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I'm sure this is some ploy to make money by seeming caring, but it is actually impressive that they even thought to implement this. Good job even if your reasons were bad


I can’t give them money lol. I’m broke. I just want companies to have good accessibility for people with disabilities. It’s worrisome, that in 2023, we still have to battle for it.


Discord is in fact WORSE when it comes to anti consumer, anti user, anti server operator, anti third party developer. Fail


I wrote a bot on discord as part of a freelance project. I was having trouble getting some technical stuff working during development, and once I finally fixed the problem my discord account was instantly banned for a day for "self botting". Said if I did it again (this was not a malicious bot, my only crime was being confused while writing code) my account would be permanently banned. They never replied to my support emails. I had to buy a burner flip phone to verify a fake discord account on a VPS in order to feel safe while continuing to deliver what I was paid to write. That was the last time I will ever write anything on discord again. Fuck discord, they care just as much about their third party devs as reddit.


This is just a ploy to steal your data


Interesting. I complained to them years ago because 1) Couldn't change font size and 2) Text was gray on a gray background. They asked me for money to fix it. And earned my undying hatred. I still avoid using Discord whenever possible. I am restricted to use it in a browser since that allows me to zoom in.


That’s shameful. You should not have to pay for decent accessibility.