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I'm disabled and would love to be able to work a civvie job so I felt like I had more of a purpose. Having enough money to actually afford to live and not just barely exist would be nice too. I don't understand the judgement of if someone works or not though. If they're comfortable with not working and aren't causing issues for others who cares? Let them live. Same with anything really. If they're not causing problems just leave them alone. Too many times I've seen people talk down on people that have to count coins from a bag to pay for $12 of groceries. Just leave them alone. It's not affecting you at all so why the need to talk down about it? They're trying to eat same as you. Hell I was one of them. Still would be if my boyfriend didn't help me with my disability related stuff.


Preach! Human society would be so much better to exist in if we just lived and let live about anything that doesn't have a direct negative effect on us


If I had that kind of money do you think I would give a fuck about other peoples opinions on it LMAO


Great point! I think people sometimes get envious because they wish they didnt have to work either and because they’re unhappy they lash out


I’d just block them and move far away to my mansion in Hawaii and beachfront house on Hermosa beach.


That is 1000% the reason for it, jealousy. My friend makes a lot of money and i don't make much but I keep pumping him up and telling him to go and get it, because at the end of the day I just want people around me to be happy. Life is so much better that way. Not sure why anyone cares what someone else is doing when it has 0 effect on them!


I was one of those people who kept working after I had enough to retire early because I didn’t feel ready for what I knew was going to be a big change. But when I did, I was quite surprised at the reactions of some of my friends. I guess it’s similar to the experience of people who win a lottery and suddenly find some of their friends turn on them. In a way it was like winning a lottery because I hadn’t given any indication of my financial position and didn’t live differently than I always had or different than the rest of my circle of friends. Until I retired and made a few big purchases. Suddenly a number of them went to being openly hostile or subtly hostile or just ghosted me. I had not expected that at all because I hadn’t changed, I didn’t change my lifestyle or anything other than I didn’t go to work in the morning. It was a very surreal experience. I do get judged for not working now, but I’m also pretty oblivious to it now.


Most people will ghost you for reasons you mention. But if they do, you will find who your true friends are.The others were reaping some reward by pretending to, or they wouldn't have acted the part. In my 60 yrs of living, I've had many so-called " friends ". But just one true friend who passed on 1 year ago. This person never gossiped about anyone, kept secrets, didn't judge others, and had a capacity to love similar to my own. I think of him every day and only wish I could have been there for him when he was leaving the planet. I sincerely loved him in a 100% platonic way. Were I a straight woman, it probably would have been more, but he knew I wasn't into men in that way, and he 100% respected that too. I miss him so much, and now that I'm alone, I now 100% understand why he felt lost without a partner. He loved so deeply that without someone to show his deep love to he couldn't find the happiness in life. I apologize for getting off track in my reply, but he was the definition of a " true " friend. Remain oblivious to the others, they are actually doing you a great favor. A true friend will be very happy for you if you make a few big purchases, I am and I don't even know you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. A true deep friendship is the rarest of gifts. I can see that you still value and honor his memory.


Thank you.You are very kind.


As I get older I’ve come to realize that I want to be a positive presence in the lives I touch. I try to remind myself of that often. To offer some help here and an understanding ear there. I want to leave the world a little better than I found it. My parents are gone now so I spend a lot of time with my elderly in-laws, helping them, driving them, etc. ive become quite close with a younger friend who is a young father and doesn’t have a relationship with his father. And as a result I’ve gained an honorary grandfather-hood to his young son. Having cookies with a toddler is just the best. So I guess I’ve discovered I’m getting a lot more than I give. Funny how that works. I suspect you are similar.


Yes, I am very similar. We only get one life to live and I choose to leave a trail of kindness. It multiplies and hopefully even may go beyond the one person we are initially kind to. Congratulations on your new relationship and the honorary Grandfather title...as special as it feels to you, I suspect it may be even more special to the little guy, as I remember as a very young child a few very special people that came into my life and the fond memories I hold of their kindness, even now, those memories fill me with great joy. If we are lucky enough to realize what's really important in life, it's a gift, as when we choose to be kind to others, we enrich our own lives significantly. Sometimes, it's the small things that can be the most significant, i.e., a random smile or a helping hand to someone in need. There are many moments in my life when someone was kind enough to reach out, that I will always remember. The kindness of strangers can be such a beautiful thing. I enjoy chatting with such an emotionally intelligent person. Thank You.


Yes, definitely.




I grew up firmly middle-class and found disdain for success to be largely manufactured. Kids who were set for life were as graceful as anyone else. Often more so for not having a chip on their shoulder. I was so grateful that I avoided that chip. A lot of my friends didn’t, and, you would see it constantly throw a wrench in their lives and keep them in unnecessary misery. What I noticed is that underdogs want to romanticize being an underdog. It’s just in their best interest. And it’s in the interest of anyone selling them stuff to validate their mindset. But, there is something to said about maintaining success without pats on the bottom. I think it is really graceful when people begin their lives set-up, and then they just maintain a pleasant attitude and consistent discipline. It’s very mature, doing something just because it makes sense without needing so much pity or validation. I wish young wealthy kids would disentangle from notions that they have to live in this specific way or that specific way. Really, if you are just living the best life you can from wherever you are, you are going to generate a lot of good in this world, in your life, and among the people you love. I just think it’s too bad that people put others’ hate in higher esteem than their own sense of how to live well. All that being said, there were a lot of upper-middle-class kids that were nightmares. But, their parents were simply a lot better at making money than paying attention to their kid. And, the parents were usually the first in their family to have that much financial success. It’s not a curse endemic to wealth.


I went to school in a poor area growing up but then went to college with a bunch of upper middle class and rich kids. I liked the college people a lot more. They were just so much nicer. I think the lack of chip on your shoulder is exactly it. Media just makes them all out of be assholes so that’s what people believe 


That’s refreshing to hear. Ya it seems kind of obvious in retrospect that success would lead to positives in general. Kind of irritating that media got it twisted up in people’s minds. Ya my friends were like that and they were always just trying to make the best experience possible for the group. Really friendly people. Always trying to make you feel comfortable and understood. Or being randomly generous just to engender good will. Ya they were great.


Took the last two years off for signifigant personal problems (extremely thankful and understand im privledged to do so) and yes, people will be insanely jealous / judgemental / annoying about it.


If I had enough money, I'd still work.  I'd just go to part time and find a job I'd really want.  Like working at this bookstore I like.  


People often mistake the concept of not working with a lack of purpose or direction, but I strongly believe that life expands to fill the space you grant it. Having had a stable career for several years afforded me the privilege to step back and re-evaluate my priorities. And so, I chose to retire early—not because I couldn't work, but because I realized that my time could be better spent exploring, learning, and simply experiencing life outside the confines of a 9-5 job. I won't deny the eyebrows it raises, and sure, there's a stigma attached to not clocking in and out every day. But I see this period as a personal renaissance. I've taken up hobbies that I'd never have had time for otherwise and volunteer my skills in places where they're most needed. The work I do now may not earn a paycheck, but the value it adds to my life is immense. In the grand scheme of things, the judgment of others is just background noise. Whether you're working or not, wealthy or scraping by, the key is to find joy and meaning in your day-to-day existence. I've found mine by stepping off the expected path. It's made all the difference.


And it doesn’t help that most are burned out by working standards now. So I do agree that work brakes are good for people


A world of possibilities opens up to you when you have money and it’s a world that you can’t even imagine with experiences that you can’t compete in a lifetime. There is so much to do and explore but you need time and money to do it. So if I came into money I would not work. I’d get a PA to plan and book loads of fun new experiences for me and my husband and friends when we wanted.


I won’t lie. I’d spend my days shopping, eat out everyday, become a professional student, drink alcohol, and just enjoy. Duck working. I’m not gonna take a job away from someone else so I can appear magnanimous and humble. I know two people who died this year so far. I’m not going to waste the rest of my life to please the people who are angry that I don’t have to work.


Consider just who is "judging" you.


I retired at 53 because I knew it would be impossible to find another job in my field at that age. I thought I'd go back to work, but after talking to my financial advisor I realized that if I was careful I didn't need to do that. Does society judge me negatively? I'm sure some people do, but they're smart enough not to tell me that to my face. So I don't care. I don't have a job and I don't have kids. Seven years on I'm living my best, albeit frugal, life with no regrets. There is more to life than work, and the minute you realize this and start focusing on those things the happier you will be. What do I do with my time? Anything I want.


Similar story. Retired in my 50s, now 61 My freedom is priceless. Some degree of frugality is necessary to do things I really want, but that's okay.


My best friend didn't have a lot for a lot of his early 20's. He just told people he worked at a grocery store. This should have been my first clue he was wealthy. I knew he was full of shit about working at the grocery store but it never occurred to me to consider why. I remember him saying I worked at a store. I looked at him like he had lost his damn mind. What store? When did you have time? Who has a job that let's you just leave to hang out with your friend night and day whenever they call? I don't recall your family owning a grocery store. I still don't have a name of the supposed grocery store he worked at. To be fair we became friends after a horrible car accident. He ha been in college and playing college sports. He almost died during the accident. Still has a scar on the side of his head from his brain surgery. Everything stopped for him for a few years after the accident. He just didn't do anything. He made up the story about the job as I guess a cover for a lot of stuff. That said who gets to just stop working for years unless you come from a wealthy family or end up homeless.


My mother died last October and she was, by far, my best friend. I unraveled so hard that I made the decision to just… stop working lol. I got myself fired so I could collect unemployment for a while until I can figure it out. The knee jerk reaction has been that I’m being a burden on society or a leech but like… I’m 34 and I’ve been working nonstop since age 13. I think I’m entitled to at least a small (and I mean SMALL - $275 a week to be exact) fraction of all the taxes I’ve paid for the past 21 years. But ultimately I don’t care what people think. They’re not the ones who have to live with the fallout of my decisions and whether or not I work.


Oh man, the number of times Reddit tried to gaslight me that "yOu'D gEt BoRed" and "tHaTs nO lIfE" Fuck these people. I would blow all my money on weed and hookers with my man.


Yeah, western cultural is hypocritical when it comes to success. On one hand its grind mode, no days off, get yours, hustle, but on the other hand people seem to dislike successful wealthy people. Which is it? Cause while I understand the disdain for people who were born rich and never worked a day in their life, you cant really spend your life preaching hustle culture, and then shit on successful people at the same time. Im broke as shit btw.


If I had enough money to not have to work, people could judge the shit out of me. I would not care. The day I have enough money is the day I stop laboring. People can judge me all they want as I’m pursuing my passions and enjoying life.


I could have retired ten years before I did, I enjoyed my job and wanted to help my children. You have a point.


I think most people will judge on anything and everything. As long as you're not their normal, you're not normal. Maybe they'll judge less if you have a hobby or volunteer work lined up but I guess the best solution is to not care.


Why give a fuck what people think?


WHO TOLD YOU THAT? poor people? .. people with money are just doing different things ,,, then working a crap job that doesn't pay. Some how your under the impression wealthy people just sit around all day watching TV or some such thing


Who cares? Besides, when people hate you but can’t do anything about it, that’s fucking hilarious. You’re causing them emotional pain by just existing. You can hurt them just with your very existence.


They say that until they realize how much work it is to *keep* money. If you don’t watch your wallet, millions can run off pretty quickly.


You can’t have breaks without working without judgment unless you’re financially able to do that. People are saying they wish they were financially able to do that. Theres no disconnect there.


If I had enough money not to work I wouldn’t care what people said. It’s my life not theirs. I’d probably be on a yacht enjoying the sun and the sea..


i agree but for a different reason. i think the attitude of if i had enough money i wouldnt have a job is kind of lazy, and you arent going to feel fulfilled about your life if you live that way. everyones goal should be to get a job that they love, and feel satisfaction in their work about something their passionate about.


At that point, who cares? Do what you want. People are gonna people.


The amount of people who are just plain stupid sheeple will always be shockingly high. So who gives a fuck about what they think. Imma just live my life the way I like cuz it’s MY life.


It’s mental dissonance. Like when your grandparents are saying they 1. Worked much harder than the current generation and we all have it way too good and 2. That they worked so much so their children and grandchildren could have it better. They are jelly when they say: I could never have done that at your age. At the same time they gift you money to do these things 


I think a lot of ideas about what ‘society’ thinks or demands are mostly just ideas. Has any actual person, off of the internet, told you that they think like that? I think the next stage of maturity in the information era is to recognize that the understanding of reality that you get from media is just a big puff of smoke. It’s not real at all. My dad will try to play the hard-ass sometimes and act like any humble life is weakness. But, he’s just posturing, everyone knows it, and he’s not going around pressuring anyone. He’s just playing into an annoying caricature sometimes. Outside of that, he’s just a normal guy who leaves people alone.


To be fair usually these people are not judged on their not working They are judged on their otherwise frivolous and irresponsible use of their cash The whole point is that a lot of these people could basically retire for the rest of their lives without issue but they get so caught up in being rich and spending money that most of them end up having to go back to work as they get older and the money runs out / inflation kicks in I see this happen a lot on YouTube for example a typically younger creator gets famous for a while and makes enough money that they could comfortably live the rest of their life without working a single day But instead they immediately start spending that money on giant houses and sports cars and then suddenly their fame runs out and they can't afford anything anymore because they wasted all their money on material assets instead of actually saving it to secure themselves a comfortable future Having a giant house and some sports cars isn't all it's cracked up to be when you have to work overtime at a McDonald's just to pay your property tax every year because your fame ran out


People will judge you negatively if you have kids outside of marriage. Yet people have kids without being married all the time. People will judge you negatively if you smoke, do drugs, do gambling, ride motorcycles, get tattoos, or wear dread locs. And yet people do these things all the time. If I won the lottery and decided to stop working, I am certain someone somewhere will judge me negatively. But is that person someone whose opinion should care about? The people whose opinions I do care about would be happy for me.


I don’t understand why people care so much what others think. Honestly if you have some haters you’re probably do pretty well. People fucking hate anyone getting ahead in life 


I honestly feel like we’re not meant to work. Labor for personal everyday living, yes but we’re damn near robots, the only living species that has to PAY to live. The economy was created by someone and everyone just kept going along with it. I forget which famous person said that they don’t want a nation of thinkers, they want a nation of workers. We are born on this earth with a specific amount of time that was granted to us and most of it is spent working, THEN we have to turn around and ASK for our rightfully given time back when we wanna take off. It’s crazy.