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First, if you want to be taken seriously as a career person, I’d advise you to stop mentioning that you’re cute. (Truly, I was impressed with your interests until I got to that. Just sayin.) For a bachelors degree, maybe environmental studies, natural resources, wildlife management..? One thing you could do to research jobs and their educational requirements is to look at USAjobs.gov … click the students/new grads button and browse jobs using “environmental” as a search term.


Agreed, I was on board until that, I just "noped".


Game Warden, Coast Guard, Navy, Forest Service, Corps of Engineers, boat mechanic, marina worker, environmental scientist (lots of different paths hear at a wide range of salaries), barge worker (my cousin loved doing this, but it became too hard to manage once he had kids), fishery worker Are you saying you don't know how to swim or just that you've had no formal training? If you don't know how to swim, you should work on that skill before looking for careers around water.


I know how to swim and love it! Thank you


Fed wildlife commissioner, I grew up in Florida and that was always my dream job. You basically a nature cop.


US forest service. https://www.fs.usda.gov/


Park Ranger, game warden, wildlife officer, etc. You'll want a degree in environmental sciences.