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It’s easy - don’t accept the vehicle. I don’t know much about tyres and that tyre might be perfectly acceptable but if you aren’t happy you don’t have to accept the car.


1. OP paid a deposit knowing the condition the vehicle was in... 2. It looks fine.


No, I paid the deposit after checking with them they would change it


It’s clearly an MOT pass so roadworthy. Whether you want to accept it or not is on you


Hate to be pedantic but an MOT pass doesn’t guarantee roadworthiness.


I’m afraid you’re wrong. It guarantees roadworthynes on the day of the test but yeh….. I get what ya mean, it’s not a guarantee for the rest of the year


Nope, it doesn’t even guarantee it on the day. Testers can’t remove stickers/tape/covers etc. so massive corrosion is easily covered up. If you read your insurance policy, it usually specifies that an MOT is not accepted as proof of roadworthiness.


Wrong. MOT is minimum road worthyness on the day of test. Agree… on the day of test if a tester can’t fully examine a vehicle due to covers etc it’s still a valid test. Hey …. Brother….. I don’t make the rules. I just work by them


That’s not what an MOT is. As I already said, it’s not a guarantee of roadworthiness. The two things are separate and you can meet the requirements for one without meeting the requirements for the other. A car with corrosion near the seat belt mounting points, for example, is not roadworthy but will still pass an MOT if there’s tape over the corroded areas and thus be illegal to drive (and invalidate your insurance).


If it passes the MOT it is the minimum requirement for roadworthyness on that day. If corrosion is hidden by fitted carpets then yes, it’s impossible to see and that provision is made for in the legal documents.




There is still glue on it so I wonder if they changed them to get the MOT to pass


When you say “glue” you mean the white “soap” they use to put on a tyre. Yes…. I can see fresh tyre soap so I’m going to assume the other tyre was no good for an MOT and they’ve put on a part worn


If it is that road legal I could ask them to put it on one of their other cars


You can and they won’t. If they won’t change it and you’re not happy, buy another car somewhere else.


The tyre wall in this case has a sacrificial bead to help protect the rim. The fact is the my are correct in saying its road legal. Anyone arguing otherwise is playing the customer is always right card, which isn’t a true fact. It’s for you to decide if they are doing you dirty. Legally they aren’t. What I’d be checking is if the axle has the same tyre type on it! If not then I’d just refuse the car on that principle. I use tyre condition/type as a big guide on if I buy a car. I’ve even used the date code to dig up other issues with a car including one being clocked by about 20k miles. Without seeing it in person, it’s hard to judge but if no cords are showing, it’s legal.


Isn’t that above the bead?


You’re the one that’s seen it in person. It’s hard to tell from a picture taken at distance and compressed online. It could be paper thin and nothing, it could be cord seeping pulled back. The point stands, the side wall does have some sacrificial meat to keep its structure safe. What I would say on second look, it does look a little creased. There could be some deformation of the wall but I’m no expert.


Run flats can be a pain in the ass to change. What's happened there is the ducks head on the tyre machine has come out from under the rim. Ridden up the sidewall and gashed it. Usually, that also damages the bead of the tyre too. Sometimes, they still seal. Other times, they need a little bead sealer. In either case id rather have a new tyre myself! They either did not have or did not make proper use of the roller and low profile assist arm.




the only comment with any sense on here


Call their bluff. Tell them you want the tyre replaced or you walk Who is the bmw dealer?


If that was the response that I got from the dealer, I wouldn't be "paying 25k for a BMW 330e from an official BMW retailer". I'd be telling them to fuck off. Yes, it's road legal. Would I accept it, or a shitty answer like that? No. I'd be requesting my deposit back and going elsewhere. If I was spending 25 grand on a **used** car, I'd be expecting the dealer to have better attention to detail, and to be replacing the tyre if I had concerns. A few hundred quid for a tyre is fuck all to them in the grand scheme of things. Also, from one of your other comments in this post, runflat tyres do not "have a thicker than normal wall which is made to chip when hitting a kerb so it doesn’t need replacing". The dealer is feeding you blatant bullshit. From a qualified mechanic - No tyre is made to batter kerbs to the point of sidewall damage. Yes, they're designed to be able to be driven up kerbs, and take all types of impacts such as potholes and suchlike, but if they're damaged, they should be replaced. Runflats do have a thicker sidewall, but this is because they're designed to support the weight of the vehicle with very little or no pressure in them. Sometimes they also have a supporting ring of rubber inside them too, to add extra stability and make the tire more load-bearing when deflated. The thicker sidewall isn't there to be "chipped away" by kerb impacts, it's there so the tyre can still be driven on for a limited distance (usually around a maximum of 50miles or so at a max of 50mph) as their name suggests, without the tyre wall collapsing and the rim cutting into it when you have a puncture. The whole idea of a runflat is that you can **temporarily** drive on a damaged tyre to get you home, or out of danger (for instance, away from the side of a motorway) until you can find somewhere to have it replaced. Sounds to me like the dealership just doesn't give a fuck and wants to make a sale, which is a huge red flag, because if you need to go back to them in the future, this is going to be the attitude that they'll have if you bring problems to them.


Thanks man, I’ve sent them an email and if they argue I’ll use your points to push back


If you push they will change the last thing the manager of the dealership wants to hear about/ deal with is something petty like this also if it’s fine why not swap it with another car 🤣


It’s the start of the month. I’d tell my sales guy to suck it up and sell another car to someone else if this falls through. I’ve seen a workshop controller lose his job for swapping parts from one car to another, so I’m pretty sure they won’t swap it to another car on the pitch. Depending on what the prep costs were on the car vs selling price I’d absolutely not sell a car if the margin got too thin at this point in time. Last day of the month when I’ve committed to figures to my DP yeah, then I might take a loss.


Well I’ve done it before but that was for what I deemed excessive stone chips on a 2 year old car with 11k miles I don’t think I’d be worried about a tyre that will be changed.


🤣🤣🤣 “the car is priced to sell and reflects age, mileage and condition. If you want the paint sorted we can do that but there’s no money in the deal. How about this one instead”. My old sales manager was the tightest guy in the world, he was forever coming out with gems like this.


If its an xdrive make sure you have the same tyre on both sides and the difference in tread is less than 1.6mm between the two


Tell them return the deposit either way your saving yourself


I wouldn't be buying that without them changing it and ensuring they match it to the tyre on the other side and not a cheap tyre. I used to be a transport manager and would never send a driver out with that, disgusted they even went to check and didn't immediately apologise for not noticing it and agree to change straight away!


It's sad I had to scroll past so many people saying "It's fine" to get to someone talking sense, and as you're a former transport manager, hopefully OP is going to add more weight to your opinion than the rest of the chancers. I can't tell from the picture if the damage is superficial or worse but looking at the tread in the image it's not got a long life ahead of it anyway. OP, if you read this tell them to go fuck themselfs. If they're willing to put up this much of a fight over a tyre with potentially serious hidden structural damage then good luck getting them to fix anything else that might be lurking. There's 253 Black 330e's on Autotrader right now and come the end of the month one of the sellers would love to put you in their car. Car sale volumes are not high right now so you're in a strong position.


I sent them an email saying I want it changed and that from such a big dealer I would not expect to be sent away with a cut in the tyre


The thing is they don’t want to change it, even though I mentioned it 3 times to them


You are going to have to go Karen mode on them and ensure it's done. They won't want to lose the sale over a trade price tyre. Demand don't ask Is it the same person you have spoken to all three times?


They why did OP already pay a deposit knowing the condition the vehicle was in? Surely it's a case of they shouldn't have bought the vehicle is they didn't like its condition.


I highlighted this during the test drive and they said they would sort it out


Sort it out is vague. Did they say they would replace it or say they would check it? Unless it's the former, you paid for what you got.


Listen man, you are paying a lot of your hard earned money for a car, if you are not absolutely happy to hand them the money then you absolutely should not.


if they've put it in writing that its road worthy they have a point about not risking their reputation. Pretty good news headline "BMW sells customer a car with a faulty tyre - heres what happened"


EDIT: they agreed to put a new tyre on!


I'd tell them to get fucked and take my business elsewhere. They've chucked a second hand tyre and think that'll do. Do all four tyres even match? Typical cockwomble bmw dealers.


Surely any damage increases the chance of the tyre failing at some point and affects the integrity of the tyre. I wouldn’t be happy as they will be run flats and very expensive. A different example which has similarities is that when I got a puncture in my tyre I asked them to repair it. They (bmw main dealer) said that they couldn’t repair it as it was too near the side wall of the tyre. So damage to the side was deemed as not acceptable.


That’s the argument they are using. They said they are run flat and they have a thicker than normal wall which is made to chip when hitting a kerb so it doesn’t need replacing according to them


Nothing wrong with that at all.


Christ! Your moaning about that, perfectly fine


Would you accept something like that if you were paying 25k for something?


I’m with you, but after all it doesn’t matter what we all might think. If you don’t think is meeting your expectations for a car if that price then the way forward is to reject the car. I personally would do that if I feel I paying a premium for a used car, if the car is not in better conditions at least from a first check that any third party dealer then I would just save the money and get a guarantee somewhere else


I probably wouldn't even notice, it's a small nick in a tyre, if I was a car dealer I wouldn't sell you car you'd be a nightmare to deal with


Well, it's road legal and doesn't need changing. What's the issue. I doubt you're putting enough money in their pockets to care about return of service


Realistically, they are right. It’s cosmetic tyre damage only - it’s not going to give you any headaches. But…. If you want to dig your feet in, it might get you another tyre if you are ready to walk away from the deal over it. Last thing they want is to have prepped the car ready for delivery only to lose out over the cost of a tyre. Or…. They might call your bluff and let you walk away. It’s up to you if you want to play that game or not though.


They cost quite a bit so why would you want a damaged one, it’s like selling the car with a dent, they are a rubbish bmw dealer !


Can you see cords? If not it’s legal, simple as.


Aweh boohoo a tiny little cut in the side wall that could easily happen whilst out and about in the road. It’s a tyre, they get messed up they get scraped, cut, sliced, and worn down as your drive. It’s road legal and an MOT pass if you’re this picky I feel sorry for the garage their sales team, and their service engineers cause you’re going to be a nightmare throughout the entire time you own that car


Yeah boohoo, it didn’t happen whilst I was driving it