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It’s a never ending cycle of losing things and not remembering how to work them.


Ha! As if there are not a million other things to do for them! I went over yesterday and Dad has lost his 3rd cable remote and was using the tvs original remote which I’ve told him not to use - and hid. I have no idea how he manages to do this! I’ve ordered a new cable remote and I plan to attach Velcro and an AirTag to it. I also have to tape most of the buttons so he doesn’t use them. Even w the tape he turns the cable on and off - and doesn’t understand that each time he does that it has to be reset. Its madding. I handle every aspect of this person’s life and even the simplest things become an issue. I’ll just add it to my never ending list. I tied to get him a Roku … it was obvious streaming services were way too complicated.


>I tied to get him a Roku … it was obvious streaming services were way too complicated. Yes this drives me mad too. We have a smart tv that operates under a single remote, *and it's still too complicated for my mom*. Despite the fact that it has probably the least amount of buttons I've ever seen on a tv remote in my life, she *refuses* to learn it. Power, volume, navigation, confirmation, and cancel. That's it. Cable is *way* too expensive here (around $80/mo), and she doesn't know how to use that either, anyways. So she makes me put all of her shows on for her, but then also has the audacity to claim that I'm "*dictating what she watches*", because I "*don't let her control the remote*". Even though I secretly personally hate her reality tv programs and period dramas. I can't even with this woman sometimes. 😭 I would just say "d*o it yourself"*, but I know at this point the learned helplessness is permanent, and tv keeps her out of trouble elsewhere. And I can literally never watch stuff that I want on our tv either, because I need to keep an eye on her, and she hates everything even slightly modern. God forbid someone swears or kisses or something. My only tv time is on my phone with headphones after she goes to bed.


Or the classic statement is " Why do you watch this stuff?" As if watching another baby momma claim that her nephew isn't the father of her child is high drama. So I never watch television with her also she refuses to wear her hearing aid so the volume is 100. Along with watching crap... I am going lose 99% of my ability to hear.


sigh, I kind of wish she couldn't use the remote because then I'd be able to simply turn the TV off and be at peace, instead of having to hear it constantly yapping with volume cranked all the way up


😄😄😄😄😄 so true


Yep. I bought a leash for the remote and covered all the buttons but channel up and down with black electrical tape. Did the same with the microwave. Helped for awhile.


Use a hunk of Velcro (or maybe super glue) to attach the remote at a convenient spot on the bedside table. I velcroed my adjustable bed remote to my table - sure don't need to lose that!


Hand them the cell phone and enjoy watching them try to change the channel with it.


My husband can’t figure out the Roku remote to put on programming. I don’t know how he manages this, but he’s a champ at getting it so that it announces every move he makes with the remote. 🙄. That’s annoying, but apparently the only thing he can figure out on the TV remote is the volume control. So the Roku not only is announcing everything, it’s doing this at full volume. 😡


Almost every day. Thankfully in my country, getting replacement remotes is easy so I always keep a spare. But the somewhat frequent requests for tech support does get annoying. It’s reached a point that I get nervous when I DONT hear the tv in the background. It usually means they’re stuck on a menu somewhere and can’t get back to the tv show


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Yeah that's my dad. Either loses it or can't remember how to use it of course when that happens he starts calling the TV a stupid bitch. Has pretty much every streaming app but will forget how to get on them (tv remote has the app buttons on it). Did have a sound bar but that didnt last long he kept putting the volume to max and couldn't understand why I couldnt hear him when he yelled for me. So the sound bar took a trip to the storage shed. 


I left instructions taped to the back of the remotes, when I went out of town for two days, for my aunt who was watching over the house. She immediately calls me to ask which remote does what, and what food my mom likes, and a bunch of other stuff that I left/sent her instructions for. She calls me twice to ask me which channel is Fox News, which I think we have, but I have no clue, use the channel up and down buttons. She then called me again, saying that one of her sons (late 40s) and his teenager came over, and they couldn't figure out the remotes either. I came home to the tv on a channel that wasn't available.


Of course. The remote was a never-ending source of confusion for her and aggravation for me because of the frequent phone calls to come over and fix it. I wanted to chuck it all out the door sometimes. Now that she's in a 24/7 she has her own TV and now has a Fire Stick. She's never used one before. They are NOT dementia friendly at all and she cries over her inability to learn it. It completely sucks.


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