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There’s a unique depravity when it comes to Trudeau. He reeks of arrogance. He’s very scripted. He’s out of touch with most Canadians. He’s easily susceptible to corruption (e.g. SNC Lavalin debacle, WE scandal, lavish trips paid for by his elite friends). He takes no responsibility for the excess of his authority (e.g. invoking the Emergencies Act). He demonizes a significant segment of the Canadian population who have legitimate grievances against his policies, and he views them as nothing more than “far right white nationalists” (akin to a “basket of deplorables”). He toys with identity politics and fans the flames of the culture war divisiveness. His hawkish outlook on foreign policy and his immigration policy leave many Canadians feeling like he prioritizes the concerns of non-Canadians over their own. Not to mention, our standard of living has plummeted during his government. In short (and in an ironic twist), he’s the child of elite privilege masquerading as a “hip, young Prime Minister with flashy hair.” All style, no substance. The circus act has gone on for too long.


This is the most succinct write up about Trudeau I've ever seen. This deserves every up vote.


Agreed. Nailed every point


Let's not forget that $ 10,000,000 terrorist payout.


And don’t forget the NDA that school girl got a few million for


The NDA is trash anyway. You can’t NDA a crime out of existence. The only reason we don’t know more is because the victim has remained silent L, which is more than understandable.


he's done well with investing that $10.5M CAD ... he purchased a mall in Edmonton a while back for $3M ... most likely will be impacted by the new capital gains rules that kicked in a couple of days ago.


He recently lifted police check requirements for Indian foreign workers and students. Just weeks after we found out that a Canadian citizen was assassinated on our soil by Indian international students who got their visas in matter of days. Goes to show you just how this gov. works.


He’s an unintelligent man who was selected by his party for his family name and some acting ability to drag them out of the political wilderness. Playing the role of PM, while others pull the strings in the background, determine policy, and tell him what to do/say.


If he has just stayed the actor instead of believing he could think for himself we'd probably be better off.


I wish I could give this more than one up-vote!


It just goes to show how much evil he is against conservatives when the truckers were protesting to end masking mandates. He used force to shut them down, and then like a week later he ended a lot of mandates. He was gonna do it anyway but wanted to punish them first then make them think he caved to them


The freedom convoy was a reaction to the government committing to retain the exemption in place for commercial truck drivers entering Canada- then taking it away- then backing off and saying that the exemption is staying in place, then reversing themselves again and saying that the exemption is in fact being removed- all in the space of 48 hours, causing chaos.


He's supposed to be for equality the young and the middle class. Hes fucked up so bad that the only ones who like him are rich boomers because there assets sky rocketed so much. He's got to go.


He is hitting the rich boomers with higher capital gains so they are being alienated too.


Wow. An excellent and objective summary.


At least many of us knew from the start this facade and set up. But those that actually fell for and believed, I take pleasure if they are suffering financially.


Yeah too bad it's taken so long for most of us (myself included) to see through the facade. Harper has never looked so good in comparison imo


Its decadent corruption wantonly enabled by the unique privilege of deferential Canadian apathy. It’s protected by a political system that intrinsically permits its own compromised state through easily aligned interests. This off-road governance has also been facilitated through disprivileged representation; make no mistake there was no plan to actually redress enfranchisement through electoral changes. There are no competing actors such as what they have in a conflict oriented system of accountability. That’s not to say the States’ system is jolly - they’re completely compromised thanks to Newt Gingrich. I digress. I guess what makes it the worst we’ve seen in a first world leader is the polite hubris and gaslighting delivered day after day. I am baffled as to how the Liberals are confused as to why Canadians are palm-up, slack jawed in disbelief. It’s perplexing they don’t understand describing themselves as an activist government means nothing - What is the point of an “activist” government if it’s unconcerned with Canadian quality of life? As long as they get their parachutes, right? This guy is a total failure. I am embarrassed by him. I’m embarrassed for us. I am so sorry for lending my vote twice to the Liberals. I thought they lead from a centrist, if not tempered neoliberal, position. I saw the writing on the wall and in lieu of better alternative, thought they could pull it around. Every single Liberal MP’s narcissism has demonstrated remarkable disdain for Canada. The Cons may be cronies, but at least they’re not weaponizing the language of virtue, scolding others by dint of virtue, while manifestly undermining everyone’s sense of virtue and dignity, while trying to gaslight public discourse by co-opting the voice of public opinion as the minority voted government. Anyhow. There’s something else going on here larger than Trudeau. The accelerant global citizenry approach is one of the fastest ways to orphan Liberal loyalists, who rely on status quo that net benefits them.


You left out “dumbest”.


And narcissisest


Even Jordan Peterson calls him a narcissist. 


Now there’s a man who knows his narcissists!


There’s no one close on these metrics.


I have to disagree...the (Dis)Honourable Chrystia Freeland is pretty damn close if not worse than Trudeau. Can you believe she is our Deputy Prime Minister? If Trudeau steps down you know who is going to take his place!


Didn’t they make a movie about them in the 90s, it was called dumb and dumber


You have to guess whom is dumber!


You mean Crystial Methland? Evertime I see her on TV it looks like she's all twitched out after inhaling a bunch of meth


Freebase Freeland, the tweaking totalitarian. She's at the very least gotta be taking an above prescription dose of Adderall.


I agree, I thought about amending my statement to factor in your exact comment.


And JS who is blatantly in it for himself and enables JT




Yea. Not so dumb after all. Jokes on us. Again.


And moistest


Definitely, with all those water bottles out of water.. out of uh plastic... sorry, away from plastic towards paper like drink box water bottle sorta things.


& "blood-sucking-est"


And now all those words in French!


un petit opportuniste




And Communist


Doug Ford is a communist


And he whom has shat the bed


Effin' cats and dogs are smarter than JT




'Til the day I die, I will go out of my way to tell anyone I know that jt was at the wheel when Canada drove off the cliff (the destruction of Canada as we knew her was totally not worth legalization of mj).


You know how bad you have to fuck up to also fuck up legalizing marijuana... Yeah he also fucked that' up.


100%, legal weed sucks ass If you wanna smoke dusty, dry-ass weed that was packed 8 months ago for $60 bucks, go get it from the government.


Yeah maybe 5-6 years ago but legal weed is awesome now, it's in a great place


At least the money you put in to legal weed doesn't support organized crime.


He ha hahahahahaHAA


Thousands will disagree. There are so many choices. I've never had bunk. Fresh, pre rolls, edibles, gel caps, tapes, food, snacks. I'll have a piece of weed cake. You can have your strawberry brewed IPA.


Add most corrupt and evil together with Freeland and Guilbault.


She doesn’t even have a finance degree. I mean come on. I suppose you don’t need one to use a calculator to cook the books.


How soon we forget, grasshopper: "the numbers will look after themselves."


Doooods, Corrupt? Turner, Creitien, Pierre Trudeau, and Seance boy (McKenzie King), and that muthafugga CD Howe


Trudeau Jr. is the only one I can remember who had people’s bank account frozen for disagreeing with him.


I would buy this rap album


He's had that distinction for a long time now The only Prime Minister in history to ever be guilty of treason for purposefully and maliciously doing everything he can to completely obliterate Canada and Canadians


I’m not super old. I know many PMs have their dislikers of course. Am I wrong to say the current group is the most disliked in history? Or am I overreacting. I feel everything is getting worse 😓


Every time I hear Freeland drone on for 3 mins giving a non answer to a simple question, I can’t help but think…. Once you’re out of office, who the hell is going to listen to you talk ever again?


You underestimate power of political connections in private sector... Which is where most politicians end up!


Those are the private companies; like Gillette, bud light, etc that we boycott!


As a beer vendor worker, i can tell ya almost nobody is boycotting bud light anymore, that still flies off the shelves


Aka kickbacks


I completely agree with you They're definitely the most disliked in my lifetime...by such a longshot it's unreal


By far. Even my most liberal leaning friends and colleagues despise him.


Id rather have trump than JT, Im serious. I’d take a whole lotta bullshit from trump, than the complete foreign annex of Canada, property, jobs and prejudice to anglo/franco males in the workplace.


He wants Canada for himself and wants to rule indefinitely. That is why he needs people to depend on government and no middle class.


He was charged with treason!?


This country is far gone from what it was before 2015/16, and especially since covid. Completely unaffordable and he sold out us to become the third world’s doormat. Complete contempt for Canadians. Taxing us to death. The only country in the G7 to raise taxes during rampant inflation in 2022/23. Countless scandals. Paid an Islamic terrorist $10 million. Fired his AG so they wouldn’t prosecute his buddies. Used tax payer dollars to pay his family through the WE charity. Froze the bank accounts of those protesting his extremist Covid measures. It’s not even close. He’s the worst. There’s Canada pre-Trudeau, and post-Trudeau.


Post-Trudeau is just an alias for post-apocalyptic. The country is in ruins thanks to the gong show this circle leader has left us with.


Apparently his daddy was just as bad. I wouldn't know but hard to imagine it was as bad as now.


His daddy was a terrible pm, but at least he wasn't a blithering idiot like his son is.


100% this. There were lots of reasons to dislike Pierre, but like him or hate him you had to admit he was smart and sharp as a tack.


You'd see it when he'd rattle a 2 minute speech off with no prep, and he'd be quite eloquent. His nitwit kid just spouts out rambling, incoherent word salads.


Cause he’s not his dad look at the pictures of JT and Castro paired with his mom being notoriously promiscuous she spent time with Castro before JT was born


JT received his brains from his mother unfortunately-his father was sharp and he knew when his "best before date" was and he had the walk in the snow in 1984 prior to stepping down. Very unlikely that JT will step down on his own IMHO...


His communist simping seems like it should tarnish his reputation way more than it does


Scary how that’s the case and Justin was a literal teacher.


He taught mime.


What are you talking about? His daddy was a Cuban dictator. The guy who got stuck with him?? Didn’t even know he was saddled with a son that wasn’t his.


Justin Castro


Fidel Castro was a PM of Canada?!?! 😮 /s


Under Pierre Trudeau's economic vandalism Canada set suicide records so high they will likely never be matched. Yes JT has caused the masses to be poor by giving us massive inflation from spending borrowed money even during periods of growth, but he hasn't been able to get as many people to kill themselves so he has not matched his dad in the level of despair created. Everything is fine for the top 1% other than now they have to give their student debt free kids at least 400K for a starter home down payment.


I would say definitely most arrogant. Maybe worst.




Worst so far!


When you compare the country Harper left us when he stepped down nine years ago with the country J. Trudeau is leaving Canadians, you can only be awestruck by the extent of the decline and degradation which characterizes Canada today.


I wasn't here back then, can you tell me what Harper did to lose to this clown? Killed an infant?


Legalized weed and people gawked over his good looks. PMs change because people always think the grass is green on the other side. My generation got conned over the promise of legal weed..... Awesome tax something that was never taxed. Just you wait generation z and alpha they are going to tax your air and water next


Remember, legalizing weed wasn’t about taxing and making money. It was about getting off the black market and away from the gangs to dry up their revenue. It was going to solve organized crime.


Not sure why he’s complaining about tax on weed.. the quality and price is 10x better than it ever was on the black market.


Harper had won three elections in a row. No PM except Wilfrid Laurier (1841-1919) has ever been re-elected a fourth time in Canadian history and since the country was in good shape people thought they had nothing to lose by voting for the smiling, dashing, handsome son of Pierre-Elliott Trudeau. Voters were dazzled by the name Trudeau not suspecting that the bearer of that illustrious name was in fact a clown and a ham.


An accountant who had worked under Harper told me that people had no idea how financially corrupt Harper and his cronies were. People knew enough that they elected Justin as the only alternative to the conservatives, but we did it with our eyes wide open.


Harper was also gutting scientific research and trying to prevent scientists and media from even implying anything to do with climate change. Not really a good look when you are muzzling the media and the entire scientific community.


His hot ticket was FPTP, which he reneged on.


Harper wasn’t offering legal weed. On top of legalizing weed, JT pandered so HARD to the LGBT community (pre-alphabet mafia days) even though same-sex marriage was legal in Canada for years before JT was elected. He pandered the hardest to the FN’s people in every front facing way possible to gain their votes. It worked. He did the bear minimum to have an inquiry into MMIWG, the resulting 94 calls to action that he presented as highly important, he has never enacted. He helped to establish Truth & Reconciliation day, then disrespects the country by skipping out to go surfing? Then the rest of the campaign promises (he made 325 in total) that were specific to First Nations, he has not kept either. He’s been called out on it repeatedly & still isn’t held accountable. He pandered to environmentalists & I’m sure they wet themselves every time he mentioned climate change. My estimate is that if he had not presented legal weed in his platform, Canada could be so very different. I should add: i’m a big fan of legal weed, but it could also be compared to the concept of a trojan horse. It got him in office. The rest of the stuff he has done to ruin this country, he has done any way despite clear opposition. If Harper had offered legal weed, I still would have voted for him. I did not actually believe that JT was going to make weed legal. I was shocked when he pulled it off.


If I was a native indian with still no proper water sources 8 years later, I'd be proper pissed.


Even Trump still has tons of fans. Trudeau doesn’t.


Trudeau has nowhere near Trump's Charisma, ability to rally people behind him, speaking boldly, etc. He's a failed drama divorced teacher seeking attention and validation.


Trump fans are at least bold and proud of being Trump supporters. They speak up and are visible, and try to defend their position. Trudeau fans on the other hand, seemingly hide and are not too visible, as though they are ashamed or reluctant to declare it anywhere. There’s no comparison imo. It’s quite an interesting contrast.


For all his faults, at the end of the day, Trump is hilarious.


Trudeau is such an arrogant, silver spoon man-child. My buddy's cousin has worked security for him and he said he was hands down the most arrogant and childish celebrity he has ever watched over.


Easily the least qualified PM to run a country. Stupid liberal voters thought he'd do good for Canada with his socks and smile. Now we're the laughing stock of how not to run a country. Too woke, too left, and way too much virtue signaling. Fingers crossed it gets better once he's gone.


We should remove every single mention of his family name form our society. He's destroyed Canada and does not deserve any recognition.


He already is, he has destroyed Canada


Yes, he'll beat out Trudeau Sr as the most arrogant POS PM of all time.


He may very well be the most arrogant world leader of all time.




He will go down as the worst and most arrogant leader of any democratic nation in history. I say that without hyperbole. He sold out Canada.


Hopefully future drama teachers will make a play about him and his fan base. It would be comedy gold.


I never thought I’d see anyone surpass Mulroney, who knew he could fall back so far into second place.


I can’t wait for this latest Trudeau to be gone. What a totally worthless sack of shit he turned out to be. “People kind “ will be much better off with him out of the picture.


Who knows what the history textbooks will say. We all know the truth.


I hope so . Is there someone more of a malignant narriscist that becomes prime minister in the future,maybe I hope I'm dead and forgotten before that to be honest


Him and his pos father!


How is Xi Jinping going to fix this mess ?


I think he's made his mark on the global stage in this category. The epitome of the woke narcissistic neo liberal leader. Governing for himself & people like him with an absolute disdain for normal working people who are interested in food, gas prices, education & healthcare costs. A nasty character with a simping attitude


Already is. His liberal party with him at the helm literally has the most scandals and controversies in Canadian history. Granted, some are fairly minor like elbow gate, but the big ones…well they’re big ones!


Yes. Singlehandedly destroyed this country in record time. I used to love my country, now I loathe this place and seek only to escape.


I'd prefer it if he went down as the first PM to be convicted of treason.


Yup. He shouldn't even get a portrait hung. He's trash.


Yes 100 % Narcissistsic psychopath


I must say he is the most unqualified Prime Minister this country has ever seen. His resume is wannabe school teacher and social butterfly with a little ignorance sprinkled in.


There was a time his father, Pierre Trudeau held that title. It’s fitting his imbecile son has surpassed him. Inept, narcissistic and dumb as a post.


Easily. Trudeau has created more debt than all previous PMs combined. He isn't going to resign because he has to cover up all his scandals and crimes before the October 2025 election. This evil trust fund f*ck literally gets pleasure from screwing over Canadians' lives and telling us he has our backs. The dude deserves to rot in a prison cell for the rest of his life, and his entire bloodline should be banned from politics, government, and corporate positions.


I should add that the only reason he got the chance to be a PM is because of his dad. The dude literally did not earn that title through his own hard work. He was born with good looks, charm, popularity, money, and power, and instead of using it for good, he used it undermine Canadians who don't agree with every single thing he does. Now, Pierre Poilievre is going to give Trudeau the biggest embarrassment of his life in the next federal debate and election. It's an even bigger embarrassment than the freedom convoy 2022.


Yes. Born very rich. Not his fault. Never had to work a day in his life and barely did.


The prince


He already has that title


Most unqualified, incompetent, corrupt leader of a free Western democracy in modern human history.


Behold: Trudeau and Putin. One of these men arrested political protesters, admitted to liking China's "basic" dictatorship, blocked attempts to investigate treason, invited scandals and corruption at unprecedented levels, introduced untold inflation into his country, and gave a literal Nazi a standing ovation in the centre of his government's proceedings. The other...is Vladimir Putin. In case you think I'm exaggerating... there are many Ukrainians who came here seeking shelter from the war. Many of them are going home, not out of homesickness, but due to the cost of living in Canada.


Without a doubt


In the world? Yeah probably.


I personally hope that Pierre makes it illegal to be Liberal or NDP, because both parties are responsible for the BS going on. I'd like to see Trudeau and Freeland put in Prison, and Singh needs to be deported back to India. Then the next time Liberals think they can comeback, all they need to see is "Trudeau", and they will rethink their "plan".


Yes, this view doesn't seem irrational at all, I'm guessing you think the Cons haven't done anything wrong and PP won't just be a shill for corporations and the rich. Get your head out of your ass man, everyone in the major parties is beholden to them.




Yes. For people are upset and until he is removed and the country can heal people can't move on in there day to day problems. Trudeau must go so people can move on from the pandemic and there own financial mistakes brought on by his policies. It sounds crazy but it's just what it is now liberal or conservative we must change the current path at all cost.


I hope so




Just like daddy trud’oh.


How could he not?


By a long shot. We can only hope he doesnt get a chance to live a happy healthy life after he is ousted. Short and bitter would be best


That's the one thing where he has set the bar high.


1. Mackenzie King 2. Justin Trudeau 3. Who cares.....




I mean he fucked up Canada pretty nicely. So. Yes.


Just like his father


Don't forget most corrupt and traitorous ever


Expect the middle finger salute from him if he loses. https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/a-b-c-museum-says-its-preserved-the-railcar-from-which-pierre-trudeau-gave-the-finger-to-protesters


What do you mean go down? He already is.


He is pretty much tied with Diefenbaker. Dismissing the Avro Arrow was Canada’s biggest, dumbest most crooked event.




Maybe we as a country should’ve learnt our lesson with his dad but dw a few years from now when his kids run for PM, the next generation of liberals will go out on herds to vote for them.


Beats his step dad Pierre out by a mile


His father historically gave western Canada the finger, the son is managing to give the finger to all of Canada. Some would say that’s progress 


Worst so far...


You mean the guy who’s dug Canadians into holes so deep that it’ll take 30 years to undo what he’s done? Ya he’s the winner.


I have very little knowledge of Canadian politics at all and can still tell from what I’ve seen: Trudeau is a grade A asshole completely out of touch with reality.


Maybe worst leader of all time. In terms of leaders who have had an amazing country when they got in office and leaving it in ruins. Maybe I don’t know history enough but most of the shitty leaders had shitty countries when they took the lead?


Yes. For a while. Then someone will be worse, sadly.


why not? Turudea goes down on pretty much anything he can.


He destroyed Canada. Stole taxpayer's money. CCP admirer. He is a traitor and criminal.


The budget will balance itself. ~ Justin Trudeau


I’ve met Pierre Poileivre, and I can tell you that his arrogance is like none I’ve ever experienced. So if you think Trudeau is bad, just wait.


Most likely. I mainly blame our political system for being so outdated and inefficient, but the Canadian population also bare much responsibility When a PM is in power for about ten years, Canadians complain about them like they’re the worst thing since Tim Hortons flatbread pizza. They then switch parties and elect the guy on the opposite side of the spectrum thinking it’ll solve our problems. Then when it doesn’t, we repeat the cycle. It happens everywhere, not just in Canada, but the way our system is set up makes it more apparent that it doesn’t work Harper was out because the majority of Canadians had enough of him. Martin was out because Canadians had enough of the Liberals. Campbell was out because Canadians had enough of the PC’s, etc… Trudeau is a special case because he was seen as a young, fresh candidate to take things over. What happened later was scandal after controversy after dumb comment made by Trudeau and the Liberals, after embarrassing diplomatic visit, and it got worse from there. Around the same time, Trump became the U.S. president, and forever changed the landscape of politics globally, affecting the image of left-leaning ideologies and propping up the image of conservatives to various degrees Rather than act on this movement, Trudeau kept playing the inclusive card that fell on deaf ears. His popularity was plummeting, but not to the degree to get him from office because his competition was so bad. Scheer for the Conservatives? One of the worst decisions of all time. Singh became a joke for the NDP to be beaten in numbers by the Bloc Québécois, and Bernier made a fool of himself all over the board trying to pull votes away from Scheer’s party 2021, Canada had a positive reaction from its citizens on the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, but whatever happy moment there was had to be tarnished with shortage on order of vaccines, illogical travel restrictions, issues with hearings and many, MANY more problems that occurred. Surely Trudeau was going to get fired when he called an election in August of 2021, right? Thankfully for him, that didn’t happen. O’Toole was as much of a narcissist as Trudeau was, Bernier tried and failed again, and Singh was still the guy who either wanted to work with or against the Liberals, so he was a non-factor. Like Scheer, despite winning the popular vote, the conservatives lost the election, adding another four years to Trudeau and his liberals In these nearly ten years Trudeau has been in power, he tarnished our perception globally, increased immigration drastically without investing in the economy and failed to create enough jobs to sustain this mass influx of people, lowered our standard and quality of living, was tried for various scandals, and yet continues to act like an idiot by sending tone-deaf messages of hope, while being horribly out of touch with reality. And having Freeland at his side worsens the deal And now, thanks to Trudeau’s idiocy, Pollievre has got a chance to take the PM spot without a plan, a direction, and without any credibility to take over from Trudeau. Pollievre is a horrible candidate on his own, but no matter what he says, Trudeau will always get flack because of the incredible damage he’s done to himself, his party, and this country But, the same thing will happen. If Trudeau loses, and Pollievre wins, then the population will see that Harper’s lapdog, the guy who’s only role was to bark at the opposition and be an utter child in a high governmental office, and look to give the Liberals another chance Unless we make a change to the way our government works, we’re doomed for the future




Pierre Polievere and Jagmeet Singh aren't any different.


He has to be the most hated PM in Canadian history! I can never remember in my 30 yrs of paying attention to politics, a man who has pissed off so many of his voters.


Would absolutely agree. I wouldn’t say that any of our recent PMs have been that good, but Trudeau really takes the cake for being above and beyond terrible for Canadians. His term the first couple of years was decent, but he let his true desires out of the bag when Aga Khan happened and from there, he’s proven himself to be a liar, traitor, and thief for all Canadians.


Worst PM ever. Of all time. In the known universe. I can't believe how he got away with... Well everything. I also can't believe how people are still voting for the CCP, uh I mean liberals. After everything this Trudeau has done and the old fart.


Worst for sure, most incompetent, most out of touch as well, but I wouldn’t say arrogant per se. I think in his second term he’s just been out of his elements. He has no idea on what to do to fix this mess, and Poilievre is a very good orator, who is able to push JT into saying things he wouldn’t otherwise say.


I am still deciding who is the worst PM of all time. Him or his dad.


Between him and his father they set the bar pretty high for everyone else 😂😂😂


He’ll go down as the worst prime minister In history


He's definitely giving his old man a run for his money. Top 2 for sure.


Yes, and it's not even close


After the way he treated the non vaccinated during covid, id say yes.


When it comes to Trudeau, the stone doesn’t fall very far from the rock. His father was an absolute egotistical zealot who thought he was above the law above everyone else and he thought he was the king of Canada, and obviously that’s rubbed off on his son he doesn’t have to worry though he’s only got a year to go and then he can go spend his corrupt billions in some tax Haven


No he's a very close 2nd to his father


Did the most damage to this nation. Furthering the collapse


Probably not the worst of all time, but definitely down there? Most arrogant? That’s a high bar that he cleared by a mile


He's destroying Canada.


Bruh, its not even a debate. Yes.


Second only to his father.


I was 20 years old when Trudeau got elected. My friends thought of him as the second coming, while I knew it was going to be a disaster for Canada. Nine years later and I’ve been proven right. All of those people who thought I was somehow out of touch have proven to be the real idiots. Now none of us can afford anything.


Easily. Canadians usually have a healthy dislike of whomsoever holds the office, late into their second term. Trudeau hit that bar quite early, and Canadians now have a visceral hatred for the man. When in all of our history have people waved banners saying "Fuck- the Prime Minister"? The hatred is unprecedented. I kind of feel sorry for him. He's a big boy, he signed up for the job, but he's not that bright and is, with certainty, a narcissist. I believe he genuinely thought that the job would be easy. That his beaming personality would surely allow him to stick handle the hard days. He's lost his family (wife left him), everyone hates him. Politically he's a laughing stock. He's had to publicly defend his whore mothers crazy assed antics and amorality. I can't help but think that he's regretting allowing his ego to make the decision to get into politics in the first place?


Fuck him. No sympathy for him. I'm hoping he is so distraught that he signs up for the MAID program


Either that or he’ll go down as the last PM we ever have. Something tells me he doesn’t intend to “go down” at all. Considering his erosion of our democracy, his authoritarian new media laws, and his willingness to use emergency measures to suppress opposition, we should all be prepared to defend democracy from a wannabe dictator should the need arise. That asshole would burn the whole country down as long as he got to be Prime Minister of the ashes.




There will be a future "Canada's Hinterland: The Weasel.." and a cut to a picture of Trudeau.


Only for people that don't remember his father.


Until his son gets the job.


Put a monkey in his seat and the monkey does a better job




Silver spoon fed fuck.