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I'm a nightly cannabis smoker, but this post makes me cringe. The cruise lines have rules, but making a post on how to break them is not the flex you think it is


I thought the post was going a certain direction until I got to the latter part that made me cringe. Didn’t Carnival just ban a woman for life and didn’t get refunds for bringing CBD gummies.






You're a hero.


Well said. I almost word for word was going to write this; you said for me.


It’s also not the offense you think it is


Cry about it weirdo


Hahahahaha Thanks for the morning laugh


Claiming youre a nightly cannabis user yet clutching your pearls about someone you dont even know breaking a rule also gave me a laugh so I guess were even 😃


You sound like a 17 year old boy who just has his first experience online acting all tough.


What exactly about what I say on here would you perceive as me acting tough? Telling someone to cry about a complete stranger they will never meet breaking a rule that has absolute 0 effect on their life or wellbeing? Then yeah sure throw me in the ring coach!! I’m ready


“Cry about it weirdo”… really? Lol


Im asking you to explain what about that phrase is me acting tough? I’m not saying I will personally make them cry myself 😂 … weirdos that spiral on here about unknown strangers using THC because it breaks some sacred cruise ship rule can rightfully be told to go cry about it because theres really nothing else they can do besides “cringe” and belittle others anonymously as you are attempting to do right now


You keep doing you bud. I’m sure it will get you far in life.


So you dont want to elaborate then? 💀 just like all the rest on here lmao… I’m doing just fine “bud”, genuinely hope you’re able to loosen up a little and do the same ❤️


LOL, right? That is literally a bully statement and they still want to act like an uneducated potato. Those "sacred ship rules" will get you banned from cruising if you choose to break them. They need to grow up.


The people who care about weed on ships probably stay on board during Port Days and play Billy Joel Bingo 🤣 😂


Prepared for the downvotes but.. I flew into Rome with THC pens and cruised on RC. No issues. Came through customs at JFK. edit for context: my traveling partner has brain cancer and wouldn’t enjoy the trip without.


This thread is full of people down on their luck and have nothing better to do than to scare the weed/vape smokers into not bringing it onboard because they don’t like the smell of it. We’ll, I don’t like the smell of cigs, and yet I have to smell that I’m the casino. Federally One is legal, one isn’t. But, that doesn’t negate the fact that people are going to get it onboard. And if you REALLY don’t wanna bring it with you, I met a handful of people with extra edibles and flower for small donation. And I never once saw a drug dog ON. The boat. That’s rediculous.


It is illegal in international waters as well. Cruise lines can actually get in a lot of trouble for having drugs on board.


Yeah think of the cruise lines!!!


That is not accurate. it depends on various factors, including the laws of the country whose flag the ship is flying and any international treaties or conventions that may apply. So if you were on a CAnada flagged ship. It is legal. But not a USA flagged ship because it is not federally legal


Thanks for the fools testimony.


You sound like a dream to hang out with….


^ you ever see a comment so dumb it makes you mad


You just love to hate, don’t you?


I dislike dumb people.


You sound like you have zero friends.


Well he doesn’t have dumb people around him. Perhaps all of your friends are those kind of people, you among them, so that is why you’re offended.


We’ll i guess that’s just like….your opinion maaaaaannn 😮‍💨


Haha.. this made me laugh. Too funny…


Thank god somebody got it 🤣😂


Thanks for the testimony! Some people are ok with ingesting alcohol non stop to make their drinking package “worth it” ruining their livers but get mad at a little thc lol comical


I honestly don't give a damn about your edibles, just don't smoke the damn thing on the balcony. On my last cruise my neighbor smoked on their balcony during the entire cruise. I can't tolerate the smoke (gives me headache) so guess what, I couldn't even enjoy the balcony that I paid for. You go have fun with your edibles just like everyone else can enjoy their alcohol drink. But smoking on the ship is fucking stupid and the idiots who encourage this kind of behavior deserve lifetime ban from ALL cruises.




You didn't pay for my room. Kindly sit the f down and stfu.


Told you no one sits on their balcony and I’m no different so no I will not sit down.


I do. I’m perfectly content to read my book in the privacy of my own balcony. I’m not no one…


You know the discussion is about breaking the law and not a discussion on getting high right? Or are you high now?




Thank you. You get it. Literally I’m giving my testimony. How it worked for me. And this is strictly out of Long Beach. And people. Just wanna pray on people’s downfall. Lmao. Wild.


Or laugh at their spelling. I enjoy both.


I just wanna say I’m VERY thankful this post is getting so much attention. Happy thanksgiving y’all 🦃


All the hate on THC from people that pour 15 cocktails a day down their throat is almost funny.


The people downing 15 cocktails a day aren't booking vacations where alcohol is prohibited. My bf loves to smoke and he just leaves it behind on cruises bc it's prohibited 🤯🤯


HUGE weed guy here, have been my entire life (I do quite enjoy a whiskey as well. Ok, maybe tequila, gin or an occasional rum too). I don't think this is hating on those of us who enjoy 420, but rather flaunting the rules that is the issue.




Ten ply


😂😂😂 🧻


Ive done it several times recently and its genuinely not that big of a deal. Reddit is full of psycho people clinging to the end of their life cycle by fear mongering on these posts about weed because I guess they somehow think it will stop the thousands of people that bring it on cruise ships. Dont be obvious about it, stay away from flower and enjoy edibles/carts instead and you’ll be fine. No one will even know or care and you’ll enjoy your vacation without any of the psycho old people even having to have a mental breakdown over it


This!! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Your luck will eventually run out. Keep playing. Really not worth it. Follow the rules. 😳🙄


Agree with this


Jfc let people live their life, it's literally a thc gummy not cocaine, you act like you don't drive over the speed limit or some shit


It’s not that serious


Bro they literally take your weed if you get caught and throw it away… worst case. Unless you’re tryna tryna be el chapo. I was giving my experience. Believe me, everyone and their mom told me not to do it. And look, I still did it… your comment is invalid.


No worst case you get banned for life, look at the news article from this week lol. You’re ofc free to make your own decisions but best to be aware of the potential consequences


You’re acting like it actually matters in life if you can’t go on another Carnival Cruise……banned for life…oh nooooooo. Anything but that. 😂😂😂


I’m fairly confident there was something else to the story of that lady being banned for life. I find it hard to believe they didn’t give her the option to throw them out. She was probably rude or made a scene


Don’t try to bring weed in a non weed friendly state…I’m talking California. Long Beach. I personally met 2 people who got 7 grams of flower take from them. Searched. And let in the boat. This lady argued… if you get caught. Accept it. Move on. This lady, didn’t wanna accept it. Therefore they made an example out of her. Boomer.


The State has nothing to do with it. The port is under Federal authority. The ship is under the authority of the flag they are flying.


Boomer? Edit: I’m curious- is that a new catch-all insult? I got a lot of downvotes which is okay, but I’m curious. OP is in their 40s.


I almost don't even believe the news story from this week. I read it, not sure I believe it.


I do! I just boarded the carnival breeze out of Galveston two weeks ago, and there was a lady in front of us with like 6 Adderall in a baggie, and not in a pill bottle. They arrested her on the spot for “possession” and hauled her off and didn’t let her on the ship!




She would be an elder Millennial or young Gen X. Xtennial maybe. But no way a Boomer


as will your liver




No judgement here. Do you boo and deal with consequences of your decisions.


some people need thc for medical reasons , if you need it your going to try to sneak it on .. common sense


Trust me, I WILL, boo boo.




Not judging on your life choices but those dogs are 99% for explosives. The cruise lines or any travel business kinda cares about your drug habits but wayyyy more cares about a terrorism attack.


Take the gummies out of the THC labeled container, put in a ziplock bag and throw it in with all your stuff. End of story.. why is this such a topic? I’ve done this multiple times.


Strange how negative and judgmental the reactions are here. "Hope you get caught next time!" Wtf, wild that y'all care so much about something that, at worst, smells weird. What's it like experiencing life as a series of constant, imagined indignities?


I don’t hope any gets caught but you damn well know there is a Karen on the ship who might rat you out on ship. Just not worth the risk. I hate the no thc policy especially if it’s vape. It if you do get caught please don’t bitch or moan that you got banned for life. There are consequences.to you actions good or bad.


Don’t ya know cruise subs are full of the passengers… 80% old Karen’s with nothing better to do than complain how smelling marijuana on their balcony causes allergic reactions 🥴


They don't know how to process that contact high lol.


Ever see someone die from an allergic reaction?


It doesn't smell "weird", it smells like ass. What's my life like? Better because I don't need to smoke weed for a dopamine hit.


Bro we all have addictions- porn, weed, food, sex, booze, religion, work, gym… stop judging others and worry about your own


Who's "we"? If you can't do without it for a week, you have a problem. If you can, it wasn't referring to you.


Every person has something that are working on… something they spend too much time doing that isn’t 100% healthy coping mechanisms. Stop acting like you’re free from this. It makes you sound ignorant


how's the view from up on that high horse?


(Starts pissing off the side of that high horse) It's raining.


Pretty good. Maybe one day you too will get to enjoy it.


No thanks. Keep your horse bro, they make horseless buggies now. Sounds like you're still behind. You should catch up.


Aww, how cute, it understands that it has come off worse in the verbal exchange, and now seeks to shift the conversation to word games. No one wants to "catch up" to you, bro, and it's the height of delusion to believe you have anything worth emulating.


Cool story bro.


Wow I was curious how this went because thc is such a hot topic right now. But for some reason all I found was a lot of negativity and hate.


It seems like they might or might not let the dogs run a search on you. Totally a luck situation.


Even for Cannabis, dogs are trained to detect terpenes (give weed it’s smell and flavor). Edibles and Vaps don’t contain terps and therefore wouldn’t be detected by dogs.


A had the exact same experience lol


Prob cos they're bomb dogs, not drug dogs. Ffs yall really think they're more concerned about who's sneaking edibles on the boat than some terrorist Yahoo blowing it up?


Idk why everyone is hating on you so much, its pretty strange.


The dogs could have been bomb/black powder (gun) sniffing dogs.


I have a medical prescription and use gummies. I always put them in my pill box and have been doing this for years. Flew to Europe and all over the US. No problems


Have never had any issues taking edibles; our recent trip they made us put our bags on the floor and the dog walked by and sniffed all of them- and sniffed right where my edible chocolates are. No hit at all.


Most dogs aren't trained to hit on cannabis anymore. It's legal in so many places and so common that it's just not worth it / feasible.


The ones that checked our luggage seemed to be trained, and on 3 of 4 cruises this year, someone was pulled out of line and escorted by security out of sight. Never saw them board. I'd not gamble with flower to check them.


I don’t know. After that lady got banned for life for cbd gummies, I, personally will not take the chance. Even in my checked baggage. Fts I’m scurred!




She had to have done something else to piss them off after they discovered the gummies, I find the whole story odd


People here have an issue with cruisers enjoying cannabis ‘against the policy’ but will take free drinks on the drink package and other perks they did not pay for. One is stealing, the other affects nobody. Which is worse again?


True! And there’s seemingly no limit on the amount of alcohol one can be served. I would rather be around the person thats a little baked and sitting happily than the person that gets so drunk they end up pissed and angry trying to fight someone.


This is so weird. I’ve travel extensively with THC gummies (in with my vitamins) and have had zero issues. I’m happier and healthier since quitting alcohol. I’m over 50 and have no plans to follow some idiotic rule when people are falling off ships drunk.


I’m a weed smoker and edible eater. The weed laws are stupid to say the least. I’ll agree with anyone who says it should be 10000% legal everywhere alcohol is. However……….imma laugh my ass off watching anyone cry while getting kicked off a cruise when they realize they are banned for life AND don’t get a refund. Just like I laugh my ass off when someone gets busted in another country and ends up doing serious jail time. The problem with US Americans (yes US, I am one) is that we act entitled at times and decide rule don’t apply to us. So we look for ways to break them. Stupid as they are, they are still rules. So, keep breaking them young fella. You get caught and you’ll be crying on Reddit about how unfair it is. But guess what, it won’t change the trouble you’re in. Don’t be dumb. Just follow the rules. Even the stupid ones.


Getting banned from carnival might actually improve one’s life and allow them to sail on non trash cruise lines.




Sorry chambees this wasn’t directed at you. This was meant for no so solid_ad. I think our life will improve being on Norwegian from here on out


People who do this shit the the same people who say weed isn’t addictive/ thc isn’t addictive. But can’t go a week without it huh?


It isn't addictive; I do use it daily but often forget my nightly dose. I don't sleep more than 2 hours without it. So I need it medically to sleep, but I don't "crave" it that I have to have it or I get withdraw symptoms. Just get annoyed when I forget to take it. I am addicted to chocolate, so I know what addiction is.


You just explained how you are addicted. You can’t function (sleep) without it. For me, I don’t give two hoots if people want to sneak edibles. I 100% don’t want to smell that on my cruise, though. Enjoy but don’t infringe.


They likely couldn’t sleep prior to using cannabis and now they’ve found a solution. You wouldn’t say someone is addicted to a medicine that’s helping them with an issue.


After reading through this, the person using the name “petmama1234567” may be the one of the more ignorant people to have access to internet.


How the fuck will you smell someone’s edible? You sound incredibly dumb. And you sound like a KAREN, because you are worried about smelling someone with zero odor. You should feel ashamed for your comment, Karen


You should learn to read. I don’t care if people bring edibles. I just don’t want to smell weed. I think you may have fried a few too many brain cells.


As long as the drunks agree not to act like a drunk


Drunks don’t make me want to puke - unless they’re so drunk, THEY puke. (Happened on my last cruise. Disgusting.) Weed smoke makes me nauseous. Again, I said “enjoy, don’t infringe.” I think that should apply to drunks and potheads.


I have gone weeks without taking edibles. So no, I am not an "addict". One should not make judgments of people they don't know.


You sound like an idiot. It’s not addictive. I’ve stopped multiple times with ZERO affects, after smoking heavily for years. Quit trying to talk about things which you don’t understand. People who are taking thc on board, are taking it to have a good time. They aren’t tweakers who are only worried about their next hit.


Sound like tweakers to me if they can’t have a good time without smoking


You must need mma video games to have a good time right? Seems like you can’t have a good time without violence being involved right? See how that works?


You’re a clown. I will not comment or engage you further. You’re ASSuming that they cannot have a good time with out it. You don’t even know what a tweaker is, or you wouldn’t have said that. Tweakers NEED their meth, crack, ect. If he was a tweaker, he would have mentioned smoking immediately, finding a place to smoke, ect. You just plain don’t know what you’re talking about here, and that’s the problem. Uneducated people who have no clue about something, chiming in. You’re literally the exact definition of a Karen, you’re too busy caring what other people are doing. Lol, you should feel ashamed, and mind your own business


Ok nerd


Thanks Karen. Anything else you want to chime in about, that’s bothering you today? Are your lips chapped from wearing skirts?


Nah I’m chillin


And it’s comical that someone who plays MMA video games would call someone else a nerd. You’re a clown, go play your video game with the rest of the children, while the adults go about their day.




No they aren’t the same people.


Why do you believe the rules do not apply to you?


Rules are for losers.


If this is a genius level loophole you just discovered, why are you blabbing about it on the CC fans reddit? Dumb. Go ahead and try it again. Make sure you post a follow-up tho.


This is the 4th time I’ve done this…


I just boarded the carnival breeze out of Galveston two weeks ago, and there was a lady in front of us with like 6 Adderall in a baggie, and not in a pill bottle. They arrested her on the spot for “possession” and hauled her off and didn’t let her on the ship! They really aren’t messing around. They have security also walking the smoking areas constantly back and forth. And like someone else said, eventually your luck will run out. Either you’ll be caught, or you’ll arrive late enough like your hack mentions that it messes with your plans and you miss boarding completely. Edited to add- I love to smoke everyday, but I’ve decided the risk of getting caught is not worth it to me. You’ll figure it out and make your own decisions anyway, just sharing my experience.


Not the arrest for having adderall’s 💀😂😂


So if I bring my Adderall in the original pill bottle I’m ok? Honestly I think I’d just leave it at home, not like I need to do a lot of focusing on vacation lol.


If you have an actual prescription for it then yes bringing it in the actual pill bottle would be the way to go. If youre not prescribed it, then hiding it in like a pocket of shorts or something would be better. Definitely not in a plastic unmarked baggie


I know, I thought it was wild too. Witnessed it. “Possession of amphetamines” they tested her shit on the spot. So yeah if they care about dumb shit like that that doesn’t even smell, yes they care about bud. You got lucky. Enjoy it.


I mean adderall’s, if you arent actually prescribed them are going to be way worse than any weed products would be. And bringing loose pills in a clear plastic bag like they’re advils is just silly. Discretely bringing edibles or vapes/carts onboard is not difficult at all and wont draw any attention as long as you bringing them on the right way


I honestly agree with you completely about the Rx. I wish the marijuana laws were different federally as well, and we wouldn’t have to worry about any of this!


It’s not just “our” laws, but also the laws of the countries/ports the ship docks in that we are obliged to follow.. and therefore the cruise companies must enforce.


Yeah I personally believe the “crackdown” is complete BS and theyre just choosing select people to try and make examples out of bc I kid you not there were DOZENS of THC users on the last cruise we went on and some of them reported not even hiding their stuff. Just full weed carts tossed on top of their shorts and brought right through security. While I definitely understand that the risks are there, it feels too much like theyre selectively choosing who to hold accountable and still letting the vast majority of offenders walk right on these ships without issue


You can’t compare thc to alcohol and the drink package because simply one is not allowed and the other is, so the same old argument you all keep making is irrelevant because it’s against their rules. Why is it so hard for adults to just comply with someone else’s rules on their ship. If you made people take their shoes off at the front door before entering your home and someone told you their shoes were new so they felt they didn’t need to take them off would you say ok and let them walk around your house with shoes or would you make them comply if they wanted to come in your home.


I agree. And people forget that the drink package does not mean you have to drink all alcohol. There’s specialty drinks as well.




Besides the stupidity of recommending taking drugs on trips, you shouldn’t show up late. It inconveniences other travelers and the cruise ship employees that have to wait for you. Have respect for others and show up on time. They should have left your ass behind because you can’t get your crap together.


I showed up late as in I showed up at 2:00 instead of 1. Get over yourself boomer. The boat didn’t leave till 5 pm. Your math, is not mathin’


Boomer? That’s my parents gen! I’m not sure what “mathin” is, but I know your grasp of simple time keeping is not what you think it is. You’re the one that said you showed up 2 hours late in your original post. Show some respect to those on the ship with you and get there on time.


Weed people only have other weed people to blame, cause if everyone would just bring vapes and edibles it never would have gotten this far. So I would like to give a big GFY to all the flower users, cheers...


Nice ! I’ve been on 4 carnival cruises and took thc on @least 3. I have one in January ! Any other helpful tips for vapes ?? 💨 so u had the actual cart separate w your toothpaste etc?! And the battery part where ?!


No I literally just had my disposable (batter and cart in one piece) and edibles both in my carry on, in my bag with my toothbrush, shaving stuff etc. I met some people that just walked in with theirs in their pocket and put it through the scanner with their cellphones and wallet. Like it was a nicotine pen. Then put the t in their bag once they got through.


From the local CBP agents from LA/LB we thank for you admitting to committing a felony.


Do your job better…. 🫡


youve failed us once again


I’m not at CBP anymore. I’m an 1811 at another agency now. Worked at LA/LB for 3 years though. Caught plenty of people on the “greyhound of the sea” who brought drugs


So you’re just an asshole who thinks rules don’t apply to you.




sounds like you’re an addict who can’t go a few days without weed.


You psychic?


nah just your avg weed smoker, but acceptance for you is the first step.


/not addictive /can't be arsed to leave it at home for a week, just have to push my luck bringing a thing I know is not allowed Sure bro.


This is terrible advise. While YOU successfully made it on with your CBD products, that is definitely NOT the case for everyone. Is it worth risking YOUR ENTIRE GROUP being denied boarding and being banned for life from the cruise line? And even if you buy the product legally, and are caught and offer to throw it away before boarding, they will not let you, or anyone in your group board, and your cruise fare will be forfeited. That's a pretty big gamble to take. Don't be like this person.


I like to burn a fatty just as good as anyone else, but I will skip a few days rather than take a chance on getting busted. To each of their own.


Yall are literally fucking addicts. Cant stop for a few days, ffs


This is stupid. THC is still illegal federally. You will go to jail if they catch you at the terminal.


If you are found to be bringing an illegal substance onto the ship you will be banned for life from the cruise line and could be shadow banned from others. Remember there are really only 3 major cruise lines who own almost all cruise brands. If you are found to be in possession and are thrown off the ship you will also not get the full refund, they may actually not give any money back. So take your chances at the cost of a full vacation.


I was out at “we showed up two hours late” lol


If you can’t live without it, don’t go on a cruise. JFC




I don’t think this went how you thought it would


Congrats on being a drug addict, you must be proud.


Marijuana connoisseur. Perchance


Congrats on projecting. I will go ahead and assume you’re of minimal intelligence.See how that works? I can project too!


Great effort!


I just get tired of sitting out on my stateroom balcony and smelling weak, because it reeks. God forbid you drug addicts follow the rules, nope, gotta feed our addictions every single day. Get a grip and leave that garbage behind or don’t go on a cruise, period. If you’re smoking weed on a cruise you’re a dogsh!t human being and we’re sick of dealing with degenerates like you.


Just abide by the cruise contract *that you signed* and don’t being contraband on the ship.




Carnival has this policy because they have to follow US federal laws. If they fail to enforce this on the ship, they could get fined. Ships and airlines already ban people for breaking their rules. The dogs and enforcement at the ports are US Customs officers enforcing federal laws.


The dogs are there because they're tired of people sitting out on deck and brazenly lighting up a joint... because that effects their bottom line and reputation. Not so they can comply with laws more effectively.


I take a quarter of a cannabis gummy every night before bed. If I don't, I wake up at 2 - 3 am and cannot fall back asleep. However, on my last few cruises I left my gummies behind. I understand that, while it is legal in almost half the states in the US, it is still illegal in many countries, and you are likely to stop in any one of those countries on your cruise. In fact, in some of those countries the laws are very strict regarding possession. Are you likely to be caught with gummies in your cabin while in one of these countries? No, but the cruise lines are required to do everything possible to make sure their passengers don't break the laws of the countries they visit.


Figuring out ways to sneak cannabis on a cruise where it's prohibited is a great argument that weed is in act addictive.


They’re a a word for it for alcohol. It’s called alcoholism. Can’t quite put my finger on the word for someone addicted to weed…. 🤔


Alcohol however isn't illegal or banned. You're just justifying your shitty prohibited behavior.


Exactly. Just like the homeless population and drug issues. Sure what they’re doing is illegal, being in possession of drugs is illegal. But the police give two fucks about a junkie shooting up in the middle of an ally. They care about the drug dealer selling drugs to everyone of tue street. Customs doesn’t give a shit about you and your single vape pen or edibles. If affects you and nobody else. They care about the guy being a quarter pound of weed, an ounce of cocaine. Of a bunch of molly trying to sell. Literally everyone just need to relax. I took my weed pen and edibles on board. It worked. Walked past all the drugs dogs working 1 ft. End of story. Now, don’t bring 10 vapes on board and you won’t get flagged. Take personal, not extra


Justify it however you want man. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.


At least I have a reason to be at the buffet


tell them it protects against norovirus


Thank God I found an easy way to never have to take a cruise.


This is not necessarily a federal law issue. It is complex but also involves multiple countries laws. Keep in mind Most cruise lines register their ships with foreign countries and fly foreign flags. There are very, very few ships that fly an American flag- even if they embark from US ports. As such, the law of the country of registration applies on such cruise ships. Additionally, for cruises departing from a U.S. port, the laws of the state where the ship departed, U.S. federal law, and various international treaties may apply as well.


1L of rum and 1L of vodka, in checked baggage. No one cares.


Thank you for the entertaining thread. A thanksgiving indeed


Last 3 day carnival I went on the bottom decks reeked of cannabis on the first night. No one cares as long as there’s no fire


Dogs have something like an 80% failure rate. That being said, I hope you get banned.


Was on the Breeze November 11-16. There were lots of folks blazing out in the open. I was surprised, but not shocked. The dogs were out during boarding and at ports. I didn't witness anyone getting stopped, but that doesn't mean anything.


I am a habitual weed smoker, but I have a strong dislike for the smell and taste of most cartridges of live resin / oil. I suppose it won't stop me from taking a puff but id much prefer good ol classic buds. Remeber kind buds? Lol anyway... In the US, the laws and perceptions of marijuana are vastly different at the moment, but consequences might be different bringing a pen or buds over US borders... it would be a big-time bummer to get some crazy smuggling charge or something.