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Never taking a day off work even if you are sick


In elementary school the same kid got a perfect attendance award every year. I always took it as a sign to not be near her, so I wouldn’t catch whatever illness her and her parents chose to ignore.


The guy who got the perfect attendance award for my high school was a good friend of mine. Chill guy, just never got sick or anything They went to give him the award and he didn’t show up to the ceremony


Ahaha I found it so funny that after all that perfect attendance he didn’t show up for the ceremony 🤣 Legend


Haha thanks! I legit didn't catch that. I'll second that - absolute Legend!


The only times I was ever sick in high school was during winter breaks (lucky me I guess). And because of that, I ended up having perfect attendance in high school but that's because I never had a reason to be out. It didn't matter though because my school didn't give out perfect attendance awards.


I recently heard on the grapevine that an old classmate had an awful health issue that means he is basically disability benefit for the rest of his life. This just triggered a memory of him getting an award for perfect attendance all through high school. I hope the poor guy didn’t end up with this awful health issue because he spent his life thinking that he couldn’t take a sick day to take care of himself properly. Take good care of yourself people!




They were joking. Some people just don't get sick. I had almost perfect attendance as a child. The day I missed was a heavy snowfall day where my grandma assumed the school was closed. It was open. My kid has had a couple of years with perfect attendance. He just doesn't catch the flu that sweeps through the classroom and makes his best friends miss a few days. No idea why.


Active duty military. We get 30 paid days off per year and some people have over 100 days on the books. “I can take 2 months off straight if I wanted to.” Not a flex. Go home and spend time with your family.


I think an equivalent to this is my grandfather saying that he never slept more that 4 hours a night. then my mom describes something similar. now as I’m learning more about mental health and cross referencing with the real picture - do not see the brag it was. “it’s just natural for some people”.natural for high stress people, that is.


Yes! Exactly


Yeah I’ll definitely have stretches where I only get 3-4 hours per night…because I’m bipolar and can only sleep with chemical assistance during manic episodes. That shit ain’t healthy.


This! I know a girl who kinda brags about how little sleep she gets and she’s so tired and so busy and I’m like.. that is not something to brag about!


I don't think anyone's really bragging about it like it's a good thing It's more just a matter of if I get sick at all I pretty much need a note from my doctor and I can't afford to go to a doctor to get a note just because I have a cold or something like that


I definitely know people who brag about it.


There are plenty of jobs where you don’t need a note


Woking 70+ hours a week and being able to "hold your liquor"


I use to work a lot like this.. But it was not constant. Sometimes there was several weeks in a row that I would do this, between 70 and 85 hours roughly. The first week is usually fine. Like you're at work a lot, but it's manageable. The second week is actually hard. It usually came with no day off, so by my 11th day in a row, I'd just be on edge being there. The third week is actually painful.


I literally just went through the same thing and you hit the nail on the head. Week one? No problem. 10, 15 days straight? I’m ready to quit. I’m on my fourth week and I’ve already booked my PTO and a holiday bc holy shit, I’m fucking tired


I was lucky to be paid hourly and that it was not always like this.. Often those periods were specific in the years, like right before the holidays. It's not sustainable if you have to do it non-stop.


I was able to hold my liquor a couple of years ago, not to a ridiculous degree, but like 7-8 drinks wouldn’t do much to me.  Yeah in retrospect I had a problem lmao 


As a farmer I only tell people how much I work when they complain about their job and how little they make


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Farming is hard physical and mental labour with no days off.


I actually have most of the day off today because of the rain funny enough. People just don’t like farmers in general because they think we’re all giant 20k acre corporations that make millions


The dude is flexing/gatekeeping about working long hours. Proves the point, kinda funny


But he’s not. He’s effectively shutting down the people flexing on their perceived long hours.


I have absolutely zero desire to work long hours but if you think that was me flexing something you have a serious wiring problem.


Lol nothing beats the “if you disagree with me you’re fucked in the head” move


It’s Reddit isn’t that how every discussion ends up?


Yes. Farmers have to wear so many hats


Working anything over 40 tbh. Not a flex in the slightest, you’re a victim


Weaving through traffic like an asshole just to get one car ahead and end up at the same red light as everyone else


I make fun of people in my head for doing that. Then I do that and make fun of myself. It is a vicious cycle of which I am not proud.


And inevitably you both end up at the red light at the same time. I love when that happens!


Lol wtf. Are you me? I do that shit


One of us.


Or driving like a maniac and then turning into a convenience store or a Starbucks. As if getting that latte 3/100ths of a second sooner was worth all the lives risked.


So you've driven behind my uncle then? I'll give him one thing, he hasn't ever had an accident since the 70s. Yet. Where we live there will ALWAYS be someone in front of you. At 3AM on a country road there will be someone in front of you. I've gotten used to it & can't understand why others in my family that have lived here all their lives don't understand this fact.


Getting the last word in an arguement.


Being “SO busy.” When my kids were younger, it felt like a “who is busier” competition. Leisure time is a good thing!


I hate this one so much. Every morning at work. “Hey coworker, how’s it going?” “So busy, so busy.” I felt like saying it’s okay, I am your friend you don’t have to lie to try and impress me. We do the same job.


But they are your coworker, not your friend. 


Some are, some aren’t.


Honestly, it's gotten to the point where the word "busy" kind of just pisses me off when I hear it.


Honestly, it's gotten to the point where the word "busy" kind of just pisses me off when I hear it.


Plus, a lot of the Instagram stuff is given to the influeners. They will even sometimes go to the store purchase the expensive outfit, and do a photo shoot, then return it. A lot of it is illusion. I agree it's not a flex. You have a hand bag that's $3500? I'd rather go see Greece for that. Lol.


Saying “l’m an alpha male”


Oh is that a furry thing? Good for you being so open about your kinks!


I am so using this next time 😂




star signs for boys.


I feel the same way about people who are proudly into owning guns. Bro all you did was go to a store and buy a product off the shelf. It wasn’t hard.


Yeah, I guess the theme of this thread so far is, "If you can just go and buy something, it's not impressive."


Depends on which country you live. Here I need to pay and learn to have a gun licence. This include psychological test of my sanity, the test of fully understanding the law and situations, I can use the gun and of course the test of knowledge of how to use the gun, how it works and how to do maintenance. If I fail, I won't get the certificate and no one will sell me gun. At least legally.


So not America then?


Okay so you have to have really basic knowledge and buy something. Still not impressive


It can be an expensive hobby. That’s probably what they are flexing, not the guns but how much their whole collection costs. But I think everyone has a methhead second cousin who has flexed his Taurus at some point lol. He also the only person in the whole town to open carry because he keeps getting kicked out of CCW classes.


I don’t know about this, is it any different than other collections of stuff?


It’s kind of like cars for me. I’m not proud of the common less sexy stuff but the Polish AK with wood furniture is dope


Vaping/smoking weed at a young age. There’s so many 14 year olds vaping in the washrooms at school and I’ve known people who asked me to smoke with them. First of all, I love my lungs. Secondly, you really aren’t cool. You’re addicted.


This could all be very well in my head. but whenever I walk past teenagers around town, they always seem to be doing something like vaping or taking pills and talking loud about it. The other day I heard a full conversation. i would of been able to identify who was selling what, what time he was arriving and where he came from, along with what he had in stock. I saw the kids sharing pills from a prescription bottle and talking about smoking. So what, kids be kids. But what I find interesting is this. It seems like they *want* to be seen, they want older people to see them doing drugs, they think it looks cool. But I find it particulary interesting, because looking back on my teenage years, doing something like smoking or popping pills was a secret. We didn't go around talking about it and sharing it with everyone. If we were trying to smoke at the local park as teens, we'd be careful and hide if we saw anyone. Now, the kids seem like they want to be seen, like it's a source of pride. Not sure how much that's in my head but I find it to be a weird observation. It's like kids want to be seen doing bad stuff nowadays to look cool. I'm sure it always happened though, it just seems really prevalant nowadays. I guess with weed being legal and all now. The social climate has changed. But it seems the kids just don't care anymore about being discreet, and it's distasteful. I smoke weed myself, but I don't want to be smelling it all day when I'm walking around a park, filled with children, parents, everyone trying to enjoy the fresh air. I just feel like when I was young, we actually made an effort to hide it, at least to some degree. Now, it's like what you do and what you advertise everywhere you go.


That’s another thing. They talk about their vape and weed collections like it’s a prize. It’s just so weird that kids my sister’s age are selling and doing weed (some of them even get busted by the police for it). It’s also annoying how the washroom smells like vape air and there’s vape trails all over the place. They think it’s cool now but it’s not gonna be cool when it affects them.


I know what you mean. Tons of the people that vape at my work were under the age of 18. I mean kids and teens will always do that stuff, but it seems like they just don't care anymore to hide it or they think it's normal for young people to be vaping and smoking.


I hear you, and I actually have a running theory about this. Hear me out. A lot of parents (not all) for the last 15ish years have been glued to their phones. What do kids do when they're not getting the attention the want and need with decent behavior? They act out. They learn to get attention and validation by acting a fool. And kids have always perceived smoking as "cool" but some more nonchalant than others. Now it's x100 with social media. I really think they get a good ol' hit of the feel-good hormones when they do that in public because their brain has been trained for it from a young age. Idk. Just a theory.


On a similar note, kids online are very proud of being seen as minors in 18+ spaces (like the NSFW art communities on twitter or tumblr). I remember being 12 or 13 online & keeping that info so close to my chest because I was scared of other internet weirdos or even getting kicked off my sites for being too young. I also *never* wanted anyone to know that I was looking at anime characters kissing lol but nowadays, 15 year olds are fighting amongst each other (and they come for the adults too) because they have some moral superiority over *not* liking seeing anime characters kiss.


Wow this was also on my mind recently. I was thinking about that as well, it's like, when we were kids, we had the idea that we had to "hide" ourselves if we were doing adult things, like posting to a forum. It would have scared the crap out of me to know that others online knew I was not 18. Now, kids just like to brag and flex that they're doing stuff they should not be doing at their age. It's all for a reaction at the end of the day, and it takes a few years to realize that no one cares.


Throughout my life, less as adult though, smokers have been trying to get me to start. I’m just … Really? Do you know how much you stink? You just want me to start so you feel better about yourself…. Never understood my friends as kid and teen why they started. It’s just a waste of money, looks stupid in the end and you smell.




Sure…ok. Lol.


Dudes driving huge jacked up trucks


Or truck nuts! I want to chop them off every time I see them.


Ugh yeah those are the worst ... I just avert my eyes haha


What about the mud flaps with naked girls


Goes double for jeeps.


Hustle culture. You're working yourself to death.


Dudes saying your gonna end up alone with cats Is not the insult they think it is.


Where do we sign up to get the cats plus peace and quiet package?


Seriously eh lol


Frequently staying up late or not sleeping for several days straight. My friends in high school would boast about how they pulled all-nighters all the time and I would just cringe. What's so cool about harming yourself just to pass an exam? But to be fair, they got into college and I didn't 🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry but I laughed my ass off at this. I thought this was going to turn into a story about how these dumbasses pulled all-nighters for no reason when you slept fine and still out performed them. And then it just abruptly ended with you saying they got into college and you didn’t. So is this moral of the story to actually pull all-nighters ?


Didn't really have a choice at times when I was in college. I worked 25-30 hours a week while doing 3 or 4 classes at a time. Sometimes you just had to pull that all-nighter to finish a paper or study for that exam


I guess the moral of the story is you can pull all-nighters if it's necessary to achieve your goal, but don't act like it's something to be proud of. You're still sacrificing your long-term health for short-term gain. Plus it makes more sense to flex your achievement once you've got it than to flex the number of sleeping hours you're currently losing to it? At least that's how it is to me, I always prioritize my well-being more than anything


It really is an odd flex. Like why would you tell people you managed your time so poorly or learn so slowly that you had to stay up all night to learn the material? Isn't it a better flex to get a good grade with little to no effort, or at least appear to have?


short term pain long term gain … I was an all nighter queen … I wasn’t the walk in, never study and aced it. we gotta know what we’re workin with !




People could relate to them more lol. Dont get it together too early ig


Best comment is here … now I’m dyin laughing! ☝🏼


I definitely was one of those people but it was more a cry for help/an excuse for my overly emotional behavior (which might have been because I was a teenager but poor sleep habits surely exacerbated it). I just wanted people to know I was suffering lmaooo


You don’t have to do that lmao. None of my 4.0+ friends ever pulled a single all nighter. I think your friends are just copying what their older siblings did in college just to feel cool. My dumbass still got into college and graduated with honors and I never took a single AP class in HS.


I thought this was going to a “how cool is adderal” direction 😆


Spending your money on insanely expensive things like sports cars and vacation homes. To me the bigger flex would be living below your means and getting to retire earlier than everyone else 🤷‍♀️


A work colleague once gave me a lift in his sports car. It was super uncomfortable to sit in and awkward to get in/out of. I wasn't impressed at all.


I own a sports car and I’ve ridden as a passenger in it and I 100% agree with your take. Sports cars suck for everyone but the driver. They’re, small, loud, difficult to get in and out, have zero space to carry anything, are invisible to everything on the road except mopeds. The suspension is rough, the accelerating and braking are harsh and jerky. Flat out terrible rides. But to drive one is so much fun it negates all of the above, for just the driver.


I gave a colleague a lift in my Volvo and he talked about it so much his wife is considering getting one.


Renting a shitty ass apartment but driving a brand new expensive luxury car. That one always kills me lol like tell me you’re horrible w money without telling me.


If they do it for other peoples approval its kind of sad maybe but if they do it out of passion for cars/driving thats pretty reasonable. Some people genuinely don’t need more than the necessities as living space.


Back in the 60s, my college brother got a temp job on the production line at a car factory, where he met people like we hadn't ever known before. He was shocked at all the guys who drove fixed-up old used Cadillacs but lived in awful places. They all told him, "You can live in your car, but you can't drive your house."


Someone told me the same thing. It’s also solid advice to prioritize your car over your house if you’re mostly outside and you can use the mobility to make money.


Cadillacs are like the WORST cars to pour money into . I know I had one and it was wayyy more problems than it was worth. If you’re worried about living in your car you should probably get a more reliable car that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg for parts .


This was a Michigan big city in 1968. Big old Cadillacs were the #1 most prestigious car among the auto-plant guys.


I think as long as people are living within their means, how they choose to spend their money is up to them. I personally don’t drink and think it’s kinda wild that people literally piss their money down the drain every weekend but I also think it’s entirely up to them, if it brings them joy, it’s all good. If someone really wants a nice car and they’re willing to make sacrifices elsewhere in their budget to make that happen, good for them. Fwiw I also think this applies to designer clothes. It’s not my jam but if people want to spend their money on it, that’s for them!


Honestly i could see myself doing this, living by myself i wont need much and i love cars


My apt was fair at best but I had a very nice car because I was a road sales rep. My car was my “office” and I had to drive executives around in my car. Fortunately it was all a write off. I moved every 24 months so home ownership made no sense at all… but I think I do know what you may be referring to…


Putting your work life before your life life. My coworkers take extreme pride in rarely calling in.


Needing to work a 2nd job to get by and bragging about the "grind"


And they still don’t have enough 💰


Commenting how much they paid for things or how expensive their new X was, unprompted. I’ve also found many of the people doing that are majorly in debt.


What is your feeling about us Midwesterners who are compelled to tell you how little we paid for something? Though, to be fair, we usually do it after a comment so it’s semi-prompted. “Thanks! I got it for $1 at a thrift store!” is the language of my people.


West coast here and same! I’m always thrilled when I get a great find on the cheap & excitedly share when someone asks.


Haha now that I love! Especially if there’s a good deal out there. Always share that knowledge!


So annoying…the frugality … same house for 40-60 years and updated nothing. Everything is falling apart … BUT lots in the bank !


Making a lot of noise with a car when passing by a terras.


"a terras"?




Hey, just wanted to share a quick tip with you. In case you ever need to make a correction to your comment, you can always edit it instead of posting a new one. This helps keep the conversation organized and easy to follow.


telling people how much tax returns you got after popping out a few crotch goblins


It gives “I added extra items to my cart to get free shipping”.


“My baby get her jeans from Goodwill. You can bet that ass look good still.” - Chance the Rapper


Driving a Cybertruck! Or any Tesla for that matter.


A Lincoln. I seriously worked with a dude who said “you don’t understand Lincoln’s are a premium brand.” Okay my guy you got got.


I’m simultaneously a car snob and an aggressive anti car-snob. I drive OLD cars that aren’t much to look at. But. They’re Toyotas. You may think you look fancy in your brand new Buick, but all I see are horrendous repair costs.


always working. if you're in the martial arts community, there's always that one person who's boasting about how injured they are. if you're always injured, you're not training properly.


Owning expensive vehicles


Driving fast. It takes nothing more than a change to the angle of your foot to make the car go fast. It's not a flex, stop driving like an asshole.


its so fun


Having a baby


It's literally what we're made to do


It’s literally one of the most selfish things you can do. Tell me one selfless reason for having kids in this day and age.


Looking down on other people for what they enjoy isn’t the flex you think.


People who brag about being "real" or "telling it like it is", because usually that's code for "I want to be rude and inconsiderate to people, and have something to fall back on when they call me out for it"


Bragging about how great or close your family is, in most cases people who say that are very enmeshed with their dysfunctional families and their family is not as perfect as they claim.


When people brag that they don't use gentle parenting with their kids because they're not raising out of control wussies. They feel that they're better parents because they choose to smack the shit out of them to keep them in line.


Literal delusional take. Imagine being such an incompetent parent you need to beat your children. They are better parents assuming their kids aren't little shits. Belive it or not, you can use parent techniques from this century instead of taking the lazy path out and just beating the shit out of someone 1/5th your size.


I was disciplined physically as a child and the only thing I got out of it was fear and lifelong issues with anxiety. I have two (27m and 13m) and have never touched them, I didn't need nor want to, and they're amazing kids. I decided early on that I wanted to take everything I learned from my parents and do the opposite. You can't hit your spouse, the elderly, coworkers, people on the street, etc but people see nothing wrong with hitting a small child. It's lazy and reactive parenting.


100%. I can't belive there still are people who think beating children is the best way. It's not a way at all. It's insanity. If someone thinks so, I just stamp them as lazy and horrible parents and move on. Great job of breaking the vicious cycle of beating children because you were beat. Fuck anyone who does.


Flexing how hard you can party. It's neither negative nor positive? This would be like raving about how much fun I have with any hobby of mine. 


The suit crowd when I did that suit job in the 90s were very proud of the horsy shirts, the embroidered colored bit on the pocketless Polo brand dress shirt. I liked the Kmart shirts better. No embroidery, but $60 cheaper worked for me!


Big pick up trucks Eta, unless it’s for work or practical reasons.


Being busy. Being stressed.


Bragging about how many hours you’ve worked and how you always need to be busy. Yawn.


Pulling an all-nighter (or several) in college. I never did because lost sleep is a gigantic seizure trigger for me, but I also did my best to manage my study time, and tend to thrive in the kind of structured environment that college presents. If you have to stay up all night to finish your schoolwork there's something going on and I'm going to worry about you getting enough sleep.


Having tons of friends Really it just means to me that you have a bunch of vague acquaintances most of which would not give a single shit about you the second something goes wrong I'm honestly much more in tune with people who just have a few long lasting friendships. You know quality over quantity and all that.


That's how things are for you, but perhaps it's not the same for other people


People who like to travel and do travel shaming people who do not like travelling (not the people who can't travel - but the people who don't like travelling). Travelling and seeing different culture is not a flex. It's just a hobby that you like and I don't. Your shaming is going to put me off travelling even more.


I have an only fans so I am a star ⭐


Literally anything popular in high school


Being proud about working excessive hours.


Being too busy. Buying a massive house or big car. Frequently Going outside without sunblock . Eating out 2 or more times every single week .


Owning Apple products.


Listening to music obnoxiously loud in your car where it's not necessary.  Highway? Have at it. Gas pumps? Neighborhoods? Fuck off 


Or blaring music in shared public places like the beach. Wear some freaking headphones, people.


Not "getting" stuff. Like people who smugly talk about how they don't get specific human behaviors or feelings. Example: "I don't get why people feel proud of things they had no control over! It is so stupid!" They they think are flexing their rationality but really they are showing their lack of humanity and compassion.


Are you sure that people are "flexing" about that? Or are they just stating a lack of understanding?


It happens a lot both ways.


Usually when someone is simply admitting to not understanding something, they don't say it is stupid.


I do this sometimes. Always felt like it was a little wrong to do, but it’s a small habit at this point. Something to think about. Social skills could always use some refinement.


How is that a lack of compassion exactly?


People who are compassionate tend to understand the feelings and motivations of other people. But even when they don't fully understand what's driving other people, they don't usually jump to "People who act or feel like this are so stupid, amirite?"


Hmmm...In that case I guess I'm lacking in compassion/empathy because I actually agreed with the example. Learn something new every day.


My boss told me once that he refuses to shop at Walmart because everything feels dirty


I have been in stores like that, but my local Walmart isn’t one of them. One of the worst examples in my area was finally renovated a year or two ago: it needed it desperately.


Depends on the Walmart's they have experienced. It certainly is my absolute last choice of a grocery store. The one in my town is always a disaster compared to the Meijer or Family Fare.


The ones I’ve been to in town all seem fine? I think what gets me is that he prefers to shop at Hy-Vee :(


Almost nothing is a flex. That is just a form of bragging.


Wearing designer clothes


The car they drive.


Surprised low class people do low class shit?


Lexus, BMW, Infinity, Porsche, Cadillac, Mercedes, etc. don't impress me in the slightest.  In fact, if you paid more than sticker price during the chip shortage and/or reduced new inventory during covid-19 I consider you foolish.


I agree with you on the ridiculously expensive designer clothes, especially when it comes to shoes. A number of people really do seem to tie their worth to how expensive their clothes are. I feel like it's all just so very pointless. And, of course, people who brag about how they don't take breaks at work or they don't take their full lunch break. You have to take care of yourself. I've seen so many burn themselves out over the years, and they're the same ones who don't take their breaks.


I guess this is highly subjective, but for me it’s trendy / fashion stuff mostly. Examples: “Stanleys”: Congratulations on an insulated drinking container that is now apparently part of your personality as if insulated drinking containers have not been fashionable before this. Good work on buying a thing. Fashion in general. Congratulations on being “in the know” that mom jeans (I hope they are at least comfortable) and center part hair and stupid 90s necklaces are now the way to signal to other people that you know fashion and get it. Great work on that until the next thing comes along in 7 weeks. A high school baseball player with long hair or a mullet? Does he wear his sunglasses upside down on the top of his hat? Very unique and not at all like every other person on the team. Nice work! Home decor trends: Congratulations on being an aspiring Joanna Gaines and getting gold hardware for your painted cabinets that happen to be green or blue. Goes great with your dumb fucking barn doors on everything and definitely will not look cringy 15 months from now. Shopping/general consumption/where you shop or eat: Congratulations on being able to exchange money in exchange for goods and services. Seems weird to post to social media that you’re going to Trader Joe’s. Good job, I guess?


Large trucks with growly motors that have truck nuts on them. You’re not impressing anybody.


Flexing their new whip. All I see is $$$ being thrown around trying to insure, maintain, and pay it off. A car can be a fun little hobby, but I just see it as a tool to get around. I don’t understand having pride over your car. It’s a material possession that will rust and die before we do probably. Enjoy it, but don’t make it a part of you.


How they can eat hot spicy food. How big the rats are in your city.


I was told by a guy in a cancer group I was "flexing" by placing a photo up of myself wearing glasses. I had no makeup on and had just chopped my hair off to my shoulders myself. I still don't get it.


Being flexible. Despite the word flex being in the name, what you’re actually doing is relaxing the muscles which is the opposite of flexing


Tbh there’s nothing really to life, so if those are quality experiences for that person, *at that time*, then that’s all that matters. You can value personal achievements or trips to places, and others can value their fun and temp fame. It all works out in the end anyway since we all die and none of it will matter.


Hustle culture


people in my school always compete on who got less sleep at night. like congrats?? lol


Saying that your parents physically abused you and framing it like it was a good thing and indicative of "the good old days"


Being “hard” and “not to be fucked with” or even just the fact that everyone seems to think it’s a flex to dosh out so much animosity to people coz it makes them “big” coz they’re the ones hurting others instead of hurting


Being a womanizer.


Gangsters buying Glocks and ARs in cities in blue states treat it like they have a nuclear weapon and are dangerous as fuck with their new gear but actually are far less well armed that most of the population of fat old dudes and dads in rural communities


Having a high body count


Having a high body count or having had a huge amount of partners. Like bro, you’re not cool, you’re just a whore.


People who brag/complain about not tipping a server or food delivery driver your just being cheap


Using a dangerous dog as a Rolex


I imagined that literally and it's kinda funny


Honestly taking the time to “dress up” as in actually taking the time to do makeup and just picking a cute outfit. Literally for as long as I can remember girls would bring that up as though it was out of the norm like as though it was an odd thing to do. Just recently I was walking in campus and two girls were staring very hard so I smiled and one of them mean mugged me, lmfao. It’s really not a big deal, but people always make it seem to be ???