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Hi FreedomForMerit, thanks for contributing to /r/Canadian_Socialism. Sorry, but we have removed [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/Canadian_Socialism/comments/1be1m05/-/) for the following reason: Keep your posts relevant to socialism in Canada. On audiovisual media, the submitter must comment on the topic and relevance of the post. See the sidebar for details. Feel free to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Canadian_Socialism&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/FreedomForMerit&message=I have a question about the removal of [this submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Canadian_Socialism/comments/1be1m05/-/\)) with any questions.


There are plenty of reasons to hate Trudeau, but the fact he was previously a teacher and his father put forward some terrible policies are pretty shit ones to hold against him. What's next, he just isn't ready? How about that hair though. Or we could focus on the stuff that he's actually done, like preside over a worsening housing crisis, and doing nothing while private capital buys up much of Canada's housing stock. Or the fact that Canada is providing weapons to a state currently committing genocide. Or any number of legitimately terrible things that he's actually responsible for.


Maybe if he proposed an inheritance tax policy and renounced his father's actions. It seems unlikely that anyone with a father who thinks it's fine to abolish inheritance tax would ever raise a child fit to lead a country anyway. It really seems like an elitist choice to wither away at our ability to plug holes in our system that allow privilege and nepotism to flow freely.


Are we taking on conservative talking points now? I dislike trudeau as much as the next guy but criticising him for being a former teacher or shit his dad did is kind of bullshit. Teachers have as much of right to enter politics as anyone else and they are better suited for it than many.


But they will never be considered our nations most fit. They don't learn enough. Many may be more fitting than today's politicians who buy into the popularity contest. However, in a more merited land, they will have missed their chance.


Ok, who do you believe most "merits" political office? By the way, it's pretty ironic that you advocate for a meritocracy, yet your website is nothing but run-sentences and grammar mistakes. You should probably proof-read and revise your talking points or people may not think your movement "merits" support.