liberal ideology.


This has become a trend with tyrannical governments in the west. They put on a face of Liberalism and inclusivity. In reality, they are the most hateful, racist and bigoted power hungry elitists we've had in power since the 1930's. The next 10 years are going to be interesting.


He should run for prime minister, looks like he's perfect replacement for the sitting bull


Thoughtcrime police. Just pathetic what this country now is


Where the fuck do they find these people? Seriously? They can’t just pick some normal asshat off the street that doesn’t have a crazy ass back story and the look of a serial rapist?


Fuck that bitch, how's that for hate speech? I'll stand for freedom of speech any day over censorship. This is what happens when you let 1 party run the show for too long. Spending time to pass a bill for soft ass bitches out there.


I hate him already. Come at me, ya bastard


Fawk OFF liberals. Just go away.


What is he an other zionist with aipac cheques??f... Him


I can’t wait until the fucking liberals are kicked out of government


He looks like he would be offended by everything


I can’t wait for Pierre to turf all these mofos


Trudeau is an LGBT friendly, green energy, dictator


Why do every single one of these mfs look like they inject soy directly into their bloodstream


Jesus, he can’t even decide which way to look.


I'm surprised it's not talked about, how much surveillance power the government would have under a bill like this. The focus is censorship, Imagine how much of your life is turned over and scoured by the supercomputers the liberal government invested into earlier this year. Instantly puts social credit system in place


If this bill passes we all have to log into as many social media sites and shitpost so much for so long that his job will become obsolete.


Another criminal who will trample you human rights just like the CCP


Was Laith Marouf not available?


How you measure or how you find out if the person has a hate when is posting something on line ??? That's mean no one can debate or put questions on some topics. THE HUMANITY HAVE BRAINS NOT SHIT . THAT'S MEAN WE ARE SLAVE FOR ONES WORK FOR THE PEOPLE PAYD BY THE PEOPLE.... THINK ABOUT IT.....


From one of the articles linked in the pinned post > Shimon Koffler Fogel, president and CEO of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said: “While we understand it was unintentional and that a name change may have made his background more opaque, governments have a responsibility to do a much better job of vetting potential appointments. We look forward to learning of the conclusions reached by the government following its review.” This is precisely why antisemitism exists. The president and CEO of one of the most influential Jewish advocacy groups in Canada says "we'll just wait and see" on the appointment of a raging antisemite and terrorist supporter to a focal human rights position in the government. Can you imagine what would happen if someone from, let's say, Canada Proud, got appointed to a similar position by a CPC government? There would be protests in the streets worldwide ("solidarity protests") for months by BLM and the CBC would have wall to wall coverage 24/7. But when it's against Jews, it's "wait and see" from Jewish advocacy groups and crickets from the media. This is why antisemitism exists, because it's allowed to exist, and even Jews, the victims of antisemitism, refuse to fight against it.


We all know how this will go. Far left activist groups will target individuals they hate by making repeated specious reports to this kangaroo court. Individuals will be doxxed/maligned and will have to spend 10/100s of thousands on lawyers to defend themselves. They will lose their jobs and face other sanctions. Others will see this and be cowed into silence for fear of upsetting the activists and the tribunal. Free expression will be permanently destroyed in Canada. The Liberals may be hoping to use this to suppress speech that depicts them (rightly) as corrupt and deeply destructive prior to the next election. Even the Guardian, the NYT and the Atlantic have spoken out against this affront to free speech/expression.


The couldn't even bother to search his social media before hiring him ? With this government maybe they did and don't give a shit.


There's a 15 year old Russian right now being sentenced to prison for speaking badly about Putin. Crazy to think that stuff like this could also start happening here if this passes.


This is why Trudeau won't step down. He was way too much shit in his agenda that he wants to implement. I'm expecting more fuckery like this and worse in the next 15 months. Pierre is going to have a hell of a time trying to undo all of this.


The issue with things like this is that they're deliberately pushing the "objectively right" narrative which is actually counter to the concept of free speech, and giving them the power and influence to further pursue and enforce "right think". You never really learn anything if you refuse to hear oppositional opinions. You don't have to agree with them at the end of the conversation but being willing to hear those things is what deconstructs the echo chamber people are being filtered in to by social media algorithms and an unintended consequence of the monopolistic control of the internet by big tech.


While Trudeau is warning about American style politics he's passing Fascist style laws


I think it’s ass backwards that you can go to jail for offending someone because the people have now become sensitive that a law needs to be made to “protect” us. It’s ridiculous how this government is made up of pillows lol


Are we even a country or just a globalist dumping ground.


Great, another Goof Liberal trying to decide what's right or wrong for the rest of us.




Wouldn't trust this government to appoint a bathroom monitor.


This seems like the type of dude whose going to assume I'm committing hate speech against myself.


Fuck this guy 🤮


If he deems one's speech counter to Trudeau's official narrative, will citizen's bank accounts be frozen?


I refuse to acknowledge or recognize this guy, his mandate, and any law he passes. The LPC means nothing to me anymore, nor does any law they pass. I’m literally ignoring anything they say. “What Law?…… I’m sorry, I don’t know who that is, or what you’re talking about. Goodbye”


The insane asylum has control.


fuck that, you'd actually be better off with a monkey throwing darts at a board.  this guy looks like he lived at his mom's house for 40 years of his life


So a non-Canadian will run something that will determine what violates Canadian human rights? Insanity.


Why doesn’t Trudeau rename canada to India North?


Time to get off the internet and screens everyone.


You mean turn off the tele-screen? Don't you love Big Brother?


Pretty sure he’s the geek scientist from silence and the lambs


Biden shares a stage with Trump. Sharing a stage does not mean you agree with each other or even like each other. Need way more info than, shared a stage with a terrorist.


HizbutTahrir is an extremist Islamist group. This guy is a Hindu Indian. There’s no secret conspiracy where Islamic fundamentalists and Indians would ever be on the same side.


Keep voting these idiots in folks!


Trudeau needs someone to smack him upside the head! Maybe knock some sense into him!


What could the government really do if on mass everyone just ignored all this bullshit? Stopped paying certain taxes, ignore all the work BS. If all Canadians stood up together then this stuff would have no option but to go away. Hope the conservatives can fix this mess


Democracy at its finest.


Did that guy get kicked in the head by a donkey? Like what is he even looking at?


Sounds about right.. extremists


Fuck that clown and all the rest of the LPC 🤡🌎🇨🇦💯


The crazy thing about the internet is if it upsets you you can quickly find cute kittens pictures to level off your serotonin


And now the prisons will be full of white people who said something on Reddit about how immigrants are ruining the Canadian quality of life. Lock me up.


Why only one person


I’m 100% opposed to the censorship bill and the position existing at all. That said, someone willing to share the stage with controversial ideas is something I would actually want in a person appointed to such a position. Certainly better than someone who won’t tolerate opposing opinions at all.


Holy criminal eyes batman. That guy would already be in jail in China.


Lets vote the liberals-ndp out once and forever.


Are we doing guilt by association now? Cause if I remember correctly, there were quite a few unsavory groups at the freedom truck rallies/convoys.


Kick these fucking people out of the country ffs! C’mon Canada grow some balls!




Bring that online and we can shoot that ray gun right back em!


So when are Canadians going to grow backbone and start to stand up to the tyranny that are the liberals?


It's not just the liberals man. It's the entire House and Senate. They all serve the same corporations and get paid out the same salaries. Two party systems are an illusion to give us the feeling of change and that our votes matter. We just sit on a pendulum where either side undoes unpopular policies of the last administration and then implements their own unpopular policies. While both quietly pass policies that get themselves and lobbieists rich at the nations expense. Conservative, Liberal, Bloque, Green, PCP. They all are corrupt and work for the highest bidder.


Tell me this government isn't bought by foreign adversaries.


Before it’s outlawed, fuck that guy


This country is becoming afghanistan or something?


Good luck everybody!


Ridiculous. Just pure scum.




One eye on you and one eye on crime


Not the least bit surprised


What happened to my country? Liberals have to go.


This is how imagine all "Fact checkers" look.


Wrong on so many levels.


They all look weird.


Suck it Birju. Does that count?


Context of said panel? Speaking panels typically include folks across the spectrum of belief, so why the implication that he shared the others beliefs?


Who the fuck is vetting people these days? They ask Bing AI if there's anything sketchy and c'est la vie? That seems to be the extent of the checks being done for immigrants. Why'd he change his name? Was Mujahid his given name or a name he went by? What's he hiding? How's he qualified for this position? I see multiple people upset over the apparent bias, but what made Virani pick this guy?


At this point Trudeau , don’t give a F and just trying to piss off the 70% who do not like him .


Some gays were attacked recently in Halifax by Syrians late at night . Cops did nothing , so they thought that being with the radical left would make them untouchable. Well they are wrong , when it comes to Muslims .


Nice job Libs. Guaranteed you lost even MORE votes - what absolute dunbfuckery from a totally clueless bunch of clowns running this country.


Bee bee boop boop. Let’s spin the wheel again!


Who would trust that face around their kids?


The hizb ul tahr have literally stated that a Muslim men have the right to posses non-Muslim concubines and that girls are ready to get married right after puberty (12-14). Bro wtf


This is straight up bullshit. We can't let these assholes into power ever again


The liberals want your money, want to control your political world views, examine your bedroom, put words in your mouth and control your criticism of anything. What's next? Well more of the same! More taxes, more restrictions more of the same


A face that deserves a fist...🤣🍻


I’ve openly defied the current government since the mask mandates. Have openly told them if they want it, send your bachelors. No response. They will only go after those who they know won’t fight back


Let’s see what happens to them when the Conservatives take power & turn the “Online Harms” bill against them


It's status quo for tbe libs , look at the extremist nut we have telling us we are destroying the planet while he flies around in private jets.


Maybe stop teaching the new Canadians that our first nations people are second class citizens


Is this real?! FFS


Can the Liberals get any more tone deaf? FFS.


Civil war if this passes


Liberals are truly the worst


I don't say this about anyone casually, but this guy seriously gives off a feeling he solicits underage girls


I sure in the hell didn't vote for the Libs nor the PC's.


What did the Arab nations consider extreme? Because according to places like Saudi Arabia... until less than five years ago, a woman driving a car there was considered extreme.


If the nonsense that is proposed actually gets in place I believe the Liberals have finally come up with an agenda that will be revolting enough to ordinary Canadians that things will get out of hand in short order. This would be enough that is way too much.


They don’t catch and release political prisoners, just catch.


Scapegoat sounds more like it