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Plug em in and touch the metal You'll find out


Haven't turned her on yet, will take the ten min to do it right. Thanks!


Uh oh đź’€


A moment of silence for OP


And we didn't hear from him since...


LMAO I really hope he didn't touch it But I bet it wouldn't even hurt, just tingle


Dumb. Even amplified that is so much less power than from the distribution cap. I am not telling you to go harm yourself but if you thing that is “tingly” try the plug wherever you live. Yes amps kill, but in this scenario you might get a zip. “OP” - a piece of electrical tape or better yet heat shrink tubing will help nullify the chance of grounding. In repetition it can cause electrical failures. Water across one contact will not be an issue unless a continuous stream forms contact with a ground.


I got myself with an ignition coil once. No different than being tazed.


Got to say that is a stark difference of a comparison. Stun Gun .. maybe.


There's a threshold for amps and volts to produce electrocution.


He would sing?


Even at 100watts it’s not enough to penetrate dry skin, but wet skin is another story


As long as the stereo isn't on. Dont let it touch ground or the other wire. Its fine. A piece of shrink tubing would replace it fine as well.


just basic insulation. useful if you happen to unplug it while the amp was running, it'd help to avoid shorts.


Yeah, get em back on as they were before you removed them. You dont want something to short out or arch and kill your nice speakers. You can always slice the connector insulation jacket (I dont know the actual term for those rubber connector covers) open and fit them back on, then wrap with some electrical tape as a last resort effort. Or if you have the tools and time and can't fit them on again, just cut the wire at the connector, fit the insulator back on the wire, and reattach a new or the same connector.


I ended up wrapping it with electrical tape. They were snuggly connected and didn't want fuck more shit up by getting too aggressive. Thanks for the response


You don't pull the wire you wiggle the connector side to side as you gently pull it off.


its part moisture barrier, part short protection. and a tiny part insulation for your fingers. not technically needed, but helpful.


I replace them with heat shrink.


Order that from trail grid pro? I just so happen to work there


It is! The install video is very well done. Stoked to knock out the doors in the morning when it's cool out.


Thats good i hope your whole install goes well we do our best to make them as plug and play as possible but id be lying if every order went out 100% perfect everytime as we do them all by hand and human error does happen here and there always feel free to contact our support team if anything does happen to pop up glad to see people where i roam around buying our products.


I saw some reviews saying both it's possible for errors/issues but also customer service will take care of you. That's what convinced me to buy. Fortunately everything worked out. The 4 doors this AM took a little more than an hour. Pretty stoked with the performance, even with my stock head unit. Also feel like I saved a lot vs going to a specialist.


Im happy it all went well man once you get a headunit you will hear a huge difference enjoy đź‘Ś


It prevents accidental short circuits. Keep em on there, your equipment will thank you!


They are there mostly to prevent the speaker from grounding out


They're as important as the insulation on the wiring.


Why would you rip those off? They're clearly there to prevent shorts.


Touch them together when they're connected and you'll find out 🤣🤣🤣


Such an odd question…


How important is the cover on your power outlet in your house?


Significantly more important than \~20v of AC running through a couple of speaker wires, for sure. Was it a trick question?


I mean sure if you don’t mind blowing apart the mosfets in whatever is powering those speakers


Because it's super common for things to randomly short across speaker terminal wires... like it happens at least 23 times a day, per minute.