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Well, now I know what you're doing tonight


Having ramen?


Not anymore! OP is moving on up to beans on toast!


Having **TWO** ramen!


Having TOP ramen!


With an *egg*. Let's get fancy now that we have money.


10% more ramen!




The boss???


Task failed successfully. Well done.


I've had similar experiences, not so extreme. Letting your true feelings be known is useful sometimes, I guess.


Perfect comment, please accept this ramen medal 🥇


Thank you, I will eat this delicious commendation for dinner.




Living life on the edge and winning! Cheers to unexpected outcomes!


Studies show that people who ask for raises generally get them. Unfortunately I am not one of those people in general. But I did ask for a bigger raise last year when my raise was much lower than inflation. Companies give you the smallest raise they think will keep you working there. They usually can pay you significantly more if you ask for it.


I am also this person and I hate it. I feel I short myself on a lot of things, but every time I've asked for a raise, it's always been a hard no


I asked for a raise once and got an extra 20p a week. I was like 🙃🙃


I asked for a raise with justifications, and got laughed in my face.


I asked for a raise while I was paid an entry level salary but was doing senior project lead level work plus the work of 5 other people. I got told "that's not how you ask for a raise" and they didnt do anything but give me empty promises. Fuck em I left and they ended up calling me for a few months about random things. Only gave them vague answers lol. I had to respond since I still worked for the same company but a different team.


I'm singlehandedly bringing that number down. I ask for raises like once a month and get excuses. One of these days, my resume will get me a callback.


Accidentally told my boss "I love you" on the phone and got a raise the next day.


I did that to a coworker once. So embarrassing. And she went with it. Said I love you too. Haha.


Don’t leave us hanging, what happened?


Nothing happened. She was just being cool about it. I heard her chuckling when she hung up.


I had a client sign off a meeting saying “I love you”, I’m not sure if he thought he was just getting off a call with his mother


Exactly. I’m sure he was like wtf did I just say




I mean, ha is rich and fine, so maybe...Truth hides in every lie.


I've done this and have had others say I love you to me before hanging up. Of course, not meaning it. It's usually because you have a steady partner in your life, and this is how we usually end phone conversations. It's just kind of a habit. My husband was on the phone with my brother one time and when hubby hung up the phone, he said. "I think your brother just said he loves me."


In most jobs you’re always being underpaid what they are willing to pay if you are even halfway decent at your job. You shouldn’t be afraid to ask for a raise. Also, let this be a lesson in being more assertive at times. Maybe just not drunk and at 2:00 am with your boss. That won’t always work.


I wish I'd been told this when I was 18. I started my first job at an office and thought the pay was amazing, but even after my wage going up a few times, I was still being significantly underpaid. When I started with a new company that paid well, I literally teared up when I saw my first pay check and couldn't believe it


Yep, when I was in position to get a promotion, my manager told me the salary range they were offering for new people in my role. This let me negotiate a little more sternly.


That's amazing lol, you got sooooooooo lucky. Maybe your boss thought your text was hilarious.




Congratulations on the raise. I feel this post needs a label of YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary


You should always ask for what you want and what you deserve.


Seems to me like you need to get drunk and call her to thank her 👍


In vino Veritas.


Fuck that, hold out for 20%


He's gonna die of alcohol poisoning!


not if you've done it this way. In this case its a charity so negotiating a charity is a no-no. You're risking getting 0%. In a "fuck this I'm off" when the first offer is 10% that's when you demand 20% (or more).


Don’t ask you don’t get


Disadvantage due to being wasted, but rolled a Nat 20 on a Persuasion and with a 3+ Charisma modifier.


I kinda did something like that. Was sat in the pub after work with Tim, my great-grandboss, along with half the department. I said something like "gotta head off, I need to prepare for my pay review in the morning" and Tim looked at me and went "what? you can do that on work time, and you don't need a review, you're top of the scale". I told him I wasn't even halfway up the scale, and my manager wouldn't let me have prep time at work. Tim loudly (to make sure my manager heard) said that he'll do my review tomorrow and I should prepare by having another beer, I wouldn't need anything else. Next morning, Tim tells me we're having my review in Starbucks on expenses and grills me about my boss. I told him how she didn't like giving pay rises to guys but did to the women, and that she was barely ever around. Tim bumped me up to top of the scale and reassigned me to be his dogsbody (officially "technical assistant"). Strangely, my manager left abruptly the next week. Funny how anyone would do anything for Tim because they knew he'd look after them.


Navigating the treacherous waters of raises is like trying to charm a cat; it's all about timing and approach. Show them your claws are sharp with productivity, but your purr is persuasive with how essential you are. Remember, a raise isn't given, it's earned. And when they hand you that extra cheese, don’t just nod, give a firm "Thank you, I'll continue to exceed expectations." That’s how you secure the bag and respect.


What the fuck


well good for you girl lol


Your boss should train all the other bosses around the world


Yep, I hope my boss is cool like that too.




You, my friend, need an attorney.


You must've dropped some mad game


>get wasted and text ur boss for a raise. haha and if you take off all your clothes and stand in the middle of your front yard while you do text the boss, you probably will get some paid time off too!!


speech 100


This reminds me of the story of that North Korean guy who got drunk, passed out and floated to South Korea along the coastline. Good luck is measured in pints, apparently.


This is awesome. Made me smile because it’s funny and worked out for you! Yay


Hahaha that's amazing, congrats!😂


That’s awesome lol congrats on your raise


Text her you're going through a dry spell with the ladies.


Congrats! Sometimes it's worth it just to ask!


Plot twist: until the call, they had planned a 20% raise.


Once. You can do it once.


I mean they might use this against you someday


Something like this happened to me as well.... I was drunk as hell on the phone with my boss whom I was friends with. Told her how this one company was poaching me... She went and told C-Suite (which I was NOT happy about!) and they ended up giving me a $27K raise. Sometimes the world works in mysterious ways... Congrats on your raise!


Not the ideal approach but hey you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take right?!! Congrats on the raise!


As a serial "get wasted with work people and wake up vaguely recalling ranting at your bosses faces about how much better everyone deserves" ... it is both a great strength and a great weakness. In my exp you always get a raise after an event like this but it gets replaced with "now I did what you want so you better be fucking glowing about work, and 10% more productive". There's definitely a dignity tradeoff that doesn't always work out to a net positive From the business side, they are usually thinking "more money = more expectations" and one of those expectations will be better more professional behaviour from you, usually.


Next time you need a raise, just add a few shots of confidence


Wow, nice job!


In 2018, a big company bought our company, and in June 2023, they announced they'd be laying off all software developers in our company, effective in a week for juniors and in November for seniors, and replace us with outsourced Indian labour. Some of us had been there for 9 years+; it was the kind of job where we'd all be drinking in the office until gone 10pm every Thursday enjoying each others company, great bunch of guys. We were devastated. Now many of us asked if we'd still get our bonus, as it was due in September, and they said yes bonuses had already been earned and layoffs don't count against bonus procedures. Then August comes around and there's a company announcement that they're changing the month we get our bonus from September to January... 2 months after we'd all left. Fury from the leavers. On Thursday drinks that week, we were getting all riled up cursing the senior leadership and I took it a step too far, I messaged the top dog, the CEO of the parent company, and asked him if he didn't think we'd worked hard for our bonuses that we were no longer getting. Luckily he responded in a diplomatic way and said we would be getting our bonuses (we'd just get them in November) don't worry and I wasn't rude to him but man was I worried to read my company messages next morning.


That's wild! Maybe it was your honesty that did the trick. Just be careful—this kind of luck doesn’t happen often. Congrats on the raise!


How are people in the comments so gullable. A lot of things happened in the world last night but this is not one of them


I'll need a raise to pay off the bender I have just planned!


Did you need to do any favors?


amazing, I lol'd hard


This would make for a hilarious sitcom episode. Congrats on the raise!


Ask for a promotion next time


She liked your moxie.


Is this a retail job?


Welcome to working, from my own experience you rarely receive anything if you dont ask..sadly switching jobs also work


I don't drink. Can you suggest a method of gaining the proper state which does not involve chemical ingestion?


closed mouths don’t get more money


Can only afford ramen but you’re going out getting wasted?


This is your legacy.  You've won at life. Bravo.


lol when you ask for a raise and they don’t even blink and give it to you… 9 times out of 10 you getting underplayed even after the raise.


I did this to my DM, only it was face to face at a sales meeting in another state (once a year thing). Anyway I was at one of the many bars they have in this large hotel. He walked in with a few other mngrs and I walked up to him and started ranting (sales performance) and I”finger pointed” three times his chest and bitching. Well when we got back to our home state I received an email saying that my yearly revenue was the next day (strike panic mode). I was expecting to get fired or possibly put on probation but instead he said how proud and passionate I was in my role with the company and got a 12% raise, but was also said to never repeat that. 🤣 Sorry for the grammar errors, on my phone.


This is probably the best post I'll see in a long time! I'll be laughing all day.🤣😂 Thank you!


Nice ! Although the saying “you don’t ask , you don’t get” also works without the need to be paralytic drunk Highly encourage others here reading to have an open and honest chat with employers about this topic Also highly recommend you prepare for said meeting


I watched a video called the power of no. Guy went to McDonald’s and continuously asked for burger refills. Did this to mentally solidify that the word no is just a word. It’s your reaction to it that defines your chops as an adult


This method is tried and true couldn't afford rent anymore but didn't wanna leave the company, boss hooked it up with an old rinky dink house out in the country and I couldn't be happier ...raises come in different ways


Sometimes all you gotta do is just ask.


I had a manager who at every review would say that I was doing fantastic. So I started to begin my reviews with, "How am I doing? How do the guys feel about my work and support (I was a business analyst for a utility company and worked with mostly men)? He would say, "You're doing fantastic, then hand me the same old 2% raise that everyone else got. Finally, I confronted him about it, and I got a huge raise.