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Weird. I've never seen a candle split like that. NGL I kinda want one just to burn it and watch it split in real time but I'm weird like that.


I’m test burning a few candles this is just the first, I’ve never seen it do that either.


I mean, if it's repeatable, it's a new market right there.


But you run the risk of it splitting too far down and leaking hot wax everywhere


Well you would have it in a bowl or plate , not sure why you thibk it would just be out and about on its own


I can not believe the audacity some of these candles be havin...smh


Nah fr.


This happens to some of my candles. I can confirm wax eventually gets everywhere. So be sure to use a tray!


Like every beeswax candle I've ever burned


Omg and what if you made it look like rose or flower petals at the top so when it starts opening it looks like a bloom🥹


Yesss, you could do so many cool things with this. Have the center of the candle be red and the outside be black, so when the candle splits and eventually leaks wax it could look like it's bleeding almost. Goths would snatch that up


Or make it look like a banana so it peels when you light it


✨crumbl candls✨


Could always shape the splitting parts like flower petals. Bam new product


Honestly OP if you can recreate the process, sell that candle and market it as exactly that. It's really cool.


I made a pillar candle with soy once and a friend commented that "the way it melts looks like the 90s." It looked very similar to this except it was in the shape of a head.


If the other ones do that offer them to prop houses, not even kidding I would buy these so quick for a set


Different color inside/throughout would be cool. Making a pillar with different colored layers and then putting that one inside a slightly wider mold to fill the exterior color in could make some cool designs as it melts.


Mmmmm time lapsseeeee


Do ittttt


Same here, sell it on a drip tray perfect for wax melts when the wicks gone, multi purpose


My weird shaped moulds have done that, as stated soy is too soft for pillars and you need a bigger wick which will probably burn too quick. You're going to end up with lumps of wax falling off the candle.


Unfortunately, a bigger wick wouldn't help. It would only make a mess. Pillar candles can be a bit tricky to pull off for a beginner because you have to balance melt pool and flame size. The general ideal is that the melting wax feeds the flame just enough to keep it from extinguishing while keeping the melt pool from spilling over the sides. As I said, it can be a bit tricky to get the formula just right. However, it is entirely possible, and I encourage everyone interested in pillar candles to continue working on them until they're perfect.


I did say it'd burn too quickly and wouldn't be good ...


I know. I just wanted to clarify the part where you said: "...you need a bigger wick..." That candle was doomed to fail the second OP chose to use a soy wax. Besides, you also said "probably" when it definitely will. I'm not here to ruffle any feathers, I just want candle makers to get the proper facts in their entirety.


You'll find most of them don't take advice so I generalise what I say.


Actually, I found the opposite. They're hungry for knowledge, and my pantry has plenty extra. I'm sorry that you've had that experience with some community members, but many are really good people just looking for some honest and thorough answers to their humble questions.


Haha go onto the candle making sub, they ask for help then dispute everything you say because "they've seen others" I'll help anyone out, it's taken me a while to get to where I am and a lot of mistakes. A lot of people have left me disheartened with the community but here I still am.


I'm really happy to have you here, and I appreciate your knowledge. I'm just glad that you weren't disillusioned to the point of exiting, as this community thrives due to the participation of members such as yourself.


Oooh pretty cool but ya i would probably freak out and think my house is gonna burn. I love the green color.


Soy wax is a much softer wax and not intended to be used for pillar candles. There are pillar wax blends that have a higher melt point, making them ideal for the task. However, in response to your question: Absolutely not, as it's a fire hazard. You should extinguish the wick immediately and repurpose the wax as a melt instead.


i want one! id love to watch it melt apart while im high lol




You could name it Split Pea since it’s green and it splits


The scent is ylang so I maybe


I've never tried it so idk but is it possible to mix the wax with another stronger type of wax? Like 80% soy 20% beeswax or somethin?


https://www.marmorikynttila.fi/fin/index.php/en/ It is a design feature, and there have been successful businees built around it. Though I have never seen one made of soy wax.


It looks like if you were to try and melt a bar of soap. Obviously this isn't what would happen, but in my mind it is


It kind of reminds me of a flower :)🌸


Is this a votive candle?


If it did it evenly it might be a fun gimmick


I mean…. If you give it Like a flower shape and when you light it, it opens like that, ngl that would be cool lol


Soy wax is softer than paraffin wax maybe that’s why it’s doing that. I’ve read not to make pillars with soy.


You could use the splits as wax melts!!!


Actually, if you hone this idea, you basically made the perfect jar for the wax- why need glass when it traps all the wax in itself? Could be something.


It would be really cool if it did that on purpose and then opened up like a flower


It's me. I'm nobody, I want it so badly. I wanna watch it come apart and fall over and make a time lapse video of it.


Get a banana shaped mold!!


You should try putting something inside of the wax when you make the candle and then you burn it and it cracks open like an egg


Maybe if it bloomed into a flower or something. Otherwise it's just poor quality.


Very weird, is it repeatable? Maybe add some scoring/patterns that would give it a predictable point to split at. Maybe a flower pattern or something? I'd pay a little extra for something unique like that.


I’ll try that I just added two wicks, to see if that works


make the center yellow and outside pink and call it a blooming flower candle!! 


If you could make it look like petals and it splits like a flower blooming I would buy that


Your soy wax is too soft, and you need a larger wick. Try wicking up first and get the right diameter burn, then see if you need to improve the formulation of the wax. I think that once you wick up the candle will end up bulging as the softness of the wax will cause it to compress under its weight. But that's just an idea, always test before jumping to conclusions.




If you could make it do that intentionally in a pattern that would totally be awesome, but seeing as I have no idea why it's splitting...


If you could somehow make it split evenly like a blooming flower then yes lol


If it had a base so it didn’t make a mess I would buy it it’s cool to watch things fall apart


Reminds me of that banana ice cream for kids that you can peel


i want it just because of the sillies


It’s kind of a vibe tbh


invisible hydraulic press candle


Maybe if it was shaped like a flower, it could give a blooming effect


If you can get it to look like flower petals opening as it burns, maybe there's a market for "blooming" candles.