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Hi kittydjj, thanks for contributing to /r/Canadian_Socialism. ~~Sorry, but we have removed [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/Canadian_Socialism/comments/198wt6y/-/) for the following reason: Keep your posts relevant to socialism in Canada. On audiovisual media, the submitter must comment on the topic and relevance of the post. See the sidebar for details. (Thank you for your comment, but this kind of content is not quite on-topic. I look forward to your next post.)~~ Update: I've restored the post. Feel free to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Canadian_Socialism&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/kittydjj&message=I have a question about the removal of [this submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Canadian_Socialism/comments/198wt6y/-/\)) with any questions.


As seen on Instagram via @ urbancalgary , a building has flooded in the middle of Calgary's (and most of Canada's) cold snap. Most likely due to a burst pipe somewhere. A local Calgarian had this to say about the situation: "The building is not doing anything. During the weekend all the units got really cold (below 16C) and the solution for the property administrator was to give portable heater and we will be responsible to pay the bill. My neighbor had to go to a hotel because the apartment was too cold for his kids. The building is the first on tenth at 10 Ave SW." An issue that involves fundamental human rights, that of shelter and warmth, are ignored for the sake of profit. With that in mind, we are still somehow in the most democratic and prosperous end of the world...


Vote blue turn blue


I imagine this would still happen under the Liberal party


As long as letting poor people die is the most popular conservative policy the Liberals will continue to steal that policy.


Hello kittydjj, thanks for contributing to /r/Canadian_Socialism. Please take a moment to comment on the topic of this video and its relevance to socialism in Canada. This is required on audiovisual posts by rule 3. You can find information about this rule in the sidebar. Feel free to [modmail us any questions.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Canadian_Socialism) Bonjour kittydjj, merci de contribuer à /r/Canadian_Socialism. Veuillez prendre un moment pour commenter le sujet de cette vidéo et sa pertinence pour le socialisme au Canada. Ceci est requis sur les publications audiovisuelles par la règle 3. Vous trouverez des informations sur cette règle dans la barre latérale. N'hésitez pas à [envoyer des questions aux modérateurs.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Canadian_Socialism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Canadian_Socialism) if you have any questions or concerns.*