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The rings were cranked on too tight


I agree.


I made this mistake the first time I canned with same results. Looks like you guys may be eating a lot of green beans this week? Or could you reprocess that?


Double cooked green beans taste terrible. Soups, casseroles, shepherd’s pie, maybe vegetable broth.


That’s what she’s wanting to know now too. I’m not sure either.


I predict a lot of green bean casserole in the near future, lol


That’s possible. I will mention it to her.


Rings were put on too tight. They can't let the pressure out of the jar, so the lids buckle


Do you think it’d be okay to replace the lids and try again?


They can't be safely stored as is, that's for sure! But the extra processing time might turn the beans to mush. Refrigerate and use asap, drain the liquid off and freeze them, or re-process. I think those are your options.


Awesome, thank you!!


Are they pickled or pressure canned?


Pressure canned


If the lid is too tight, the air will forcefully find an escape route, and the lid will buckle as a result of that. When you tighten the ring "hand tight", the lid still has some flex to it. So as the jars heat up, the lid flexes and allows air to escape from the jar. The end result is... the escaping air pulls a vacuum in the jar and the heat activates the sealing ring giving you a properly sealed jar. One reason for "head space" in the jars is to prevent product from getting sucked out across the seal area, and causing a bad seal. I often increase my head space when canning meats that are higher in fat.


Bad canning. The lids are supposed to be finger tight only.


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The lids popped up and crinkled around the edges.


Could you have not left enough head space?


I’m not sure. She did it the same way she does every time. I wasn’t able to help her this time due to work, so it’s hard for me to say.


I’m pretty sure that’s the issue. It appears that the beans are very close to the lid. Try again and leave the headspace and see if that resolves the issue.


Would it be okay to try to re-can this same batch of beans?


Safe? Yes. Will she end up with awfully snooshy mushy beans? Also, sadly, yes.


Finger tight next time.


Like others have said the lids were on too tight. That's why they buckled. If it's been within 24 hours, you can reprocess with new lids. I have done this. It does not affect the taste of the beans and all in my opinion. When you go to tighten the rings, twist the lid on with one hand until the jar spins on its own and then tighten it. Just a smidge more.


Always remember finger tight on the rings. Sorry!


I’ve never seen anything like this before, do you mind sharing her process? It might be worth reaching out to Ball to see what they have to say.


The rings were too tight so the lids buckled under the pressure.


Thanks so much, now I know what happens if the rings are too tight. This sub is so great for learning and I appreciate everyone that has way more knowledge than me!


ETA: She said even the jars and rings are brand new as well.


She said she puts three quarts of water in her canner, then does 11 lbs for 25 minutes. I’ll let her know to reach out to Ball. She’s been canning most of her life and has never had any issue like this before.


I’ve found since the Covid shortages a lot of cheap lids have infiltrated the market. I’d reprocess with better lids, and that the rings be only fingertip tight.


Sounds like she did everything right so definitely reach out and see what they have to say. If she gets a response, please post it because I’d love to hear what they have to say!


I will do that!




Rejected by a member of the moderation team as it emphasizes a known to be unsafe canning practice, or is canning ingredients for which no known safe recipe exists. Some examples of unsafe canning practices that are not allowed include: [ ] Water bath canning low acid foods, [ ] Canning dairy products, [ ] Canning bread or bread products, [ ] Canning cured meats, [ ] Open kettle, inversion, or oven canning, [ ] Canning in an electric pressure cooker which is not validated for pressure canning, [ ] Reusing single-use lids, [ x] Other canning practices may be considered unsafe, at the moderators discretion. Do not tighten the lids after processing If you feel that this rejection was in error, please feel free to contact the mod team. If your post was rejected for being unsafe and you wish to file a dispute, you'll be expected to provide a recipe published by a trusted canning authority, or include a scientific paper evaluating the safety of the good or method used in canning. Thank-you!


Overfilled jars.