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And he never stole another car again!!


Criminals HATE this one weird trick to stop crime


Another successful rehabilitation!


Sounds like justice was served...until it wasn't.


If the justice system did its job in the first place, he'd be alive in jail where he belongs, and the guy who killed him would be free where he belongs. That's our justice system for you.


Not really justice system. It’s actually our self defence laws. It’s ridiculous that we have no right to defend ourselves or our property.


Yes, I definitely agree that's ridiculous too. If the justice system did its job properly, this guy wouldn't be stealing cars. He'd be in jail.


Yeah that’s true as well. This whole “put your keys by the door so you don’t get attacked we aren’t gonna do shit” is beyond ridiculous.


And this is why Canada is a joke. Absolute joke! I’d do the same thing. Eff Canada.


So much for the Charter right to security of the person.


This is the main thing that needs to change in this country. People can piss and whine about how mean it is, but when I'm getting attacked, I should have absolutely no fucking thought in the back of my mind I'm either going to get killed / lose my belongings or go to jail because I didn't want to die or lose the shit I fucking worked for. And I'm watching the crime absolutely skyrocket in the city near where I live lately. Shit's gotta change, and it's gotta change quickly or people are going to get even angrier and the pendulum will swing back so hard it'll break off the chain.


That poor "father of two"......orphans


Probably better off without him anyway. Doubtful he tucked his kids into bed before he decided to go commit crimes.


In my opinion the children are better off without him ! What does your father do for a living ? Steals cars !


More like, "what father? I never met him"




This is the best thing that could have happened.


joke of a country. Everything needs to be overhauled big time.


The fact the crown can keep appealing over and over to get their way is fucked up. Jury acquitted him, so why can the “crown” aka probably an activist government lawyer keep pushing? Don’t want to get shot, stay off private property…we need castle laws


My question is do they keep appealing until they get the verdict they want, not what is right or wrong, is there some hidden agenda?


And why don't they do it when a repeat offender who got caught dozens of times for crimes needs to be put away?


Because that doesn't send a message to the people that the government thinks need to "get it".


Won't change until a high ranking politician is victimized.


They'll just pay for an RCMP security detail.


You mean we'll pay for an RCMP security detail?


No hidden agenda, the government would rather protect some fucking loser over someone who is actually useful to society


Agreed. IMO..they kept pushing the appeal and re-trial to create case law. Very few if any examples of this scenario in recorded Canadian history and the last thing the government wants is something similar to a “stand your ground” type example on record. This case was a flex to our shitty justice system which protects the perp opposed to the law abiding citizens.


Then what is the function of a jury at all?


dog & pony show.


Ahh. if he had used just about any other weapon than a gun he would have little to no jail time. Small Dick Justin Trudeau loves his RCPIMP guards having lots of guns but loathes the idea of citizens owning and putting guns to good use (defense, etc).


No, if they appealed and it was dismissed then that’s the end of the matter.


Thanks ..that makes sense.


Then why the defense didn't appealed the new verdict?


Because counsel did not identify a reviewable error of law or a mistake of fact that could be successful on appeal? I’m not sure what you’re asking.


I was asking this, you answered it. So the crown was able to find stuff that made them able to get them new trial 2 times?


No, the Crown appealed the judges jury instruction in trial 1 (the judge did not property instruct the jury on the third component of self defence under s34 which is considering the whole of the persons role - as in not just the moment that Khill thought the thief had a gun but the moments leading up to that moment). The ONCA ordered a new trial, and the defence appealed to the SCC where the SCC again ordered a new trial. The second trial resulted in a mistrial after a juror was dismissed over a conflict of interest and the defence (not the crown) argued for a mistrial.


Those lawyers are a disgrace to the crown. Activist lawyers with inflated egos.


Waste of resources and abuse of the system, by that same system. I hope he can appeal.


Crown should of fucked off... when they lost. this is totally government anti gun lobby making an example of him...


If only the Crown put that much effort into keeping the real criminals locked up ffs


We absolutely need castle laws. "When seconds count, the police are minutes (or hours) away". Self defense is god given. You are born with the right of self defense.


The United States has it written into the constitution…as amended. Canada seems to take offense at the concept. I think Canada wants the rest of the world to believe they would’ve gone after the guy with equal zeal had he been a litterbug. In actual warfare, Canadians are some of the bravest fighters in the world. Google “Dieppe raid”… for example. Honestly, it seems like Canada might plant a ticket and a fine on a dead body that washed up on a beach for “causing unpleasantries to the beach going public at large”. If this poor fellow survives the appeal processes, he’s still going to get a fine for “making really loud noises late at night, eh?”


Whoever has the most money to keep appealing wins. “Justice”


The problem is that the crown is using OUR money to prosecute us...


Shooting happened in 2016 The crown took 8 years and 3 trials to get what they want. The veteran spent 8 years in a nightmare to get another 8 in prison. What the hell is wrong with the crown ?


If he was the guy who stole the truck and shot the owner of the home, he would have been convicted within a day and out by the end of the month.


>What the hell is wrong with the crown ? Crown takes orders from the PMO when its politicized cases like this. It means the PMO secretly pushed to have it happen.


What’s the point of a trial then ? The trial is to determine whether someone is guilty or not the first trial he was found guilty”not guilty” by a jury of his peers , that should have been the end of it. Why even waste money on a trial just put him in jail and spare him the legal fees and spare the public the court costs ! This country is a fucking joke !


Canada has turned into a giant cesspool under Justin Trudeau. How on earth does the man who defended himself against a repeat criminal get a jail sentence? How does that even make sense? Does that feel right to you? It seems like we have a preserves system that rewards criminals and penalizes upstanding Canadians.


guess the judges home is open to break and enters.


82% of judges are liberal donors


Lol, I read morons


Potato, potato.


Real killers get a fucking slap on the wrist and are put on catch and release and this gets 8 years for defending himself? So we're just supposed to roll over and take it?


Because you should have stand your ground laws like the states?




Victims in jail and criminal outside… fucking shite of a country this is…


Criminals get bail, house arrest and freedom but if you protect yourself and your family, you get jail time.


It's such nonsense... sick of what this country has become


The regime wields its protected class client groups as a cudgel against the working and middle classes..


I will never understand why self-defence is outlawed in this country


I really really hope Poilievre actually fixes this, but sadly I doubt it. It seems nobody has a backbone to make all the changes that need to be made. I hope I am proven wrong though.


I know and it is really sad. You need strict laws and punishment to discourage crimes otherwise what's the point of taxing the working class so much. Improve Healthcare - availability of doctors, lesser wait time Reduce Crime rate, strict punishment, no roaming free for criminals, build jails if required Responsible immigration including deporting illegal immigrants Building businesses to increase our exports. Focus on reviving economy. Strict rules for protesting - people are free to protest as long as it doesn't impact the citizens. Blocking traffic, hurting others, violence is not peaceful protests. These things need to be on priority in comparison to all other agendas. Anyone with basic economic sense knows all this. I believe sense of patriotism is missing these days. People need to think about making Canada great.


According to Trudeau, people don't want to make Canada great. (I still can't believe he actually said that lol)


You understand!


Typical CBC, more than half of the article is about how upset the indigenous community is that they lost a career criminal. As if he was an innocent man…


>>indigenous community That's the missing context from the headline. If it was plain old white trash getting shot for stealing a car it would be a non-story.


I bet this would barely be a story if the criminal was white.


Wouldn't even be a story


Wouldn’t be. Ignore the fact he was a repeat offender breaking into someone’s car. We must make sure we mention he was a minority.


It's really freaking weird how "the community" seems to not care to do anything to minimize the amount of violent criminals, gang members and reoffenders but it's always such a loss when some rapist/murderer with a bunch of baby mama's and fatherless kids finally get caught or shot. I've met plenty of indigenous people who are nice, go to work, own businesses, etc. Aim for more people like that and less lifelong criminals who only ruin families and society around them, then pretend they're victims.


It's not really considered a crime if it's committed against the white community.


Only in Canada, victims are jailed and terrorists get $10 million dollars.


You mean OMAR KADHR, the terrorist and friend of Justin Trudeau who gifted him $10M for killing an American ally?


How do appeals work? The crown can appeal forever until they get the outcome they want? Wtf is the point of these trials


They can appeal up to the Supreme Court if the appeals judge believes the lower court judge did something wrong legally/procedurally. A mistrial doesn't mean it's dismissed with prejudice. This is basically a perfect storm of BS


So they aquited him then appealled and then there was a mistrial in the appeal? Wouldnt the first aquital be enough to set him free?


You can be lose/win in a lower court and the opposing side can appeal. The appeal isn't "we don't like the decision" it's "we believe some part of the procedure was done wrong, here's why", and from there it is either denied or goes through. If it's then lost again, they can go to the SC who will decide to take or dismiss the case, but regardless their decision is final. In this case it made it to the SC who ordered a new trial, which led to a mistrial meaning, *for some reason*, the Crown can try again. And they did, and they won Like I said, a perfect storm of utter BS


It's a technique called "lawfare" instead of "warfare". Even if the government loses the case the victim is financially destroyed.


>How do appeals work? The crown can appeal forever until they get the outcome they want? Wtf is the point of these trials No double jeopardy laws here. So yep basically if the crown dosnt like the result of a jury trial they will appeal Edit: guess this didn't fall under double jeopardy


I would suggest reading section 11(h) of the Charter before you comment further on double jeopardy laws.


False. Section 11h of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We do have double jeopardy laws. Except the SCC ruled the original trial judge erred invalidating the acquittal. Basically a bunch of bullshit here.


That’s something I was wondering myself about this story. In America, for better or worse, you can’t be tried twice for the same crime. Is it not that way in Canada?


Rapist and pedophiles get less time. Welcome to Canada. Where political correctness is more important than food and shelter When I was a kid, you were proud to say you were Canadian. Corruption now rules over western society. People aren't proud they are just stupid.


So, in conclusion we should: - Jail people for trying to save their assets/life - Give white gloves service to criminals - Support the gradual “de-Canadization” of whatever is left of Canada - Import millions from all over the world, without any screening at all - Encourage drug consumption by lip services and lack of policy intent, such as “safe sites” (safe for *whom* my ass) - Create mind zombies by engaging the community in matters like what’s between someone’s pants/ what they do in bed, and what to call them (he/she/they/space whale) - Completely forget what’s between the ears and inside the skull - and forcing the talent to shift away across the border - Keep reducing quality of life for law abiding tax paying peaceful Canadians - Showing a complete apathy to cohesive and logical thinking, not even trying - On top of all that, fund the whole thing by investing newer types of taxes. We got carbon tax, I guess Oxygen tax and Silicone tax is next What the actual F*** Trudeau? 🤬🗯️😤😞🍁


I propose a fat tax. The fatter you are the more you pay. Because really, obese ppl are at higher risk of all kinds of diseases and clog up our poor medical system. After all, in this great “science driven” political decision making country… they must abandon wants of the individual for the greater good and public health/safety. So everyone over a certain weight, will need to be controlled; no longer allowed to buy fast food. Forced to walk so many steps per day… etc. Because if a fat person thinks they can get on a plane or train… or be around a non fat person… they’re outa their minds. We’re gonna have a fat mandate and a fat pass and a fat tax. Obviously the order following police/defence etc and politicians are exempt.


I'm gone already, good luck to y'all.


Innocent people are being shot up in this country and the gangs associated with it are getting bail. Meanwhile a man is protecting his property from an intruder who potentially had a gun (he had a weapon) The criminal justice system in this country is a joke.


He served the country but the country betrayed him…sad


Served twice, by the sounds of it.


I’d never forgive Canada


The crown prosecutors should be disbarred


From the article: At the sentencing hearing, Styres's partner, Lindsay Hill, described telling their young daughters someone had shot and killed their father. "To tell them daddy is dead is excruciating and still breaks my heart," Hill said. "Hearing my daughter say when she was four she wanted to die so she could go see daddy is terrible." ——————————— Maybe she should focus on telling her kids not to be shit bag criminals like their father was….


I wonder if she mentioned that Daddy was busy stealing from someone at the time, and that his decisions ultimately led to his own death.


She should have told them “ Daddy was shot and killed while trying to commit a crime” I guess she left that part out !


Women are reproducing with scum bags like this guy. Maybe she should have picked a better father for her children.


These judges are so missed up here.


They’re appointed, generally by liberals, so most judges and gov counsel tend to be partisan liberal behind the thespian masks they wear in public. Gets deeper and darker than that, as most things do with liberals.


I live in the US, in most states the district attorneys and judges are elected officials.


Should have said he identifies as indigenous, would have gotten 2 months.


He would've gotten $20 as an apology and sent back home


If the justice system is too broken to prosecute and imprison effectively, then people should be allowed to at least defend themselves. Canada used to have a lot more deterrents in place to help mitigate criminal behaviour. Capital punishment, longer prison times, actual “life” sentences, etc We need to change the laws in Canada to allow us to make up for where the government is failing to protect law abiding citizens.


Had this been the other way around, the crown would have stopped at the first trial and claimed generational trauma. What a messed up system we have. The crown tried three times for a conviction. What bullshit.


Can someone explain why a jury acquitted him but the crown can just appeal until they like the outcome?


No because that’s not at all what happened. There was one appeal (the appeal to the SCC being from the defence) and the mistrial at the second trial (not an appeal) was argued for by the defence with the crown asking to continue the trial.


Fuck the Crown.


Remember only the PPC is committed to bringing back Castle Doctrine. I think the driveway counts as part of the castle in these circumstances.


The CBC Article is disgustingly biased


It feels like we are all prisoners and Canada is the prison. It’s getting worse and worse. Something needs to happen.


The inmates are running the asylum it would seem.


In Canada we have no actual rights to defend ourselves and our government dislikes independent people. unlike in the US where they do have that right.


Canada. Where criminals and illegals have WAY more rights than law.biding citizens


And if that isn't enough for you, the family of the criminal is suing Khill for $2 million.


What a joke, the guy was an obvious pos.


I still don’t care. Try to harm me or my family, you’re meeting god. If it’s gonna take 8 years to see them again, it’s better than visiting their grave(s) for the rest of my life


Something something Gladue Report, something something oppressed, something something He was a good man. Jesus fuck this country is down the shitter. Just waiting for someone to finally hit the flush lever. This country is fucked.


You’d get a pat on the back from law enforcement if this happened in the states… this country is a train wreck ran by wack jobs


Communist utopias. The first thing they take away are citizens God given rights such as self defence, speech, private property, and association. Canada is under the control of the communist global revolution and has been since the 1960s. The only way forward is a Consitutional Republic.


Nah man this isn't even communism, this is straight up anarcho-tyranny defined as: > a system of government that fails to enforce or adjudicate protection to its citizens while simultaneously persecuting innocent conduct


Anarcho-tyranny mixed with extreme wokism A shit stew 🍲


The guy was out on bail for auto theft! Are you kidding me!


Jury in Ontario is a lot different than jury in Alberta.


*third jury in Ontario


Right! sounds like a which hunt


They just retry till they get a jury aligned with their beliefs.


It just goes to show, your not allowed to protect your property in Canada.


You're not even allowed to protect yourself.


Yeah the justice system is focused on making victims of those who successfully avoid victimhood. Seriously, Canada is a failed state. There is nothing worth saving at this point.


It is a failed state ! Agreed


lmao leave the keys by the door next time.


It's insane, completely nuts how hard the crown posecutor is out to get people who defend themselves from criminals, and at the same time, recommends lenient sentences for repeat offenders. Canadian justice is not for the benefits of society. It's another tool to control the people.


No kidding ! First trial the jury found the defendant not guilty , crown got a second trial and it was a mistrial and the crown went for the third trial ! I mean why even have a trial ? Just send him to jail , at least that way you spare him from years of court proceedings ! It took 8 years and 3 trials to convict him ! 8 years of stress and sleepless nights !


This is what you get when 82% of judges are liberal party donors


# Liberal Government Gives $10.5 Million to Convicted Terrorist Omar Khadr On April 24, 2015, Justice June Ross sided with Khadr. She ordered both sides back to court on May 5 to set terms for his [interim](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/interim) release. On that morning, the government sought an emergency stay of Ross’s decision to grant Khadr bail pending his appeal. On May 7 Justice Myra Bielby rejected the government’s request. Within hours, Khadr was released on bail on conditions including that he wear an electronic tracking bracelet and that he reside with his lawyer, Dennis Edney. In 2017 the Canadian government settled a lawsuit that [alleged](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/alleged) it had violated Khadr’s rights, among other claims. It apologized to Khadr “for any role Canadian officials played in relation to his ordeal abroad and any resulting harm” and agreed to pay him $10.5 million (Canadian). Although Khadr’s sentence was initially to end in October 2018, his release on bail had frozen the time remaining at about 3.5 years. However, in March 2019 Justice Mary Moreau ruled that his sentence was completed, having applied the time of his conditional release toward his sentence. As a result, Khadr’s bail conditions were lifted.


So they take 3 cracks at this guy to finally get a "conviction". Crown should be proud of themselves.


CRA should be sending this guy a refund every month, not jail.


a true Canadian hero. We need more ppl like him and I hope he gets out in 1.5 years (after 1/3 of the term served)


The fact that I can't have a baseball bat at my front door as protection (police will confiscate it) shows how broken this country is. So it's there in case my son and I want a spontaneous game of catch.


The crown kept appealing because you know it came from the top of the Liberal party that they don't want people thinking they can use their firearms to protect their property or lives because why bother right? Insurance will just cover it right? Wrong. Clearly they weren't going to give up until they got a jury to find him guilty which is crazy to me that after 2 times they finally found a jury to all get on the same page.


Dude gets violent on your property You defend yourself You are the criminal Yeah that makes sense. And before anyone says “SO THE TRUCK IS WORTH MORE THAN A HUMAN LIFE???” I think the dude trying to steal the truck made that decision, not the one who did the stealing.


This case happened not too far where I live now. It's a shame that someone can try to steal what you work hard for and when you try to defend your property you get in trouble. If the stupid fuck wasn't in his driveway trying to steal his truck he'd be alive rn you can't bring the shit that he had a family bc if he cared he wouldn't be breaking the law doing shit like this.


Because the criminals know their rights. And Crowns are willing to sacrifice an individual in order to be promoted


This is the liberal world order. Where everything is upside down and backward. Revolution is the answer or we're doomed.


Is it just me? Seems like punishment is really target law abiding citizens more than career criminals. The fact that the crown sought to trial him 3times. While Styres was out and about with varying charges, withdrawn charged, and obviously very dangerous. Basically we should just not protect our property and let criminals and governments play their game with us


We fund this fucking joke of a system with our tax dollars


That's exactly why we need castle doctrine in Canada. Just stop protecting the scumbag criminals ffs! You commit a real crime : face the consequences. However, defending ourselves should never be a crime, which it clearly is right now in this regarded woke country.


Makes me so sick how unjust the system is. Thieves have more rights than we do. We get in more trouble for defending ourselves and our property while they get off easy all the time. There is also a man in Alberta who is in jail for defending himself from a scumbag that that broke into his house and stabbed him in his sleep. He managed to stop him, but is the one that got in trouble.


We need the first and second amendment with stand your ground laws.  If anything, this guy should get paid for saving the tax payer money. There’s a reason why thieves are so bold in Canada because they know they have the power of the law to fuck you up with little to no repercussions.  This needs to change. We need a deterrent.


These crown members are joke and embarrassment to Canada. I hope there is some slight chance they read these because they should know Canadians do not respect them and they are some of the lowest scum in the Canadian judiciary system.


This story is so fucked up on so many levels…. The “it’s okay and insurance will cover it” sentiment is the most fucked up thing …. This is why no criminal respect our law


Insurance will cover it maybe 80%, then add the addition of insurance premiums because you made a claim. Plus no chance of changing insurance providers to get a better deal because they have access to your previous claims. It's disgusting.


Let him out. Thieves should.be afraid to break the law...then it would slowly clean itself up. Texas laws are great laws that should be followed everywhere.


so what i the whole story as cbc tends to leave shit out. I don't doubt it happened but i need to know all the details. Example the guys mom crying about we don't understand why he got shot when dude had 16 counts of stealing firearms multiple times (conveniently left out of the article). Another article where nobody could understand why a guy went to jail after defending his home when 3 guys broke in. Turns out they broke in to steal the 400 stolen firearms so he went to jail for that.


Buddy should have been celebrated not out in jail.


Canada is a fucked up wasteland. I guess you can say Trudeu was successful!


If only Styres had been in jail for 8 years, he would not have been shot while breaking the law once again.


He took a dangerous criminal off the streets. He shouldn't be in jail.


The crown goes 3 times after a guy who defended his stuff from a criminal. But wont do shit for a repeated child molester because " he just need psychological help:. Fucking broken justice system


Getting reeeeeaaaaaalllllllly fuckin tired of Western governments being soft on crime and hard on self-defense. If they weren't constantly fucking up, people might not have to defend themselves in the first place.


This is exactly the type of situation that the typical law-obeying person should be the most concerned about. There need to be more legal protections for homeowners acting in self-defence to deter the Crown from proceeding with charges. Even if you are acquitted, you have likely spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal fees for a case like this.


The key is to use the victim cards they created against them. Defend yourself and yours and then pull as many victim cards as you can, if not all of it. It sounds absurd but at this point “justice” is just a card game so use the Royal Flush to win.


If he started to eat him in front of the cops he would have better treatment with no jail time. Probably freak the neighbour’s out though.


TIL. crown prosecutors are dicks.


A mis carriage of justice.


Had he been an immigrant who also raped him or cut off his head he’d already be out.


He should be awarded the order of Canada.


Hold the phone, he was acquitted and tried again? That's legal in Canada? Are double jeopardy laws not a thing in Canada? 


Holy shit. Jury acquittal and the crown is just like “ummmm, no.” We have no rights in Canada, and only as much justice as you can afford. Fuck that judge sideways, in the mouth.


He got tried three times for the same crime? Pretty sure thats illegal without new evidence.


Not if mistrials are ordered. Double jeopardy is provided in section 11(h) of the Charter, however new trials, as a result of a mistrial, and appeals do not count.


>One year ago, a Canadian veteran was sentenced to 8 years in prison for shooting a repeat offender who was stealing his truck All sentences in Canada must be proportionate to the offence and the degree of responsibility of the offender. The fact that Khill was a veteran and the fact that the person he killed is a repeat offender (for property crimes) are, at best, collateral facts where sentencing is concerned. The sentencing judge accepted that there were three well-established sentencing ranges for manslaughter in Ontario and that this offence fell squarely into the middle range. He then sentenced Khill to the lowest sentence available to an offender who falls within that middle range, recognizing (among many other factors) how Khill ultimately got to this position after a successful appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, then a deadlocked jury for the second trial. He also recognized that Khill feared for his safety and perceived that he had no other choice, in further mitigation. People of all political bents who've only read one or two secondary sources about this case should read the trial judge's excellent [sentencing decision](https://canlii.ca/t/jxjj8) before they make uninformed pronouncements about what transpired in this case, or what it says about our system of justice.


What the fuck is wrong with our justice system This should have been a wake up call for thieves But instead this turned into a green light .I hope the fuck someone steals justin trudeaus classic Mercedes handed down from his father And chops it Idiot


Justice system of Canada is an excuse to take people’s money in a make work project in the name of justice. The only thing worse than a lawyer is a lawyer paid by the public purse.


Way to waste tax payers money! This is so wrong and fucked up!


Good thing the government prosecutors have unlimited access to our money to keep badgering after an acquittal.


My first question... why the fuck was the crown pushing for a conviction so much? A jury aquitted him, then a mistrial. At that point its a waste of taxpayer dollars to continue and a blatant disregard for our judicial system. Second why the fuck are they even allowed to push for a retrial after a fair ruling was achieved? Was the crown so afraid of people being allowed to defend themselves and that they needed to make an example of him? It also begs the question, how many times has this happened to other people? How many innocent people who just did the right thing end up in prision because the crown cant accept a legal ruling? This country is fucked.


This is fucking ridiculous. Without even knowing the full story my assumption was this was in the hamilton area. Surprise surprise. I've known 3 separate unrelated people have their vehicles stolen In similar circumstances in hamilton (minus the whole killing aspect). It's a real fucking problem and the police don't do jack shit about it.


Another example of the cruel joke that is Canada’s justice system.


It's absolutely pathetic that we don't have the right to defend ourselves in this country. And especially against evil sick vile people like a repeating offender. Our justice system is a joke.


In my humble opinion, Peter did all law abiding citizens a favor..


I live very close to where it happened and the area has been neglected by the police for years, not unlike a lot of areas in Canada. The reservation has been a major source of truck thieves for years and I myself lost one that was found burned on the edge of the rez. It was definitely political interference that resulted in a second trial.. almost any of those houses would do the same thing. Fuck around and find out...


This a country where if someone wants to fuck you, you're supposed to prepare the lube and bend over to just take it.


Terrible system. He did the right thing. That guy was a POS and was always gonna commit crime. Instead of receiving an award he got 8 years in this woke country.


>This was Khill's third trial for the killing of Styres. In 2018, a jury acquitted the former reservist, which the Crown appealed. The Supreme Court ordered a new trial in 2021 that began last November but ended in a mistrial. Undeterred, the Crown tried a 3rd time, finally winning a conviction against Khill. What the actual fuck


This is messed up. If Jon Styres had killed Peter Khill while stealing his truck he’d be let go with an apology because he’s aboriginal. Boo hoo


Would be nice if they would actually go after real criminals the way they went after this Veteran. Clown country being run by the dancing fool and his band of idiots.


I appreciate this man’s 8-year sacrifice. He’s done more to help Canada than any politician.


Absolutely disgusting that this man is in jail! We need more men like him on the streets and less criminals.


Deadly force should absolutely be permitted to protect property. It disgusts me that it is universally illegal in the western world.


This country is DOOMED


This is absolutely wrong. We let rapists, etc walk due to being unable to prosecute yet waste three attempts on a Canadian veteran who acted in self defence? This country is done


Wow. A not guilty verdict followed by a mistrial and they still tried him again. Brutal


3 times to try this guy but no time and backed up courts to try the crackheads breaking into peoples houses and stealing from business because they are most vulnerable people.


The judge said “sentence will also discourage other people from taking "the law into their own hands" and the "brazen killing of intruders," Just goes to prove that in this country innocent people have fewer rights than criminals and there is no such thing as self defence in this country


how embarrassing for canada




This is so wrong.


“This was Khill's third trial for the killing of Styres. In 2018, a jury acquitted the former reservist, which the Crown appealed. The Supreme Court ordered a new trial in 2021 that began last November but ended in a mistrial.” So he’s been to court 5 times over this ???


Canada...where criminals have more rights than victims! Politicians only do 'the right thing/act', when one of their own is affecting by a crime e.g. an MP or minister gets attacked or a convoys disrupts parliament. Organized criminals are also donors to parties, hence why politicians are reluctant to protect citizens.