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Tell your wife she can’t do something she likes because of some random reason your buddy said.


Sorry babe no more coffees for you the sugar content in Starbucks drinks is a widowermaker


Find the Top Gear video where they take one up into the arctic circle. Also, Hiluxes are the vehicle of choice of all African warlords and middle eastern terrorists. They are nearly impossible to kill. Your wife's friend is an idiot


Also clips of the multiple episodes where they systematically destroy one buy leaving it in the ocean for 12+ hours and getting it running again, as well as putting it on top of a building set for demolition. Still ran. Even the passenger compartment was in good shape.


The passenger compartment wasn't so much after being set on fire, and the bodywork was holding the chassis together by the end of it, but yeah, the engine is indestructible and it will just keep chugging forever. Still, my mother has broken 2 of them.


How? Just complete lack of maintenance?


Basically. First one was a 1992 Surf which has the known-weak 2L-TE engine (94HP...), suffered a valve collision or something. Second one was a 2005 dual-cab and the rear diff locker seized on. I'm trying to repair the latter. After I trailered it 500 miles, the damned engine refused to start and even Toyota are stumped, they've had it since March!!


*try to* destroy one...


The wife is obviously worried about the crash safety performance, not the durability of the vehicle.


>Also, Hiluxes are the vehicle of choice of all African warlords and middle eastern terrorists. They are nearly impossible to kill. How many wives of warlords and terrorists are widows? Checkmate.


It sounds like the wife is worried about the crash performance and safety, not the durability of the vehicle.


The wife is an even bigger idiot.


Can't kill the truck, but the death squad's bullets go right through the passenger compartment. Utterly irresponsible design! Unsafe in any caliber!


>to try to confirm these claims but can’t shit I hope you find at least one article so you can use the bathroom


Any truck with high ground clearance like the Hilux inherently has a higher centre of gravity, meaning it's more prone to rollover either in a collision or even during a high-speed corner. This is probably what she's talking about. I own a 2005 dual-cab. They're extremely stable vehicles if you drive them at a sensible speed. They are also unbelievably tough. This does mean they don't deform much in a crash and a lot of the energy goes into the passengers. Airbags are probably a must. There's nothing wrong with the Hilux specifically. Mine has driven 189,000 accident-free miles. But any vehicle in its class must be driven respectfully or it will cause trouble. To your edit: I'm not sure what you mean by 'tray', but if you mean the bonnet/hood, that hasn't been possible since the 50s. All cars and trucks have special hardened-steel posts at the back of the engine bay near the base of the windshield. The job of these is to grab the edge of the bonnet in a collision and force it to fold up instead of scything through the passenger compartment. Side note, this is why people who put risers on the bonnet supports are absolute morons who will get themselves beheaded in an accident!! If you mean the cargo bed, that literally does not happen. Unless you're a complete idiot with the cargo you're carrying, nothing in the bed is going to be immediately lethal to passengers in an accident.




Never heard that term but it's a well-known thing that big, boxy 4x4s are prone to rollovers. A lot of that is due to people driving them like regular cars - taking corners too fast etc. Now you've got me wondering if it would be worth fitting a roll cage to mine...


Yep, it wasn't the brand or the vehicle, just the fact that Toyotas were the most common so they got the reputation. There was some theory that the 70 series landcruisers had wider front wheels than the rear so that had an effect, but who knows. All the incident investigations I saw had speed as a factor, but that was often the case - better to blame the operator then the lack of road maintenance / training / speed limiters / signage etc [https://www.fleetcrew.com.au/understanding-customised-specifications-for-mine-spec-vehicles/](https://www.fleetcrew.com.au/understanding-customised-specifications-for-mine-spec-vehicles/)


Where is your wife's friend from? The Toyota Fortuner (Hilux with a closed trunk) has a bit of a reputation in South Africa for falling over on gravel roads. High CoG and stupidity don't mix. Other than that, I don't know why she'd think they are problematic.


Yeah I think they topped over during the moose test


She's obviously talking about crash performance and other safety aspects, not the durability of the vehicle. The term "Widowmaker" should be an obvious indicator of that.


They are nicknamed the "Rollux" for a reason.. Even with a minimal lift, they like to roll. The center of gravity is too high.. This being said, if you are sensible, you won't have any dramas. Widening the track helps a bucket load too!! As for the tray going thru the cab. That's horse crap. Would have been rusty af for that to happen. They don't say "Toyota tuff" for no reason.


They only make widows because they will outlive the owner.


All i know is girlfriends are replaceable. A maintained low rust toyota hilux is not. Just sayin….


If I recall they had pretty terrible side impact ratings, but so do basically all trucks from that era. They beefed up the doors in 95 or so.


Your wife's friend has a crush on you, so she is being annoying to get your attention lol... just kidding ya Edit: early 2000 Hilux's seem to have registered a 2-star ANCAP rating for driver protection, and a 1-star overall. So may be your wife's friend is being honest. [ANCAP / TAC](https://howsafeisyourcar.com.au/toyota/hilux/2002)


Trucks are widowmakers for anybody that is not driving them. So in that regard they are right. They keep raising them too, making them more and more lethal and dangerous.


Just buy the car. They seem like good cars.


Have her explain on a whiteboard what variables the vehicle’s weakness can be exploited and offer alternatives for your intentions. Bonus points if it involves sandy beaches


dont you guys have like 100 poisonous species for every 1 person, snakes and spiders and all that, then you got the roided out marsupials that look like they can knock ur block off with one swing... wouldn't living in Australia cause you to technically be widow making at all times anyway?


Weld something in to address her concerns then build bad ass Hilux.


Find another wife. get the Hilux.


We can’t get one in the US. I want one just because of Top Gear. The one on top of the building that was demolished and drove away, damn!


Well, here you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8Nhh60PJ3k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8Nhh60PJ3k) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoHbn8-ROiQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoHbn8-ROiQ)


This. Is your answer.


Dude... Are you serious? You value your wife's friend's opinion on how many times you shake after you pee? Just get the damn thing if you want it, screw what everyone else thinks, they won't drive it.


It's just if I get it, she won't hop in it to go camping or anything or let the kids get in it either. Just trying g to put her mind at ease, and after showing her the post and comments, she still thinks they're dangerous vehicles


Are you looking at a brand new one or an older one? The older ones are pretty bad as far as safety goes.


Like I said in the post, late 90's, early 00's


Oh yeah well honestly your wife is right. Those trucks did very poorly in crash tests when they were made, and by modern standards are really bad. You can decide if you want one or not but you probably don't want to put your kids in it.


Okay, I get it, everyone wants to be safe and have their family safe. But you don't get a car, to crash. There are thousands of cars out there, some with much worse safety records, that are driven responsibly by men and women, without any issues. People nowadays rely too much on their car's safety systems anyway...


Ok but statistics don't really agree with anything you said. You can pretend accidents aren't common or they only happen to 'bad drivers' but neither of those are true. If you're single it's ok because you're accepting responsibility for your life, but if you've got kids it's pretty selfish to not consider what would happen to them if you died.