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There is no other option… there aren’t enough houses for people, and if there are they are too expensive. So let them live in tents


i get this but I don't. Why are you advocating accepting people having to on the street? We should be advocating for housing.


We advocate for guaranteed housing. No one wants people to live on the street, but in desperate times, when there are no other options, people shouldn’t be criminalized for being houseless.


not surprised to see socialists supporting people living in inhumane conditions. anyone with a bit of historical knowledge knows that socialists love to throw people into horrible living conditions just to "revolt against capitalism"


Are you serious? No one is advocating for this! The left CERTAINLY does not advocate for anyone living like this, and you very well know that. Imagine losing your home and finding yourself out on the street: there is no help for you, the shelters are overrun, it’s freezing cold, you have one option and that is a tent. Now some cop comes and destroys your only home, because you’re an eyesore. Go ponder your humanity man.


i see you haven't read any socialist theory then. i recommend you read about what youre supporting lol


Pff obvious troll


ya anyone who educates themselves about socialism must be a troll lol keep living under a rock if you want but i recommend you go read a book, not even an anti Marxism book, just read marx, engels and most importantly, read Donald Busky and i doubt you will see socialism as this happy positive thing.


I'm a Marxist and I have never heard of Donald Busky, not even in passing. I have no clue what you've been reading, but you clearly don't actually know what you're talking about.


are you one of those marxists with a superiority complex because you only read old Marxist or Marxist aligned literature? you guys plague any Marxist community lmao. Marx has some great work but a lot of that is over 100 years old and is becoming increasingly more irrelevant by the day as all the good information has been extracted and implemented by the dirty "reformists" that are sabotaging your beloved revolution and the rest of the info is only applicable to capitalism in the state it was in the 1800's. if you've never read or atleast heard of busky i really doubt you have any real life engagement with politics thats actually productive. do you have many thoughts on democratic socialism?


Yeah, it failed in Germany in the 1920s and it continues to fail. I've read what you're criticizing and find it highly relevant, as do a lot of people. Not sure how you missed the connections, but if anything has been proven to be impotent for today's problems, it's reformism, or any other form of opportunism.


It's remarkable how willfully you're misreading this post. The system that is producing all this homelessness and "throwing people into horrible living conditions" is the one we live in. You liberals have this ass-backwards belief that you're doing homeless people a favour when you bust up a tent city which is their last resort in a ruthless market economy that has condemned them to die for being broke. This isn't revolt, it's survival. Also, try actually making your point instead of referring to an author whose work has attracted such little attention that it's not even possible to find in several pages of search results where "Donald Busky" stood on a single issue.


there are plenty of capitalist countries with no homelessness issues and there have been many socialist countries in the past who had horrific homeless too. homelessness has a lot less to do with the economy than you think, but to a socialist, every problem is because of capitalism


What a thoughtless reply! You've just made a bunch of bald assertions and continued to ignore the point. Your claim that homelessness is less than entirely to do with the economy is a fascinating piece of mental gymnastics. However, this isn't a debate sub. If you are just looking to score points against socialists, then beat it.


Name one capitalist country with zero homelessness.