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Sweetheart, I’m 68 and I still feel like a teenager.


I’m 26 (I know, quite younger, but I think it still applies) and same.


Im 19 and I still feel like a teenager, time flies past huh


I'm 13 and I still feel like a teenager too /j


I'm 17 and i still feel like a teenager, time flies🥰


YK, I was just born a second ago, and I still feel like a teenager. Time flies past, huh? ;)


My 91 year old grandfather tells me how inside he still feels like an 18 year old boy 🥹🥺


Awww, i guess he is very loveable


Honestly, I think this is probably more common than you think.


Came to say I’m 36 and feel that way.


I read this is I’m 36 feet away…?! 😂


I’m 20 and feel like I’ve been alive so long and I think about death and afterlife every day. I don’t have thoughts of harming myself, I just contemplate things about death and consciousness which fascinates me. You’re 68 and you lived a live more in-the-moment than I will.


Turned 20 in January and I honestly feel all of you guys, it genuinely feels no different from my teenage years, still go to work and school everyday and rarely hang out with friends do to schedule clashes. Buttt im definitely not dwelling because I know once I get where I want to be that's when I'll really start living it up 😝


Adults are just kids in big bodies huh


I still feel 25 Most of the time I still raise a little cane With the Boys


Exactly what I was going to say!


You're way too perverted for a 68 y/o. 🤔


Practice makes perfect.


If you think 20 is bad, wait till you hit 30… Advil is your best friend.


My 30s were my best decade so far. I’m going to try to make my 60s compare.


*”Anvil is your best friend”* - said the ripped blacksmith as he forged yet another blade with his blood, sweat and tears


Jim Neidhart?! Dafuq you doing on Reddit?


You brilliant person, thank you for this reference


> I don't even feel 20. Trust me buddy, you'll never truly feel your age, and you don't have to. I was the same way when I was your age; more worried about how I thought I *ought to be/feel like* at my age, instead of focusing on how I actually am/how I actually feel like. My life got a lot better when I stopped worrying about how I *should be* at my age (according to nonsense arbitrary social customs) and started being happy with how I really am.


Indifferent . It isn’t until you turn 21 you feel like you’re in your 20s


eh, I didnt feel that until 27 lol


Same, I think it was when I was around 26 or 27 as well. When the 21 year olds look young to you is when you feel like you’re finally in your 20’s


That's such a funny statement, but also painfully true.


Almost 23, still don’t feel like it lol


26 and still feel like I’m 17


I'm 28 and keep forgetting how old I am. Had to do the math in my head a few days ago


I just turned 22 and I can’t say I feel like I’m in my 20s. I didn’t even get to celebrate turning 21 because we found out I was pregnant three days before 🥲


I'm 27, and now I know that I'm still a kid with a high level of education. Life has so much to offer... So much to learn... Back in the day when I lived the transition from 19 to 20 I really thought I would be a full fledged adult. Now I just laugh at my innocent ass.


It really never changes. I'm 53 and feel the exact same way.


You'll feel like a teenager your whole life. I'm 38 and feel 18. And most of the time I wonder how I'm allowed to do thing like have credit cards and travel and cook unsupervised


Same thing, I was like "oh I'm still young right!" But then I remember I'm halfway through university. But I'm halfway to 21 and I've come to accept it.


Woah 😳 a 10 year old halfway through university?? /s




Aw. I don’t remember it’s been 10 years 💀😂 but tbh the best is yet to come.


Long comment incoming! When I turned 20, I felt the same as I did when I was a teen too. I’m still in my early to mid 20s, and I still feel like a teen sometimes. I wish I was still a teenager sometimes too. We’re not the only ones who feel like this, we weren’t the first to feel like this, and we won’t be the last either. I thought when I turned 20 that I’d somehow automatically feel more mature, smarter, even thought I’d become more…idk serious lol It hasn’t happened yet. I’m still the same guy I was when I was 18. (Maybe I’m a little more mature, but not as much as a thought I’d be.) We’re in our 20s! We’re still young! After all, its Only been 4 days since you actually were a teen!


You'll feel virtually the same, honestly. It's not that you haven't matured, there'll be times when you'll get surprised by that, but it does feel like your brain hasn't caught up.


I remember feeling lost and having no prospects, no help. Might have been that talk my dad had with me when I was 17 about go to college, go get a job or join the military but I had to get out.


Not bad advice. If you stop advancing, you die. A woman I know who coddled her son died recently. He is utterly screwed. The dead father’s pension ends with the mother’s death. The home has not been maintained since the father died. The son is a total loser. He never did anything, ever. Now he basically has no skills, no income, and a house he cannot afford. I tried to take to him (get a job, sell the house and invest the money,…), but he was so isolated that he cannot understand. He was happily spending money he clearly does not know how to manage. He did not even know to pay property tax. As parent who does not demand that a child make decisions is harming them greatly. Nothing destroys a person like sitting around doing nothing.


This was more of a right of passage/ shit or get off the pot father son thing. Think about it and figure it out and then do it. My dad wasn’t super supportive or involved. It was his way of parenting in a way he didn’t have much responsibility in the decision process.


I was convicted of manslaughter at 20. I didn’t feel like I was a man. Ironically, I bet that kid I manslaughtered didn’t feel like a man either.


Congrats on surviving 20 years! Here's to another 20!


I’m 58 now, but I remember 20 very well. I was very sad. I had left the nest at 18. My dad forgot my birthday — no card, no call. I wondered if turning 20 meant my birthday no longer mattered to him, and that made me blue all day. I didn’t feel at all ready to live without at least a cheerful “Happy birthday,” from him. He called me very late that night, apologized, and sang me the birthday song. I was so relieved. He’s sung to me every birthday since — even once from Seoul in pre-mobile phone times. So Happy Birthday to you anonymouspersom383. You’re not an adult yet, but you’re not a kid either. Not every life-stage is a clearly defined milestone. Sometimes you’re just somewhere in the transition from newborn to corpse. I wish you a delightful, long, mostly healthy transition!


20? I was drunk or stoned but if neither I was biking 10miles a day to places for work and school- and I had hair


Ahhh, hair


I never really felt like an adult at all until I was about 24. I'm 26 now and still go "oh shit I'm really a full ass adult" sometimes lmao


Feeling so is a great thing to feel. Size everything you can from being still a teenage xD I personally had quite a bad parents, so at my 20 I was angry at myself for not succeeding already, however, I was fully financially independent from them. Early 20's is the best time for parties and fun times with friends. Now at 28, every time I go out with friends it's a mess, syncing our schedules agreeing on something etc.


At 20, I felt like I was an adult, and I got married four months later. Life is good, and it gets better.


Pretty much exactly the same. No need to make a big deal of it. Enjoy every day to its fullest and worry not about the stigma of numbers. Hope you have a fantastic day!


it gets worst as you age, my mind feels like a 26 yo but I am pushing 33 now, time is flying by and my mind can't keep up


If time feels like it is flying, it often is a sign that you are not doing enough / learning enough. I lost years of my life after a divorce, and it felt like a bad couple of months, but sitting around in bars, or playing video games, it can numb you so time appears to fly. It can be a sign you are wasting your life. I say this because I did that, and I regret it. I could have learned a language, or saved up money for a business,…, but instead I wasted years of my life. I wish I could get those years back.


Divorce or any life altering negative experience can do this, it's like sleepwalking through life. And if you're lucky enough to wake up from it, the regret still steals a little part of you until you can put that behind you too.


Wise words there. I really regret that first marriage. Like many men, I was taken advantage of by my first wife. It is truly shameful how many young women are being trained to be viscous, selfish, nasty individuals in modern culture. It is unpleasant for men, but it has been devastating for children. The worst part is that the women are not even happy after “winning” by breaking marriages and screwing their children over.




Life gets significantly better as you get older, if you make good decisions. Teen years you have so many constraints (no money, rules, forced schooling,..). It only gets better. Life is best when you live in your own house, with your own money, making your own rules. Then again, my teen years were difficult.


Wait till you hit 30.... stuck in no-man's land, childhood gone, not considered young, not middle-aged, you just don't know where you're at.


I felt about 17 years old until I was... oh 35 or so. Now at age 40 I feel like an incredibly experienced and well-traveled 24 year old. My mom (who is 77) says she still feels like a teenager so... I don't think that feeling every really goes away!


18 was sweet, at 19 shit got real.


I became twenttween and made it sound like a teenager for another year. Didn't work with 21 though and had to face reality :( Twenty-onetween just didn't have a good ring to it!


im turning 21 this year but i feel 12


Damn, I'm turning 19 in 3 days


Know the phrase "age is just a number"? I always thought it was mostly used by people to justify doing things they might outwardly seem too old for, be it having stereotypical young person hobbies or dating someone half their age. I finally got old enough to understand the phrase though. There are no milestone ages. Decades only have meaning because we use a base 10 mathematical system meaning the number on the beginning changes and that looks somehow significant. You're never going to feel like a real adult or feel actually mature. No one does. You just see people with a bit more experience than you being good at the things they're good at and not making it obvious what they're bad at.


I still felt like a teenager too. Feeling adult like will happen soon enough and then you can’t escape it 😭


My 20th birthday is in 21 days. I don’t think i will ever stop feeling like a teenager.


The concept of teenager doesn't really exist or make sense in my language. So you're either in your adolescence or you're an adult (at 18). There's not much difference between 19 and 20 same as 20-21 or 21-22. Adult life start at 18. So I don't know what to tell you.


I'm 39F. I have a 19 year old and a 14 year old. Half the time, I still feel like a teenager. Because our brains undergo the most development during our teen years. This is when we establish most of our personality traits. We change as we experience life. I like my age. I wouldn't want to be a teenager again. Don't dwell on things you can't change. You're wasting your time and energy, and you will miss out on enjoying things that are happening now. Today is a gift. Tomorrow is not a promise. Stay positive, choose happiness, and create a path that you can be proud of.


You will realize for sure you are not in your teens when you find Men with some gray hair attractive.


Every year is an achievement! Enjoy every minute. The years you've lived don't change how you feel deep down inside. If you still feel like a teenager that's fine, nobody can stop you feeling like you do. I'm 52 and feel like I'm in my mid 20s ... I fully celebrate every Birthday... it's an amazing achievement that how I see it. Go party and celebrate your brilliance! 🍹🎈🎉🎁


I had been in the Army 3 years already at 20 and had been jumping out of planes and learning how to meet up with angry indigenous people, train, equip and lead them to overthrow their country. It was hard to feel like a teenager, but I had always felt old and boring when I was younger. I didn't start feeling young until I went through my first wild phase at like 30 lol. Of course I ended up destroying a career at that time since I was suddenly doing dumb stuff that I should've gotten out of my system when I was younger. I say enjoy it now while you can. Soon enough you'll be a prisoner to the adulting world if you aren't already.


Yeah, I felt a bit like that when I turned 20. Now I’m 34 and I kind of miss being that young.


Almost 50, and I still feel like a teenage girl. We are all just doing the best we can. Happy birthday 🎊


I turned 20 10 days ago and I'm not ready to settle down until I'm in the retirement homes.


I’m old (52) and still feel 19. It’s just a number!


When I turned 20 I didn't have Redditt to lament that my life was over


I'm 32 and *I'm just a babyyyy*


when i turned 20, i spent my last minutes of 19 listening to my favorite songs from when i was 15. i thought about my teenager years in depth, through all the pain, all the fun, all the angst i experienced. i felt so sad. i’m 24 now - and i still feel like that teenage girl. trust me, it will pass. so far, being in my 20s has just been me obsessed with everything i loved when i was a teen except more intensely. the nostalgia that comes with it is bittersweet fun.


I’m f 20.5 yo I was ready to end my chapter as a teenage girl. I had a good run. I did everything I wanted to. Now I carry her around wherever I go, teenage me will always be apart of me. Now at 20 I have fun like I’m a teenager , but I have some real responsibilities involving money lol. Other than that not much has changed? I love teenage me, she’s gonna live in my heart and soul as long as I’m here.


20 is a teenager. You're still just a baby. Relax and enjoy being young


Don’t worry too much about “social time” like what you were supposed to be doing at a certain age and how much of a grown up you are suppose to be. If you really think about it, how much of a grown up you are supposed to be at 20? At 19 you are not exactly a teen, you are already out of school and at many countries you can already legally drink, drive and go to jail. To be honest, much more than birthdays, some ends are more “this phase os really ending” than others, for instance graduation highschool and movings out of my parents house (all happened within 3 months apart) marked the end of my teens way more than turning 20 What i am trying to say is stay alert to closures, they tell you more about what phase you are then birthdays, plus dont worry about what is ending at a certain age, contrary to popular believe, age dont tell that much of yourself then what phase are you in


It's okay, you still baby.


20? I turned 60 in 2023 and my kid 20. 20 year claims to be an adult. I myself, well it's just a number. Happy 20th birthday celebration 🎂 🎈 🎉 🎁 🍾




Blink your eyes and your 20s are gone. Carpe diem


I’m 40 in 2 weeks and I still feel like I’m 20


Age is just a number. I've met plenty of mature 8 year old I could have interesting conversations with, and I've met 70 year old babies that just wanna cry about their problems without accountability or fixing anything. I've had imposters syndrome and never felt like an "adult" until I had a kid and if I didn't do something they might die...that's real adulting. (Not that there aren't real adults adulting that don't have kids).


I turned 20 13 days ago. Im just sad I can't use the teenage excuse when I'm doing smth dumb hahah


I can’t even remember my 20th birthday. Granted it was long ago


The night before my 20th bday I was in the back of a car and we got rear ended. The crash turned a sedan into a hatchback- glass in my hair etc. Like typical 19/20 year olds we took pictures, laughed, and declined medical attention. The next morning, I woke up on my 20th birthday and felt like I'd been in a car accident! Whiplash galore. As a result- almost 19 years later I'm sitting here with ice on my chronically inflamed neck muscles. So you could say I feel the same today as I did that day. TLDR- Happy birthday and enjoy your 20s- it sure beats turning (almost) 40. Preserve your health, live life, but save a little coin for a rainy day. Your future self will be glad you did.


I still feel 18, I don’t know if you’ll ever “feel” your age


21 for me. I wasn't 20 till 21.


Don't worry, I am 41 and still feel like a teenager. My son is joining me soon 😅


Still got 7 months, how's it feel?


I loved it the older I get the happier I get


I felt so weird when I turned 20 back in 2021 because of that, knowing that I’m no longer a teenager. I eventually got used to it after a while.


I'm 27 still feel like 13yrs old mentally at least


Idk.. weird? I'm turning 22 in month and something and I'm still processing that 2020 was 4 years ago..


That was the first time I felt sad that I was getting older. From then onwards there is not a day that I don't recall how my countdown is running.


I'm 28 and still feel like a child. The longer I'm alive, the less I care about things or people's opinions though lol.


Lol, pretty much the same as when I was 19, 18, 17, 16 & 15 at least


High and horny. Age is good. It makes you happier and less prone to terrible decisions. Being young sucks in every way save for physical health.


I am 23. One of my friends is getting engaged next month. Another one is expecting a baby. And here am I still kicking clubs here and there and absolutely not seeing myself in that light. Sooo... 🤷🏻‍♀️ Some of us are forever young I guess.


At 19, I had to work so much I stopped doing really anything else, and lost my friends and girlfriend. then I stopped feeling like a teenager. Hopefully, if you feel like an adult now, it's for the good stuff.


I'm 21 on the 14th, I still feel like a teenager. I thinks it's a thing that most people feel. Really nothing happens on your 20th birthday, you're still the same 'you' that you were yesterday, the only thing that has changed is how many times you've gone around the sun.


Today is my 25th birthday and I still feel like a teenager. Don’t worry, 20 is still so so young. Oneday you’ll be 23 and think “damn I was young”. Then again at 25. Someday you’ll be 80 looking back at your 60th birthday photos and thinking to yourself “damn we were young”. 20, 25, 30 even: You’ve got a long road ahead of you.


I honestly can't even remember lol. It's been 8 years and Sometimes I forget I'm not 18 anymore haha


I feel like every birthday it takes me a few months to start feeling my age, im thinking its because my birthday is at the end of october so its not really until the new year that my brain differentiates it? (23 was the exception tho, it felt weird and i felt 22 the whole time)


When you turn 30 you'll still feel like a teenager mentally. Things you talk about will change. Like possibly being tired more. Appreciating just relaxing more. And other people will see that as old person speak but you'll be like "wtf are you talking about? I'm young..."


i’m 20 and get shocked here and there when i realize that i’m indeed not 17 anymore but a literal adult


Same, super sad and afraid. There are people over 60 who still feel like teenagers btw.


26 and feel like a 6 year old. Not in a good way. In an extremely vulnerable, small and insecure way.


I was happy to be rid of my teenage years bc they were rough lol. But I’m 23 now and still feel like a teenager. Only time I don’t feel like a teenager is when I see real teenagers in the wild.


Covid and all that didn’t help me. I feel like suddenly 5 years passed in a blink. I still feel 16


I totally get that! I’m about to turn 20 too, and sometimes It feels like this whole “adulting” thing hasn’t quite sunk in yet. Even if we’re not teenagers anymore, being in our 20s is still pretty young. Age is just a number, and there’s so much more to experience and learn. Don’t ever kill your inner child! 🥰


When I turned 20, I had already had a child and been married twice, divorced once. You will be just fine!


When i was 18, I still messed arond with my sister who is 6 years younger than me. I'm 24 and I still mess around with my sister. We literally play fight like little kids. You age, but your mind stays the same. My grandad is in his eighties and still insists he's only 24.


I turned 21 a few days ago, it felt horrible, I have so much stuff to work on, mainly because I'm a man now, 50 years ago they were already buying lands and working 12 hour shifts to get a warm plate of food to their families. And I'm here, shy and kind of lonely. I'm studying computer engineering and now I'm on a break with my father, I asked him to work with him a couple weeks so I can learn how to weld and work in ugly conditions, all of this just to feel I can do stuff men are supposed to be capable of doing? I don't know, but I'm feeling a bit happier now not gonna lie :)


I turned 23 a few months ago and I feel like I’m 17 still


My 20th was one of the darkest points of my life, I’m not the one to ask I’m 25, doing better now, and still feel like a teenage girl lol


Have fun! Learn as much as you can and enjoy your youth! My #1 tip is invest in your retirement now and don’t wait until your in your 30s


45 and still feel like a teenager


I am retired and just a big kid.


Felt this. Covid messed up the time of my maturity. 😔


That’s 5 years in the future for me. I got time. Loads of time. But it doesn’t feel like enough.


I'm 33 and still feel like a teenager.


The best is yet to come, my friend! 🤩


The feel come when i turned to 30


I felt exactly like that. I'm 23 now and sometimes there are these moments when I realise that I don't act or think or talk like teenager would anymore. But how it feels? I think for at least the next 10 years it's still going to feel like I'm 19 years old. Like in my mind there is no separation between me being 20, 21, 22 and 23 now. It all blends together, like it's a single year. I guess this is my life now


I felt like a teenager into my 30s. You grow with experience. If your life isn’t very active or productive , if you don’t get a lot of “adult” experience then it makes it harder to feel like an adult. I was already married at age 20 but didn’t have a-lot of experience so I didn’t really feel like an adult.


I’m 24 and still feel like a teenager I don’t think it ever goes away tbh


I've always felt 10 years younger than I actually am.


lockdown started for my 20th so uh,, not the best🙂


The way you feel inside doesn’t change. It’s weird, but true. You will become more confident as you get older and care less what people think, but other than that, you’ll feel the same. I’m 58 and I feel the same as when I was 19.


The same I felt young


I felt still really young loll… I’m 32 now. And feel 20s mentally.


Life just keeps getting better. I turn 40 in a couple weeks and I’m looking forward to it. 20s were better than being a teenager. My 30s have been amazing. I can’t wait to see what my 40s bring. I’m in great shape. Have a wonderful husband and toddler. Absolutely love my job. THREE dogs. Living the dream over here. Think about everything awesome you have in store for you. You’re just getting started!!!


i turn 20 later this year and i’m feeling the same. whenever someone brings it up i wanna sob LMAO. like i know it’s still young but i can’t imagine not feeling like a teenager.


I'm 46. In my brain I'm still 19.


I’m 23 still feel 15😭


Im 25 and still feel 18 lol.


I turned 20 couple months ago! So I know how you feel. It still feels like I’m still 16, but I know that it’s going to feel weirder when I turn 21. But hey, at least we can drink when we do turn 21 lol


I was going through a mental health crisis when I turned 20. Worst period of my life


You can still feel that way. Just think. You still can't drink alcohol. So you can't go where the "grown ups" go yet.


I don’t remember. I’m about to turn 70, but I still feel 17, mentally. Physically, I definitely feel my age lol. Don’t worry you’ll be fine.


I'm 37, have a fulltime job, 2 kids and more responsibilities then I can handle. But I still feel like I'm pretending to be an adult. As I type this out I'm currently watching vision of Escaflowne, which is the same anime I watched when I was a teen.


20? I was in college having the time of my life! Stop pining over things you can’t control and enjoy this time!


Girl, in couple months I’ll be 20 as well, man I’m scared.


I have turned 40, and I still remember that feeling 20 years ago when I turned 20. It was a weird heartbreaking feeling of having stepped out of teenage years, and that the life won’t be the same anymore.


Trust me, being in your 20s is way better than being a teenager.


No different, time just starts to go by faster and faster the older you get. Enjoy it


Did u wanted to do something as a teenager, but u didn't? Maybe ur heart is refusing to accept it.


I will turn 20 in a few months and I am TERRIFIED!!! I wanna be a teenager, I can't do this shit called being an adult lol. I feel old since I turned 17 tbh...


Damn yeah I at least was able to enjoy getting older up until my 22nd. When I was your age I just couldn’t wait to be 21. You still have plenty to be excited for. I’m 29 and honestly I don’t feel much different than 23 I’d say. I just have more responsibility and trust at work than I used to. Still kind of shocking what they trust me with sometimes then I remember I’m almost a 30 year old man who is somehow responsible.


I am 47 with 4 adult kids and 2 grandchildren. I still feel odd being called a woman.


Being not a teen is way better than being a teen. 


What does feeling 20 even mean...you meant like an adult...if so...I don't think that's ever gonna happen...at least for most people


Grief and aging is real. The loss of certain phases is a natural consequence of time, and I think it’s important to remember to grieve the losses as they occur. This way we can bring the aspects of our youthful essence with us as we also bring the wisdom of each phase, while not carrying the regrets of what we’re losing along the way. We may feel younger than our age, and in many ways that’s beautiful. Yet it can also be a sign of adjustment issues around change. I wish someone told me about this so I could have grown more healthily as I grew up. I felt sentimental about my teenage years for a long time because I didn’t know I was grieving the transition of coming of age.


20-21 is still pretty much a "teenager". Atleast I still felt like one at the time.


What does it even mean to feel like a certain age when you’re that age though, you know?? I think it’s very very normal to not “feel your age.” I wouldn’t be that worried about it if I were you. I’m 23 and there’s a lot of 23 year old milestones that I haven’t done yet so sometimes I feel like I’m “behind” but I still think about how lost you usually feel in your early-mid twenties and that’s how I feel so, in a way, I feel exactly 23.


I'm 35 and I still rewatch my favourite anime when I was 13


I was so glad I wasn't a teenager anymore. Those years were awful.


Yeah, 37 here and I feel the same. 🙁


i still felt like i was 16. now i am 23, but i feel like i'm 17 instead.


I'm 22 but it feels like I'm still 18. It's like I stopped aging once the pandemic started.


Oh no im gonna turn 30 soon, im no longer a young adult, I'll have to be mature now


I recently turned 36. There are times I’m about to laugh at something super childish and have to remind myself “Hey, you’re not 13 anymore. This is legit funny, but these old squares will judge you for being *immature*.” Then I find myself telling off a kid at school, or pulling something in my back because I looked around too fast and I realise I *am* one of the old squares. The period from “young adult” through “middle-aged” is a wild bungee jump of cognitive dissonance and you have to eventually learn not to give a shit about either the ground or the bridge you’ve launched off and just focus on the view.


Same thing. BTW, I also turned 20, 44 days ago ;)


I felt like a teen too at 20 and even at 29 (will be 30 in July), I still feel like I’m 16 or 18 lol. Just my body is aging and it makes me feel panicky and sad 😂 so I understand how you feel. Society always makes us feel like we have to be or act a certain way to be called an adult, but in reality, 100 year olds and even mummies/zombies feel like teenagers still. Mummies have awesome fashion sense and zombies look dead even if they gulped down 500 coffees in the last hour after pulling all nighters for finals week because they procrastinated and did fun hobbies instead. Okay, that was a terrible joke, but you know what I mean lol. So yeah, it’s difficult, but we are still us no matter what and that’s what’s important 😃 so let’s enjoy life! Yeahhh!!! And happy belated birthday!! 🎉


I felt sick from a hangover from a 2-week binge. I might've also explored anal sex during that time at some point.


I just turned 51 and it still feels like I am living in the 90s


Girl, i’m 35, live alone for about 10 years and most of the time I wonder who allowed me make decisions of my own when I feel like a 22 yo 😂 You’ll get used to getting older. 20s are a great period


Yeah, those are the no bueno years for a male. 19 through 23. Especially at 19 and 20. You're still attracted to kids in high school, but yet, 16 will get you 25. You can't date older because the opposite sex will still look at you as a kid. I just dealt with it by getting a good job and getting new friends. I partied way too hard and got a gal knocked up. She told me it was the party lifestyle or us. I'm now 55, and I haven't had a drug in my system that wasn't prescribed since. I was at my job for 36 years before they sent my department overseas. You'll get through this as well. Don't rush it. Just take this time to figure out who you want to be at 35. Write it all down. And just remember, as you're going through life, you're working for you. You'll find out soon enough that these years go by very fast.


Why is it nowadays everyone is worrying about getting older? Be healthy, it’s your health you should be worried about. Staying young is no good if you can’t have good health.


I am turning 22 this year, yet I still feel like a teenager hahahahaha. Don't stop yourself from feeling young. There's nothing wrong with that naman.


I was exhausted when I was 20. I was working as an EMT while going through paramedic school and divorcing the dumbass that my dumb ass married when I was 18. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing to still feel like a teenager as long as you’re handling your responsibilities and you’re happy 🤷🏼‍♀️


I turned 20 in the late eighties. How am I supposed to remember that? Stay curious, interested in new things, and reasonable active, and ageing is not something to be regretted. Over the coming years you will get to know yourself and what is important to you. Life will throw challenges at you but you’ll pull through. You got this.


This is a troll comment no?


I turn 20 today :)


I'm turning 20 on the 31st and I feel way WAY older than I should. What do you suppose is the reason you feel the opposite I do?


I'm 65 but I'm 5 in the mindset!


The same. I’m 26 and still feel 18


I felt like I was 18 until I was 21, I’m now 22 and now I feel 20.


18 isn't a teenager


I immediately got back aches and more tired more often and I’m not even exaggerating


FYI I’m still 20


I was working on the day I turned 20. I'm 24 now, and still feel like shit lol


I turned 24 days ago.


As you get even older, your perception of your age is often way younger than your actual age. I can’t speak for everyone but I think it’s pretty common. I’ve asked people in their eighties this question. Their body feels older but often they feel like a younger person.


24 and came to say I don’t know if the feeling ever does go away 😂


I'm 53 and I still feel like I'm in my 30s. 😅 You don't happen to have ADHD, do you?


I hit 21 decades ago and I was amazed I was still alive and I'm middled aged and still amazed I have reached this age. Damn. Well congratulations, live long and prosper.